France : War is never the solution. Yes to a negotiated political solution.


An appeal signed by the organizations mentioned below and available on the website of FSU (translation by CPNN)

Tensions between the United States and Russia – two nuclear powers – are reaching alarming proportions with massive Russian troop movements on the borders of Ukraine on the one hand and arms deliveries and sending of troops by NATO in neighboring countries on the other hand. This policy of confrontation can only produce losers.

We are not immune to provocations that would lead to a major war.

Ukraine is paying a heavy economic and human price due to nationalist hostilities fueled internationally. These tensions can have very negative consequences for all the peoples of Europe well beyond the conflict zone, for example the rise in gas prices…

We must choose the path of dialogue and peace. There are diplomatic solutions to the crisis.

We denounce the geopolitical games at work both on the part of the Russian Federation, the European Union, NATO and others…

We call on all political leaders to stop following military logic and to respect the peoples’ aspiration for peace.

(Continued in right column)

(Click here for the French version of this article.)

Questions related to this article:
Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

How can the peace movement become stronger and more effective?

(Continued from left column)

All peoples without exception – who are faced with a global crisis (climate, social health, etc.) affecting the poorest, the most fragile – have nothing to gain from a new war!

The priorities for the peoples and the future of humanity are called: Peace, climate, social justice, realization of human rights, disarmament!

We demand:

Immediate negotiations for de-escalation;

Stopping threats, NATO and Russian troop concentrations and arms deliveries to all parties;

A ceasefire in Ukraine and the implementation of existing agreements;

That the United Nations be the privileged framework for developing political and diplomatic solutions to settle the Ukrainian question.

On these bases, we call for the widest possible mobilizations from February 12, 2022.

Initial signatories : Le Mouvement de la Paix, FSU, CGT, Enseignants Pour la Paix (EPP), PUGWASH- France, AFCDRP (Association française des communes départements et régions pour la Paix), Appel des Cent Bagnolet, ACCA (Agir contre le colonialisme aujourd’hui), PCF, République et Socialisme, Collectif citoyen pour la paix en Ukraine, Conseil de coordination du Forum des Russes de France, APCV (Association de promotion des cultures du voyage), Parti pour la laïcité et la démocratie en Algérie (PLD), IDRP (Institut de Recherche pour la Paix), Vrede (Mouvement Belge pour la Paix), Union des fédérations de pionniers de France, Abolition des armes nucléaires – Maison de vigilance, Université Européenne de la Paix (UEP), Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples (MRAP), Alerte Otan (Belgique), Pôle de renaissance communiste en France (PRCF), Mouvement pour une Alternative Non Violente (MAN), France Amérique Latine (FAL), La Voix Lycéenne, AFPS Paris-Sud, Collectif Faty KOUMBA (Association des Libertés, Droits de l’Homme et non-violence), FNDIRP44, Mouvement National de Lutte pour l’Environnement (MNLE),ATTAC ,Fondation Copernic