An article from Mouvement de la Paix
Celebration of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty, let’s go!
With the initiative of the National Collective “En Marche pour la Paix”, on January 21, 2021, demonstrators gathered near the French National Assembly and in front of the embassies of the 4 other nuclear-weapon States and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (Russia, USA, Great Britain, China – a group of States often referred to as the “P5”). An official letter was delivered to each of the embassies requesting an appointment.

Photo from Roland Nivet
(Continued in right column)
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?
(Continued from left column)
Messages of solidarity came from organizations all over the world: support from India, Mexico, the US, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Algeria, Tunisia, Croatia, Portugal, Belgium, Russia, Peru, Canada, Germany… Thank you to our friends, activists from all continents!
Message from ICAN International, Nobel Peace Prize 2017, message from Paul Quilès, President of Initiatives pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (IDN).
Among those present were Jean-Paul Lecoq, MP and author of the information report of the National Assembly on the Theme “Nuclear Weapons in the World” (Democratic and Republican Left Group), support of Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV). Also present was Gérard Levy, animator of the EELV’s “Peace and Development” commission.
Representatives and activists came from numerous organizations: Le Mouvement de la Paix, Initiatives pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (IDN), AFCDRP, Appel international des scientifiques pour le désarmement nucléaire, MRAP, Femmes solidaires, Appel des cent de Bagnolet , PCF dont 3 représentants du département Relations internationales, Enseignants pour la Paix, Artistes pour la paix, Cgt, Génération verte, Bureau international de la Paix (BIP), Juristes démocrates, réseau international « Jeunes Visages de Paix ».
The appeal of 21 organizations was published on January 20, 2021 in the newspaper La Croix.
All together, to rid the world of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction!
All together, united for PEACE!