Forum in Brazil: Peace, How Is It Done?


An activity of Palas Athena

A forum with Marlova Noleto, Laura Roizman and Lia Diskin to be broadcast May 10 19h (time in São Paulo) on facebook and youtube

“When UNESCO directs its efforts towards the search for a culture of peace, it is immediately apparent that the anchor of such a search is education. This is because the achievement of peace presupposes, among others, the right to education, a foundation of societies more just, equitable and inclusive, and one of the pillars of sustainable development.The challenge is to find the means to transform attitudes, values ​​and behavior in order to promote peace and social justice, security and non-violent conflict resolution. ”

Marlova Jovchelovitch Noleto
Director and Representative of UNESCO in Brazil

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(Click here for the original article in Portuguese.)

Question related to this article:
What is the relation between peace and education?

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“We all seek peace and no one in their right mind can stand in favor of wars, social inequalities, the destruction of the environment. Even so, our schools, universities and families do not educate for peace. Responding to these challenges Lia Diskin and I wrote the book Paz, como se faz? Seeding a culture of peace in schools, the result of a partnership between UNESCO and the Palas Athena Association. It is in its 4th edition and is freely distributed in public schools and educational establishments. for download from various sites.”

Laura Gorresio Roizman
Biologist, PhD in Environmental Health from the University of São Paulo

“In uncertain times there are transformations being developed in silence and darkness, but from time to time they erupt on the surface causing a flash, a roar: asking for reflection, pause to check information, verify sources and discover the intentions that sustain them. Thus, a girl named Greta Thunberg sat at the doors of the Swedish Parliament to ask for measures to be taken to mitigate the consequences of climate emergencies. Today, in the free press, we follow Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova who, despite the risks to her own life has denouncesd the war against Ukraine. Culture of peace demands action, courage, insistence and persistence.”

Lia Diskin
Comitê da Cultura de Paz e Não Violência •