Excerpts from the website of Vuz Ecofest (translated from the Russian by CPNN)
Here are the results from the Competiton for young leaders who are ready to contribute to the development of conservation in the Russian Federation.

The organizers of the Competition in 2020-2021 are the Autonomous Non-profit Organization “Territory of Sustainable Development” within the framework of the “VuzEcoFest-2020” and the ANO “Wildcamp National Park Development Center (Wild Camp)”. It receives information support from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and the Autonomous Non-profit Organization “Good Surfing – Travels with Meaning”.
The winners of the Competition are provided with an opportunity to participate in the design and educational program for one year on the development topics of protected areas of the Russian Federation, as well as the opportunity to communicate with a curator, mentor and expert.
The main objectives of the Competition are :
1. Attracting the attention and interest of young people to study and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the Russian Federation, popularizing the activities of protected areas.
2. The involvement of young people in the development of ecological tourism in the Russian Federation.
3. Identification of young leaders who are ready to contribute to the formation of geo-brands of protected areas.
4. Teaching young people the knowledge and skills to work in institutions that manage protected areas, the formation and training of personnel reserve for them.
5. Promoting the development of nature conservation, environmental education of citizens, the formation of support for the system of protected areas from the general public.
From July 7, 2020 to June 1, 2021, the winners go through the educational and design program, which consists of the following stages:
July – August 2020 – introductory lectures, acquaintance with ambassadors, mentors, curators, experts; study of documents, functions of protected areas, analysis of recognition of protected areas geobrand, drawing up a portrait of protected areas;
September-October 2020 – studying the theory of wildlife management in Russia and abroad, leadership and team training; development, together with the mentor and leader of the work plan for the formation / development of the brand of protected areas;
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What is the relation between the environment and peace
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October 2020 – June 2021 – project work on community formation, communication strategies and marketing of protected areas with regular practical tasks; promotion of the protected areas brand and implementation of the developed plan.
During July 2021, the “Best Protected Area Ambassador 2020-2021” will be determined based on the results of practical tasks, taking into account the mentor’s recall and presentation of the work done.
The winners and their protected areas.
Elizaveta Ramilevna Tairova
State Natural Reserve Utrish
Ekaterina Yuryevna Semenova
Polistovsky State Nature Reserve
Anna Alexandrovna Baeva
Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after H.G.Shaposhnikov
Arina Veniaminovna Zaporozhtseva
Black Lands State Reserve
Margarita Vasilievna Reznichenko
Natural and historical park “Moskvoretsky” (Moscow)
Marina Borisovna Popova
Lapland State Nature Biosphere Reserve
Mariam Amayakovna Andreasyan
National Park “Bashkiria”
Sergey Igorevich Guryanov
National Park “Khvalynsky”
Elena Dmitrievna Syromyatnikova
Darwin State Nature Biosphere Reserve
Andrey Vasilievich Izmailov
Natural and Historical Park Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo (Moscow)
Anna Valerevna Begeba
Kenozersky National Park
Anastasia Igorevna Dubrovskaya
Natural and historical park “Kuzminki-Lublino” (Moscow)
Daniil Valentinovich Luchkin
Taganay National Park
Ekaterina Vadimovna Gushchina
Alanya National Park
Victoria Gennadyevna Koltinova
Curonian Spit National Park
(Thank you to Anastasia Okorochkova, for sending this to CPNN.)