An article from the website of the Faculdade do Noroeste de Minas (translated by CPNN)
The “University Pact for the Promotion of Respect for Diversity, Culture of Peace and Human Rights” celebrated one year in November 2017. The occasion was marked by a meeting in Brasilia so that institutions could present their initiatives and exchange experiences. The event took place between December 5 and 6, in the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), with the participation of 64 institutions of higher education.

The pact is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Ministry of Human Rights, and aims to promote human rights education in higher education and overcome violence, prejudice and discrimination.
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How do we promote a human rights, peace based education?
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As one of the more than 300 Brazilian institutions enrolled in the University Pact, FINOM was represented at the anniversary meeting of the Pact by the Academic Director, Professor José Ivan.
The dynamics of the meeting were very well organized, because through the adopted methodology, the participants were divided into groups and all had the opportunity to present the work programs that have been carried out in the institutions under the program.
The main objective of this event was to promote the exchange of experiences between institutions, and the goal was fully achieved, since the highlight of the meeting was the sharing of institutional experiences.
According to the professor and Academic Director, José Ivan, “the meeting was a great opportunity to gather information that further enriches the institutional program to promote human rights education and a culture of peace and respect for diversity.”