Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

The following 84 actions in 7 countries formerly part of the Soviet Union were listed in Google during the weeks of September 17-28 this year under the key words “Международный день мира”and “Міжнародний день миру”, as well as “International day of peace”. These include 30 events from Ukraine, 32 from the Russian Federation and 4 from regions disputed between Ukraine and Russia.

photo from Chechen Republic, Russia

Here are excerpts from the articles, translated into English.

* * * AZERBAIJAN * * *

GANJA AND GOYGOL: In anticipation of the International Day of Peace on September 21, the Western Regional Centre of the Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan, in collaboration with various regional organisations, held several events under the theme of “Tolerance is the Basis of Peace and Cooperation,” Azernews reports.
The events took place at the Ganja Youth House and in Goygol, organised with the Ganja-Dashkasan Regional Youth Sports Department, the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, and the Goygol District Executive Power.

* * * BELARUS * * *

BELARUSIAN PEACE FOUNDATION: Today is the International Day of Peace, which calls on all people to unite their efforts to strengthen peace. To this end, the Belarusian Peace Foundation implements a large number of projects and actions and carries out a noble mission, uniting people for the benefit of peaceful creation. One of the foundation’s special projects has been implemented since 2009: children born on September 21 are awarded the honorary title of “Child of Peace”. The project motivates parents to live in peace and harmony, and obliges children to be people of peace.

BOBRUISK: International Peace Day is celebrated all over the world in September, and Bobruisk was no exception. In honor of the holiday, a concert program was organized for Bobruisk residents, in which the guys from the Rosy pop studio took part. The group’s program included modern compositions by foreign and Russian-speaking performers, the performances were accompanied by dance performances.

GOMEL: International Peace Day, which is celebrated on September 21, is not only a day of solidarity for all supporters of good deeds in the name of peace and goodness, but also a personal holiday for almost 800 boys and girls from our region who bear the title of “Child of Peace”. Over the many years of holding the campaign of the same name by the Gomel Regional Branch of the Belarusian Peace Foundation, dozens of young residents of the Gomel region have received the unusual title. Among them is Anya Budnikova from Romanovichi. . . This year, Anya Budnikova became a first-grader at the Romanovichskaya Secondary School and received another honorary title. At the ceremonial assembly, she was congratulated by the chairperson of the district organization of the Belarusian Peace Fund NGO, Irina Tretyak, who presented her with a certificate and a ribbon “Young Peacemaker”.

GORKI: In the State Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 1 of Gorki”, which has the honorary status of “School of Peace”, a thematic information hour was held dedicated to the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated annually on September 21.

KALATICH AND ZAVOLOTCHITSK: Every year on September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated. On the eve of this day, the librarian of the Kalatichi rural library held an information minute with the pupils of the kindergarten “People of the whole earth need peace!” The librarian told about the traditions of celebrating the Day of Peace. The children learned that the symbol of peace is the image of a dove holding an olive branch in its beak, and talked about peace and goodness on our planet. . . For this date, the Zavolotchitskaya rural library has set up a thematic shelf “Peace is needed by everyone”.

KLIMAVICHY: On the eve of the International Day of Peace, the Ivan Pekhterev Central District Library held the event “A World Without Worries for Children of the Planet.” The participants of the event were told about the history of this holiday, about the Peace Bell, on which the words “Long live universal peace throughout the world” are inscribed. And another symbol of peace is a dove with a branch in its beak. . . At the end of the event, each participant was given symbols of peace – paper doves.

MINSK: International Peace Day reminds everyone of respect, tolerance and the need to care about the future, said member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly Anzhelika Kurchak at a citywide assembly during the “ZvonPiRU” campaign, which took place on Independence Square in Minsk. . . Delegations from all schools of the capital, representatives of the deputy corps, diplomatic missions, religious confessions, and the public took part in the citywide action.

VITEBSK: Today, on the International Day of Peace, Beshenkovichi Secondary School No. 1 named after I. Strochko was awarded the status of a school of peace. . . The Chairperson of the Vitebsk Regional Branch of the Belarusian Peace Foundation, Tatyana Tumanova, presented a certificate to the school principal, Svetlana Baranok. Tatyana Tumanova emphasized that the children earned the honorary title and joined the movement of young peacekeepers of Belarus due to the abundance of activities within the programs “Memory”, “Care”, “People’s Diplomacy”.

VOLOZHIN  On September 20,  the Volozhin Middle School held the “Dove of Peace” campaign, dedicated to the International Day of Peace. . . The children of all classes wrote the kindest, most necessary wish for the existence of peace on our earth on paper doves. At the end of the campaign, they attached them to the planet in the form of blue balls. As part of the campaign, a drawing competition on the asphalt “Give a smile to the world!” was also organized.

YELSK DISTRICT: On the International Day of Peace, the 1st festival “Let There Always Be Sunshine” was held at the Yelsk District Gymnasium. Young peacemakers, pioneers promoted peace and goodness with dances, poems, actions. And also lit a Candle of Memory in memory of those who died in the war. ; . The festival ended with a joint performance of the song “Solnechny Krug” and a dance flash mob “Narisuy otmore”.

* * * GEORGIA * * *

TBILISI: “On the International Day of Peace, I would like to emphasize the exceptional importance of peace in our country and around the world. Today we are talking about the common responsibility for promoting peace and harmony, which today, more than ever, should be the goal and task of world governments,” said the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili during his speech at the event dedicated to the International Day of Peace – “Youth for a Better Future”.

* * * MOLDOVA * * *

CENTRAL REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION: On International Day of Peace, children of border guards conveyed their messages through drawings. This day reminds us that unity and understanding are fundamental to building a better and safer society. May peace and kindness guide us in all our actions! In this spirit, the children of the border guards of the Central Regional Administration amazed us with wonderful drawings that reflect their vision of the world.

CHISENAU Students of the capital’s Prometeu-Protalent Lyceum celebrated Peace Day on September 21. A video of schoolchildren waving rainbow flags in the yard of the lyceum appeared on social networks. As a result, some users and media accused the management of the educational institution of “LGBT propaganda”. The director of the lyceum, Aurelian Silvestru, rejected the accusations, stressing that the flags in the video are peace flags, not pride flags.

NATIONAL LIBRARY: In connection with the International Day of Peace, which is marked annually on September 21, the National Library of the Republic of Moldova presents a collection of documents as part of an exhibition entitled “Plenary Peace to the Entire Planet”. The exhibition focuses on strengthening the ideals of peace within all nations and peoples of the world.


ARIEVSK AND VOZNESENKA: For the International Day of Peace a conversation was held in the Arievskiy rural cultural center on the topic of “What is peace”, “Dove of peace”, and a presentation was shown “Peace Day”. In Voznesenka, cultural workers together with the rural library held the program “Peace against cruelty” for students in grades 5-6. Schoolchildren took part in the game. They passed the ball to each other with good wishes. The game showed that in our time it is difficult to find kind words. Thematic assemblies, peace lessons, book and drawing exhibitions were also held in educational organizations of the district.

BASHKORTOSTAN, BOLSHEZINGEREVO: The symbol of Peace Day is a white dove holding an olive branch in its beak. In the Bolshezingereevsky rural club, the cultural organizer will hold an information hour called ” Children should laugh and live in a peaceful world” , where he will tell about the history of the holiday and its traditions, the participants of the event will take part in lighting candles in memory of our fellow countrymen who died during the wars, honor the memory of the dead with a minute of silence, and also release of paper doves.

BASHKORTOSTAN, UFA: On the eve of the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated annually on September 21, the Mikhailovskaya rural library held an information hour called “Peace Lesson”. The event was organized jointly with the Museum of Military and Labor Glory for first-grade students of the A.M. Alymov School. . . The event ended with a creative activity, during which the children made symbols of peace – a white dove and a crane, reflecting their understanding of kindness and friendship.

BASHKORTOSTAN, PERVOMAISK: On September 20, 2024, at 15:00, the Pervomaisky SDC will hold an information hour “Let There Always Be Peace!” Students will be told about the history of the holiday, about the symbol of peace – the white dove. The children will take part in the competition “Letter to a Friend”, in which they will write about the good and bright, which is so lacking lately.

BRYANSK, SUZEMKA: September 21 is the International Day of Peace. This day is filled with light, hope, and a desire to unite to resist aggression and violence. The pupils of the Romashka kindergarten took part in a thematic lesson dedicated to this important date. The teacher G.N. Kolomina introduced the children to the history of the holiday and its main symbolism – the dove of peace, which symbolizes peaceful intention and kindness. Then the children began to make a three-dimensional applique depicting a bird of peace, with elements of coloring. The lesson ended with an exhibition of works, where each child could show their creation.

CHECHEN REPUBLIC: International Day of Peace 2024 calls for mutual understanding among nations, ethnic, religious, cultural groups and individuals. Open lessons were held today in all municipal districts of the Chechen Republic. Deputies and supporters of United Russia, activists of the Young Guard of United Russia, and representatives of executive and municipal authorities met with schoolchildren and students of secondary specialized educational institutions in the region. (See photo above)

DAGESTAN, KOMSOMOLSKOE: On September 20, the Manapkalinskaya rural library will host the Day of Peace: “Peace is the Universe! The Universe is us!” dedicated to the International Day of Peace. International Day of Peace is a reminder to people all over the world about mutual respect, tolerance, tolerance, and respect for human rights. The head of the library, Parisa Mukumagomedova, will tell readers about the importance of peace and tranquility on the planet, and introduce children to the history of the holiday.

DMITROV: The administration of the Dmitrov urban district reported that in honor of the International Day of Peace, activists of the “Movement of the First” association of Dmitrov school No. 1, together with the director’s advisor for education Anna Shatokhina and volunteers from the Moscow region, took part in the “Dove of Peace” campaign. The schoolchildren made white doves out of paper using the origami technique, which they then presented to the school teachers and city residents.

KARELIA: On the International Day of Peace, the pupils of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education of the Republic of Karelia “DDYUT” learned how to counteract terrorism, how to preserve peaceful life and human dignity, how to behave in dangerous situations, what role the state plays in protecting our rights and freedoms in the fight against neo-Nazism.

MOSCOW: On the International Day of Peace, September 21, flowers appeared near the sculpture “We demand peace!” in memory of the deceased residents of Russian and Ukrainian cities. The sculpture “We demand peace!” is located in the Muzeon Arts Park. Muscovites laid flowers and paper doves at it, writing on them the names of Russian and Ukrainian cities where civilians died.

International Peace Day will be celebrated in Korolev in a creative way: at 16:00 in the Bolshevo Culture and Leisure Center there will be a master class “Dove – a symbol of peace” for the youngest residents of the city 6+.
Another master class on drawing “Let’s Draw Together” awaits the residents of Korolev at 16:30 in the Burkovsky House of Culture 6+. . . The day will end with a master class on vocals “Songs from the Heart” at the Burkovsky House of Culture, which will start at 19:00 6+.

NIZHNEVARTOVSK: Nizhnevartovsk is a city in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra, Russia. On the International Day of Peace, a wonderful event took place at our school, MBO “Secondary School No. 42! We were happy to present the tree “Navigators of Childhood”, symbolizing hope, friendship and unity. Peace Doves settled on its branches, bringing with them the best wishes for all of us!

NURIAT: September 21 is the International Day of Peace and on the eve of the kind and beloved holiday, a talk “White Crane – Messenger of Peace” will be held in City Branch No. 2, dedicated to this topic. The guests of the event will learn from the librarian’s story about the history of this holiday, why it was introduced, about the Peace Bell, on which the words “Long live universal peace throughout the world” are inscribed, about the symbol of peace – a white dove with a branch in its beak. . . Each participant will be asked to make a symbol of peace out of paper – a paper dove.

PENZA REGION, VYSHELEY: Svetlana Bazygina, a specialist in club work methods from Vysheley, held an information hour entitled ” Peace Day – a holiday for the whole earth “. She told the children about the history of this holiday, about the Peace Bell, on which the words ” Long live universal peace throughout the world ” are inscribed .

PERM, GUBAKHA: For the International Day of Peace, the MAU DK Energetik will host a master class called “White Crane – Messenger of Peace”. Anyone can make and take away a paper crane – a touching symbol of happiness, kindness and peace.

ROSTOV, VESYOLOVSKY DISTRICT: On September 20, the Verkhnesolenovskaya School hosted the event “Let There Always Be Peace,” dedicated to the International Day of Peace. On the eve of the holiday, a peace lesson “Let There Always Be Peace” was held for 4th grade students at Verkhnesolenovskaya School. The children learned about the history of the holiday, the creation of the “Peace Bell” monument, and the symbol of peace – a white dove with a branch in its beak, which brought an olive branch to Noah’s ship during the flood. 
At the end of the event, the children joined the “Dove of Peace” campaign and made white doves.

SARATOV: The next meeting of the historical and patriotic club took place in Children’s Library No. 11; The topic of the meeting was not chosen by chance, since it is on this day that the International Day of Peace is celebrated. . . . On this day, the club members talked about the consequences of wars and the heroic participants in the events.

SARMNOVSKY DISTRICT: M Every year on September 21, the international community celebrates the International Day of Peace. On this day, a peace lesson “Let there always be peace on earth!” will be held in the rural library for young readers. During the event, young readers will learn many interesting things about the history of this holiday, its symbol, which is the image of a dove carrying an olive branch in its beak, about people, good deeds that have changed the world for the better.

SMOLENSKY, DESNOGORSK: On International Day of Peace and the Day of Universal Ceasefire and Non-Violence Desnogorsk Library (2nd microdistrict) invites you to a “Safe Round-the-World Journey”. During the event, the participants of the meeting will take a “virtual journey” with the help of a slide presentation into the world of goodness and happiness. During the journey, children will be able to fantasize about what it could be like. With the help of the game, the children will guess riddles, remember proverbs and sayings about peace, and also write kind words and wishes on paper doves, which symbolize peace and happiness for all mankind.

TATARSTAN, ARSKY DISTRICT: On September 21, the international community celebrates the International Day of Peace. This day, marked by the desire for harmony and unity, inspires the creation of a special event – a drawing competition, which will become a platform for self-expression of talented participants.  Participants in their works will show the concept of peace throughout the world, mainly using rainbow colors, thereby expressing respect for the values of a peaceful life. 

TATARSTAN, KAZAN: At the cultural center “Moskovsky” of Kazan, the next “Dove of Peace” is an origami evening dedicated to the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated annually on September 21. Peace is the main value of human life. International Day of Peace calls for mutual understanding between nations, cultural groups, and individuals. During a cozy conversation on this sublime topic, children will enthusiastically fold graceful doves from sheets of paper – symbols of peace.

TATARSTAN, KUTEMA: September 21, in the Kuteminsky rural house of culture, together with the primary class, we will hold a master class “Dove of Peace”. Students of the event will make white birds – doves – from paper. The children will show their creative abilities and make a dove of peace with their own hands, as a result, wonderful works will be obtained.

TATARSTAN, NABEREZHNYE CHELNY:September 21 is the International Day of Peace. In anticipation of this date, the library will host a book exhibition that will help young readers reflect on what peace, kindness, and mercy are. The books and encyclopedias presented at the exhibition will cover the following topics: what is tolerance, what nations live next to us, what are their similarities and differences.

TATARSTAN, NOVOYE BAYSAROVO: In the rural club, we will hold a children’s drawing competition dedicated to the Day of Peace. At the beginning of the event, we will talk to the children about what peace is and how to preserve it. We will tell them how this day is celebrated in different countries and what events are held on this day.

TATARSTAN, NOVYE CHECHKABY VILLAGE: International Day of Peace. On this day, the Novochechkabsk Rural House of Culture, together with the library, will hold the “Dove of Peace” event. The organizers will tell the participants of the event  about the history of this holiday, why it was introduced, about the Peace Bell, on which the words “Long live universal peace throughout the world” are inscribed, about the symbol of peace – a white dove with a branch in its beak. Each participant will be given symbols of peace – paper doves.

Question for this article

What has happened this year (2024) for the International Day of Peace?

photo from Kivertsi, Ukraine

(Survey continued from left column)

* * * RUSSIAN FEDERATION, continued * * *

TATARSTAN, SARLY: Celebration of International Day of Peace in Sarlinskaya rural library on September 21.

TERNOVSKY DISTRICT: The International Day of Peace. During the information and educational event, guests will learn the history of this holiday, what is its symbol. Participants will watch the video “The World is the Universe!”, take part in entertaining competitions and games. To consolidate the knowledge gained, guests will recall proverbs and sayings about peace and friendship.

TOMSK: The International Day of Peace. In anticipation of this holiday, the Tomsk Regional Children’s and Youth Library organized the action ” Let There Always Be Peace “. The action will take place from September 20 to 27. As part of the campaign, the senior library desk has organized an exhibition called “We are for peace on the entire planet.” It will feature works by campaign participants, as well as thematic literature. Students from MAOU Secondary School No. 4 named after I. S. Chernykh took part in the campaign.

VOLGODONSK: On September 20, 2024, on the eve of the International Day of Peace, an inspiring concert-action entitled “Peace Begins with You” was held at the Children’s Theatre School. The event brought together spectators and participants of all ages who together expressed their thoughts and feelings about the world. During the concert program, the audience witnessed vibrant performances by both soloists and groups.

VORONEZH, YASENOVSKA= The event “Let There Always Be Peace” dedicated to the International Day of Peace will be held in the Yasenovsky House of Culture on September 19. Participants will watch the video “International Day of Peace” and talk about the importance of maintaining peace for all people on the planet. The children will write letters and draw pictures for their fellow countrymen, participants in a special military operation.

YAROSLAVL, KRASNOE: September 21 is the International Day of Peace. The library will organize a thematic shelf dedicated to this holiday. Here readers will be able to find various materials telling the history of the International Day of Peace. Literary works that help to better understand what peace is and how to preserve it will also be presented.

* * * UKRAINE * * *

BERDYCHIV: At nine o’clock in the morning on Friday, September 20, caring residents of Berdychiv, students of education, employees of the Berdychiv City Council and the head of the city gathered on the main square of Berdychiv to commemorate the International Day of Peace, . . Unfortunately, those distant 80s with peaceful initiatives, when the Assembly started the holiday, are long gone. And every Ukrainian man and woman perfectly understands that today, in 2024, a cessation of fire or violence by a terrorist state against our country is not to be expected. The celebrations began with a nationwide moment of silence held jointly, which is intended to honor the memory of all those who died for the Freedom and Will of Ukraine. After that, all those present solemnly performed the National Anthem of Ukraine.

BILOUSIVKA: Video of peace day flash mob at Bilousivka School.

CHERKASY: Children and their parents organized a movement to a song about Ukraine, Iryna Kolesnyk, the organizer of the event, a psychologist at the complex rehabilitation center “Lust for Life”, told Suspilny. “We held this event for the World Day of Peace. In this way, we wanted to draw attention to the war that is taking place in our country, so that it can be seen in all over the world”. Maxim, a participant in the action, told what, in his opinion, the word “peace” means: “Peace is when there is no siren.”

DNEPR: Today, September 21, at the Toretsk community humanitarian space in Dnepr, a specialist from the TGCSL with branch libraries held a master class “Dove of Peace” for the International Day of Peace.

DNIPRO: Today, September 21, on the basis of the humanitarian space of the Torets community in the city of Dnipro, a specialist of the TMSC with branch libraries held a master class “Dove of Peace” for the International Day of Peace.

GLUKHIV:The International Day of Peace is celebrated in Ukraine and around the world on September 21. An educational hour “Let there be peace in Ukraine!” was held for students of the 4-B class of the KZ SOR of the Glukhiv Lyceum Boarding School with enhanced military physical training. During the event, schoolgirls actively participated in various interactive tasks aimed at deepening knowledge about peace and ways to achieve it. One of the most interesting moments of the event was the creation of the Dove of Peace application. This creative work became a symbol of children’s dreams and hopes for a bright future without war. Each student contributed by decorating the application with bright elements symbolizing peace, harmony and love for the Motherland.

HORODOK: On September 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace. On the morning of September 20, teachers and students of the first lyceum gathered near the Horodotsky police station. Each class brought with them patriotic symbols – large and small flags of Ukraine, paper birds and windmills.— We support our Armed Forces. They choose peace for us, although it is very difficult for them now, – says Sofia Slobodian. — By our participation in the action, we show that we are patriots.

IVANO-FRANKIVSK: The theme of the International Day of Peace in 2024 is “Education of a culture of peace.” For us, relatively recently, a peaceful life was commonplace, but now it is a dream. Every day we are forced to choose the right to live under a peaceful sky. Peace is really very important and our people have felt it in a special way since 2014. September 20, in the branch library No. 22, p. The people of Tysmenychan of Ivano-Frankivsk MCBS of the Department of Culture of the city council, with the students of the 6th grade (head of Plytus A. G.) Tysmenychan Lyceum, spent an hour of reflection “Most of all, I want peace in the world.”

KALUSH: During Peace Day the “I Mariupol” center in Kalush held a family art master class “We draw peace”. During the event, former residents of Mariupol, who now live in Kalush, discussed the importance of peace and drew architectural symbols of their hometown. Among the depicted objects were a water tower, a drama theater, the city park “Rainbow” and other significant places of Mariupol. Each participant chose his favorite place and added a dove – a symbol of hope for the speedy arrival of peace in Ukraine.

KHARKIV: At the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs there was an online meeting of students with curators of study groups, associate professors of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of NNI No. 5 Anna Naumova and Yaroslav Lantinov. Anna Naumova said that on September 21, Ukrainians, together with the civilized world, celebrate the International Day of Peace and the Day of Peace in Ukraine, which is a symbol of hope and compassion for millions of people around the world who seek the end of armed conflicts, the construction of a world without wars and suffering.

KHERSON: This is the third day in Kherson that the townspeople are facing a full-scale war. In the occupation and under constant shelling, there is no room for loud celebrations. But all the same, this is a reason to say to our Kherson: “I love you, dear – wounded, but unconquered!”. It is symbolic that several dates coincide today. In particular, the World Day of Thanksgiving and the International Day of Peace. The peace we long for with all our yellow and blue hearts. We thank our Armed Forces for the opportunity to meet a new day. Kherson lives. 
We will win.

KIEV: Video of celebration of International Day of Peace at the Specialized School 149 in Kiev. Educators with great inspiration painted, carved doves and talked about the importance of peace for each of us. Together we created an atmosphere of unity, goodness and hope. Let peace and harmony reign in our country and every corner of the world! Together to Victory

KIVERTSI: An hour of peace was held in the Kivertsi Book Library for the students of one of the city’s lyceums. . . the employees of the reading room organized the thematic exhibition “Ukraine wants peace”. . . “This day calls on millions of people for a global cease-fire, for the rejection of violence, and for each of us to do something for peace. May we all learn to understand and respect each other and live in harmony for the sake of preserving peace on the whole Earth. Let the war in Ukraine end, and there will be a peaceful sky over our homes. And children will never die again!” (See photo above).

KOVEL: In honor of the International Day of Peace, the Kovel School No. 1 held an informative conversation with students of grades 5-11 about the history and traditions of celebrating the International Day of Peace around the world. Special blanks were made in the form of palm prints, on which school students could write wishes to children living in the territory of eastern Ukraine and place them on the big Dove of Peace.

KRYVYI RIH: Activities on the eve of Peace Day were held in Kryvyi Rih schools. In the “Kryvyi Rih Lyceum No. 123 of the Kryvyi Rih City Council”, class teachers of the 5th-7th grades held educational hours for the students on the Day of Peace and told about the history of the holiday, symbols and traditions of the celebration. Kryvyi Rih residents are recovering from the night shelling of Kryvyi Rih. It is already known about more than 20 damaged houses.

LIVOBEREZHNY: On Sunday, September 22, the International Day of Peace, residents of the city are invited to a charity concert performance by the military band of military unit A1302 “Holodny Yar”, which will take place in the Central and Left Bank Kamiansky Parks. As reported by the KP “Parks Kamianskyi”, the purpose of the event is to popularize culture and Ukrainian art, raise morale and psychological state, highlight the heroic deeds of Ukrainian soldiers.

LOKACHI RAYON: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the Pavlovichiv Lyceum organized an exhibition of drawings “I Draw Peace”, a flash mob “Dove of Peace”. A book exhibition “Under a peaceful sky” was also held in the institution. The photos were published on the page of the “Pavlovychovsky Lyceum” ZZSO.

LYUBOMI: International Day of Peace is traditionally celebrated on September 21 in Ukraine and around the world. On the eve of the holidays, a number of events were held at the Holovnen boarding school.
Pupils made their own paper doves, drew pictures, posters, and created applications. Class teachers and educators held educational hours “I want peace”, “Peace on earth – joy in the family”. Fun quests were held in the school yard. Pupils visited various stations where they danced, drew, solved riddles, performed sports exercises.

LVIV AND VINYTSIA: Today, September 21, in Lviv on Freedom Square, an action was held in support of the prisoners of war of the Mariupol garrison, as well as all those missing in action and those still in captivity. Mariupol residents, together with the families of the defenders and Lviv residents, once again reminded the world of the captured soldiers who are still waiting for freedom. . . The campaign “Don’t be silent – captivity kills” and the charity run “Vakhr Azov” also took place in Vinnytsia.

ODESSA: International Day of Peace celebrated in Odessa. photos, videos. Yesterday Odessa, with all the light, signified the most important and holy International Day for Peace. For this reason, trees were planted in Odessa in the “For Peace” square on the Peretina Kanatnaya Street and Biskvitny Provulka. 
As Gennady Trukhanov, the mayor of Odessa, said, the leather tree is a symbol of a new life, hope and renewal.   The entry took place for the participation of the graduates of the Odessa Marine Facility College.

PEREYASLAV: In the shelter during the alarm, Pereyaslav lyceum students held an event for the International Day of Peace It is symbolic that Ukrainian children think about peace even when they are in a shelter during another air raid.

RESHETYLIV: Pupils of the Agrarian Lyceum joined the All-Ukrainian flash mob on the occasion of Peace Day. On the occasion of this day, the employees of the Reshetyliv Central Library of O. M. Dmytrenko held an information hour “May peace reign in the whole world.”
Together with the students of the Reshetyliv professional agrarian lyceum named after I. G. Borovenskyi and members of the “Positive” club, they discussed the main problems of disturbing the peace on Earth. “This day is not only a symbolic date, but also an important reminder to the world that a brutal war started by a terrorist country has been going on in our country for the third year. Ukraine has experienced so many trials and losses, and no one understands the value of peace,” the library concluded.
At the end of the event, they joined the All-Ukrainian flash mob and created a dove of peace.

ROZHYSHCHE: Today, September 21, the “Sun of Peace” flashmob dedicated to the World Day of Peace, initiated by the UN General Assembly in 1981, took place in the National Assembly No. 4 of Rozhishche. . . Young schoolchildren of the gymnasium drew pictures for the Day of Peace, and students of 9-11 arranged a patriotic flash mob “Sun of Peace” in the school yard, forming a symbol of the sun from embroidered towels.

SUKHORABIV: On the occasion of the Day of Peace, the Sukhorabiv branch library organized a book exhibition “Let there be peace in Ukraine!”. “We invite you to visit our library and familiarize yourself with the books that offer you to think about the deep questions of war and peace. We, Ukrainians, dream of victory in the war, of the return home of our defenders.

TERNOPIL: The action “There will be peace over Ukraine!” dedicated to the International Day of Peace took place at the Western Ukrainian National University. . . A dance performance dedicated to the memory of Maksym Kryvtsov was performed by the participants of the “TNG dc” studio of our university, students of the VSP “FKEPIT” took part in the flash mob “There will be peace over Ukraine!”. With the hope of peace and tranquility, the participants released white doves into the sky.

UKRANIAN PEACE MOVEMENT: Declaration adopted by the general assembly of the Ukrainian Pacificist Movement on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, 21 September 2024. . . No victory will be just if it is not mutual. The common victory, when all are satisfied and no one is offended, has a name: peace. If you want peace, you must prepare for peace. The aggressor state is preparing for a protracted war against the West. With brutal frankness, the Kremlin is trying to force Ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson to hate Ukraine and fight in the Russian army, which destroys cities and kills people with barbaric bombings. This wild and obsolete policy, like the general increase in militaristic arbitrariness, is a challenge that cannot be feared. Rejecting the short-sighted temptations of the obsolete policies of opportunism and surrogateism, the Ukrainian Peace Movement remains faithful to the principles of the “Peace Agenda for Ukraine and the World” and the declaration on the development of unarmed peace forces to resist Russian aggression and implement the Ukrainian vision of world peace, common peace for all humans. We will consistently continue to advance on the path of unarmed protection of civilians, nonviolent resistance to aggression and tyranny. We will make every effort to direct as many people as possible to this peaceful path: through personal example, enlightenment, information, etc.

ZBARAZH: Peace Day in Ukraine was celebrated on September 21. Children from Zbarazh honored the fallen Heroes on this day. Touching photos were published in the Zbaraz House of Children’s and Youth Creativity. “Before the International Day of Peace, the very young students of the House of Children’s and Youth Creativity honored the memory of the fallen Heroes of Ukraine with symbolic white doves,” the message says.

ZGURIVKO: On September 21, on the International Day of Peace, the volleyball tournament “Unbreakable” Cup named after Ukrainian defender Yuri Panasyuk took place on the multifunctional sports ground of the village of Zgurivka, which was started in September last year by the sports public of Zgurivko in memory of his comrade, colleague, physical education teacher, athlete Yuri Panasyuka, who died on May 17, 2023 in Donetsk. . . At the end of the competition, the team-prizeri were awarded with commemorative cups. Volleyball players of the national team of zgurívs рівkoí̈ tg with the main cup competition went to the grave of yuri panasyuk and put flowers to the graves of the dead zgurívčan. During the tournament, 6580 UAH was collected. in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which will definitely be used to help our guys.

ZOLOTONYSK: Zolotonysk Gymnasium Named after S.D. Sklyarenko. International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21. Pupils of the 8th grade actively participated in this holiday: they created a cloud of words, drew and made a dove of peace out of paper. The greatest desire of children is a peaceful sky, peace and unity in our country.

ZUBYLNSK: In the Zubylnsk school, under the slogan “Man was created by nature for peace, not for war, born for joy, not for grief,” joined the celebration of the International Day of Peace. The students of education created a mural “I give my vote for peace”, an exhibition of drawings “Children of Ukraine for peace on earth”. An integral part of the celebrations was the production of an emblem with the image of a white dove for Peace Day. The day ended with the “Peace Umbrellas” campaign, during which schoolchildren presented their fantasy creations.


CRIMEA, KERCH: Photos of students at MOU Priozernenskaya secondary school in celebration of the International Day of Peace.

CRIMEA, OKTYABRSKOYE: September 21 is the International Day of Peace. For this day, the Oktyabrskaya Children’s Library prepared and held the Art Space “We Draw PEACE” for young pupils of the social rehabilitation department for disabled children “Kapitoshka”. We invited children to draw pictures about peace, friendship, the sun – about everything that gives us joy in life. . . Then we played the game “Good Wishes”. And the children took the painted doves of peace with them to remind everyone around them of this beautiful, kind holiday.

LUGANSK: Students of the secondary comprehensive school of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the LPR “Lugansk Educational and Training Association “Vostok” traditionally joined the World Action for Peace. . . The young talents of the Neposedy Song Theatre performed a heartfelt musical composition called “I Want There to Be No More War”. With their clear, crystal voices, the little vocalists emphasized the importance of peace and harmony in our society.  The 5th grade students touched the hearts of all those present with their beautiful poems, which contained calls for peace, friendship, unity and mutual understanding. . . The culmination of the celebration was the launch of white and blue balloons with paper doves into the sky. Hundreds of balloons rose into the blue sky, personifying our dreams of peace and harmony. . . The ceremonial event ended with a large-scale choreographic production “There are millions of us”.

ZAPORIZHIA OBLAST, BERDYANSK:Children of Zaporizhia Oblast celebrated International Peace Day: they made a symbol of the holiday out of paper – a dove. The Novofilippovsky Community Center and the local library held a master class called “Dove of Peace” to coincide with the International Day of Peace. It is celebrated every year on September 21. Young residents of the Zaporizhzhya region created their own paper doves as a symbol of purity, love, peace and serenity.

* * * UZBEKISTAN * * *

TASHKENT: On Friday, a series of events dedicated to the International Day of Peace was launched in the Bobur Culture and Leisure Park in Tashkent. The organizers of these events are the Fund Forum, the Women’s Assembly, the Kelajak Ovozi Youth Initiatives Center, the Social Initiatives Support Fund, UNDP, the UN Information Office, UN Women, Special Olympics, the National Association of NGOs and the Council of Friendship Societies and Cultural and Educational Relations of Uzbekistan with Foreign Countries. . . . In the afternoon, a seminar on “Women, Peace and Security” was held, organized by NANNOUz jointly with the Republican Association “Women’s Assembly” and the Center for Support of Civil Initiatives