New Caledonia – Kanaky: Mouvement de la Paix Calls for the Return and Continuation of the Decolonization Process


A statement by the Mouvement de la Paix (translation by CPNN)

Thirty years ago after the tragic outcome of the Caledonian crisis of the 1980s, a process was started, based on consultation and mutual respect between the parties.

The current situation, which recalls the worst moments of 1988, brutally calls into question this process which has ensured 30 years of peace in New Caledonia – Kanaky. It is due to the obstinacy of the President of the Republic in imposing a constitutional law that would transform the electorate of the island.

Photo by Nicolas Job/SIPA, published by Les Echoes

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(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Question for this article:

What’s new in the struggle against colonialism?

(Article continued from the left column)

On May 13, the Congress of New Caledonia requested the withdrawal of the proposed law that would reform the Constitution. The Congress had previously denounced the maintenance of a referendum in the middle of a pandemic. The adoption of the reform of the electoral body would mean the end of the decolonization process and would break with the commitments of the French Republic.

The Peace Movement demands the immediate postponement of the convocation of the Congress intended to modify the Constitution and the withdrawal of the proposed law.

In a spirit of culture of peace, the Peace Movement calls for restoring the framework of a process based on the impartiality of the State and on dialogue, as respected by all the Presidents of the Republic since 25 years. The return of the colonialist spirit, whether to control mineral wealth like nickel or to strengthen a military presence in the service of a geopolitical strategy, can only lead to violence. It is the responsibility of President Macron and the government to re-establish the channels of dialogue, without ultimatum or forceful action, and with mutual respect for the different parties and in compliance with the Nouméa Accords.

Only a negotiated and consensual political solution can resolve the crisis and bring the decolonization process to its conclusion.

The National Council of Mouvement de la Paix
Malakoff, May 18, 2024

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