Category Archives: d-information

What is really happening in Venezuela?

The commercial media almost without exception continues to support the United States and dozens of its allies in its attacks on Venezuela. Hardly a culture of peace!

In order to present an alternative to this “war propaganda,” we have published some articles that give the other side.

We began with critiques of the commercial media coverage in the monthly bulletin for March, 2019.

Here are the CPNN articles about this question.

UN human rights expert urges to lift unilateral sanctions against Venezuela

Who to Believe about Venezuela’s Election: Firsthand observation or PBS Newshour?

Despite destabilizing actions Venezuela lives a peaceful Christmas

Venezuela. The construction of peace must have the quality of feminism

Latin America and the Caribbean need a culture of peace

Statement on Escalating Tensions in Venezuela Issued by the Thirtieth Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community

Red Cross, UN Slam ‘Politicised’ USAID Humanitarian Assistance to Venezuela

What do the people of Venezuela want?

What the Press Hides from You about Venezuela — A Case of News-Suppression

US Media Ignore—and Applaud—Economic War on Venezuela

Venezuela: An Open Letter to the People of the United States from President Nicolás Maduro

Bolivia: Evo Morales says the United States seeks to “devastate and impoverish” Venezuela as did to Iraq and Libya

Jamaica: Tek Sleep an Mark Death with the Venezuela Situation

US attack on Venezuela: alternative media coverage

Julian Assange, Is he a hero for the culture of peace?

Here is what Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire wrote in nominating Julian Assange for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.

“Julian Assange and his colleagues in WikiLeaks have shown on numerous occasions that they are one of the last outlets of true democracy with their work for freedom of speech.  Their work for true peace by making public our governments’ actions at home and abroad has enlightened us to their atrocities carried out in the name of so-called democracy around the world.  This included:

* Footage of carnage perpetrated by NATO/US military

* Release of email correspondence revealing conspiracy for regime change in Middle Eastern countries

* Elected officials paid to deceive the public

“This is a huge step in our work for disarmament and nonviolence worldwide. Julian Assange, fearing deportation to the U.S. to stand trial for treason, sought out asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012.   Selflessly, he continues his work from there increasing the risk of his prosecution by the American government. 

“In recent months the U.S. has increased pressure on the Ecuadorian government to take away what remains of his freedom.  He is now prevented from having visitors, telephone calls or other electronic communications, thereby removing his basic human rights.  This has put a great strain on Julian’s mental and physical health.  It is our duty as citizens to protect Julian’s human rights and freedom of speech as he has fought for ours on a global stage.

“It is my great fear that Julian, who is an innocent man, will be deported to the U.S. where he will face unjustified imprisonment.  We have seen this happen to Chelsea (Bradley) Manning who allegedly supplied WikiLeaks with sensitive information from NATO/US Middle Eastern wars and subsequently spent multiple years in solitary confinement in an American prison.   If the US succeeds in their plan to extradite Julian Assange to US to face a grand jury, this will silence journalists and whistle-blowers around the world in fear of dire repercussions.

“Julian Assange meets all criteria for the Nobel Peace Prize.   Through his release of hidden information to the public we are no longer naïve to the atrocities of war, neither oblivious to the connections between big business and the acquisition of resources and spoils of war.

“As his human rights and freedom are in jeopardy, the Nobel Peace Prize would afford Julian much greater protection from governments’ forces.

“Over the years there have been controversies over the Nobel Peace Prize and some of those to whom it has been awarded.  Sadly, I believe it has moved from its original intentions and meaning.  It was Alfred Nobel’s will that the prize would support and protect individuals at threat from government forces in their fight for nonviolence and peace, by bringing awareness to their precarious situations.  Through awarding Julian Assange the Nobel Peace Prize, he and others like him will receive the protection they truly deserve.

“It is my hope that by this we can rediscover the true definition of the Nobel Peace Prize.

“I also call on all people to bring awareness to Julian’s situation and support him in his struggle for basic human rights, freedom of speech, and peace.”

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

Australian MPs react to Julian Assange’s release

Amnesty International: Julian Assange’s five-year imprisonment in the UK is unacceptable

RSF launches global “Collateral Damage” campaign highlighting the danger of the Assange prosecution to media and the public’s right to know

Tribunal in Washington Calls on President Biden to End Prosecution of Julian Assange and to Defend Rights of Journalists and Whistleblowers

Because ‘Publishing Is Not a Crime,’ Major Newspapers Push US to Drop Assange Charges

López Obrador and the offer of asylum to Julian Assange: honest politics in a time of double standards

Peace and Justice Organizations call for Freedom for Julian Assange

Afghanistan and Julian Assange

Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment

Germany: Collateral Crucifixion – Pressuring for Julian Assange’s Release!

Groundswell of support for WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange

Daniel Ellsberg Speaks Out on the Arrest of Julian Assange

Remembering the Crimes of the Powerful Exposed by Wikileaks’ Julian Assange

Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S.

Nobel Peace Laureate Maguire Requests UK Home Office for Permission to Visit Her Friend Nobel Peace Nominee Julian Assange ln Prison in London[

UN experts warn Assange arrest exposes him to risk of serious human rights violations

Mairead Maguire Nominates Julian Assange for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize

Free Julian Assange!

Statement by Julian Assange after Six Months in Ecuadorian Embassy

WikiLeaks: The Latin America Files

Can peace be achieved in Mindanao?

It would seem from the following excerpt from the CPNN bulletin of September 2018 that peace is possible in Mindanao:

On July 27, Philippine President Duterte signed into law the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BOL) which aims to complete the peace agreement between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in the Southern Philippines. The agreement gives the Moro people greater autonomy in ruling their homeland in Mindanao.

Following the ratification of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Senator Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri, who chairs the Senate subcommittee on the BOL said “It’s a new dawn for Bangsamoro in Mindanao.” “The MILF and the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) are ready to work with the Philippine Government especially in the conduct of the plebiscite that will be held around November.”

Four years of lobbying for the inclusion of peace education in the BOL was crowned with success. Under Article IX, the Education provision of the BOL, second paragraph says: “The Bangsamoro government shall institutionalize peace education in all levels of education” Some 6,000 new teachers are deployed in five southern provinces and they are now actively helping propagate interfaith solidarity among schoolchildren in support of the government’s Mindanao peace efforts.

Putting the new law into practice, in an historic solidarity event, the Philippine military and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) gathered together to celebrate the muslim holiday of Eid Al-Adha.

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

Peace Education among top priorities in the new Bangsamoro Government

“Peace through dialogue: Our destiny” is theme of Mindanao Week of Peace 2018

A ‘new dawn’ for Mindanao’s Bangsamoro

6,000 teachers deployed to promote peace in Mindanao (Philippines)

Philippines: Hope, compassion reign over at the peace month culmination in Iligan

The Mindanao-Sulu Peace and History Education Project (Philippines)

Philippines: Local Bangsamoro films show peaceful, harmonious side of Mindanao

Philippines: Mindanao mayors back Bangsamoro Basic Law

Interfaith dialogue vs. ‘spoilers’ of Mindanao peace set in Cotabato

Nonviolent Peaceforce opens protection site in Lanao del Norte (Philippines)

Philippines: Schools of Peace: Antidote to culture of war, violence

Philippines: Bangsamoro peace pact a major contribution to country, world

Nonviolent Peaceforce Statement On Framework Agreement On The Bangsamoro (FAB) Signing (Philippines)

One Step Closer to Peace in the Philippines

Why peace has a foothold in the Philippines

Peace Initiatives in SOCSARGEN-Philippines

Thousands call on UN to prevent massive war in Philippines

How can we be sure to get news about peace demonstrations?

It has been argued that over the past century the control of information, especially through the mass media, has become the most important characteristic of the culture of war. Why?

It is because there has been such an advance over the past century in democratic participation that the modern state is forced to justify its culture of war. Since people in general do not want war, the state and its military-industrial complex must convince them that military preparations are necessary in the face of external enemies. This is a major change from earlier history when the state was not subject to election by the people and it could pursue its policies regardless of their attitudes.

In fact, we see that the mass media in countries with the most powerful military forces, such as the United States, are pro-military and continually publish propaganda against external enemies and give priority to news about unavoidable violence and disaster. They do not give place to peace initiatives.

If the commercial mass media will not give us news about peace demonstrations, how can we be sure to get it?

The answer is in the alternative media like CPNN that do not rely on advertising and support from the military-industrial-financial complex.

Here are comments in this regard from a recent meeting during Independent Media Week, now in its 13th year in Oregon.

Citing the “unprecedented antagonism of the Trump administration to media,” Jeff Golden, producer of “Immense Possibilities” on Southern Oregon Public TV, said our challenges didn’t start Jan. 20, because, years ago, much of the media abandoned its role in public service and became driven by profit.

This trend greatly increases the need for independent media, he notes, and much of it can flower on the internet.

“We’d be in much deeper trouble than we are now if not for independent media.”

(Click here for earlier discussion on this question.)

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

Peace Wave 2024

Austrian Censorship of Peace Conference Is An Outrage

More examples available of Russian opposition to the war against Ukraine

March 17: The struggle for free flow of information about the Russian war against Ukraine

Russian anti-war movement takes shape on the streets – and on screens

Russian regulator censors Ukraine war coverage, reporters told to toe Kremlin line

Over a Million Mobilize for International Women’s Day in Latin America

United States: Who Is Clare Grady and Why Should We Care that She is in Federal Prison?

USA: Patriots for Peace fighting the good fight

Launch of the Second World March for Peace and Nonviolence

2nd Walk for the Culture of Peace in Cotia, Brazil, receives support from the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

The Americas are preparing for the second World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Peacecamp Steinwenden, Germany, 28 June

UK: Nationwide Public Meeting Tour: Stop Bombing Yemen, Stop Arming Saudi

Peace and disarmament on the streets of Germany

UK: Protests: Trump & May – No More Bombs on Syria, 13-16 April, Nationwide

Global Anti-war Protests Against US-led Aggression in Syria[

London: International Peace Congress April 7

United Kingdom: Thousands call for Britain’s nuclear deterrent Trident to be scrapped

Protest to Stop Western Intervention in Syria

International Conference: Confronting War Ten Years On

Thousands march in London for Gaza and freedom for Palestine

October 27 Anti-War Marches in US

Peace Rally in Helena, Montana “>

Demonstrations around the World

What has happened this year (2018) for the International Day of Peace


This year we gave links to 233 events coming from most of the provinces and states in Canada and the USA. Next was Europe with 177 events in 32 countries. There were 158 events cited in 22 Asian countries, 95 from 24 Latin American and Caribbean countries, 71 from 9 countries formerly part of the Soviet Union, 71 from 25 African countries, and 30 from 15 Arab and Middle Eastern countries. See the CPNN bulletin for October for a synopsis.

Detailed data may be found on the following CPNN articles:

United States and Canada: International Day of Peace

Europe: International Day of Peace

Asia and Pacific: International Day of Peace

Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace

Arab and Middle Eastern States: International Day of Peace

Latin America and Caribbean: International Day of Peace

Africa: International Day of Peace

Peace Boat: Building a Culture of Peace around the World

Peace Boat has sailed on voyages around the world since 1983 under the slogan “Building a Culture of Peace around the World.”

Here are some excerpts from their website.

Peace Boat is a Japan-based international non-governmental and non-profit organization that works to promote peace, human rights, equal and sustainable development and respect for the environment.

Peace Boat seeks to create awareness and action based on effecting positive social and political change in the world. We pursue this through the organization of global educational programmes, responsible travel, cooperative projects and advocacy activities. These activities are carried out on a partnership basis with other civil society organizations and communities in Japan, Northeast Asia, and around the world.

Peace Boat carries out its main activities through a chartered passenger ship that travels the world on peace voyages. The ship creates a neutral, mobile space and enables people to engage across borders in dialogue and mutual cooperation at sea, and in the ports that we visit. Activities based in Japan and Northeast Asia are carried out from our eight Peace Centers in Japan.

Please explore our website to learn more about our voyages, activities and projects. You can also download a web version of our introductory pamphlet “Across Borders” here in English, Spanish or French. Other pamphlets and brochures can also be viewed as a PDF on our page here.

A variety of videos of Peace Boat's activities can also be viewed here.


Travel for Peace and Sustainability

Peace Boat believes that travel in itself can be a tool for positive social and political change, and seeks to create and implement best practices in responsible travel and what we call travel for peace and sustainability. Socio-political considerations rather than commercial interests largely determine our choice of destinations. Our partnerships with local organizations and travel agencies reflect our effort to utilize tourism in a progressive and educational form so as to contribute to global sustainability and peace.

Peace Boat's use of the ship as a vehicle for our activities has allowed the development of a unique range of tools for our work.

  • Forums on board: the ship as a neutral and mobile meeting space
  • Using the ship's media appeal
  • The power of people to people contact
  • Bringing back the world's reality: beyond conventional media
Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

Journalism in Latin America: Is it turning towards a culture of peace?

It was the publishers and editors of Latin American newspapers meeting with the Director-General of UNESCO in Puebla, Mexico, on 27 May, 1997, that first called for an International Year for the Culture of Peace. Perhaps, it is in the same tradition that we see more and more in the past few years that the journalists of Latin America, in particular Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador are turning towards a culture of peace. They join their counterparts in Africa to lead the world in this direction.

Readers are encouraged to add their comments below.


New book: Nonviolent Journalism, a humanist approach to communication

Mexico: Guanajuato as the epicenter of the culture of peace

Five new digital media platforms for uncensored news from Colombia

Punta del Este (Uruguay): Ismael Cala will present the America Business Forum, considered «the Davos of Latin America»

Colombia’s rural radio stations are a key to peace

Mexico: Zacatecan Radio and Television System to introduce “the culture of peace” as a transversal theme

Mexico: Journalism for a Culture of Peace

Ecuador: ‘Dedicated Lives’ at the Casa Carrión

Mexico: Cristina Ávila-Zesatti and peace journalism

The European Union gives voice to peace in Colombia

The European Union, the Colombian Government and the civil society work together in “Community Radios for Peace and Coexistence”

Why radio is proving the best medium to promote Colombia’s peace process


World Social Forums, Advancing the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace?

Here are the CPNN articles about the World Social Forum:

World Social Forum 2022 in Mexico: First two days

World Social Forum 2021

Brazil: World Social Forum concludes in Salvador

World Social Forum opens in Salvador de Bahia

On the way to the World Social Forum in Bahia

Brazil: Open Letter convenes World Social Forum 2018 in Salvador

Changing the system to address injustices: discussing with Mamadou Goita on the World Social Forum

Canada: World Social Forum: a success despite the low turnout

Canada: Forum social mondial : un succès malgré la faible participation

The city of Montreal hosts the 12th World Social Forum

La ville de Montréal à l’heure du 12ème Forum Social Mondial

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Fifteenth anniversary of the World Social Forum

Brasil: Evento fará balanço de ações dos últimos 15 anos do Fórum Social Mundial

World Social Forum in Tunis: Another world is possible, without the 1%

Tunisia: The World Social Forum 2013 is underway

Tunisie: Le Forum social mondial 2013 s’est ouvert mardi

World Social Forum, Tunisia, 2013

Forum Social Mondial 2013 en Tunisie

Culture of Peace at the World Social Forum in Tunisia

World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil

Impressions from the Boston Social Forum

The courage of Mordecai Vanunu and other whistle-blowers, How can we emulate it in our lives?

Whistle-blowers may be considered as very important actors for a culture of peace.  As described on the CPNN page for values, attitudes and actions for a culture of peace, the culture of war is characterized by propaganda, secrecy, government control of media, militaristic language and censorship while the culture of peace is characterized by the free flow and sharing of information.  Whistle-blowers break the back of secrecy directly and dramatically.

Mordecai Vanunu’s courage continues the tradition of Daniel Ellsberg, who made known the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War and Karen Silkwood, who exposed nuclear pollution in the United States.  Ellsberg was persecuted by President Nixon and Karen Silkwood was murdered, as described some years ago in a very fine film starring Meryl Streep.

As the amount of government secrecy continues to increase, we may expect that the number of whistle-blowers will also tend to increase in the years to come.

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

Daniel Ellsberg Has Passed Away. He Left Us a Message.

Moscow TV protester plays ‘Russian roulette’ with risky comeback

US: Why Daniel Hale Deserves Gratitude, Not Prison

Glen Greenwald : My New Book on Journalism, Exposing Corruption, and the Resulting Risks, Dangers and Societal Changes

Following Chelsea Manning’s commutation, UN expert urges pardons for other whistleblowers

LuxLeaks: L’affaire et l’actu en Luxembourg

LuxLeaks: The case and the latest news from Luxembourg

Film: Truth, Deception and the Spirit of I.F. Stone

An Easter letter about Mordecai Vanunu

Another Pulitzer for reporting classified info

‘Snowden did it for all of us’

International Peace Bureau awards the Sean MacBride Peace Prize to US whistleblower Bradley Manning

Interview with Edward Snowden:  The Latest Whistleblower

Ethiopian journalist Reeyot Alemu wins 2013 UNESCO-Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize

La periodista etíope Reeyot Alemu gana el premio UNESCO-Guillermo Cano de Libertad de Prensa 2013

La journaliste éthiopienne Reeyot Alemu lauréate du Prix mondial de la liberté de la presse UNESCO/Guillermo Cano 2013

Whistleblowers Recognized for Courage, Sacrifice

Is Internet freedom a basic human right?

Here is the opinion of Mary Robinson, formerly UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:

“Having been UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, I am all too familiar with the argument that human rights is a ‘Western’ concept. The uprisings that began to shake the Arab world almost two years ago, and the developments that have followed, are one great example of the fundamental flaw in this argument. In Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere we saw an unprecedented expression of the universal desire – long-repressed – for dignity and freedom. . .

“Unfortunately, the same tools and platforms that have helped these freedoms to flourish can be manipulated to restrict access to information, monitor dissident activity and exercise greater control over citizens. They offer perhaps as many challenges to these freedoms as they do opportunities. Just two weeks ago we saw Syria’s government cutting off internet and mobile access to the entire country, just as Egypt’s government did in January 2011. Others are using international fora to lobby for greater powers for governments seeking to restrict citizens’ internet freedoms in the name of ‘security’.

“The internet has given rise to a new space and new tools for human activity, but it does not require a new set of rules. The internationally agreed rights to freedom of opinion and expression, to peaceful assembly and association, and to take part in government are enshrined in the very document that we have celebrated on this day for the past 64 years. These covenants should be applied to the online world in exactly the same way that they apply to the ‘offline’ world. . . .

The slogan for this year’s Human Rights Day is ‘My Voice Counts’. In Egypt, we saw just how fervently people believe this to be true – each of us, whether we live under democracy or dictatorship, yearns to have some say in the decisions that affect our lives. The internet has provided us with new tools that strengthen citizen movements and promote greater democratisation and accountability; it has also proved a powerful tool for censorship and surveillance.

Only by protecting the internet as a space where respect for fundamental human rights prevails can we hope to see more Springs, more Awakenings and ever greater freedoms in years to come.

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

Australian MPs react to Julian Assange’s release

Amnesty International: Julian Assange’s five-year imprisonment in the UK is unacceptable

United Nations: CSW67 Opening statement: Digital rights are women’s rights

Tribunal in Washington Calls on President Biden to End Prosecution of Julian Assange and to Defend Rights of Journalists and Whistleblowers

Coronavirus reveals need to bridge the digital divide

GAPMIL gives Global Media and Information Literacy Awards 2018

In historic decision, CRTC rules that all Canadians must have access to reliable, world-class mobile and residential Internet

U.N. passes landmark resolution condemning internet shutdowns

NetGain: Let’s Work Together to Improve the Internet

USA: rock solid rules to ensure the Internet stays open and free

United States: News and Press Freedom Organizations Stand Up for Real Net Neutrality

Brasil: Marco Civil da Internet começa a valer em junho

Brazil: Internet “bill of rights” to take effect in June

UN General Assembly backs right to privacy in digital age

Protecting fundamental freedoms, online and offline