Category Archives: Europe

Youth Summit on Peace and Sustainable Future Wraps Up Successful Week in Montpellier, France


A press release from Open PR

The Institute of Public Policy, and Diplomacy Research (IPPDR) today announced the conclusion of its Youth Summit on Peace and a Sustainable Future, which took place from July 22 to 26, 2024, in Montpellier, France. The Summit was hosted by Montpellier Mayor Michael Delafosse and Dr. Andrise Bass, Founder of The Institute of Public Policy and Diplomacy Research. Also attending and mentoring were Prince Jean Louis Bingna, Dr. Bruno Mpondo-Epo, and Hawa Taylor-Kamara Diallo from the IBTK Foundation, which was founded to inform students about public policy as it pertains to the international community.

“The message from the Summit was unequivocal, ‘This is our time, this is our day, this is our future,'” said Dr. Bass. “The young people implore those with influence to ‘Help us lead, because we are ready to be leaders.'”

The Summit provided a platform for young people from more than forty countries to explore and debate the merits of issues related to global peace and sustainability. Views and conclusions about what actions should be taken were decided upon by the students, and the findings will directly contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

Summit participants were expected to understand, clarify, and give legitimacy to the young people’s voices and opinions regarding the greater global conversation. Lively discussions around peace and sustainability were the most interesting topics that aligned with guidelines of the United Nations’ Security Council Resolution 2250, which was adopted in 2015. Resolution 2250’s encourages member nations to set up mechanisms to enable young people to participate meaningfully in peace processes and dispute resolution.

Delegates collaborated and made recommendations meant to strengthen youth participation in the peace building movement, and the young people advocated for an observation role at the UN Security Council. Because the younger generation will inherit what their elders leave, or do not leave them, it was critical to ensure that that their voices would be heard.

(Click here for an article in French on this subject)

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Question related to this article:
Youth initiatives for a culture of peace, How can we ensure they get the attention and funding they deserve?

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Those attending the event look to people in the highest levels of government and industry to examine the ramifications of decision-making, which affects the globe along with everything on it and in it.

The Institute of Public Policy and Diplomacy Research is a not-for-profit organization that focuses on human rights, public policy, sustainable development, human trafficking awareness, diplomacy protocol, leadership etiquettes and peacebuilding The organization offers hybrid courses on a range of topics, including:

– Diplomatic protocol

– National security

– Finance and economics

– Consular affairs

– Etiquette and acceptable behavior

– Employment

– Regulations

The summit concluded with the young attendees publishing a Declaration on peace and the sustainable future that will be shared with the Secretary General of the United Nations. The ambitious Declaration, representing the youth of more than 40 countries, seeks to include youth in the worldwide peacemaking process and efforts to build sustainable societies.

Bass commented, “As we ended the Summit, we all felt that it was not an ending, but rather a beginning. The momentum continues. Young people were so passionate regarding insights and recommendations going forward that will be presented to global leaders.”

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The Olympic Games and the Culture of Peace


Transcript on the website of the International Olympic Committee (boldface italics added by CPNN)

Please find below the full speech delivered by International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach during the Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 today, 11 August 2024. 

Dear President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron,

Dear President of the Paris 2024 Organising Committee, my fellow Olympian and dear friend, Tony Estanguet,

Dear Mayor of Paris, Mrs. Anne Hidalgo,

Dear Olympic friends,

Dear fellow Olympians,

Despite all the tensions in our world, you came here from all the 206 National Olympic Committees and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team, to make the City of Light shine brighter than ever before.

Your performances were amazing. You competed fiercely against each other. Every contest on the edge of perfection. Every performance sparking excitement around the world. You showed us what greatness we humans are capable of.

During all this time, you lived peacefully together under one roof in the Olympic Village. You embraced each other. You respected each other, even if your countries are divided by war and conflict. You created a culture of peace.

This inspired all of us and billions of people around the globe. Thank you for making us dream. Thank you for making us believe in a better world for everyone.

We know that the Olympic Games cannot create peace. But the Olympic Games can create a culture of peace that inspires the world. This is why I call on everyone who shares this Olympic spirit: let us live this culture of peace every single day.

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(Click here for the message in Spanish and here for the message in French.

Question for this article:

How can sports promote peace?

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These Olympic Games could only inspire the world, because our French friends have prepared the stage. And what an amazing stage it was!

Millions of people celebrating the athletes in the streets of Paris and all across France. Millions of spectators in iconic venues creating an overwhelming atmosphere. More than half of the world’s population sharing this spectacular celebration of the unity of humankind in all our diversity.

The Olympic Games Paris 2024 were a celebration of the athletes and sport at its best. The first Olympic Games delivered fully under our Olympic Agenda reforms: younger, more urban, more inclusive, more sustainable. The first ever Olympic Games with full gender parity.

These were sensational Olympic Games from start to finish – or dare I say: SEINE-sational Games.

The Olympic Games Paris 2024 were Olympic Games of a new era.

That is why I would like to thank all our French friends. First and foremost, my warmest thanks go to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, for his tireless support. My heartfelt thanks goes to the Organising Committee, under the excellent leadership of my fellow Olympian, Tony Estanguet, for making these Games wide open. All my gratitude goes to the public authorities at all levels and to the public services, for their essential contribution.

All our thanks and recognition go to our Olympic community – the National Olympic Committees, the International Federations, our TOP partners and the Media Rights- Holders. Together, you have contributed to Olympic Games of a new era in every respect. And for this you can be proud forever.

A special thank you to all the wonderful volunteers. You will be forever in our hearts.

Dear French friends, you have fallen in love with the Olympic Games. And we have fallen in love with all of you.

Thank you Paris, thank you France!

Long live the Olympic Games! Long live France!

[Flame extinguishing]

And now, with my heart full of emotions, I have to perform one more task: I declare the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024 closed.

In accordance with tradition, I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in Los Angeles, United States of America, to celebrate with all of us the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad.

Statement by the European Union to the United Nations High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace


An e-statement from the United Nations High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

Statement on behalf of the European Union and its Member States by Ambassador Hedda Samson, Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations High-level Forum on the Culture of Peace: Cultivating and nurturing the culture of peace for present and future generations

(Editor’s note: The following statement is a welcome change from the opposition of the European Union when the culture of peace resolution was submitted by UNESCO to the UN General Assembly in 1998.)

EU Spokesperson, Hedda Samson. Frame from minute 44 in the video of the Forum

New York, 2 August 2024


(Editor’s note: By checking the published e-statement against the delivery in the video of the Forum, one can see that it was delivered as written here including five minor additions to the e-statement marked here in boldface and three minor omissions marked in italics.)

Mr President,

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.

The Candidate Countries North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, the Republic of Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia, as well as Andorra, Monaco and San Marino align themselves with this statement.

As we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, the European Union expresses its full support for the Culture of Peace agenda.

This agenda not only reflects our history and core values, but it also guides our actions – within and beyond our borders.

– Concretely, this means that we are deeply committed to the respect for life and dignity of each human being without discrimination or prejudice.

– It means that we are attached to non-violence, the peaceful settlement of conflicts and to democratic participation. North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.

– It also means that we are deeply committed to solidarity and cooperation for development, and to the promotion and respect of human rights as well as equal rights and opportunities for all.

The Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace with its eight pillars remains as valid today as it was in 1999. Even if we have witnessed tremendous change in societies worldwide. Even if we are facing new global challenges.

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Question(s) related to this article:

What is the United Nations doing for a culture of peace?

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As we have gathered at this high-level event, let me convey three messages:

– First, pursuing a Culture of Peace can help us bridge the divides across and within societies worldwide. And it can help to advance the full implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

– Second, we have all committed in the Declaration on a Culture of Peace to support the free flow of information and knowledge, to support the important role of the media, to ensure freedom of the press and freedom of information and communication and protection of civic space (online and offline).

– Third, if we really want to be faithful to this agenda, we need effective multilateralism, founded on values and principles embedded in international law, the UN Charter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with a strong United Nations at its core. This is the only way to respond collectively and efficiently to global crises, challenges and threats that no one can tackle alone.

Mr President,

In line with the theme of today’s event, the European Union fully agrees that we must cultivate and nurture a Culture of Peace for present and future generations.

As we have said before, the Summit of the Future will be a milestone, but our journey will continue beyond it. If we have a strong and ambitious Pact, we can fully seize the opportunity to pave the way for current and future generations.

The Pact should recommit to the UN Charter and its values, which is crucial in these times of widespread violations. We have all committed, and must again recommit to maintaining international peace and security, taking effective collective measures for the prevention of conflict, for peace operations, and for the suppression of acts of aggression.

There can be no Culture of Peace for present or future generations without respect for human rights, democratic participation and the rule of law. We must do away with all forms of discrimination and prejudice:

– Let us join efforts to achieve gender equality and the full enjoyment of all human rights by all women and girls.

– Let us safeguard the freedom of religion or belief for all. We must strive towards democratic societies, where freedom of opinion and expression prevails, in a spirit of respect, acceptance, tolerance and dialogue, and where we stand united against all forms of racism and extremism.

– Let us foster a Culture of Peace with children and youth through inclusive quality education that promotes acceptance, that empowers them as agents of change, and that safeguards their rights to protection from violence and discrimination.

Mr. President, to succeed in all this, strong partnerships with civil society are vital. That is why it is so important to ensure a safe and enabling environment where civil society can thrive. And that is why we also encourage enhancing the meaningful and effective engagement of civil society throughout the work of the UN System.

To conclude, Mr President, you can count on the EU’s full commitment to contribute to the effective implementation of the UN Culture of Peace agenda.

I thank you.

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Video about Ukraine war by US Presidential Candidate Kennedy


Text from X video republished on July 12 by Transcend Media Service

(Editor’s note: The following is the text of a video interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., independent candidate for President in the United States. It completely contradicts the usual news from the mass media that justifies American involvement in the Ukraine War. We could not find the text anywhere on the Internet, but only a critique of it by the Washington Post.)

You know, Putin every day says, I want to settle the war. Let’s negotiate. And Zelensky said, we’re not going to negotiate. But Zelensky didn’t want to start that way. I don’t want to,  you know, belabor the history, but Russia was invaded three times through Ukraine. The last time Hitler killed one out of every seven Russians. They don’t want to have Ukraine join NATO.

So when the wall came down in the Soviet Union, Europe, Gorbachev destroyed himself politically by doing something that was very, very courageous. He went to Bush and he said, I’m going to allow you to reunify Germany under a NATO army. I’m going to remove 450,000 Soviet troops. But I want your commitment.  After that, you will not move NATO one inch to the east. And we solemnly swore that we wouldn’t do it.

Well, then in 97, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was the first of the bneocons said, we’re going to move NATO a thousand miles to the east and take 15 countries into it and surround the Soviet Union.  So then we not only move it into 14 new nations, but we unilaterally walk away from our two nuclear weapons treaties with the Russians.  And we put Aegis missile systems in Romania and Poland 12 minutes from Moscow.

When Russians did that to Cuba in 62, we came this close to nuclear war until they removed them. So the Russians don’t want nukes 400 miles from Moscow.

We then overthrow the Ukraine government in 2014, their elected government,  and put in a Western sympathetic government.

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Question related to this article:

Is the media an arm of the culture of war?

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Russia then has to go into Crimea because they have a port, because they’re only warm water port and they know the new government that we just installed is going to invite the US Navy into their port. So Russia then went into Crimea without firing a shot because the people of Crimea are Russian.

Then the new Ukrainian government we installed started killing ethnic Russians in Donbas and Lugansk, and they voted to leave and join Russia.  Putin said, I don’t want them.  Let’s give them protection and give them semi-autonomy and make an agreement to keep NATO out of Ukraine.

That treaty was written by Germany, France, Russia and England, the Minsk accords. And the Ukrainian parliament, which is controlled by ultra-rightists, and that’s a nice way of talking about them, refused to sign it.

Zelensky runs in 2019.   He’s an actor.   Why did he get elected, with 70 % of the vote?   Because he promised to sign the Minsk accords.  He promised peace. He gets in there and he pivots.  Nobody can explain why, but we know why. Because he was threatened with death by ultra-rightists in his government and a withdrawal of support by the United States, by Victoria Nuland, who’s the leading Neocon in the State Department. We told him he could not sign it.

So then the Russians go in. They don’t send a big army. They only send 40,000 people. It’s a nation of 44 million people. They clearly do not intend to conquer Ukraine, but they want us back at the negotiating table.

We won’t allow Zelensky to go back, so he goes to Israel and Turkey and says will you please help me negotiate a treaty. The Russians just want a guarantee that Ukraine won’t join NATO. Zelensky signs a treaty. Putin’s people sign the treaty. And Putin starts withdrawing the Russian troops in good faith.

What happens? Joe Biden sends Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, over to Ukraine in April and forces him to tear up the treaty.

Since then, 450,000 kids have died. Not one of them should have died. For every one Russian that dies, five to eight Ukrainians die. They don’t have any men left! You know, we’re giving them all these weapons, but they don’t have men left. It’s a catastrophe! And we look kind of like the aggressor, that’s the way the rest of the world sees us.

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Speech by Alba Barusell i Ortuño, President of Mayors for Peace European Chapter


Text from speech on youtube

It is a pleasure and an honor for me as president of the European Chapter of Mayors for Peace and mayor of the city of Granollers, to be her with you and to share this space for reflection and peacebuilding. I thank Basel Peace Office for once again inviting Mayors for Peace to participate in this event on “Peace, Climate Protection, and the United Nations: The role of cities and young people”.

The first recommendation of the new peace agenda, which will be presented at the United Nations Summit of the future, is the elimination of nuclear weapons and the promotion of new preventive and diplomatic mechanisms. The more than 8,000 city members of Mayors for Peace are committed to global peace and nuclear disarmament.

We have six years left to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, and we are falling behind. The roadmap for reducing poverty, hunger in the world, climate change, and peacefully resolving armed conflicts is not only stagnating but also receding. Accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is a fundamental condition for achieving the objectives proposed by the New Agenda for Peace. It must be nurtured and inspired by the peace policies that are implemented at the national, regional, and, above all, local level by the municipalities.

(Click here for the Spanish original of this article)

Questions for this article:

How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?

The new generations have a big challenge ahead of them. The participation of young people is essential to ensuring compliance with the 2030 Agenda. Its contribution increases the legitimacy and sustainability of decision-making and peace processes. All over the world, we find young people fighting for justice, gender equality, human rights, and climate protection. Cities must listen to them and work with them to take advantage of their power as peacekeepers.

Cities build peace by focusing on preserving and guaranteeing the rights of all people, regardless of their condition, and thus reducing the causes of violence in our cities and territories. We build inclusive societies that allow all the people who live in them to feel involved and leaders of their own future. This is a way to strengthen and take care of democracy. Not leaving anyone behind is our global goal. An objective that must be worked on by our municipalities, our territory and our cities.

From Mayors for Peace we consider it important that there are spaces as significant as this forum, in which different actors willing to work for peace in the world converge. We have our most sincere and profound respect for all the efforts made in organizing this forum, and I thank you very much for allowing us to participate and contribute to it.

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New Caledonia – Kanaky: Mouvement de la Paix Calls for the Return and Continuation of the Decolonization Process


A statement by the Mouvement de la Paix (translation by CPNN)

Thirty years ago after the tragic outcome of the Caledonian crisis of the 1980s, a process was started, based on consultation and mutual respect between the parties.

The current situation, which recalls the worst moments of 1988, brutally calls into question this process which has ensured 30 years of peace in New Caledonia – Kanaky. It is due to the obstinacy of the President of the Republic in imposing a constitutional law that would transform the electorate of the island.

Photo by Nicolas Job/SIPA, published by Les Echoes

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(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Question for this article:

What’s new in the struggle against colonialism?

(Article continued from the left column)

On May 13, the Congress of New Caledonia requested the withdrawal of the proposed law that would reform the Constitution. The Congress had previously denounced the maintenance of a referendum in the middle of a pandemic. The adoption of the reform of the electoral body would mean the end of the decolonization process and would break with the commitments of the French Republic.

The Peace Movement demands the immediate postponement of the convocation of the Congress intended to modify the Constitution and the withdrawal of the proposed law.

In a spirit of culture of peace, the Peace Movement calls for restoring the framework of a process based on the impartiality of the State and on dialogue, as respected by all the Presidents of the Republic since 25 years. The return of the colonialist spirit, whether to control mineral wealth like nickel or to strengthen a military presence in the service of a geopolitical strategy, can only lead to violence. It is the responsibility of President Macron and the government to re-establish the channels of dialogue, without ultimatum or forceful action, and with mutual respect for the different parties and in compliance with the Nouméa Accords.

Only a negotiated and consensual political solution can resolve the crisis and bring the decolonization process to its conclusion.

The National Council of Mouvement de la Paix
Malakoff, May 18, 2024

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Manifesto: European mobilization against increasing militarization and wars


Excerpts from the website of Nomilitarism translated by CPNN with English version of Manifesto received by email

On the occasion of the European elections on June 9, 2024, we are promoting a European mobilization against growing militarization and wars.

We have started with a Manifesto signed by a wide range of organizations, movements and groups.

The manifesto will be presented before the electoral campaign, at public events in each locality in front of significant buildings that each territorial assembly will decide, taking into account the target audience (public institutions, parties…) and the communicative capacity (photo, video…) for a good media coverage.

It is proposed to present it publicly in all possible towns on May 23 in the morning, as a common date
The manifesto can also be sent to political parties, parliaments and national and European governments by mail or fax, registered as a petition and, of course, disseminated through the networks starting on May 23.

Territorial organizations and assemblies can take other actions to support the campaign.


For a Europe of détente, peace, and shared security

For months now, European political leaders have been laying the groundwork to prepare us for war. Regardless of whether the risk for a large-scale conflict is in fact real or overstated, the continent’s economies are already shifting towards war-time public budgets, and the dire consequences of this are already being felt as the cost of living is becoming unaffordable for large segments of the European population.

History teaches us that progressive steps towards militarization always constitute a prelude to war, and for years they have been building a discursive framework that only serves to legitimize and justify it. In 2014, members of NATO all agreed to increase their respective defense budgets to at least 2% of their GDP. After the invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing genocide in Palestine, the political priorities of NATO and the EU have shifted towards boosting their countries’ spending on acquiring new weapons, reintroducing compulsory military service, financing the military industrial complex to produce more, and creating more funding streams to develop new, more lethal and autonomous prototypes.

The EU has been stoking fears of a possible Russian invasion of Europe to garner public support for its policy of rearmament and militarization. Military expenditures by EU member states reached €289.3 billion in 2023, which represented an increase of more than 21.3 % since 2022. Adding EU community spending (€7.537 billion) and the expenditures of the United Kingdom and Norway (€77.323 billion), total military spending amounts to €374 billion, the second largest in the world, only behind the United States, and nearly four times that of Russia (€100 billion).

The European Union has been implementing a policy of military
deterrence that is proving absurd: it seeks to showcase its greater power and destructive capabilities to the adversary in order to dissuade any attack, but this self-destructive policy will inevitably lead to tensions escalating, an arms race, and a bellicose spiral, with the looming threat of a nuclear war, the catastrophic consequences being the destruction of life on the planet several times

On June 9th, European elections will be held, and we consider it an opportunity to raise our demands to the political forces participating. This is crucial; either we choose to promote policies of peace, détente, and shared security, or we will end up in a militaristic escalation. Increasing defense spending means reducing resources to counter climate change, reduce inequalities and improve health, gender equity, harmonize salaries, or uphold the rights of all citizens.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

How can the peace movement become stronger and more effective?

(Article continued from left column)

For all these reasons, the signing organizations propose:

● To advocate for détente, moving away from NATO’s threatening rhetoric and arms spirals, activating disarmament, opening the doors to dialogue and mutual trust with the aim of de-escalating conflicts through the use of diplomacy, negotiation, cooperation, and non-violence. These policies should lead to the end of armed violence in Ukraine, Palestine, and other places in the world. It is necessary to resume the commitment of the 1990s to a common and shared security without exclusions in Europe.

● To promote a foreign policy oriented towards peace, focused on human security, through instruments such as mediation,
diplomacy, defense of human rights, or civil intervention in
conflicts in order to build peace.

● To promote spaces for dialogue among social movements,
academics, and politicians aimed at developing proposals for
peace policies, civilian peace corps, civil defense, and unarmed security. Enhancing human and economic resources for the military-industrial conversion to civilian productive sectors of interest.

● To actively promote environmental peace grounded in scientific principles, with clear and secure decarbonization policies that minimize and repair the damages that will affect future generations. To promote policies that impact the improvement of people’s daily lives.

● To promote a human security policy focused on people’s needs, with their involvement and participation.

Initial signatories:

° Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau
° Fundipau
° Institut NOVACT de Noviolència
° – organitzacions per a la justícia global
Coordinadora d’ONG Solidàries de les comarques gironines i l’Alt Maresme,
° Coordinadora d’ONG pel Desenvolupament, la Defensa dels Drets Humans i la Pau de Tarragona
° Campanya
° Plataforma Desmilitaritzem l’Educació de Catalunya
° Fundació Carta de la Pau dirigida a l’ONU
° Justícia i Pau
° Federació de la Xarxa de Cooperació al Desenvolupament del Sud de Catalunya
° Dones x Dones
° Alternativa Antimilitarista MOC/ADNV Canarias
° Ecologistas en Acción
° Moviment d’Objecció de Consciència MOC-València
° Asamblea Antimilitarista de Madrid
° Coordinadora de ONGD del Principado de Asturias
° Plataforma Aturem la Guerra
° Plataforma Catalunya per la pau
° WILPF (Liga Internacional de Mujeres por la Paz y la Libertad)
° Llegat Jaume Botey i Vallès
° Coordinadora Valenciana de ONGD
° Comisión General Justicia y Paz
° Coordinadora Galega de ONGD
° Consell d’Associacions de Barcelona
° Ca la Dona
° Alternativas Noviolentas
° Mujeres de Negro contra la Guerra – Madrid
° Escola de Cultura de Pau de la UAB
° AIPAZ – Asociación Española de Investigación para la Paz
° Fundación Cultura de Paz
° Movimiento Por la Paz -MPDL-
° Comunitat Palestina de Catalunya
° Prou Complicitat amb Israel
° Campanya per la fi del Comerç d’armes amb Israel
° UGT de Catalunya
° CCOO de Catalunya
° Òmnium Cultural

Sign the Manifesto

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France: Conference on peace and climate at Rennes 2 University


An article from Info Locale (translation by CPNN)

As part of the project “Young people, citizens in solidarity for Peace, Nuclear disarmament, the climate and the human right to Peace, (from the neighborhood to the Planet)”, we have set up a committee of Rennes students for peace.

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Question for this article:

University campus peace centers, What is happening on your campus?

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Our main objective is to promote the culture of peace in academic circles.
On March 28, 2024, we held our first conference on Peace and Climate in partnership with the association Ar Vuhez at Rennes 2 University, Villejean Campus , in the presence of students from various establishments.

We express our gratitude to all participants, in particular to Babas Babakwanza and Roland Nivet for their very informative interventions.

– Rennes Student Committee for Peace

Click here for the original French version of this article

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“We should focus on the culture of peace”: 25th demonstration in Bourges (France) for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza


An article by Marie-Claire Raymond in Le Berry (translation by CPNN)

A new demonstration took place this Saturday March 30, in Bourges, against the war in Gaza, at the call of the Cher Collective. This was the twenty-fifth gathering, and it brought together between 80 and one hundred people committed to defending “lasting peace in Palestine”.

Among the comments was the regret that the “go to war” spirit has been brought to the fore in France: “For this, we waste our finances and we justify military budgets, we prepare to mobilize troops and we put the resources into military industry. Instead, we should focus on the culture of peace. »

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(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Does military spending lead to economic decline and collapse?

How can a culture of peace be established in the Middle East?

(Article continued from the left column)

Franck Carrey, president of the international solidarity association Medina, called for “an immediate and definitive ceasefire. And unconditional access to humanitarian aid for the inhabitants of Gaza. »

“A month ago, we set up a mobile psychological support team for children,” he adds. We had a lot of trouble finding the psychologist and the facilitators. We have problems transferring funds to pay salaries. Schools are used for emergency accommodation and no longer for teaching. Politically, we must achieve a just and lasting peace. »

The Cher collective brings together twenty organizations: Attac18, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, CNT-SO, FSU, Ki-6-Col’, La Cimade, the Vigilance Committee-Madera, the LDH section of Bourges, LFI18, Medina, MJCF18, Peace Movement, NPA18, Palestine18, PCF-Fédération du Cher, PCOF18, POI, Solidaires18, UD-CGT du Cher and the Libertarian Communist Union.

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France: Speech by Jean-Luc Melanchon on the force of action for peace


Text transcribed from the video of the speech by Melanchon (transcribed and translated by CPNN)

My friends! “La force!” The force makes force. It’s a lesson from the trade unions. The force you see gathered here did not fall from the sky, was not granted as a favour. It was conquered by the commitment of free conscience that decided to break with all the other organised frameworks and make something new. That force is capable of raising the clamour that you have just heard here, which allows us to regain our energy. (. . .) That force is capable of engaging the new generation. That force is the people. We are the forward detachment. That force is a collective intelligence. Yes, we love electoral campaigns, because they suddenly make us consciously engaged
(. . . )

(Click on photo to enlarge)

We advance to meet our sovereign that is universal suffrage. We advance to meet that magical moment which moves every democratic conscience, every republican conscience, in the secret of the voting booth, the magnificent magic where no one has less power than another person because of their wealth. Where no one has less power than another person because of their religion or skin colour.

The right to vote ! Magnificent ! The free community, the free heart, the free conscience, in equality, in liberty, in fraternity. The right to vote is not only a citizen’s duty, it’s a dignity. And for all that, it is a power. A terrible power! A power that all the rulers fear because of the strength it gives to the most humble among us. That power that allows us to say with Angela Davis: “I will no longer accept. I will not accept the things that I could not change. I will change the things that I can no longer accept. ”
(. . .)
This is the first time that your ballot makes you the arm of Jean Jaures, as it started from his chest: if you do not want war, vote Insoumis!
(. . .)
We have passed from a Europe of social programs to a Europe of permanent austerity, of massive unemployment, of debt accumulated in its countries without any help from the Central European Bank which holds a large part of it and which increases interest rates so that the people, once again, must suffer even more.

At that time they told us at every election time, when there was the Soviet Union, that we were threatened by the tanks of the Red Army which were 48 hours from Paris. Now, the Union is no longer Soviet, it is content to be Russian, but the tanks are still there, it seems, and once again they are appearing in the electoral program.

So we have moved from the Europe of peace at the time of the Soviet Union to the Europe of war today and the war economy. This is what they have done to the great dream that the founding fathers had bequeathed to them. The question is not what we are going to do with this Europe, but how the people will be able to emerge from the permanent economic crisis in this Europe, from the logic of exploitation as the only adjustment variable to lower the price of labor. How will people be able to emerge from an ecological crisis caused and amplified by the European Union, which places no limits on the use of pesticides, which is not interested in the disastrous consequences for public health and which is incapable of holding its objectives in relation to climate change. Finally, a Europe incapable of making its mark in the world’s geopolitical crisis. This is the bottom line. This is the summary of what we have to do.

The world order is changing. The dominant power of the previous period, a power that believed for a time that it was the only one in the world, the United States of America, is today faltering, while another power is rising, what is called, unfairly but finally, let’s use this term, the Global South. It is the BRICS that are rising. They call us the “Westerners”. It seems that they mean us, but we, the French, are not so much “Westerners” as that, for we are present on every continent in the world. So please count us in a separate category: universalist, creolized, French.

Peace is at stake when the geopolitical order changes, because those who dominate want to continue to dominate and those who would like to dominate strive to find their place in a new domination. So more than ever, we must be the France aligned with the non-aligned. If we want to be useful, we must be France in the exclusive service of peace. If we want to be useful to universal humanity.

As usual we hear the braying of those who return with the memory of their own turpitude, they who capitulated as it was Munich, come to reproach us for saying that it is useless to expose ourselves to a war on the continent. Don’t think this is a threat in a vacuum! War results from the conditions that make it possible and necessary for some, but still war results from the inability of leaders to control their engagements. It was the assassination of an archduke that began the First World War. Today we are closer to the political conditions of the First War than those of the Second, when it was just and legitimate to arm ourselves to defeat the Nazis.

But this time it is a strange situation for France, a nuclear power, to be governed by people who are capable in a Council of Ministers of talking about an incident at Sciences Po and sending the Prime Minister there to change the situation and making a big deal out of something that never happened. But at least we can say that it produced something magnificent. Thirty-three students said “We are Jewish, and we will not allow our Jewishness to be used to suppress Palestinian rights.” Thank you young people, thank you a thousand times, thank you a million times, because this is the France that does not want its children to be sorted by their religion but only distinguished by their debate and their opinions.

To vote for the Insoumis is to vote for the unity of our republic, a vote that does not point the finger at any one religion or skin color.

(Article continued in the column on the right)

(Click here for the original version in French)

Questions related to this article:

Where in the world can we find good leadership today?

How can parliamentarians promote a culture of peace?

(Article continued from the column on the left)

We must open the path to peace. Maybe some of you say that this path, yes, yes, well, okay, we understand, it is peace, but it does not exist, Mr. Mélenchon, the proof is that there is a war. Well, when there is a war, there is only one thing to do, and that is to stop it. And the question to ask is whether it is possible. Well all the elements are there.

For example, in Gaza, it is not true that we cannot stop the war and the massacre. It would be enough for the United States of America to stop supplying Mr. Netanyahu’s government with weapons. It would be enough for France to stop doing it. It would be enough for the European Union with the deputies you are electing to be there to say STOP! Enough! We are breaking the coalition and cooperation contract with Israel! We demand the judgment of war criminals, ALL war criminals, because we do not distinguish between them.

Regarding Gaza we are not proposing any other utopia than this: apply the international law that you voted for. Cease fire immediately and permanently! Implementation of UN resolutions. End of colonization! What’s extraordinary about that? It’s the same thing that we’ve been repeating for so many years. But then if we repeat it for so many years we tell them, at least respect the law, at least the international law that you have established!

The same goes for Ukraine. If we are not there to say a path exists, who is going to do it? There are people who will tell us “we have to arm ourselves, we’re going to do this, we’re going to do that!” Do what? Leading us straight to war? For what result? Only one result, massive destruction, death, death, more death!

War can produce nothing else except deaths, victims, desolation, destruction! War is the failure of the human condition. War is the failure of civilization. War! War will never produce anything other than war again! Always war, more war!

With regard to Ukraine peace is possible on the condition that we understand one thing, that fiinally there can be no other outcome than a situation where there is no neither victor nor vanquished. Peace must give each of the two parties mutual guarantees.

I heard a journalist choke up, “Mélenchon said mutual guarantees!” This ignorant person did not know that the word had been used by Mr. Macron himself ! The guarantees must be mutual between whom? The fighters, of course. Obviously the guarantees are mutual.

Once this principle has been established, then it is obviously necessary to enter the path of peace through concrete measures which suit both parties, such as the protection of nuclear power plants, which would lead instantly to the creation of demilitarized zones. The Ukrainian Parliament has requested this guarantee,, and the Russians have not said they are opposed to it.

And once we enter into this logic, then we enter into the logic of the ceasefire! And if there is a ceasefire, then we can discuss border security. Now little by little I see them coming to understand; it always takes them time to admit that we are right. With regard to a conference for border security, there is no need to invent structures. They already exist through the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Its conference on security in Europe was concluded in 1975, that is to say in the middle of the Cold War between two blocs that were preparing, if necessary, to destroy the world since they had the possibility of destroying it 16 or 17 times, which makes least 16 or 15 times too many.

A security conference obviously would lead to negotiations and from what President Macron told to Manuel Bompard, the Russians are ready for a ceasefire, but it’s to replenish their potential. Maybe so, but that’s what it takes. And when we start the ceasefire, well we don’t have to think about resuming the war.

Secondly, he told Manuel Bompard that President Zelensky was ready and knew that in the end he would have to accept a consultation of the populations affected by the borders. It’s clear from simple common sense that what was true before the war is perhaps no longer true now that the war has taken place, and that some who were originally on one side may now feel more on the other.

As soon as we agree to the ceasefire, as soon as we agree to the referendum of the populations concerned, as soon as we agree to demilitarize everything surrounding the nuclear reactors nuclear, then what is the obstacle to peace?

France may object that Mr. Putin is not a reliable interlocutor. But the effort must still be made. It must be brought before public opinion.

Threatening to send troops, saying that there are no limits, mentioning France’s nuclear capacity and claiming to extend it to all the nations of Europe, this is absurd ! Imagine a button which gives access to the use of the nuclear bomb, with 28 fingers on it! What is the meaning of such an idea? None! Whom is it supposed to frighten? The supposed adversary, thereby forcing him into a situation of response?

This is how the president has managed to create an indescribable mess, already with his own allies, but also with the adversaries because we already have Putin’s response. As for Mr. Putin, of course he is a dangerous head of state because he is a head of state involved in the question of peace and war! He therefore does in his domain what he believes to be his duty just as we ourselves do what we believe to be our duty.

We must talk peace! We must vote for peace! PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! That is our vote! Peace in Gaza! Recognition of the State of Palestine! Punishment of war criminals! Peace in Ukraine. PEACE! That’s why we have to vote ! It’s the vote that gives us force.
To conclude, I cite “Le Petit Prince,” that I suppose many of you have read. This is a citation for you. Listen carefully and reflect on it, because it is profound. “You see, in life there is no solution. There is only the forces on march. You must create them, and then the solutions will follow.” “Bon courage!”

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