Category Archives: Africa

‘Back to Learning’ education campaign to benefit half a million children in South Sudan


An article from Africa News

The fourth phase of the ‘Back to Learning’ initiative launched Tuesday by the Ministry of General Education and Instruction, at Freedom Square in Kapoeta in the presence of more than 2,000 children and their parents, representatives of UNICEF, the Education Donor Group, Save the Children, Girls Education South Sudan, and members of the National Education Forum and Civil Society.

Photo from Children of South Sudan

The Back to Learning 2018 initiative will target the most under-represented communities throughout South Sudan, providing learning opportunities for children currently not attending school, either due to conflict, cultural barriers or obstacles such as distance or family finances. Building on the success of the first two years of the initiative, which provided more than 680,000 children with access to education, the next phase of Back to Learning will put an emphasis on children in conflict affected states, girls and other vulnerable children.

This year’s theme ‘Inclusive and Equitable Access to Quality Education for Peace and Sustainable Development’ aims to highlight the crucial role of education in fostering peace. Education has the potential to build the capacities of children, parents, teachers and community members to prevent, reduce and cope with conflict and to promote equality and peace. Education can also help address the inequalities that generate conflict. Inequalities can fuel conflict, just as conflict can worsen inequalities.

“Education transforms lives, creates the preconditions for peace and promotes sustainable development,” said Mr. Deng Deng Hoc Yai, Minister of General Education and Instruction. “The Government is committed to providing equitable access to quality education to all children for achieving the national goal of peace and sustainable development. I want to urge all parents and guardians to take all their children to school. I, once again, direct all public schools to admit all children free of charge in accordance with the law.”

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Question related to this article:

What is the United Nations doing for a culture of peace?

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National and state-level Back to Learning committees are already in place coordinating activities for this school year, including social mobilization activities across the country to kick start the yearlong campaign. We encourage as many citizens as possible to get involved in this initiative.

“Ensuring children are able to access quality education not only provides them with a brighter future, it also benefits their community and South Sudan as a whole,” said Mahimbo Mdoe, UNICEF’s Representative in South Sudan. “There is no greater investment for a country to make.”

UNICEF continues to work with partners to set up temporary learning spaces and provide supplies and psychosocial support to protect children from the worst consequences of the conflict whilst continuing with their education.
In 2018, the Back to Learning initiative aims to:

• Provide 500,000 children and adolescents with access to age-appropriate learning opportunities; which will include 300,000 children retained from 2017 and 200,000 children currently out of school.

• Establish 405 learning spaces providing a safe and protective learning environment;

• Train 4,000 teachers, including 1,750 Early Childhood Development caregivers on pedagogy and teaching methods, psychosocial support and conflict-sensitive education;

• Train 1,200 Parent Teacher Association and School Management Committee members on social mobilization, conflict sensitive education, basic school management and school development.

To provide access to learning opportunities for the more than half a million vulnerable children and adolescents aged 3 to 18, UNICEF and partners require US$47.5 million.

The funds will be used to provide learning facilities and education materials to newly enrolled children in schools; to continue education services to children in conflict-affected areas; and to enrol new students out of school for other reasons.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

(Thank you to the Global Campaign for Peace Education for calling this article to our attention.)

UNESCO supports the government of Mali to build a culture of sustainable peace


An article from UNESCO (translation by CPNN)

The donors’ round table on the National Program for the Culture of Peace in Mali was held on February 15, 2018 in Bamako. It was organized by the Ministry of National Reconciliation and Social Cohesion (MRNCS), in collaboration with UNESCO, under the chairmanship of Mr. Attaher AG Iknane, Secretary General of the MRNCS, and Mr. Hervé Huot-Marchand, UNESCO Representative in Mali.

This round table was a moment of dialogue and advocacy around the National Program for the Culture of Peace in Mali (PNCP), which is now a reference framework for the interventions of the Ministry. The presence of technical and financial partners (European Union, USAID, AfDB, UNDP, UNFEMMES), regional institutions (ECOWAS), international NGOs (Plan International), national financial institutions (BOA, BSIC, BIM , etc.) and civil society organizations, has made it possible to present the PNCP in its broad contribution to sustainably establishing a culture of peace in Mali and reconnecting with Malian socio-cultural values.

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(Click here for the original in French)


Question related to this article.

Will UNESCO once again play a role in the culture of peace?

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Hervé Huot-Marchand congratulated the government of Mali for its efforts in promoting the culture of peace and in developing the PNCP. He then recalled that this program is consistent with the genesis of UNESCO’s Constitution which states: “Since war begins in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that we must erect the barriers of defense of peace. He continued his speech highlighting the impact of the program in achieving the objectives defined in the Strategic Framework for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Development (CREDD) and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). In addition, the Representative welcomed the alignment of the program to the 2030 Agenda with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially the 16 th which recommends: “peace assurance, stability, human rights and effective governance based on the rule of law as important vectors for sustainable development “.

Mr. Huot-Marchand called on all partners to support the implementation of the activities of the action plan and informed the Ministry of the mobilization of 2,626,790 USD or more than 1,300,000,000 FCFA for the culture of peace, this by UNESCO, IOM and UNICEF through the Peace Building Fund (PBF). The project will be implemented for 18 months from March 2018.

On behalf of the Minister, Mr. Attaher Iknane, Secretary General of the MRNCS, welcomed everyone, while expressing thanks to participants, including UNESCO, for their technical and financial support in the implementation of this program. He also recalled the objectives of the PNCP as well as the participatory approach that underpinned its development and that will contribute to establishing peace and offering tools to prevent violent extremism. He ended his speech with words of thanks and renewed Mali’s recognition of donors: “Investing in the culture of peace is never too much”.

After the presentation of the project, the floor was given to the participants for reactions. These focused on questions of clarification on (the overall budget and the duration of the program), suggestions around an action plan of activities that could facilitate TFPs to better direct their investments according to the areas mentioned.

At the end of this round table, the Ministry commits itself to continue the steps for a concretization of the activities retained in the PNCP over the period 2017-2020.

Challenge of Tackling Terrorism Threat Can Be Achieved through Solidarity, Secretary-General Tells African Union Peace and Security Council


A press release from the United Nations

Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks to the African Union Peace and Security Council’s meeting on combating the transnational threat of terrorism in Africa, in Addis Ababa today:

It is an honour to take part in this meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council.  I welcome your focus on a comprehensive approach to combating the transnational threat of terrorism in Africa.  Let me begin with three overarching points.

First, we know nothing justifies terrorism.  No cause or grievance can ever excuse the indiscriminate targeting of civilians, the destruction of lives and livelihoods, and the creation of panic for its own sake.

Second, we know that terrorism has unfortunately been with us in different forms across ages and continents.  But modern terrorism is being waged on an entirely different scale.  It has become an unprecedented threat to international peace, security and development.

Third, we know modern terrorism is not only different in degree, but also different in nature — having grown more complex, and with new modus operandi.  And the linkages between terrorism and transnational organized crime are growing every day.

The world should never forget that the vast majority of terrorist attacks take place in developing countries.  The communities, victims and survivors of terrorism are very much in our hearts.

The devastating consequences of the threat posed by terrorism in Africa demand collective and comprehensive action.  No single nation, institution, or organization can defeat terrorism in Africa or anywhere else.  We need a sustained, cooperative and coordinated approach in tackling this menace.

The African Union is a vital partner in confronting the global challenge posed by terrorist groups.  As I have said from day one as Secretary-General, we needed a higher platform of cooperation with the African Union.  And I am proud that we are indeed building that platform across the range of challenges and opportunities confronting this great continent.

Last year, we signed the Joint United Nations-African Union Framework for an Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security.  The Framework includes cooperation in the field of countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism.  I believe this work can be strengthened even further with a memorandum of understanding setting out a road map for future collaboration and capacity-building support on countering terrorism within the context of that Framework.

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Question for this article

Islamic extremism, how should it be opposed?

Can the African Union help bring a culture of peace to Africa?

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L’une des premières réformes que j’ai entreprises a été de créer un Bureau de lutte contre le terrorisme.

En collaboration étroite avec l’Union africaine et d’autres partenaires, ce bureau a mis au point des stratégies régionales et des plans d’action nationaux de prévention du terrorisme et de l’extrémisme violent dans la Corne de l’Afrique et en Afrique centrale et australe.

Le Bureau a intensifié l’aide apportée à plusieurs pays d’Afrique, notamment le Mali et le Nigéria, pour qu’ils renforcent leurs capacités aux niveaux national et régional.

Pour ce faire, le Bureau s’est appuyé sur des instances telles que l’Initiative d’assistance intégrée pour la lutte antiterroriste, qui permet de mobiliser l’ensemble des organismes des Nations Unies à l’appui des États Membres qui en font la demande.  Une stratégie d’assistance intégrée est en cours d’établissement pour aider le G5 Sahel à lutter contre le terrorisme dans la sous-région, dont la vulnérabilité est notamment due au retour des combattants terroristes étrangers.

Looking ahead, I believe a comprehensive approach to combating the transnational threat of terrorism in Africa can be developed around four key priorities.

First, by addressing the deficit in international counter-terrorism cooperation at the global, regional and national levels.  In June, I will convene the first-ever United Nations summit of heads of counter-terrorism agencies to build on Member States’ priorities and our discussion today.  Our goal is to enhance cooperation and the exchange of information, and develop new and innovative ways to tackle terrorism.

Second, success in countering terrorism will be greatly advanced through ratification of existing legal counter-terrorism instruments, conventions and protocols.  The United Nations is ready to provide the support needed to the African Union and Member States to implement these instruments.

Third, the threat posed by terrorism requires addressing the root causes and underlying conditions.  I welcome the growing emphasis by the African Union and African Member States to address the drivers of violent extremism.  It is crucial that our efforts include tackling the lack of economic opportunities, including extreme poverty, marginalization, exclusion and discrimination, while ensuring respect for international humanitarian law and human rights.

Fourth and finally, we must place a special focus on expanding opportunities for young people — especially since youth under the age of 25 form the largest demographic group in most developing countries and they are often the ones most at risk of being recruited and radicalized by terrorists.  Strategic investments in education and employment for young men and women are essential.

Resource mobilization for counter-terrorism efforts is also critical.  After all, terrorism is not only a threat to peace and security but also to sustainable development.  I call on the international community to mobilize resources in support of African countries as they strive to balance security and development.

Let me conclude by once again expressing my profound gratitude to the African Union for its cooperation and to African Member States for your commitment and contributions in tackling terrorism and violent extremism.

We face a serious challenge — but I believe it is one that we can meet with solidarity, common action and a shared resolve.

UNESCO brochure: Africa, Culture of Peace, 2017


A brochure of UNESCO (translation by CPNN)

UNESCO has just published a new brochure on its activities for a culture of peace in Africa, with an impressive list of activities. Here is the table of contents of the brochure with links, where available, to the CPNN or UNESCO article.

4-5 June, 2012 – Abidjan – Forum of Reflection “Culture of Peace in West Africa: an imperative for economic development and a requirement for social cohesion”

26-28 March 2013 – Luanda – Pan-African Forum: “Sources and resources for a culture of peace

20-21 September 2013 – Addis Abeba – Network of foundations and research institutions to promote the culture of peace in Africa

19-22 March 2014 – Brussels – Women’s Network for a Culture of Peace in Africa

December 11-13, 2014 – Libreville – Youth Network for a Culture of Peace in Africa

16-28 March 2013 – Luanda – Launch of the campaign “Make Peace” Luanda , Angola

July 9, 2016 – Libreville – Launch of the Youth Campaign for a Culture of Peace in Central Africa” ​​Different Words, Same Language: Peace, Libreville, Gabon

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(Click here for the original in French)


Question related to this article.

Will UNESCO once again play a role in the culture of peace?

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March 31, 2017 – Launch of the Youth Mobilization Campaign for Culture of peace, Burundi

September 21-23, 2014 – Celebrating 25 years of the birth of the concept of a culture of peace : “Peace in the minds of men and women”, Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire

20 Sept 2017 – Celebrating the International Day of Peace, Cameroon

Sept 2017 Celebrating the International Day of Peace, Burundi

January 2015 – Decisions of the African Union

2015 – Biennial of Luanda

2017 – Yamoussoukro Project to create a “School of Peace”

2012-2017 – Culture of Peace and Reconciliation: A Case Study of Mali

May 26, 2015 – Benin – International Symposium for the Launch of the African Initiative for Education for Peace and Development through Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue

14 March 2017 – Dakar –
2017 Triennial of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)

6 April 2017 – Regional Global Education Network Meeting in Sub-Saharan Africa, Johannesburg

9-11 Sep 2017 Benin Regional Consultations in West and Central Africa on youth, peace and security

Editor’s Note: It is very commendable that UNESCO’s Africa Department continues to support the culture of peace. The purpose of the brochure, according to Firmin Edouard Matoko, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Africa, “is to draw on the sources of inspiration and the potential of the cultural, natural and human resources of the continent in order to identify concrete lines of action to build a lasting peace, the cornerstone of endogenous development and Pan-Africanism.” On the other hand, one hopes it is not a bad sign for the future that the foreward to the brochure by the new Directrice-Generale of UNESCO fails to mention culture of peace.

DRC: Meeting on the School Day of Non Violence and Peace


An article by John Mukhuta Muhiana, for the World Peace Foundation / DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

The World Peace Foundation, DRC, has organized an event for the school day of non-violence and peace, commemorating the death of his excellence Mahatma Gandhi. The event took place on January 30, 2018 in the Provincial Assembly of Lualaba, with the participation of the political authorities, representatiives from the mining companies, the school project Living Peace, people from India and the Representative of the Indian Ambassador.

The event began at 14:00 in the plenary room mentioned above with the slogan “peace, love and unity “. This day was initially celebrated since 1964 by the Spanish poet, educator and pacifist, Llorenc Vidal, and the day was recognized by UNESCO in 1993.

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Question related to this article:

Can you add to this analysis of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

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The event was dedicated to politicians, public officials, parents, educators and teachers, to promote lifelong education for non-violence and peace. It is essential to educate for solidarity and respect for others, because wars start in the minds of men and it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be raised. In this event, the World Peace Foundation has celebrated its 15th anniversary, the commemoration of the death of His Excellency Mahatma Gandhi and the world day of non-violence and peace.
At 19:00, the guests were accompanied to the Moon Palas Hotel for a cocktail and meal until 1 am. The holiday gave joy to peace supporters and participants. This event was sponsored by the Governor of the Province His Excellency Mr. Muyej Mangeze Mans who is our Universal Circle of Peace Ambassador. He contributed $ 3000 for the organization of this event. We thank also the President of the Provincial Assembly the Honorable Kamwenyi Thumbo Louis who allowed us to hold the event in the plenary hall of the Assembly.

(Click here for the French version of this article.)

Nigeria: Federal government rallies support of stakeholders to promote peace, security


An article from Vanguard Nigeria

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, says sustenance of peace and security in Nigeria is the responsibility of traditional rulers, media, religious bodies and civil society organisations as stakeholders.

Mohammed said this on Tuesday at the opening of a two-day conference on “Culture, Peace and National Security: The Role of Traditional Rulers”, held at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan.

Lai Mohammed

The conference was organised by the National Institute for Cultural Orientation (NICO) in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Represented by the Director of International Cultural Relations in the ministry, Mr Richard Maku, Mohammed restated the Federal Government’s commitment to ensuring peace and security.

“It’s also a fact that until we are able to entrench a culture of peace and non-violence in our body polity, all efforts geared towards development would be a mirage,” he said.

Also speaking, Gov. Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State advised state Houses of Assembly to identify a specific day for the conduct of their proceedings in the dominant language spoken in every state, saying such a practice would help in promoting the indigenous culture of the people.

“Also, our mode of dressing should be promoted culturally to enhance our esteemed culture; all of us should join hands to promote our different cultures so that it will not go into extinction,” he said through his Chief of Staff, Dr Gbade Ojo.

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Questions for this article:

How important is community development for a culture of peace?

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The Chairman of the occasion, Prof. Ayo Banjo, identified peace as a critical factor for steady development of any society, emphasising that a society must place a premium on its collective effort to foster peace and unity.

Earlier, NICO Executive Secretary, Mr Louis Eriomala, said the institute was established to harness the country’s rich cultural heritage for national development.

Eriomala noted that the conference was conceptualised in 2012 to underscore the importance of cultural dimension in the quest for sustainable peace and security in Nigeria.

He said peace as well as security of lives and property result in meaningful progress and development of every society, adding that urgent steps must be taken to address factors responsible for escalating conflicts such as poverty, ethno-religious bigotry and political violence.

“Failure to address these issues will lead to channelling of resources, which should have been used for human development, to military and security interventions.

“If Nigerians are adequately sensitised to appreciate the critical importance of peace and security to the fulfilment of their yearnings, threats to peace and security will be drastically reduced,” he said.

He maintained that remarkable achievements would be recorded if peace and security challenges faced by the country were adequately tackled from people’s cultural dimension.

“A constitutional role for traditional rulers is imperative, a bottom-up mobilisation approach steered by our highly esteemed monarchs will greatly complement the efforts of the nation’s security agencies,” he said.

Participants at the conference included traditional rulers as well as personnel of National Orientation Agency, Nigerian Police, other security agencies and National Commission for Museum and Monuments.

Burkina Faso: Inter-religious dialogue for peace: “It is the diversity of religions that gives meaning to religion”


An article by Ibrahima Traoré for

“Live in peace despite our differences”. This was the theme for an inter-religious conference for peace held Saturday, January 13, 2018 in Dédougou. The activity, initiated by the Ahmadiyya Islamic community in Burkina Faso, saw the participation of traditional chiefs, the Catholic community and the Protestant community, each of whom sent a message of peace.

A religion that does not teach love and live together does not deserve the status of being called religion. This is essentially the message of the various speakers. The aim is, according to the Regional Missionary of the Islamic Ahmadiyya Community, Abdoulaye Ouedraogo, to highlight the fact that religions do not have to fight each other; because they all emanate from one God. For him, religious coexistence in Burkina must be constantly promoted and consolidated by religious leaders and elders in order to inculcate the dynamics in the younger generation. He considers that dialogue and the strengthening of fraternity and solidarity … are essential ingredients to maintain. Hence the relevance of the theme: “Living in peace despite our differences”.

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(Click here for the original French version of this article)

Question related to this article:
How can different faiths work together for understanding and harmony?

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Several speeches and communications marked this day. The recent attack against gendarmes in the region (Boucle du Mouhoun) also motivates the choice of this theme, according to Abdoulaye Ouedraogo. “We want to give our support to people who have been attacked and who have been bruised in their hearts; We, as an Islamic Ahmadiyya, stand in solidarity with them. What they are doing is not Islam. It is purely barbarism, highway robbery,” he lashed out before calling the youth in particular to remain vigilant not to be caught in ignoble acts, which have nothing to do with Islam. For, he argues, the Koran states in Chapter 2 verse 257 that there is no compulsion in religion.

The Abbot Jean-Baptiste Davou pointed out that the inter-religious conference is important for the culture of peace, for the knowledge of the other. “When we accept to exchange, we get to know each other better, to love each other better, to help each other better. It is the refusal to dialogue, to exchange, which makes for ignorance of the other. And when you do not know something, you do not give it much value, “he said.

The prefect of the department of Dédougou, Emile Hien, also representing the governor, congratulated and encouraged the holding of this conference “of the culture of peace and dialogue”. He offered advice that “Religion must not be a source of division, of violence. It must be an opportunity to strengthen living together “. For Mr. Hien, it is the diversity of religions that gives meaning to religion. Let us all be peacemakers, he said, pledging to support this initiative and ensure its sustainability in the region.

Also satisfied were the traditional chiefs who believe that the inter-religious conference for peace is in line with the founding principle of the city of Dédougou which is peace.

Indeed, argues the elder Pierre Dakuo, we can not have prosperity without peace. And all that goes in this direction has the full support of the traditional chiefs of Dédougou. From the administrators and the speakers to the participants, all wished the durability of the Inter-religious Conference for Peace.

NICO partners UNESCO on peace, security in Nigeria


An article from World Stage

 The National Institute for Cultural Orientation (NICO), is to partner the UNESCO, to advocate for peace and security in the country, an official has said.

Louis Eriomala, the Ag. Executive Secretary of NICO, said this in a statement on Friday in Abuja, ahead of two-day advocacy conference on peace and national security in the country.

The conference organised by the Institute, with its theme: “Culture, Peace And National Security: The Role Of Traditional Rulers,’’ is scheduled for January 30 and January 31.

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Question related to this article.

Will UNESCO once again play a role in the culture of peace?

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Eriomala said that the conference was in furtherance of the institute’s mandate of sensitising the participants to the cultural dimension of sustainable peace and security in Nigeria.

He said that the two-day conference would look at particular reference to royal fathers, the custodians of our culture and traditions and basic objectives in maintaining and promoting peace and security of the country.

“We will talk on the importance of culture, peace and security to national development, and to promote a culture of peace and non-violence among the citizenry.

“We will sensitise traditional rulers on their roles in the sustenance of peace and security in Nigeria; as well as re-appraise the efforts of traditional rulers in the sustenance of peace and security in their domain.

“To encourage the integration of traditional and modern strategies in conflict management, and finally, to promote sustainable peace and security re-orientation among Nigerians,’’ he said.

UNAMID supports demobilization of former combatants in North Darfur


An article from Relief Web

The demobilization of some 500 ex-combatants — part of ongoing efforts supported by UNAMID [African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur] and partners to reintegrate former combatants into the community — concluded on 10 January in El Fasher.

© Amin Ismail, UNAMID

The fifth demobilization exercise, which started on 26 December 2017, was supported by the Sudan Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (SDDRC), in partnership with UNAMID’s Governance and Community Stabilization Section (GCSS), the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Food Programme (WFP).

The ex-combatants — among them 85 women and 12 disabled persons — were drawn from armed movements that signed the 2006 Darfur Peace Agreement and the 2011 Doha Document for Peace in Darfur.

Participants went through a verification process which was conducted by members of the Ceasefire Commission, the SDDRC and UNAMID’s GCSS. Additionally, participants received an administrative and reintegration briefing, medical checks, and were registered with the SDDRC database. Each ex-combatant was provided a reinsertion package from WFP which included dry rations for three months.

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Question related to this article:

What is the United Nations doing for a culture of peace?

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One of the participants, a former member of an armed group in her early 30s, explained that her future plans concerning reintegration into society include investing in agriculture and animal resource projects. She said that she planned to help promote a culture of peace among local communities in Darfur.

Another former combatant from the same group called on all parties to the conflict to address the root causes of the conflict in order to achieve lasting peace in Darfur. Mr. Mohammed urged all the ex-combatants not to return to war and actively participate in the stability and development projects in the region.

Mohamed Ahmed, Commissioner of the North Darfur SDDRC, said that the demobilization exercise will encourage more combatants to disarm, and benefit from economic and social stability projects.

“We will focus on community stabilization through the provision of service projects in the areas affected by the conflict”, said Mr. Ahmed.

Mr. Ahmed commended UNAMID for its continued commitment, coordination and support to ensure successful demobilization. He indicated that donor community support for the reintegration process contributes to achieving peace in Darfur.

Major Abdul Jaleel Fadol Hamza, Commander of the 5th Demobilization camp in North Darfur, highlighted the importance of the demobilization process for peace, security and stability in North Darfur. He expressed a readiness to receive more combatants who are willing to join the peace process and reintegrate in local communities.

Ezzedin Adam Mohammed, a UNAMID DDR Officer, said that demobilization represented the first step for ex-combatants to reintegrate into the community and return to civilian life.
UNAMID provided technical and logistical support to the demobilization. In addition, the Mission provided a financial package of 1,500 Sudanese Pounds for each ex-combatant prior to their final reintegration projects with UNDP. UNAMID has supported similar demobilization exercises that have taken place in the other four states of Darfur since 2011.

Top five solar energy inventions from Africa


An article from Deutsche Welle

In 2017, eco@africa featured a host of eco heroes bringing solar power to their communities through innovative business ideas and inventions. Here are our top five solar solutions from Africa.

Nigeria’s solar clock king, Emmanuel Obayagbona
(Note: Each of the examples in the original article includes a photo and a brief video)

5. Cameroon’s green car wash

The residents of Douala in western Cameroon often face water shortages but they still like to have clean cars. The problem is an average car wash in the country uses up to 50 liters of water per vehicle. Entrepreneur Sylvain Honnang came up with an idea that saves water and doesn’t pollute the air. His solar-powered mobile car wash uses just six liters of water per car. His employees also use non-toxic, organic cleaning products.  “It’s not just a machine but a whole concept and teaching people about saving water,” said Honnang, who founded the company Howash to promote the service. 

4. Nigeria’s solar clock king

Most people in southeast Nigeria are connected to the public electricity grid. But power outages are common, leaving communities in darkness at night. The situation inspired electrical engineer Emmanuel Obayagbona to make a solar-powered clock that also doubles as a lamp and a cell-phone charger when the grid fails. It takes about three hours for Obayagbona to make a clock but he hopes to mass produce his invention soon. 

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Question for this article:

Are we making progress in renewable energy?

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3. Bringing solar knowledge to Cameroon

Bolivie Wakam studied renewable energy at an Italian university and wanted to spread this knowledge in his home country of Cameroon. He started training young people in his community to install and use solar panels. Wakam has also installed solar-powered street lights and a water purification plant run on the sun’s rays. The activist wants to see the majority of Africans — particularly those in rural areas with no access to electricity — kitted out with solar panels. “Renewable energy sources can be used over again and people don’t have to pay for electricity because it’s free,” said Wakam, who founded the NGO Africa Tech Solar to promote green energy across the continent.

2. Solar-powered haircuts

In Lagos, Nigeria, many businesses rely on dirty and noisy generators as a back-up when the state’s power supply cuts out. Segun Adaju, the CEO of Consistent Energy Limited, travels around the city promoting solar panels as an alternative for small and medium-sized enterprises. The solar panels last 20 years and can be paid for in increments. Many of the city’s numerous barbershops have made the switch already.

Mobile solar kiosks bring jobs and power

Some 70 percent of Rwanda’s 11.5 million inhabitants have a cell phone but only 22 percent have regular access to electricity. That’s why mobile solar kiosks, which Rwandans can use to charge their devices for a small fee, are starting to take off.  The kiosks are the brainchild of Henri Nyakarundi of Africa Renewable Energy. So far, 40 have sprung up across the country. They are run by independent vendors who pay a proportion of their earnings to the inventor. For Nyakarundi promoting solar energy is important but so is creating jobs for those who have few opportunities to work. He hopes to spread the micro-franchise to neighboring Uganda in 2018. 

(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article.)