Category Archives: EDUCATION FOR PEACE

Fostering a Culture of Peace. Member Spotlight: Dr. Stephanie Myers


An article by Sarah Stenovec from Mediators Beyond Borders

Dr. Stephanie Myers, a distinguished leader and passionate advocate for change, has dedicated her life to community activism, nonviolence, and providing opportunities for young people. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Myers earned her undergraduate degree in psychology from California State University, Dominguez Hills and went on to earn her graduate degree through the Coro Foundation in collaboration with Occidental College. In a nutshell, Dr. Myers held a presidential appointment for twelve years across the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Commercial Space Transportation.

She went on to become the national chair of Black Women for Positive Change (which was initially Black Women for Obama in its founding year, 2008). She served as Co-Chair of Black Women for the Biden/Harris campaign in 2020, and is currently producing Non Partisan memes to encourage GenZs to vote in the critical 2024 election. And, of course Dr. Myers is personally supporting our historic Vice President Kamala Harris, for President of the USA.

Along the way, Dr. Myers and her husband co-founded a publishing company, R.J. Myers Publishing & Consulting Co. Passionate about history and recognizing underrepresented voices of the past, Dr. Myers wrote and published her very own book in 2017, Invisible Queen: Mixed Race Ancestry Revealed, on the history of Queen Charlotte and her neglected story (available for purchase at In 2006, Dr. Myers felt drawn to return to school and earned her doctorate degree in Applied Management and Decision Sciences from Walden University. Today, Dr. Myers’s primary work rests in her commitment to Black Women for Positive Change, where she remains unremittingly dedicated to nonviolence initiatives both in her local community and abroad.

Founding Black Women for Positive Change (BWFPC) & The Nonviolence Initiative

Black Women for Positive Change initially began as Black Women for Obama, a loyal group supporting President Obama’s campaign in 2008. After Obama’s reelection in 2012, the group decided to stay together and rebranded to become their current organization. Originally focused on creating pathways for young individuals in the Washington DC area, the organization shifted its focus to nonviolence initiatives following the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin. Dr. Myers and her team felt struck with an unimaginable reality––nobody should have to fear death in their daily lives, on a trip to the convenience store. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, the BWFPC team launched a non-violence initiative that has continued to evolve and strengthen over the past thirteen years, growing from a single day of awareness to an entire month of advocacy in 2021.

Today, their initiative includes participants from six African nations, as well as the United Kingdom, South Korea, and various organizations across the United States. Such growth has been met with both challenges and achievements, and Dr. Myers recognizes MBBI as being a key strategic partner in collaborating with these overseas participants and supporting their continually expanding global network. Dr. Myers was originally introduced to MBBI through the National Association for Community Mediation, whose members work within local courts in their communities as legal mediators, and with whom MBBI partners regularly.

BWFPC is not only focused on supporting black women; it is also multi-cultural, interfaith, intergenerational, and includes men who are active members, known as “Good Brothers.” BWFPC is working to demonstrate how being inclusive to all can lead towards positive change. Dr. Myers herself is a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, balancing family life with her leadership role in BWFPC as well as her publishing company. Despite her busy schedule, she remains steadfast in bringing people together. She believes deeply in the importance of inclusivity and collaboration:

“Inclusivity and working together, those are the themes that we simply have to get across to people. It’s just so sad, that even today in 2024, we have people who don’t understand the interconnectedness we all share. And we’ve got to emphasize that… We have to get past this silo mentality that everyone has, and we have to come together,” she emphasizes.

Changing Our Culture of Violence

A key idea in Dr. Myers’s philosophy and motivation is “changing our culture of violence” in America. Rooted in Dr. Myers’s complex understanding of American history, this driving force in her advocacy work recognizes centuries of violent frameworks engrained in our nation’s culture. “America was born into violence, we know that through the genocide of Native Americans, through the slavery of Black Americans, and through the white indentured servants… who, despite being freed from servitude, still had to struggle. So, they were subject to violence as well. Thus, we have had a culture of violence.” This history, Dr. Myers argues, exists systemically and has permeated the modern boundaries of social and racial activity and dynamics in society.
“Change has to happen. The hatred, the racism, the anger, the confrontation, our American system is built on laws, which are very important, but intrinsic to our legal system is confrontation. ‘You’re right, I’m wrong’. A lot of the violence starts right at the kitchen table at home.”

Much of her work focuses on returning to the underlying causes of youth violence, which are often associated with frustrations within the home. Dr. Myers aims to help students work through these frustrations and address them with peaceful strategies of mediation and de-escalation, while simultaneously providing an emotional outlet that allows individuals to comfortably express their feelings.

Multimedia and Film as a Tool for Change

BWFPC embraces a multimedia approach to their work as a tool for change. Dr. Myers recently produced two short films, both of which are available on the BWFPC website. One of the films, “On Second Thought”, is based on a true story of confrontation and reimagines the scenario with a focus on examining the impact of escalation versus peaceful resolution. Dr. Myers recognizes the power of using media to disseminate the messages of violence prevention and to promote alternatives to violence, while also emphasizing the urgency with which these topics should be handled.

The Role of Mediation in Community Work

Though Dr. Myers doesn’t necessarily think of herself as a mediator, she manages the coordinating of BWFPC’s activities and programs with a strategic approach. Recently, Dr. Myers shared, BWFPC organized an impactful event where sixteen high school students visited the White House’s Executive Office Building to have a discussion with Greg Jackson, the Deputy Director of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The students shared personal stories of violence that they had witnessed or experienced, guided by two skilled peace circle facilitators who encouraged and supported the students to express themselves emotionally in what Dr. Myers calls a “restorative justice peace circle.”

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Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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“Now it may not have been that they were the direct victim, but it was stories like seeing their fathers robbed or like seeing their mother under attack at a store, having a cousin beaten up. The fact that our young people have to go through this is just very distressing. So that’s what mediation means to me. To be able to try to expose the reality to people who are policy makers and help them realize we must find ways to change this kind of behavior.”

The prevalence of violent experiences among young people was a deeply distressing realization for Dr. Myers and her team, reinforcing the glaring importance of implementing peaceful pathways for young individuals. Her work aims not only to bring awareness to the harsh realities of youth violence but also to implement changes that will combat systemic injustice and build foundations for sustainable development.

Goals for Future: Peace Circles and Opportunities as Alternatives

One of Dr. Myers’s main advocacies is the implementation of facilitated peace circles inside of schools, which BWFPC is seeking funding to launch. “It would be so wonderful for mediators and other professionals like facilitators to be paid to go into the school and to be able to work with the kids,” she explains. “The young people often don’t get a chance to express their grievances until their anger escalates and they get into a fight and get suspended, and one thing leads to another.”

One very important revelation for Dr. Myers was that these children are not gaining exposure to potential future opportunities, both professional and personal, that recognize their potential and allow them to recognize their own capabilities to succeed. She envisions introducing young individuals to professional opportunities that showcase their potential, an idea she has termed “Opportunities as Alternatives.” This initiative could include, eventually, a Positive Change Academy that would expose students to fields like AI, cybersecurity, and other industries they may not otherwise consider.

“I’d like to see the field of mediation expanded because most people don’t even know that it exists. And most people are not aware of the impact that this profession has. I got my undergraduate degree in psychology, but I had no idea that mediation was a dimension of behavioral science. It needs to have more emphasis. Through peace circles and through more exposure, I think mediation needs to advertise itself more as a career so that people can learn about the opportunities and also to demonstrate how it works.”

Path to Becoming a Presidential Appointee

In reflecting on her path to becoming a presidential appointee, Dr. Stephanie Myers illustrates the power of seizing moments and building connections based on her own personal experiences. As a graduate student, she would escort students to Sacramento, California to interview various legislators––one happened to be Governor Ronald Reagan. She later attended a meeting where Reagan shared a story about his first broadcasting job, explaining how he was hired on the spot for confidently improvising when the red light went on. In a moment of inspiration, Dr. Myers chimed in, “The moral of this story is to know what to do when the red light comes on!” The comment struck a chord with Reagan, sparking a connection that would grow over the years. Dr. Myers continued to engage him, writing letters to advocate for Black communities and challenging his policies—correspondence he acknowledged by responding thoughtfully. Dr. Myers’s father, Robert W. Lee Sr., encouraged her throughout this process, reminding her that, “Access is power. If you are close to someone who’s a decision maker, you can make a difference.”

Years later, when Reagan became president, he recognized her commitment and insight, leading to his office reaching out to her with an invitation to come work in Washington and recognizing her honorable work within the Black community. Accepting this role, she headed the Minority Business Development transition team, where she courageously defended the program from cuts, successfully advocating to expand it—a legacy that endures today. She also helped create the Office of Minority Health  at the US Department of Health and Human Services, and was the top official in charge of the “Just Say No” campaign against drugs.

For Dr. Myers, young people have a unique power to influence change by connecting with experienced leaders. She encourages letter writing as a meaningful and often overlooked way to build intergenerational relationships, bridging perspectives and fostering solutions. “Being involved, having the determination, writing letters to people, however you can reach them, especially when you’re young. Older people don’t really get a chance to interact with young people that much. It provides an opportunity… as an alternative to violence, and allows people to see that there’s another world out there.” Dr. Myers’s unwavering commitment to fostering community, encouraging inclusivity, and promoting opportunities as alternatives to violence embodies her lifelong mission of positive change.

Advice for New Mediators

When asked to share advice or recommendations for new mediators starting out in the field, Dr. Myers emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, compassion, and fostering unity and peace. She would advise a new mediator to “look at their own life first, and make a list of maybe the ten primary relationships they have… look and see how those relationships are working. It would start with self-examination. As they go through the mediation process, they should not be a hypocrite who tells others how to fix their lives when, in fact, their own lives are still out of kilter.”

Dr. Myers speaks to the current political climate in America and the broader need for mediation in society: “Right now, we have a nation that is really struggling with values and attitudes. There’s a lot of anger out there… so we’re all seeing now that there’s a lot of division, and we have to find a way to heal that and bring people together.”

An important element of social interaction Dr. Myers highlights is the tolerance for, respect of, and acceptance of differing perspectives: “We have to find ways to let people know that I will respect your right to disagree with me, that’s okay, but you need to disagree in some way other than turning towards violence.” Again, Dr. Myers emphasizes changing our nation’s culture of violence. Mediation embodies the potential for a culture of peace, according to Dr. Myers, and we can forge this path by recognizing our responsibilities as active citizens.

“All of us are responsible to change the culture of violence. If there’s any message, it’s that we must change that culture through mediation, through love, through faith, through relationships, and we each must find out how best to do this.” Furthermore, this sense of responsibility goes beyond the individual to become a shared responsibility across all sectors of society. “We want our law enforcement officers, our faith leaders, our corporate leaders, and our political leaders to come together and realize we have to find ways to disagree that are peaceful and positive.”

For Dr. Stephanie Myers, mediation is not merely just a profession, but rather a calling to promote understanding and respect in communities to recognize the destruction of violence and to weave the fabric of a culture of peace.

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Uganda: Championing a Culture of Peace – A Training Toolkit on Conflict Prevention


An announcement from the Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre

Championing A Culture of Peace: A Training Toolkit on Conflict Prevention, Transformation and Peace Building. The Curriculum builds on lessons learned by the Eminent Women in the WSR-Uganda* (2016), whose work confirmed that a culture of peaceful elections needs to be inculcated in the country.

 Author and publisher: Women’s International Peace Centre   

 Publication date: November 8, 2024

(The publication is online here.)


Customised Curriculum Overview
Structure of the Curriculum
Content and Process of the Curriculum

1. Election Framework And Procedures
What Is Democracy
Understanding Multiparty Democracy
Women and Governance
The Electoral Cycle
Actors And Agents of Electoral Conflict

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Question for this article:

Culture of peace curricula: what are some good examples?

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2. Early Warning
Understanding Early Warning
Dynamics in Conflict Monitoring
The Conflict Monitor
Basics Of Monitoring and Information Gathering

3. Understanding of Conflict and Tools for Analysis
What Is Conflict
Interpersonal Conflict
Conflict Dynamics
Needs, Interests And Positions
Governance Systems and Conflict Triggers
Sysmptom vs Root Cause
Conflict and Natural Resources
Natural Resource Conflict in War and Post War Societies

4. Communication and Disemination of Human Rights
Violations, Threats, Instability
What to Report About
Tools for Conflict Reporting

5. Conflict Prevention Early Response
Institutionalised Early Warning Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention
Disaster Preparednss: Warning & Response Mechanism in Uganda
Civil Society-Led Initiative
Human Rights Defenders Rapid Response
Women’s Situation Room on EWER To Election Violence (Early Warning Early Response)

6.Peace Building and Security
Pillars of Peace
Lobbying and Advocacy
Negotiation Skills for Peace Builders
African Traditional Mechanisms for Peace Building
Feminist Leadership and Movement Building

*The WSR (Women’s Situation Room was started in 2011 by Angie Brooks International Center, mobilising women, youth and media to reduce tension and ensure peaceful elections in Liberia. The model has had success in different parts of Africa. The WSR was set up in Uganda elections of 2016 as a model approach to mitigation of election related violence.

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Building Peace Through Cinema: The XVI Edition of the Human Rights Film Festival in Naples


An article from Il Mattino

Building peace in a global context marked by tensions such as the Russian-Ukrainian one and especially the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: an urgency that requires the commitment and sensitivity of everyone, but also the professionalism of many.

From November 11 to 22, 2024, Naples will host the XVI edition of the Naples Human Rights Film Festival “Building a Culture of Peace”, dedicated to building peace precisely in days when the risk of escalation is most felt. Now a consolidated event on the national and international scene, the Festival, through cinema, aims to raise awareness and inform the public about major social issues and the state of Human Rights, and proposes itself, especially in this historical moment, as an important moment of reflection for the affirmation of rights in every part of the world, starting from the South, through the power of cinematic images and the testimony of the protagonists.

This year, the goal of the event, realized with the contribution of the Campania Region and the Campania Region Film Commission and with the support of the Municipality of Naples, is twofold: dedicated to the memory of the pacifist, anti-fascist, and non-violent Danilo Dolci, born exactly 100 years ago in Sesana in Friuli (now Slovenia), the XVI edition aims to orient young people towards the Professions of Peace, a competence too often ignored by schools and universities in European countries, and will do so by emphasizing, with a series of specific events, the role of Peace experts in the international context and announcing the birth, in collaboration with the Eastern University and the UN UPeace of Costa Rica, of a Summer School dedicated to the memory of Mario Paciolla, the Neapolitan cooperator who died in Colombia while serving the local UN Mission.

An opening evening dedicated to international dialogue

The inaugural ceremony, to be held on November 11 starting at 6:00 PM at the Spazio Comunale Piazza Forcella, will feature the participation of prominent international guests, including Ashok Swain, Director of the Department of Conflict Studies at Uppsala University (Sweden), Julie Khrebtan Hoerhager from the University of Colorado, and Enrico Calamai, former Italian vice-consul in Argentina, known for his commitment to Human Rights. It will be an opportunity to present the Festival program and kick off a series of meetings and screenings that will explore themes such as Peace, migrations, Human Rights, and resistance to their violations.

A program of screenings, international debates, and moments of reflection

The Festival will present a rich selection of films, competing for awards, chosen from works from 50 countries, with stories ranging from armed conflicts to challenges related to migrations, to struggles for freedom of expression. The film screenings in competition will take place at Palazzo Corigliano (Piazza San Domenico Maggiore) in the spaces of the Eastern University of Naples, which is among the main partners of the Festival. The screenings will take place every evening from 7:00 PM onwards and will feature the participation of international directors and authors.

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(Click here for a French version of this article or here for a Spanish version.)

Question for this article:

Film festivals that promote a culture of peace, Do you know of others?

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Alongside the screenings, the Naples Human Rights Film Festival will offer a series of events, with meetings and debates open to experts and witnesses, introduced by films out of competition. On November 14, at the Conference Room of the Eastern University, a seminar entitled “Training Paths for Peace Operators” will be held, with the participation of Roberto Savio (UPeace, Costa Rica), Ashok Swain (Uppsala University), Renato Briganti (Univ. Federico II of Naples) and Laurent Goetschel (University of Basel), introduced by Rector Roberto Tottoli and the faculty of the Eastern University. At the opening of the second week, a guest of the Festival will be Daniela Dolci, daughter of Danilo and member of the Festival jury, interviewed by Anna Polo, journalist of Pressenza and witness of the Trappeto (Palermo) experience. Another highlight will be the meeting on November 19 with the organization Combatants for Peace, formed by former Israeli and Palestinian combatants, represented by Ezster Koranyi and Rana Slman, who will share their experiences of peace and reconciliation, launching an appeal from Naples.

A Festival of civil commitment through cinema

The Naples Human Rights Film Festival confirms its commitment as a space for dialogue and denunciation, offering visibility to stories of resistance, struggle, and hope. In particular, awards such as the Peace Prize, presented by Minister Michele Coduri of the Swiss Embassy in Italy on the evening of November 14 at Palazzo Corigliano, and the awards dedicated to the best cinematographic works presented in competition will be awarded.

During the closing evening on November 22, presented by Mario Leombruno, coordinator of the Festival’s film competition, the winners of the different categories and special mentions will be announced; the establishment of the Summer School “Mario Paciolla” will also be announced, which will begin in the spring of 2025, a commitment that will see the Naples Human Rights Film Festival, the Eastern University, and the United Nations Peace University (Costa Rica) united to present the training paths and professional horizons of Peace Operators to young university students in Campania. The Summer School will be able to count on the collaboration of some important Italian and foreign universities, already present at the 2024 Festival, and will be named in memory of Mario Paciolla, Neapolitan cooperator and Peace Operator.

“The Naples Human Rights Film Festival is not just a cultural event, but a true invitation to civil commitment,” explains the Festival coordinator Maurizio Del Bufalo. “In a world marked by conflicts and injustices, it is necessary to continue defending Human Rights with strength and determination, and we continue to do so even this year, using Cinema as a means to tell and denounce violations and to promote Peace concretely as a commitment of life and not just as an aspiration.”

The Festival also this year relies on prestigious partnerships such as with FICC (Italian Federation of Cinema Circles), Un ponte per and ExpoItaly.

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Peace Education in Colombia


Excerpts from extensive analysis at Peace Education Campaign Country Maps

The development of peace education in Colombia is shaped by the complex history of armed conflict, internal displacements, and the ongoing efforts to construct a lasting and inclusive peace. Targeted efforts addressing its challenges have resulted in Colombia emerging as a global leader in peace education.

Training for young volunteers at the University of Toloma. Ibagué, Toloma. November 2019. (Photo: Schools of Peace Foundation archive)

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have played and continue to play a significant role in strengthening peace education in Colombia, with their active engagement at the local level, collaboration with communities, and creation of resources for effective programs. Furthermore, a key aspect of peace education in Colombia is its local approach, with programs and initiatives tailored to meet the needs of local communities. . . .

One of the primary formal initiatives for peace education in Colombia is “La Cátedra de Paz,” which aims to create and consolidate a space for learning, reflection and dialogue on the culture of peace and sustainable development that contributes to the general well-being and improvement of the quality of life of the population, established by Law 1732 of 2014, and regulated by decree 1038 of 2015. . . . .

Non-formal peace education efforts in Colombia are led by numerous NGOs that engage directly or indirectly in peace education through educational programs, teacher training, community initiatives, and extensive research. They have a great impact in strengthening institutional commitments to peacebuilding, often acting as intermediaries between the government sector and educational institutions, as well as mobilizing other actors who are not formally linked to the educational sector.

Social organizations actively support the documentation of experiences and insights, contributing to a deeper understanding of the methods and underlying reasons that make peace and human rights integral to the educational sector. . . .

In Colombia a territorial approach to peace education has been one of the major trends that have emerged in the country. . . . The territorial approach has been implemented using various strategies, often leveraging local resources and asking teachers and communities to analyse the conflict dynamics in their specific settings. This ranges from initiatives to prevent recruitment into criminal gangs and improve economic conditions to initiatives that focus on strengthening local communities and conflict resolution.

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Question for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

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Peace Education Organizations, Models & Projects in Colombia

Overview initiatives/organizations connected to different approaches
Historical memory
Human rights
Ethic and conflict resolution
Civil participation, democracy, and citizen competencies
Teacher training

Honduras: IUDPAS and World Vision Certify 27 Professionals with the Diploma in Culture of Peace


A blog by Ilda Corea of ​​the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (translation by CPNN)

The University Institute for Democracy, Peace and Security (IUDPAS), of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), in conjunction with World Vision Honduras, awarded the Diploma in Culture of Peace, certifying 27 professionals who benefited from the training process and are trained to be agents of change in society.

The event was attended by the head of the Academic Vice-Rector’s Office, Lourdes Murcia; the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Carmen Julia Fajardo; the coordinator of the Peace area of ​​IUDPAS, Esteban Ramos, and the director of projects of World Vision, Sady Alonzo.

The dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences assured that this academic programs confirms the firm commitment that UNAH has with society to address today’s social realities.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Culture of peace curricula: what are some good examples?

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“Through the continuing education programs that the Faculty of Social Sciences has, through the two institutes, we try to strengthen the skills of the people who are working every day,” said Fajardo.

The diploma, carried out by the Peace area of ​​IUDPAS, offered participants theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to promote participatory processes for the construction of peace, conflict transformation and education for peace, promoting the development of a set of values, attitudes and key behaviors for care, respect for life and rejection of violence in all its manifestations.

The diploma course lasted 128 hours, distributed in the following eight modules: Theory of peace and violence; Education for transformative peace; Art and play in education for transformative peace; Emotions and subjectivities; Participatory methodologies and non-violent action for transformative peace; Gender, masculinity and diversity; Conflict, dialogue and non-violent communication and Analysis of current events and participatory experiences of peace building.

Student Cristely Abigail Flores commented: “This training process has taught us that it is in the group that we can make actions for change and not in individuality, because that is where peace as such is reflected.”

Since its creation, the IUDPAS has made available to the Honduran population non-formal education programs aimed at strengthening the capacities of professionals from different disciplines in matters of democracy, peace and security.
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Costa Rica: Ministry of Culture and Youth launches “Song of Peace for the Ocean” contest


An article from the Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud de Costa Rica

Music is a powerful tool to generate change; that is why the Ministry of Culture and Youth (MCJ) has launched the “Song of Peace for the Ocean” contest, so that a Costa Rican artist can compose the music for this hymn to the ocean.

video of the contest

The Government of the Republic of Costa Rica, through the Ministry of Culture and Youth (MCJ), assumes the commitment to the environment and the culture of peace, extended to human relations with the ocean, to encourage good conservation and protection practices.

This is the goal of promoting Costa Rican musical composition, a song in an orchestral format with a choir which will be performed by MCJ artists, within the framework of the Third United Nations Conference on the Ocean (UNOC), tol be held in June 2025, in Nice, France.

(Click here for the original article in Spanish.)

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Questions for this article:

What is the relation between the environment and peace

What place does music have in the peace movement?

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This goal will be achieved with the support of the La Libertad Metropolitan Park Foundation, the collaboration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion, the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism.

Given the relevance of the aforementioned conference, the Ministry of Culture and Youth will contribute with an artistic-cultural contribution through the presentation of the “Song of Peace for the Ocean.” This work will be performed by the Costa Rican Youth Symphony Orchestra and the National Symphony Choir of Costa Rica, highlighting Costa Rica’s cultural heritage and musical heritage.

This initiative is part of joint actions to conserve and protect the marine environment, as part of the “Declaration of Peace for the Ocean” that was signed by ministers, government representatives, members of civil society, the academic and scientific community, as well as other stakeholders, at the high-level event on “Ocean Action: Immersed in Change”, which took place in San José, Costa Rica, from June 7 to 8, 2024.

The “Song of Peace for the Ocean” proposes to bring together instruments and voices to motivate the global movement for a more sustainable management of marine resources.

Please see the participation rules here.

Proposals meeting the eligibility requirements will be received from October 9 to 25, 2024.

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International dialogue for peer mediation


received by email at CPNN from 

Good morning,

Risorsa Cittadino Soc. Coop. Sociale, an agency certified by the Italian Justice Minister to train mediators, is an organisation involved in a divulgation project about the mediation’s culture, called “Invece di Giudicare®” – “Instead of Judging” – (with the European Commission’s recognition). It develops around a net creation between secondary schools called “mediation’s friends”.

This project aims to raise awareness, in the matter of peer mediation, among every subject involved in schools and young people in general; the peer mediation practices could benefit students in school but even outside of it – for example, in youth communities.

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Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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We would be very interested in establishing a dialogue with organizations within countries where the peer mediation is well known, aiming at sharing experiences and building common opportunities.

Our proposal does not require an over formalisation: we would like to form an informal group, composed by organisations reflecting together on past experiences and the possibility of developing common projects which, through juveniles, could create a better future.

Furthermore, we look out for the chance of developing European projects and lobbying activities with the European Council and the European Union, if shared demands should emerge.

A phone contact will follow this letter: our operators will be happy to meet the needs and reasons of interested organisations.

We would be really grateful if you could tell us in advance if you’re interested, or not, in getting in contact with us to take a common path.

We thank you in advance for your interest and time,

Best Regards
The Organizing Secretary
N.B. for further details, you can:
– visit our website: Invece di Giudicare
– write us:
– phone us: +39 0543 37 09 23 / + 39 338 746 55 65

ICP course: Activating a Culture of Peace


A course of International Cities of Peace (ICP)

The purpose of this course is to answer two questions:

1. What is the Culture of Peace?

2. How can I participate in its growth?

Twenty five years ago, in 1999, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution, the Declaration and Programme of Action. It launched the International Year for the Culture of Peace (2000) and a global movement during which 75 million people all over the world signed the Manifesto 2000.

The Lessons in this Course include:

1. Introduction

2. Human Rights

3. Disarmament/Nonviolence

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Question for this article:

Culture of peace curricula: what are some good examples?

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4. Education for Peace Sharing

5. Free Flow of Information/Dialogue

6. Sustainability/Responsible Consumption

7. Women’s Equality and Full Participation

8. Democratic Participation and Practice

9. Tolerance and Solidarity

10. Activation and Conclusion

11. Resources and Links

12. Quiz

NOTE: This course was written by three individuals who have spent their lives pursuing a Culture of Peace: Mr. David Adams, former UNESCO Unit Director and Chair of the Task Force for the U.N.’s International Year for the Culture of Peace; Ashland, Oregon’s David Wick, President of Pathways to Peace, and co-founder of the Ashland Culture of Peace Commission; and David Hazen of Eugene, Oregon, one of the original Cities of Peace and author of Love Always Wins.

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OCDS Video about Culture of Peace


A video by Bro. Jose Arnold Alferez published in Chaindesk for OCDS, Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

The video delves into the significance of fostering a culture of peace and the necessity of a “vaccine” to prevent war. It explores the values, attitudes, and practices that underpin peace education, focusing on respect for life, rejection of violence, and sharing. The manifesto for a culture of peace emphasizes respecting human life and dignity, rejecting violence towards vulnerable groups, and promoting inclusivity, justice, and sustainable development practices. It stresses the importance of defending freedom of expression, cultural diversity, women’s participation, and democratic principles to enhance peacebuilding efforts at individual, national, and international levels.

The video also highlights the International Day of Peace on September 21st as a platform to spread the message of peace and non-violence globally, and discusses the six components to achieving peace, including dismantling the culture of war, promoting human rights, and nurturing inner peace within families and communities.



Introduction to promoting a culture of peace and the need for a vaccine to prevent war.

Understanding Culture of Peace
Exploration of the culture of peace, its values, attitudes, and practices.

Peace Education
Discussion on peace education by Toh Swee-Hin and Virginia Kawagas.

Values of Culture of Peace
Explanation of the values, attitudes, and ways of living that promote a culture of peace.

Manifesto for Culture of Peace
Overview of the manifesto for a culture of peace focusing on respect for life, rejection of violence, sharing, and solidarity.

Respect for Life
Importance of respecting the life and dignity of each human being without discrimination or prejudice.

Reject Violence
Manifesto highlighting the rejection of violence in all forms, including towards vulnerable groups like children, adolescents, and women.

Share with Others
Encouragement to share time, material resources, and talents to promote inclusivity and justice for all.

(continued in right column)

Question(s) related to this article:

What are some good films and videos that promote a culture of peace?

(continued in right column)

Defend Freedom of Expression
Importance of defending freedom of expression and cultural diversity while avoiding fanaticism and rejection of others.

Preserve the Planet
Emphasis on promoting responsible consumer behavior and development practices that respect all forms of life on Earth.

Rediscover Solidarity
Promotion of women’s participation, respect for democratic principles, and creating new forms of solidarity to enhance peacebuilding efforts.

Efforts for Peace
Call to action for individuals, nations, and international organizations to work towards promoting a culture of peace and non-violence.

International Day of Peace
Recognition of the International Day of Peace on September 21st and the importance of spreading the message of peace and non-violence globally.

Path to Peace
Exploration of the six parts to peace, including dismantling the culture of war, promoting human rights, and living in harmony with the environment.

Inner Peace
Discussion on nurturing inner peace as a foundation for promoting peace within families, communities, and society.


Q: What is the manifesto for a culture of peace?

A: The manifesto for a culture of peace focuses on values such as respect for life, rejection of violence, sharing, and solidarity.

Q: Why is it important to respect the life and dignity of each human being without discrimination or prejudice?

A: Respecting the life and dignity of each human being without discrimination or prejudice is important to promote inclusivity, justice, and peace for all.

Q: What are some of the values, attitudes, and ways of living that promote a culture of peace?

A: Values, attitudes, and ways of living that promote a culture of peace include respect for life, rejection of violence, sharing, and solidarity.

Q: How can individuals promote a culture of peace and non-violence?

A: Individuals can promote a culture of peace and non-violence by sharing time, material resources, talents, defending freedom of expression, respecting democratic principles, and creating new forms of solidarity.

Q: What is the significance of the International Day of Peace on September 21st?

A: The International Day of Peace on September 21st is significant as it emphasizes the importance of spreading the message of peace and non-violence globally.

Q: What are the six parts to peace as discussed in the file?

A: The six parts to peace include dismantling the culture of war, promoting human rights, living in harmony with the environment, nurturing inner peace, promoting women’s participation, and creating new forms of solidarity to enhance peacebuilding efforts.

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Uruguay: The book Culture of Peace


An article from ANEP, Dirección General de Educación Inicial y Primaria (translation by CPNN)

Next Friday, August 9, in the Amphitheater of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, starting at 6:00 p.m., the book Culture of Peace will be presented, a work of support for teachers, educators, students and citizens who promote Human Rights.

Download the book here

The present edition of this book is a modest contribution from the Movement of Educators for Peace for the daily work of teachers, educators and student teachers.

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Culture of peace curricula: what are some good examples?

Promoting a culture of peace requires a set of knowledge and supportive attitudes and behaviors depends upon this basis. It is a collective construction that develops in the dynamic relationship between theory and practice in which the student and the educator are conceived as subjects of learning and teaching integrated within an educational community.

The different forms of violence that permeate our society are also expressed in institutions, but we have the opportunity to select and reproduce those that contribute to a culture of peace.

The educational institution that is based on the principles of a culture of peace constitutes the best environment for balanced and respectful personal relationships.

Learning and teaching in these conditions become a rewarding and productive effort that allows the integral development of the student and the educator. Therefore, educating in a culture of peace is not an additional effort that is demanded of educators but rather an aid to facilitate and make their pedagogical work more consistent.

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