Culture of peace curricula: what are some good examples?

Here is one approach

Maria Montessori believed that peace was innate within children. Her timeless educational philosophy was developed around this basic understanding. Perhaps all we need to do as teachers is to provide stimulating learning environments that validate this knowing and understanding and nurture it. We may not have to actually teach it,  Sharing peace-building stories gently attends to this. Strong, creative and imaginative peace-building characters who focus upon win-win and have faith in peace being possible are at the centre of the story plots. In Hassaun Ali-Jones Bey’s unique and mesmerising story, Black Ink is such a character who bravely crosses the universe seeking validation of what he knows in his heart. The magical character also models all the important peace-building values, understandings and actions needed for peace-building. I believe also that peace-building must be modelled and the whole teaching-learning environment should reflect similar values, understandings and actions…as is the primary focus of the Save the Children Australia UN Global Peace School Program upon which I am presently fortunate to be working. As Gandhi stated: ‘If we want peace in the world then we need to begin with the children.’ We need to listen to them. I also believe there are many ways to attend to peace-building..there’s not just one way…and fun and creativity should be elements of any peace-learning programme with children working together. Parents are also teachers and they can choose to share peace-building stories with children as well.

Here are some CPNN articles on this subject:

Uganda: Championing a Culture of Peace – A Training Toolkit on Conflict Prevention

Honduras: IUDPAS and World Vision Certify 27 Professionals with the Diploma in Culture of Peace

ICP course: Activating a Culture of Peace

Uruguay: The book Culture of Peace

Mexico: International Diploma in Development and Culture of Peace at the UAZ

Mexico: Invitation to register for an online diploma in the Culture of Peace through the Arts

Transformative Peace Initiatives through TOCfE Tools

El Salvador : MUPI promotes workshops on Culture of Peace

Dominican Republic: 11 Thousand People Train in Conflict Resolution and Culture of Peace in 2021

Imagine Project receives Global Education award