Category Archives: Africa

South Kanem, Chad: the ADM promotes the culture of peace and peaceful cohabitation


An article by Djidda Mahamat Oumar in Alwihda Info (translation by CPNN)

The Association “Développement du Mondo” (ADM) launched a campaign yesterday Wednesday June 26, 2024, an ambitious initiative aimed at combating intercommunity conflicts in the Kanem-Sud department.

During the event, the ADM distributed solar-powered radios to around fifteen local listening clubs.

This initiative, led by the President of the Association, Ali Younous Ali, aims to provide communities with easy and regular access to educational and awareness programs on conflict management and prevention.

(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Questions related to this article:

Can a culture of peace be achieved in Africa through local indigenous training and participation?

How can peace be promoted by radio?

“Our goal is to promote a culture of peace and peaceful cohabitation through effective communication and community education,” said Ali Younous Ali, during the launching ceremony. The solar radios will play a crucial role in allowing members of the listening clubs to stay informed, and participate in constructive discussions on conflict resolution.

This action is part of a broader strategy of the ADM, aimed at strengthening social cohesion and encouraging peaceful dialogue between the different communities in the region. The beneficiaries of these radios expressed their gratitude for this valuable support, emphasizing the importance of having communication tools to promote peace and mutual understanding.

“These radio stations will allow us to stay connected and informed on best practices for conflict management,” said a member of a local listening club. The ADM reiterates its commitment to continue its efforts to promote peace and stability in South Kanem, in close collaboration with local communities and international partners.

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News from the Culture of Peace Foundation in Nigeria


Excerpts from the instagram page of the Culture of Peace Foundation

The Culture of Peace Foundation (CUPEF) brings together changemakers and thought leaders with a common vision to advance culture of peace and non-violence.

A official statement dated October 20, 2023 says “Culture of Peace Foudation was founded with a vision to advance UNESCO culture of peace and non-violence amongst all class of humanity regardless of race, gender, color or creed. The mission of the foundation is to create conditions for the attainment of sustainable peace through human capital development, empowering individuals and communities to cultivate culture of peace and non-violence.

Week one with Paulinho Muzaliwa and Titilope Adedokun CHC agri-technicians training program 2024 in cooperation with Culture of Peace Foundation

A lecture dated October 24, 2023 by Freddy Mutanguha, CEO of Aegis Trust, is publicized on the subject of “Strategizing for our collective future; Dialogues of peace; Dismantling Hate.”

January 13, 2024. Partnership with African University Student Platform for African Youth Conference January 18-20 in Kigali, Rwanda.

January 13, 2024. Farouk Chibuzor Akaolisha, founder and president of the Culture of Peace foundation speaks on NTA Channel 5, Abuja, concerning “Role of Intercultural Communication in Effective Leadership.”

January 20, 2024. The President of Culture of Peace Foundation Farouk Chibuzor met with some stakeholders in Maitama, Abuja at the office of CHC AgriTech Africa LTD to discuss better ways to engage with the state governments in some Northern States for the proposed AgriTech Training and Empowerment Project- a partnership between Culture of Peace Foundation (CUPEF) and CHC AgriTech Africa with commitment to train smallholder farmers in Nigeria on the use of eco-friendly and fast-acting microbiome technology to improve food security and environmental health protection.

March 30, 2024: culture_of_peace_foundation, Maitama, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Are you are a farmer, teacher, student, freelancer, unemployed graduate, civil servant, business person, or even a stay-at-home mom interested in creating new economic opportunities through agriculture, we invite you to register for the CUPEF-CHC Agri-Technicians Training Program to unlock exciting new opportunities in the agro-value chain.

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Question for this article:

What is the relation between movements for food sovereignty and the global movement for a culture of peace?

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May 11, 2024. We are pleased to announce the launch of CHC Agri-Technicians Training Program on Microbiome Technology- a partnership between Culture of Peace Foundation (CUPEF) and CHC AgriTech Africa aimed at promoting food security and economic empowerment of smallholder farmers.

May 28, 2024. The First Session of Train the CHC Agritechnicians Program. Meet Our Distinguished Trainer- Ms Titilope delivered the topic on the “Benefits of Social Media for Farmers”. Titilope, a renowned social entrepreneur and digital expert shared insights on using social media to drive impactful change and empower communities. Creating opportunities for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture.

May 28, 2024. Paulinho Muzaliwa- Uganda Unidos Projects also shared knowledge and experiences with our participants us on “SOIL HEALTH”. Passionate about Regenerative Agriculture, Paulinho Muzaliwa is a multiple social impact award winner, Founder of UNIDOS Project and a Congolese Nationale living in Uganda as a Refugee.

May 29, 2024. The Second Session was delivered by Mr. Hammed Kayode on the “Art of Story Telling” taking the participants on exciting new experiences on how farmers an adapt a unique storytelling techniques to communicate their businesses and success stories to their target markets and the global community.

June 12: the Third session of CHC Agritechnicians Training Program in collaboration with @chc_agritech_africa_nigltd and @culture_of_peace_foundation featured two amazing Speakers, Earnest Corner and Dominique Edwards, both from the United States of America and Fellows at Western Union Foundation and Watson Institute. Our goal is to raise 100 Certified and Well-trained Agritechnicians that will reach and empower 100,000 farmers in 2024 and we aim to achieve this by collaborating with community leaders, social impact changemakers, farmers cooperatives, NGOs and Community Based Organisations to reach large number of smallholder farmers across communities for increased agricultural productivity and economic empowerment. We are currently working with diverse stakeholders both in the government and the private sector organisations to provide our Agritechnicians with mentorship and best experience in agricultural innovation for increased capacity development and sustainable food security.

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Report of World Peace Foundation activities in DR Congo


Special to CPNN from John Mukhuta Muhiana (translation by CPNN)

We are an organization called the World Peace Foundation in DR Congo. During this period of war in our Country, we organized many activities on Peace with different categories of the population, especially with students from different schools always within the framework of promoting Peace.

The World Peace Foundation asks the authorities to get involved in promoting the culture of Peace while always respecting our motto: Peace, love and unity. Also with the following objectives: to educate children, adolescents and adults for a culture of Peace, non-violence and justice; educate children, adolescents and adults in conflict resolution; Intervene in cases of conflict resolution between individuals, between families, between companies, businesses, NGOs or between members of a group, different groups or social or administrative institutions; supervise children; create schools; create universities for learning conflict resolution; celebrate the International Day of Peace every year.

(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Questions related to this article:

Can a culture of peace be achieved in Africa through local indigenous training and participation?

What is the relation between peace and education?

A constant fact we have noticed is that it is a challenge for the supervision of youth; they commit acts of violence, killing, theft. These young people are commonly called coulouna in Kinshasa and in my province they are called shegués. Despite the restoration of certain young people, the community does not find Peace, there is an African proverb which says, the small tree of today will become the forests of tomorrow, if today the organizations of civil society, the government is not totally involved, this means our planet is in danger. We have an obligation to make all our efforts to supervise these young people and achieve the objective of promoting the culture of Peace and non-violence and create a possible world. Our planet earth needs Peace.

We believe that with globalization no one can live as an island, so we are obliged to live together or we say that without Africa there will be no America, without America there will be no Asia, without Asia there will be no Europe and without Europe there will be no Oceania, and without Oceania there will be no Africa. This is why our Organization asks the Congolese population to use a simple diagram of cups for Peace, where you will find “love, kindness, charity, dignity, honesty, joy, peace, prosperity and unity. » which could bring our planet Earth to its full development.

If we use this simple diagram, we will see a real change in our planet Earth.
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Maniema: launch of the peace protection support project in Kabambare, DR Congo


An article from Radio Okapi (translation by CPNN)

The National Network of NGOs for the Development of Women (RENADEF) launched, Monday May 20 in Kindu, a project to support the protection of peace for the territory of Kabambare (Maniema).
This project will be implemented for 12 months with at least 300 community mediators who will be responsible for raising community awareness on the culture of peace and peaceful conflict resolution.

Marie Nyombo Zaina

(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Questions related to this article:

Can a culture of peace be achieved in Africa through local indigenous training and participation?

“RENADEF supports the implementation of the action plan of this project on the ground. Its main objective is to consolidate peace and the protection of women and girls in precarious humanitarian conditions, where there is “insecurity or armed groups or even wars and natural disasters”, according to the national coordinator of the organization, Marie Nyombo Zaina.
This project is part of the support framework of the Congolese Government through the legal instruments that the country has ratified at the international level.
“It is within this framework that we are working on UN Security Council Resolution 1325. The action plan for the second generation is being launched in different provinces and I think that next week it will be launched. With our planning, at the end of this project, at least 12,000 people will be reached by the message because there will also be some local organizations strengthened to sustain the action,” added Marie Nyombo Zaina.

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Working for water and peace in the Tessalit area of Mali


An article received CPNN from Bakrene Ag Sidimohamed

To work for peace in the Tessalit area in the North of Mali, we need to develop actions for the control and sharing of water resources.

I. Introduction

The Tessalit region located in the far north of Mali just on the Algerian border is characterized by large-scale livestock activity, 80% of the populations are involved in livestock breeding (breeding of camels, cows, goats and sheep).

Livestock in addition to being a source of nutrition thanks to milk, cheese, butter and meat, is also an income-generating activity through the marketing of animals.

When we talk about livestock we are necessarily talking about pastures and water sources.

From 2012 to 2024 (start of the new instability in northern Mali) the practice of livestock farming increased significantly due to the economic growth of the Tessalit area and the interest of communities in the raising of animals.

This growth has had a direct and significant impact on the daily use of water points in areas with extensive grazing and especially during periods of extreme heat; thus creating traffic jams of people and their herds at water points for almost 24 hours a day.

This is a problem everywhere, including at very few existing sources created by drilling wells thanks to development partners such as MINUSMA and international NGOs.

Because of the intense competition people often get carried away by their emotions and lose their reasoning, causing disagreements and misunderstandings.

It is generally observed that the owners of water sources and the indigenous communities of a grazing site are disturbed by the regular arrival of other communities in search of water to water their herds and for their own consumption; hence the origin of a large part of inter- and intra-community conflicts.

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(Click here for the original article in French

Question for this article:

Scarcity of water: A growing source of conflict?

Can a culture of peace be achieved in Africa through local indigenous training and participation?

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These conflicts around water sources are regularly fueled by political and ideological oppositions and also external exploitation. Water being the main source of life in the greater SAHARA is regularly used by conflict actors as alibis to fuel tensions between communities and thus weaken the social fabric.

Rational management of water points is the best way to prevent and manage conflicts in the localities of northern Mali.

II. Challenges Related to Water Management

It is noted that several factors explain the insufficiency of water in the Tessalit area: we can speak of low rainfall and an often empty water table, abusive use of water in mining sites during the exploitation and artisanal refining of gold, great desertification linked to climate change and deforestation, the commercialization of water towards cities and above all the significant growth of herds.

Given these different natural and human phenomena, the following practices are needed for the rational and equitable management of water and above all maintaining peaceful coexistence within communities.

III. Recommendations

To restore and consolidate social cohesion around water points, certain actions constitute essential tools for the stability of the area.

° Establish and maintain management committees at public water sources
° Ask traditional authorities (fraction leaders, imams) to regularly disseminate awareness-raising messages and human habits favorable to living together.

° Separate water points for domestic use from those for commercial use while instructing gold miners to produce their own sources on their work sites.

° Advocate with development partners for the construction of mini-dams and water reservoirs.

° Organise awareness sessions for economic operators and large breeders
to drill for water in large pasture environments

° Develop citizen management committees at water sources and raise awareness among nomadic populations for the sharing of water resources

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The Inter-Malian Dialogue for Peace and National Reconciliation


A survey by CPNN based on multiple sources as shown (translation by CPNN)

Last month, we published on CPNN the proposal from Mali’s military leaders, led by Colonel Assimi Goïta, for an Inter-Malian Dialogue for Peace and National Reconciliation. Since the dialogue concluded on May 10 and presented its recommendations, we searched the results online and found contradictions, depending on the country providing the narrative.

Photo by Maliweb

The official version, published by the presidency of Mali, included the following:

“Several recommendations and resolutions emerged from this national process. Boubacar SOW, General Rapporteur of the Steering Committee of the Inter-Malian Dialogue for Peace and National Reconciliation, summarized the recommendations resulting from the deliberations, including the creation of a framework of permanent dialogue, the dissolution of self-defense militias, and the use of local traditions for conflict management.

“Certain recommendations also aim to reduce public spending, create industrial units and promote entrepreneurship. Securing borders and creating a memorial site for the nation’s martyrs have also been suggested.

“Ousmane Issoufi MAIGA, President of the Steering Committee, affirmed that the dialogue had been a democratic and inclusive process, meeting the expectations of Malians for a new peace architecture based on endogenous values.

“President GOÏTA’s speech and the recommendations resulting from the dialogue mark a decisive turning point for Mali, promising profound transformations in the political, social, security, diplomatic and economic landscape of the country.”

An article in Maliweb added more details:

“On another note, it must be a priority to know Mali first through its history and geography in order to serve it. To do this, the delegates recommended the “compulsory” teaching of the history and geography of Mali in schools up to the university They also recommended “engaging in dialogue with all Malian armed movements.” They recommended the creation of “deradicalization structures” to promote education in the Mali culture of peace. In addition to all this, for the project of peace and reconciliation, the participants wished for the “Repatriation of the deplaced” who wish to return to their country.

“Regarding political and institutional issues, the participants asked to “harden” the conditions for the creation and to reduce the number and financing of political parties. Also to prohibit religious and village leaders from engaging in the political activism, to extend the transition from 2 to 5 years and to encourage the candidacy of Colonel Assimi Goïta in the next presidential election. They also expressed their wish to see Colonels Goïta, Diaw, Camara, Wagué , Koné and Maïga “elevated to the rank of general”. “Consensus” around the transition was desired by the delegates for its recovery and stability, they did not joke about “Control of the editorial line of preaching by religious people”. Independence of justice and the transparency of the judicial chain and the acceleration of “ongoing legal procedures” were also strong recommendations.”

The preceding articles were supported by articles published or republished in Niger, in Morocco, in Chad and in Turkey.

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(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

How can we develop the institutional framework for a culture of peace?

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The article published in Niger, a neighboring country that recently experienced a similar military coup against French rule, was particularly positive:

“In addition, the start of the operational phase was given on April 2, 2024, marking the start of a series of meetings orchestrated by the Steering Committee. These brought together a mosaic of national actors: republican institutions , customary authorities, religious leaders, political groups and representatives of civil society, with particular attention paid to women and youth.

“Similarly, the consultative meetings, held from April 13 to 15 in 763 communes and from April 20 to 22 in Bamako as well as in the 19 administrative regions, were distinguished by their participatory and inclusive character. The national mobilization was strong, each component of society having had the opportunity to contribute to the discussions.

“Moreover, the national phase of the Dialogue stood out for its exceptional participation, testifying to the representativeness of delegates from various horizons of Malian society. The regions, the district of Bamako, the diaspora, refugees, universities, the unions and the business community have all responded.

“Finally, this dialogue process illustrates the determination of the Malian people to forge, from within, solutions to the multiple challenges that are hampering their momentum towards progress and development. By adopting an inclusive and participatory approach, Mali is committed firmly on the path to consolidating peace and working for the advent of a stable and prosperous future, a promise of harmony for all of its citizens.”

The articles published in France are negative.

Le Monde republished a press release from a collective of Malian civil society parties and organizations which denounced the process as a “masquerade”, saying that the military “wants to persist in power by taking Mali hostage and the Malians.” They added that “the authorities ignore the daily difficulties of Malians, faced with insecurity, the high cost of living, unemployment and power cuts, and “have demonstrated their notorious incapacity to provide the slightest beginning of a solution.”

Radio France Internationale wrote that “the political parties of the Declaration of March 31, a coalition which brings together almost all Malian parties, all tendencies combined, reject the conclusions of this dialogue described as a “grotesque political trap”. In their eyes, the Malians “have been duped.” For the Malian political parties, whose activities were suspended last month, the objective of the colonels who have ruled the country for almost four years is clear: “They want to stay in power. by taking Mali and the Malians hostage.”

The article in Radio France Internationale was republished by Yahoo News and by All Africa.

The critique by the coalition of political parties of the March 31 Declaration was published in detail by Seneplus, based in Senegal.

Some other sources based in Africa were also critical, but to a lesser extent than those based in France.

An article from, based in Mali, says that “On reading certain recommendations, one easily understands that the Steering Committee was, at a given moment, carried away by the facts. This is why in the final document, no recommendations concern the guarantee of freedom of expression and freedom of the press, as well as the accountability of the authorities towards taxpayers And yet these elements are essential for lasting peace.”

An article by LePays, based in Burkina Faso, says that “a good number of Malians did not take part in the talks and therefore do not feel committed to the conclusions that emerged. This is the case of a significant segment of the political class, civil society and armed groups in the North. These excluded from dialogue do not intend to watch, idly, the confiscation of power in Mali and are preparing to use all means at their disposal to be heard. . . . We cannot help but say that the discordant voices which are heard at the end of this dialogue process prove, once again, that the Malians have placed the emphasis on what divides them more than on what unites them.”
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‘Watershed Moment’: Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine Kicks Off in South Africa


An article by Brett Wilkins in Common Dreams ( licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

As Israeli forces continued their devastating assault on the Gaza Strip and deadly occupation of the West Bank, human rights defenders from around the world gathered Friday in South Africa—which is leading a genocide case against Israel at the World Court—for the inaugural Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine.

Palestinian lawmaker Mustafa Barghouti and South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor hold hands and talk at the Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine in Sandton, South Africa on May 10, 2024. (Photo: Katlholo Maifadi/DIRCO)

The conference began with a moment of silence for the nearly 35,000 Palestinians—most of them women and children—killed by Israeli troops during the 217-day war and "complete siege," which has also wounded more than 78,000 people, displaced around 90% of the strip's population, and starved at least hundreds of thousands of others—dozens of whom have died.

Meanwhile, Israel's illegal occupation and settler colonization have intensified in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where soldiers and settlers have killed at least 467 Palestinians and wounded or arrested thousands of others—some of whom were tortured—over the past seven months.

"This conference must make sure that we mobilize the world… and free the people of Palestine," Rev. Frank Chikane of the African National Congress (ANC) and World Council of Churches said at the start of the symposium.

Thanking Chikane for "spearheading" conference organizing efforts, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor hailed the "watershed moment" of "anti-apartheid movements on Palestine from around the globe coming together and joining forces in the struggle for justice for the Palestinian people."

"It has never been so urgent for the progressive forces around the globe to come together in a collective effort to exert maximum pressure to end the genocidal campaign underway in Gaza, and to end the apartheid system in Israel and the occupied territories, which is worse than what we experienced in our own country," she asserted, echoing past remarks by other South Africans and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

Pandor highlighted South Africa's December filing of a genocide case at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, a move supported by over 30 countries and regional blocs and hundreds of advocacy groups. In January, the ICJ found that Israel is "plausibly" committing genocide in Gaza and ordered its government to prevent future genocidal acts—an order human rights monitors say Israel has ignored, largely by blocking humanitarian aid. In March, the ICJ ordered Israel to allow more aid into Gaza.

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Question related to this article:

Israel/Palestine, is the situation like South Africa?

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"We will continue to do everything within our power to preserve the existence of the Palestinian people as a group, to end all acts of apartheid and genocide against the Palestinian people, and to walk with them towards the realization of their collective right to self-determination," Pandor said. "We continue to do so following in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela and will not rest until the freedom of the peoples of Palestine is realized."

Ronnie Kasrils—a communist who went from being a guerrilla fighter in the ANC's armed wing during the apartheid era to a government minister in a free South Africa—warned against compromising in the fight for freedom. He also reaffirmed Palestinians' legal right to "armed struggle, an international right of resistance against tyranny, against military occupation."

"There is no need to pussyfoot around the fact when we have our discussions about the rights of the Palestinians to resist with arms," Kasrils stressed.

Palestinian lawmaker, physician, and activist Mustafa Barghouti said that "we've woken the people of the world against genocide and injustice… and hypocrisy of international governments."

"Israel initiated this war but Israel will not be the one who decides how it ends," he added.

Lamis Deek, a New York-based attorney specializing in international human rights, called for "liberation of all the land from institutions of Zionist violence and supremacy, return, reparations, justice and accountability for every Zionist crime, and restitution."

Declan Kearney, a member of Northern Ireland's Legislative Assembly and national chairman of the Irish republican and democratic socialist party Sinn Féin, noted that "Palestinian and Irish freedom fighters share a special bond. Our commitment is absolute and unbreakable."

The Republic of Ireland said in March that it would intervene in the South African ICJ case and the country—along with fellow European Union members Spain, Slovenia, and Malta—is set later this month to join the nearly 140 nations that recognize Palestinian statehood.

The United Nations General Assembly voted 143-9 on Friday to approve Palestine's bid for full U.N. membership. The United States—Israel's leading international backer—and Israel voted against the proposal, which will head to the U.N. Security Council and an almost certain U.S. veto.

Kearney echoed other speakers who stressed the importance of international solidarity, applauding the "unprecedented" global outpouring of support for Palestine.

"We are with the Palestinian people on their long walk to freedom and will never abandon them," he vowed.

While many Israelis and their backers bristle at the apartheid label, Palestinians and individuals ranging from Carter to the late South African bishop and human rights campaigner Desmond Tutu to United Nations special rapporteurs have for decades called Israel's policies and actions in Palestine apartheid.

Major human rights organizations—including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the Israeli groups B'Tselem and Yesh Din—have also done so. So have prominent Israelis including a former Mossad chief, multiple former attorneys general and ambassadors, and a growing number of journalists, artists, veterans, and others.

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United Nations in Ghana and key partners set to roll out “I Pledge for Peace Campaign” in Ghana ahead of 2024 elections.


An article from the United Nations Office in Ghana

As Ghana prepares for the upcoming 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, the United Nations in Ghana, in collaboration with the National Peace Council, is set to roll out the “I Pledge for Peace Campaign”. This initiative aims to reinforce the principles of peace among all Ghanaians before, during and after the forth coming elections.

The campaign, initially launched to coincide with the 2023 International Day of Peace, will actively engage a diverse range of stakeholders, including individuals, communities, civil society organizations, government entities, religious leaders, and youth groups. The overarching goal is to foster a culture of peace, advocate for peaceful elections, and promote tolerance and peaceful co-existence before, during, and after the electoral process.

“Elections represent a key moment for citizens to use their voting power to reflect, choose, and select leaders to act for their country and the future. This can only be possible when there is peace and stability, freedom, tolerance, and respect for one another. Elections are not a period of combat and the unhealthy exchange of views or for divisive language” says the UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana, Mr. Charles Abani. “We want to use this campaign to urge stakeholders to publicly commit to peace, and by extension, a peaceful election. We believe that the positive actions of stakeholders, through social media and other channels, will encourage tolerance and discourage misinformation.” He further notes.

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Question related to this article:

How should elections be organized in a true democracy?

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The campaign encourages individuals and organizations to make public pledges for peace, amplifying the message through various communication channels, including social media. The aim is to create a collective commitment to a peaceful electoral environment. These pledges will be shared on all the UN in Ghana and National Peace Council social media platforms.

The Chairman of the National Peace Council, Rev. Dr. Ernest Adu-Gyamfi, underscores the importance of individual contributions to achieving peace. “Until every life is respected, and properties protected, achieving peaceful co-existence remains a distant goal. We all, as individuals, need to spread messages that encourage peace because its very existence begins with us, for all we have is one Ghana. The National Peace Council will do everything in its power to support this campaign and ensure a peaceful election come December 2024.”

The “I Pledge for Peace Campaign” reflects a collaborative effort between the United Nations, the National Peace Council, and various stakeholders to create a peaceful and inclusive electoral process in Ghana.


Ghana’s democracy remains a beacon of hope for the continent. The UN continues to support the country to foster its development agenda in a peaceful atmosphere and uphold its reputation as a regional pacesetter for democratic governance. Join the UN Team in Ghana and key stakeholders and PLEDGE FOR PEACE.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Faith Junko Edison, Head of Public Relations, National Peace Council –

Cynthia Prah, National Information Officer, United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) –

On the road to lasting peace in Mali: “A mother hen must reunite her chicks”


An article by Ansoumane Karamoko Cissé in Maliweb (translation by CPNN)

The Inter-Malien Dialogue for Peace and National Reconciliation meetings are underway at the CICB. These meetings take place after the various initiatives which had sought to set up this consultation framework.through the Steering Committee of the Inter-Malien Dialogue for Peace and National Reconciliation, headed by Mr. Ousmane Issoufou Maïga. We can say that Mali is a mother hen which is in the process of bringing together and uniting its children to achieve what has not always been possible: to achieve peace and stability.

After the National Accord Conference (CEN) in 2017; the Inclusive National Dialogue (IND) in 2019; the National Refoundation Conference (ANRS), in 2021; the Consultation Days for intercommunity, ethnic peace, here is yet another “National Meeting” around the Sacred Union.

Following the announcement of the New Year, His Excellency Colonel Assimi Goïta, President of the Transition, Head of State, who is constantly attached to peace and the spirit of committed patriotism, through a Presidential Decree No. 2024-0061/PT-RM of 01/31/2024, has appointed members of the Steering Committee of the Inter-Malian Dialogue for Peace and National Reconciliation.

This Steering Committee was set up with a list of 140 people (one hundred and forty) made up of men and women including historians, sociologists, etc. The desired objective is to find possible solutions to the multiple problems that prevent peace, reconciliation, national unity and to address them at their roots, without referring to any ethnic, political, social affiliation… Since it is quite simply the unification of Malians, “Mali first,” no Malien should compromise this Union.

Mali is a great hospitable country, which has known great peoples of various ethnic groups, who have lived together for a very long time; from the medieval periods and the end of the Neolithic (– 3000 years BC), to the great Empires and Kingdoms, including the very powerful Empire of Ghana which governed three worlds: the black African, Arab-Berber world and that of the Moors of Armankour .

These people have forged a sacred bond – joking cousinage or Sanakounya – the very first judicial organization in West Africa. The famous and mysterious Charter of Wagadou is the core of the Empire of Ghana, proclaimed by the Ighoh Ancestor, Mama Dinka Cissé, the ancestor of the Bozos and the Soninkés, with the Kakoro. Hohana, Mama Dinka is the founder, the pioneer of the Kingdom of Wagadou in the year -295 BC. This social movement played a very big role in Mali, in Guinea… in the resolution of social crises between peoples and demarcated all the emerging conflictual relationships.

No matter if it burns, heats up or explodes, we are all condemned to get along to live better in good coexistence. It would be good to see the culture of peace established in Mali, in the West African sub-region, and even throughout the world. If the peoples understand each other, listen to each other and forgive each other all the evils committed to each other. and others, and may hearts be ready to grant each other forgiveness, with sincere tolerance.

A real concertation is necessary

For the wound to properly heal, it is necessary to first remove the sores, sanitize the surface against parasites and germs… It seems to me that our authorities have not organized real consultation with all levels of society. Since 1914, humanity has not known universal peace, shaken as it is by conflicts of economic, religious, territorial order and interest, etc. This is why Maliens must now bring lasting peace, stability, prosperity, for the defense of Mali: the Motherland of the entire West African sub-region!

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(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

How can we develop the institutional framework for a culture of peace?

(Article continued from left column)

The conflicts are multidimensional: among others, religious, ethnic, legal, identity, regionalist, economic, territorial… Above all because of poor governance, sown seeds of favoritism in the workings of the administration, and large-scale corruption which allows certain clans of personalities to be in all the “sauces”, even if they had already shown their limits because they are not specialists in their subject. The culture of mediocrity must be banished in favor of proven competence. This is what will bear fruit…

Calling on all Maliens, without exception…

For the success of the steering committee, and after several unsuccessful attempts in the search for peace, “we need peace, peace everywhere in the world”, according to the late Tamacheck singer, Mahmoud Cissé. It would also be necessary to appeal to all Maliens, without exception, from leaders to Maliens from inside and outside, under all ethnic and regional entities; historians, sociologists, political actors, religious authorities, umbrella organizations, groups of discontented people, opponents… Examine with them all their problems, in a careful, consensual and peaceful form of communication. For full implementation of its recommendations.

However, some gray areas still remain a reality: the noted absence of some major figures forgotten on the nominative list, while other names are retained without having been consulted, and who “are not ready to get on board “. This indicates a need to review certain proposals… To do this, the commissions set up must gauge the skills acquired necessary for the success of the objective, set up listening sessions and list all grievances such as proposals and suggestions coming from other forgotten people.

The commissions must go to all communes, circles, regions; identify grievances, as was the case with the ANRS in all its phases:

° Committee for the prevention and management of inter-community conflicts between farmers and herders and on other conflict risk activities;

° Case of displaced and refugee populations, to satisfy their needs and resolve their problems, because they are in refugee camps without means for their return;

° Strategies for the participation of resource persons

° Monitoring and evaluation of conclusions and recommendations on proposals…

For political and institutional reforms, this will involve:

° Review the sources of conflicts and correct them, non-compliance with commitments, texts, non-compliance with the presidential mandate or any other activities;

° Review the role, place and responsibility of the republican opposition and the political class;

° Ensure equal treatment and consideration for all levels of society

° Avoid supremacist feelings and superiority complexes between black, mixed-race or white populations;

° Strengthen joking cousinship between ethnic groups where they live;

° Turn away from the spirit of revenge, which belongs to the past;

° Avoid frustrations, and promote acceptance of others, forgiving them for the faults committed;

° Challenge the critics who have no proof of abuses…

Malien people! Unite for lasting peace! Together we can!

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Speech by Brazil President Lula at the opening of the 37th African Union Summit


A report from the Government of Brazil on February 17

It is with great joy that I return to Africa for the twenty-first time, once again as President of Brazil, to address the leaders of the African Union. I come to reaffirm the partnership and bond between our country and our people and the sister continent.

Lula and Africa

The African struggle has a lot in common with the challenges faced by Brazil. More than half of the 200 million Brazilian citizens recognize themselves as Afro-descendants. We, Africans and Brazilians, must chart our own paths within the emerging world order.

We must create a new global governance that is capable of facing the challenges of our time.

Minimal State theories are no longer applicable. Planning agricultural and industrial development has once again become part of public policies in all sectors.

Energy and digital transitions require government leverage and guidance.

Attempts to restore a global system based on ideological blocs are not applicable in the real world. Multipolarity is an inexorable and welcome component in the 21st century. Consolidation of BRICS as the world’s most important arena for the articulation of emerging countries is an undeniable advance.

Without the participation of developing countries, it will not be possible to open any new cycle of global expansion — combining growth, environmental preservation and reduced inequality and with increased freedoms.

The Global South is becoming an unavoidable part of the solution to the main crises that afflict this planet.

These crises arise from a model that concentrates wealth, and which mainly affects the poorest — and, among these, immigrants. The alternative to the ills of neoliberal globalization will not come from the racist and xenophobic far right. Development cannot be the privilege of a few.

Only an inclusive social project will allow us to establish prosperous, free, democratic, and sovereign societies. There will be no stability or democracy if hunger and unemployment remain.

The time is ripe to revive the best humanist traditions of the great leaders of African decolonization.

Being a humanist today means condemning the attacks perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli civilians, and demanding the immediate release of all hostages. Being a humanist also demands rejecting Israel’s disproportionate response, which has killed almost 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza—the vast majority of them women and children—and caused the forced displacement of over 80% of the population.

The solution to this crisis will only last if we move quickly towards the creation of a Palestinian State that is also recognized as a full member of the United Nations—a strengthened UN that harbors a more representative Security Council, in which there are no countries with veto power, and which includes permanent members from Africa and Latin America. For two years now, the war in Ukraine has exposed the Council’s paralysis. Beyond the tragic loss of life, its consequences are also being felt around the world in food and fertilizer prices.

There will be no military solution to this conflict. The time has come for politics and diplomacy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Africa—with its 1 billion 500 million inhabitants and its immense and rich territory—has enormous possibilities for the future. Brazil wants to grow alongside Africa, but never dictating any paths.

The Brazilian people are recovering their political and economic sovereignty. We are adopting an ecological transformation project which will allow us to take a historic leap forward. We are reviving our democracy and making it increasingly participatory.

Through Bolsa Família and other successful public policies, we will once again leave the hunger map and lift millions of Brazilians out of poverty.

Talking about “Inclusive Education”—this Summit’s main topic—is talking about the future. Around the world, almost 250 million children do not attend school. In Brazil we are implementing full-time schools, as well as granting a benefit to the poorest high school students as a way of reducing the number of school dropouts.

(Article continued in the column on the right)

(Click here for the Portuguese version of this article)

Questions related to this article:

Where in the world can we find good leadership today?

(Article continued from the column on the left)

I am proud to say that thousands of African citizens have concluded their studies in Brazil—but we are going to do even more. We are going to increase the number of scholarships we offer so as to welcome African students to our public higher education institutions.

We are willing to develop educational programs in Africa, and to promote intense exchange of teachers and researchers. Let us collaborate so that Africa may become independent in its food and clean energy production.

Africa harbors 400 million hectares spread across over 25 countries which have the potential to make this continent one of the great breadbaskets of the world, enabling policies to combat hunger and produce biofuels.

I also want to extend our partnership to the health sector. There is much to learn from both of our health strategies, and from the possibility of structuring robust and broad-reaching public systems.

We will work alongside the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention to tackle neglected tropical diseases. We will aim to expand access to medicines, avoiding repetition of the vaccine “apartheid” that we saw in COVID-19.

Taking care of the health of the planet is also our priority. The imperative of protecting the world’s two largest tropical rainforests—in the Amazon and the Congo basins—makes us protagonists in the climate agenda.

Current international instruments are insufficient to effectively reward the protection of forests, their biodiversity and the people who live in them, take care of them, and depend on them.

By recovering degraded areas, we can create a true green belt to protect forests in the Global South. Alongside African partners, Brazil wants to develop and construct a family of satellites to monitor deforestation.

To carry all this out, we are going to create a cooperation outpost with the African Union in sectors such as agricultural research, health, education, environment, and science and technology.

Our diplomatic representation in Addis Ababa will soon include employees from government bodies such as the Brazilian Cooperation Agency, EMBRAPA and FIOCRUZ—our research and development bodies in agriculture and health.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Our paths will meet again at the G20 Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, and at COP 30, in Belém. The presence of the African Union as a full member of the G20 will be of great value—but including more countries from the continent as full members is still also necessary. We have common agendas to defend.

It is unacceptable that a world capable of generating wealth in the order of USD 100 trillion dollars per year still harbors the hunger of more than 735 million people. We are creating the Global Alliance against Hunger at the G20 so as to promote a set of public policies and mobilize resources to finance them.

Around 60 countries—many of them in Africa—are coming close to financial insolvency, allocating more resources to paying external debt than to education or health. This reflects the obsolete nature of financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank, which often worsen crises that they should be resolving.

Solutions to transform unfair and unpayable debts into concrete assets—such as highways, railways, hydroelectric plants, wind and solar energy parks, green hydrogen production and energy transmission networks—must be sought after. We need to follow the evolution of new technologies step by step.

Artificial Intelligence cannot be monopolized by a few countries and companies—and may also become fertile ground for hate speech and misinformation, as well as cause unemployment and reinforce racial and gender biases which accentuate injustice and discrimination.

Brazil is going to promote G20 interaction with the High-Level Panel created by the UN Secretary-General to support discussions on the Global Digital Compact.

In this way, we hope to contribute to effective and multilateral governance in Artificial Intelligence that fully incorporates the interests of the Global South.

My friends,
I want to close by saying that there is no Global South without Africa.

Resuming Brazil’s rapprochement with Africa means recovering historical ties and contributing to the construction of a new, more just and supportive world order. Above all, it allows us to join forces in overcoming the challenges that lie ahead.

Thank you very much.

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