An article by Simone Renn in La Politica (translation by CPNN)
Spanish youth demand to achieve the 17 goals and goals of sustainable development of the UN by 2030. They have listened to the young Swede Greta Thunberg, who started the “Friday Strikes on Climate Change” last year and decided to join her.

Video by the youth
At the end of August 2018, this young activist stood every day for three weeks in front of the Swedish Parliament to demand that her Government comply with the Paris Agreement on climate. Greta was also present at the UN Climate Summit, COP24, which was held in the Polish city of Katowice from December 2 to 14, where she said loud and clear what she thought and how we should begin to act immediately to save the Earth and save the future of today’s youth.
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(Click here for the original Spanish version.)
Are we seeing the dawn of a global youth movement?
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The collective “Youth for the climate” was formed in Spain by groups of young people who joined as a collective last February and who are organized in assemblies. Eight weeks ago these young people decided that they had to strik along with young people in Europe and around the world.
Today, Friday, March 15, young people from more than 1,000 cities around the world have joined the “Fridays for future” movement. In Spain, 45 mobilizations have been called, all of them with great success.
The young people of the world are denouncing the economic interests that lead people to “do nothing to stop climate change”, which means that they will not have a future.
They accuse the adult generation, with all the reason in the world, of leaving them an inheritance of a land without a future, due to selfishness, to the comfort of not facing policies based on “constant growth” on a planet whose resources are finite, as Ecology Economics explains very well.
The 15-year-old Greta, who gives speeches about the environment with implacable coherence, has become a symbol of adolescent activism and young people are listening to her.
Today has been the largest strike of young people for the environment in the history of our country, and they warn that they will continue with strikes each Friday, if we adults do not behave as responsible beings carrying out the environmental measures demanded by the UN to be carried out by 2030.