Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

A few years ago, the great peace theoretician and historian Johan Galtung wrote that he was very impressed with progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico:

“At the national level an overarching program to prevent violence has been designed and enacted. Despite the fact that it misses some important topics –such as peace journalism, peace museums, peace business and nonviolent communication- it is a bold proposal, grounded in a legitimate peace philosophy –one in which peace is constructed through the satisfaction of basic human needs- and is well equipped in scope and with enough budget and personnel to achieve transcending results by construction of peace infrastructures (i.e. mediation centers, academic degrees in peace for civil servants, etc.) and the buildup of a mediation-dialogue-conciliation culture that had been floating in the air for some years but is now becoming a very concrete way of life not only in scholarly circles but also in civil society and government.”

Since that time more than a score of CPNN articles give evidence that his optimism was not misplaced. Despite the enormous level of violence in Mexico, there are signs of progress.

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May 25, 2024: UAA inaugurates the CONEICC 2024 Meeting “Communicating for a culture of peace”

January 29, 2024: Art for peace in Mexico City

January 12, 2024: Oaxaca: State Government Promotes Culture of Peace as a Public Policy

December 29, 2023: The First Conference for Peace is held at the Metropolitan Autonomous University in Cuajimalpa

December 29, 2023: Universities ratify peacebuilding strategy

December 5, 2023: Rebuilding the social fabric and the culture of peace in Mexico

December 4, 2023: Global forum at the Centro Universitario del Sur promotes the culture of peace

December 2, 2023: Multipliers of Peace impact more than 19 thousand young people from Guanajuato

June 21, 2023: Universidad Veracruzana launches Plan for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence

June 6, 2023: UAEMéx and the Judiciary promote a culture of peace

May 17, 2023: Guanajuato as the epicenter of the culture of peace

March 16, 2023: 175 organizations and groups convene a National Peace Conference

March 2, 2023: Tlaxcala has first place in the list of Women Builders of Peace

February 26, 2023: Initiative for a Law on Peace in Durango

December 27, 2022: Hidalgo: Networks of Women Peace-Builders created in Apan, Tula and Pachuca

December 23, 2022: Jalisco: V Global Forum on the Culture of Peace

August 23, 2022: International Diploma in Development and Culture of Peace at the UAZ (Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas)

August 21, 2022: Chihuahua: America García proposes initiative requiring all municipalities to issue regulations on the culture of peace

August 19, 2022: Curricular Strategy on Gender Equality in public schools

July 2, 2022: The Alamo City Council promotes a culture of peace among women

July 2, 2022: Mexico: Invitation to register for an online diploma in the Culture of Peace through the Arts

July 2, 2022: Yucatan: State Government and 10 Municipalities join efforts to prevent violence and crime

July 2, 2022: Mexico: The Jalisco Culture of Peace Program

June 18, 2022: Mexico: First issue of the electronic magazine “Culture of Peace” published by the State Human Rights Commission

May 23, 2022: Querétero, México; What is the culture of peace?

January 15, 2022: Mexico : Renowned researchers share their experience of the UNESCO Chairs of the Latin American and Caribbean Region

October 18, 2021: Mexico: Initiative to create the Law of Culture of Peace for the state of Zacatecas presented in the Legislature

October 17, 2021: The programs of Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum to reduce violence in Mexico City

October 5, 2021: Mexico: Saltillo promotes the culture of peace

October 5, 2021: Mexico: UdeC holds international discussion on the culture of peace and human rights

June 6, 2021: Mexico City prepares third culture of peace meeting

May 6, 2021: Mexico: Quintana Roo celebrated a unique virtual hip hop festival in Maya language

December 31, 2020: Veracruz, Mexico : General Directorate for Culture of Peace and Human Rights

December 31, 2020: Culture of Peace against violence in Mexico

December 24, 2020: Mexico: The Academic of Education participates in the Conference for Peace of the Maguen David Hebrew School

December 22, 2020: San Luis Potosi, Mexico: Teachers of the Municipal Educational System Trained against Gender Violence

December 15, 2020: Mexico: 100 Actions for Peace; Wilfrido Laz

December 15, 2020: Mexico: IMA 5th Festival Culture of Peace

December 13, 2020: Mexico: SSPC administration meets with 217 Networks of Women Peacebuilders

December 11, 2020: UABJO launches Institutional Program for the Culture of Peace in Oaxaca, Mexico

December 5, 2020: Mexico: Virtual seminar on peace building in schools

December 4, 2020: La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Training of basic education teachers on the culture of peace

November 24, 2020: Toluca, Mexico, establishes more than 150 Peace Centers

November 8, 2020: Colima, Mexico: Virtual Forum “University Fostering a Culture of Peace”

October 21, 2020: Quintana Roo, Mexico: Judicial Power for Culture of Peace

October 17, 2020: Mexico: Courses and training to build a culture of peace

July 27, 2020: Guadalajara, Mexico: Online Diploma of Culture of Peace

May 10, 2020: Mexico: Universities of ANUIES to share best practices on culture of peace

February 26, 2020: Mexico: Culture of peace in higher education

January 28, 2020: The government of the state of Mexico holds an International Congress on Culture of Peace and Gender Perspective

January 10, 2020: Querétaro, Mexico: Mediation has benefited almost 8 thousand people in the capital

January 10, 2020: Peace advances in Michoacán, Mexico: Fermín Bernabé

December 28, 2019: Xalapa, Mexico: International Film Festival for a Culture of Peace

July 19, 2017: Seminar: Diagnoses and Proposals for Mexico

October 20, 2016: Mexico: Peace banners in the schools of Cobaem

October 5, 2016: First Meeting for Violence Prevention in Uruapan

September 4, 2016: Meeting on violence and peace in Mexico

July 21, 2016: Mexico: Presentation of the project “Oaxaca Intercultural”

July 21, 2016: Mexico: The government promotes mediation as an alternative for the resolution of conflicts

July 16, 2016: Michoacán, Mexico: Law Approved for Culture of Peace and Prevention of Violence

March 30, 2016: Mexico City: A system of mediation to be applied in all 16 delegations

February 15, 2015: Mexico: Alternative Justice Act should be approved before August

January 4, 2015: Queretaro, Mexico: Congress on Building Communities in Peace

November 15, 2014: Colombia and Mexico: Diploma on Culture of Peace and Forgiveness

October 14, 2014: Mexico: “The Crusade for a culture of peace” comes to Morelos

September 28, 2014: CEDH [State Human Rights Commission] and the Government have signed the Manifesto for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence

June 11, 2014: Chiapas Joins Forces with the Asociación Menchú Tum to Support the Indigenous Peoples

May 11, 2014: Mexico: Urgent to incorporate culture of peace in formal education

July 7, 2013: State DIF promotes culture of peace in schools (Mexico)

June 23, 2013: Aguascalientes, Mexico: City Council to Support Sustainable Development According to Agenda 21

December 27, 2012: Mexico urged to promote a culture of peace

December 7, 2012: International Seminar for a Culture of Peace: How to Stop Violence against Women [Mexico]

February 24, 2016: Book review: Hilary Klein’s Compañeras: Zapatista Women’s Stories

October 5, 2011: Mexico: Education on the rights of the children: a strategy for peace

January 1, 2014: And Yet, It Moves! – The Case of Education for Peace in Mexico


May 25, 2024: UAA inaugura el Encuentro CONEICC 2024 “Comunicar para una cultura de paz”

January 29, 2024: Ofrecen artes por la paz

January 12, 2024: Oaxaca: Promueve Sego Cultura de Paz como Política Pública en Nuevas Autoridades Municipales

December 29, 2023: las Primeras Jornadas por la Paz en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Cuajimalpa

December 29, 2023: Ratifican universidades estrategia de construcción de paz

December 5, 2023: Adquiere relevancia la reconstrucción del tejido social y la cultura de la paz

December 4, 2023: Fomentan la cultura de paz con foro global en el Centro Universitario del Sur
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December 2, 2023: Multiplicadores de la Paz impacta a más de 19 mil jóvenes de Guanajuato
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June 21, 2023: Universidad Veracruzana lanza Plan de Cultura de Paz y No Violencia
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June 6, 2023: Promueven la UAEMéx y Poder Judicial cultura de la paz

May 17, 2023: Guanajuato se convertirá en epicentro de la cultura de la paz

March 16, 2023: 175 organizaciones y colectivos convocan a la Conferencia Nacional de Paz

March 2, 2023: Lidera Tlaxcala lista de Constructoras de la Paz

February 26, 2023: Presentan iniciativa de Ley sobre la Paz en Durango

December 27, 2022: Hidalgo: Se crean Redes de Mujeres Constructoras de Paz en Apan, Tula y Pachuca

December 23, 2022: Jalisco: Realizan Foro para Promover la Cultura de Paz

August 23, 2022: En la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Diplomado Internacional en Desarrollo y Cultura de Paz

August 21, 2022: Chihuahua: Propone America García a municipios crear reglamentos en materia de paz

August 19, 2022: Buscan erradicar estereotipos de género presentes en la educación

July 2, 2022: Ayuntamiento de Álamo promueve cultura de la paz entre mujeres

July 2, 2022: México: Invitan a registrarse en el Diplomado en línea Cultura de Paz a través de las Artes

July 2, 2022: Yucatán: Suman esfuerzos Gobierno del Estado y 10 Ayuntamientos para prevenir la violencia y el delito

July 2, 2022: México: Da inicio el Programa de Cultura de Paz de Jalisco

June 18, 2022: México: Publicó CEDH primer número de revista electrónica “Cultura de Paz”

May 23, 2022: Querétero, México; Y a todo esto ¿qué es la cultura de paz?

January 15, 2022: México : Reconocidos investigadores comparten su experiencia de las Cátedras UNESCO de la Región de América Latina y el Caribe

October 18, 2021: México : Presentan en la Legislatura iniciativa para crear la Ley de Cultura de Paz para el estado de Zacatecas

October 17, 2021: MÉXICO: Cuáles son los programas que implementó Claudia Sheinbaum para disminuir la violencia en CDMX

October 5, 2021: México: Saltillo promueve cultura de la paz

October 5, 2021: México: Realiza UdeC conversatorio internacional sobre cultura de paz y derechos humanos

June 6, 2021: México alista tercer encuentro cultural de la paz

May 6, 2021: México : Quintana Roo anuncia festival virtual de hip hop en maya

December 31, 2020: Veracruz, México: Dirección General de Cultura de Paz y Derechos Humanos

December 31, 2020: Cultura de paz contra la violencia en México

December 24, 2020: México : Académica de Educación participa en las Jornadas por la Paz del Colegio Hebreo Maguen David

December 22, 2020: San Luis Potosi, México : Capacitan a Docentes del Sistema Educativo Municipal contra Violencia de Género

December 15, 2020: México : 100 Acciones por la Paz; Wilfrido Láz

December 15, 2020: México : Celebra IMA “5 Festival Cultura de Paz”

December 13, 2020: México: Encabeza SSPC reunión con 217 Redes de Mujeres Constructoras de Paz

December 11, 2020: Inicia UABJO el Programa Institucional de Cultura de Paz en Oaxaca, México

December 5, 2020: México : Seminario virtual de paz en el ámbito escolar

December 4, 2020: La Paz, Baja California Sur, México : Capacitan a docentes de educación básica sobre cultura de paz

November 24, 2020: México : Constituye Toluca más de 150 Centros de Paz

November 8, 2020: Colima, Mexico : Inicia Foro virtual “Universitarios Fomentando una Cultura de Paz”

October 21, 2020: Quintana Roo, México : Poder Judicial, por Cultura de la Paz

October 17, 2020: México : Ofrecen cursos y capacitación para construir una cultura de paz

July 27, 2020: Guadalajara: Tapatío diplomado para fomentar la cultura de paz

May 10, 2020: México: Compartirán sus mejores prácticas sobre cultura de paz, universidades del país

February 26, 2020: México: Cultura de paz desde la educacion superior

January 28, 2020: El gobierno del estado de México realiza Congreso Internacional en Cultura de Paz y Perspectiva de Género

January 10, 2020: Querétaro, México: Mediación beneficia a casi 8 mil personas en la capital

January 10, 2020: Avanza fortalecimiento de la paz en Michoacán: Fermín Bernabé

December 28, 2019: Xalapa, México: Presentan Festival Internacional De Cine Para Una Cultura De Paz

July 19, 2017: Seminario sobre Violencia y Paz: Diagnóstios y Propuestas

October 20, 2016 Inician actividades del abanderamiento de paz en el Cobaem

October 5, 2016: Primer Encuentro de Prevención de la Violencia en Uruapan

September 4, 2016: Encuentro sobre violencia y paz en México

July 21, 2016: México: Presentan proyecto “Oaxaca Intercultural”

July 21, 2016: México: Promueve la SEGOB la mediación como alternativa para solución de conflictos

July 16, 2016: Michoacán, México: Aprueban Ley para la Cultura de Paz y Prevención de la Violencia

March 30, 2016: La Ciudad de México: Aplicarán sistema de mediación en las 16 delegaciones

February 15, 2015: México: Ley de Justicia Alternativa debe estar aprobada antes de agosto

January 4, 2015: Querétaro, Mexico: Congreso Construyendo Comunidades en Paz

November 15, 2014: La cultura de la paz y el perdón en un diplomado de Colombia para México

October 14, 2014: México: Llega a Morelos la “Cruzada Nacional por una cultura de la paz”

September 28, 2014: Firman CEDH [Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos] y Gobierno del estado Manifiesto por una Cultura de Paz y no Violencia [Michoacan, Mexico]

June 11, 2014: Chiapas y Asociación Menchú Tum conjuntan esfuerzos a favor de los pueblos indígenas

May 11, 2014: México: Urgente incorporar la cultura de paz a la educación formal

July 7, 2013: DIF estatal fomenta cultura de paz en escuelas (México)

June 23, 2013: Aguascalientes [México]: Conforma el Ayuntamiento Agenda 21 para el Desarrollo Sustentable

December 27, 2012: Urgen promover cultura de la paz en Mexico

December 7, 2012: Inició el Seminario Internacional por una Cultura de Paz: Cómo Suprimir la Violencia Contra las Mujeres