Category Archives: Mideast

Confessions of a Megalomaniac by Uri Avnery of Gush Shalom (Israel)


An article by Uri Avnery from Transcend

The Arab taxi driver who brought me to Ramallah had no trouble with the Israeli border posts. He just evaded them.

Saves a lot of trouble.

I was invited by Mahmood Abbas, the President of the Palestinian National Authority (as well as of the PLO and the Fatah movement) to take part in joint Palestinian-Israeli consultations in advance of the international conference in Paris.

Since Binyamin Netanyahu has refused to take part in the Paris event side by side with Mahmood Abbas, the Ramallah meeting was to demonstrate that a large part of Israeli society does support the French initiative.

SIMPLE AS it sounds, the Ramallah meeting was not simple at all.

Before the death of Yasser Arafat in 2004, such meetings were almost routine. Since our groundbreaking first meeting in Beirut in 1982, during the Israeli blockade, Arafat met many Israelis.

Arafat had almost absolute moral authority, and even his home-grown rivals accepted his judgment. Since, after our first meeting, he decided that Israeli-Palestinian meetings served the cause of Palestinian-Israeli peace, he encouraged many such events.

After his murder, the opposite trend gained the upper hand. Palestinian extremists held that any meetings with Israelis, whoever they might be, served “normalization” – a terrible, terrible bogeyman.

Abbas has now put an end to this nonsense. Like me, he believes that Palestinian statehood and independence can come about only through a joint struggle of the peace forces on both sides, with the help of international forces.

In this spirit, he invited us to Ramallah, since Palestinians are not normally allowed into Israeli territory.

He seated me next to him on the stage, and so the meeting started.

MAHMOOD ABBAS – or “Abu Mazen”‘, as he is generally known – was gracious enough to mention that he and I have been friends for 34 years since we first met in Tunis, soon after the PLO had left Beirut and moved there.

Through a number of years, when my friends and I came to Tunis, the same procedure was followed: first we met with Abu Mazen, who was in charge of Israeli affairs, and drew up plans for joint action. Then we all moved to Arafat’s office. Arafat, who had an almost uncanny capacity for making quick decisions, would decide within minutes “yes” or ‘no”.

There could hardly be two more different characters than Abu-Amar (Arafat) and Abu-Mazen. Arafat was a “warm” type. He embraced and kissed his visitors in the old Arab style – a kiss on each cheek for ordinary visitors, three kisses for preferred ones. After five minutes, you felt as if you had known him all your life.

Mahmood Abbas is a much more reserved person. He embraces and kisses too, but it does not come quite as naturally as with Arafat. He is more withdrawn. He looks more like a high-school principal.

I have a lot of respect for Mahmood Abbas. He needs tremendous courage to do his job – the leader of a people under brutal military occupation, compelled to cooperate with the occupation in some matters, endeavoring to resist in others. The aim of his people is to endure and survive. He is good at that.

When I complimented him on his courage, he laughed and said that it was more courageous of me to enter Beirut during the siege of 1982. Thanks.

The Israeli government succeeded, even before Netanyahu, in splitting the Palestinians in the country into two. By the simple device of refusing to honor their solemn pledge under Oslo to create four “safe passages” between The West Bank and Gaza, they made a split almost inevitable.

(article continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

How can a culture of peace be established in the Middle East?

(article continued from left column)

Now, while officially treating the moderate Abbas as a friend and the extremist Hamas in Gaza as an enemy, our government behaves exactly the other way. Hamas is tolerated, Abbas is considered an enemy. That seems perverse but is really quite logical: Abbas can sway public opinion throughout the world in favor of a Palestinian state, Hamas cannot.

AFTER THE Ramallah meeting, in a private session, I submitted to Abbas a plan for consideration.

It is based on the appreciation that Netanyahu will never agree to real peace negotiations, since these will lead inevitably to the Two-State Solution, tut-tut-tut.

I propose to convene a “Popular Peace Conference”, which will meet, say, once a month inside the country. In each session, the conference will deal with one of the paragraphs of the future peace agreement, such as the final location of the borders, the character of the borders (open?), Jerusalem, Gaza, water resources, security arrangements, refugees, and so on.

An equal number of experts and activists from each side will deliberate, put everything on the table and thrash it all out. If agreement can be reached, wonderful. If not, the proposals of both sides will be clearly defined and the item left for later.

In the end, after, say, half a year, the final “popular peace agreement” will be published, even with defined disagreements, for the guidance of the peace movements on both sides. Deliberations on the disagreements will continue until agreement is found.

Abbas listened attentively, as is his wont, and in the end I promised to send him a written memorandum. I just did so, after consulting with some of my colleagues, like Adam Keller, the Gush Shalom spokesman.

Mahmood Abbas is now preparing to attend the Paris conference, the official aim of which is to mobilize the world for the Two-State Solution.

SOMETIMES I WONDER how I do not get infected with megalomania. (Some of my friends believe that this cannot happen to me, since I already am a megalomaniac.)

A few weeks after the end of the 1948 war, a tiny group of young people in the new State of Israel met in Haifa to debate a path to peace based on what is now called the Two-State solution. One was a Jew (me), one a Muslim and one a Druze. I, just released from hospital, was still wearing my army uniform.

The group was completely ignored by everybody. No takers.

Some ten years later, when I was already a member of the Knesset (as, by the way, were the other two), I went abroad to see who could be convinced. I wandered around Washington DC, met with important people in the White House, the State Department and the UN delegations in New York. On the way home I was received in the Foreign Offices in London, Paris and Berlin.

No takers, anywhere. A Palestinian state? Nonsense. Israel must deal with Egypt, Jordan et al.

I made many dozens of speeches about this proposal in the Knesset. Some powers started to take it up. The first was the Soviet Union, though rather late, under Leonid Brezhnev (1969). Others followed.

Today there is no one around who believes in anything but the Two-State Solution. Even Netanyahu pretends to believe in it, if only the Palestinians would become Jews or emigrate to Greenland.

Yes, I know that I didn’t do it. History did it. But I might be excused for feeling just a tiny little bit of pride. Or a mini-megalomania.

THE TWO-STATE SOLUTION is neither good nor bad. It is the only.

The only solution there is.

I know that there are a number of good, even admirable people who believe in the so-called One-State Solution. I would ask them to consider the details: what it would look like, how it would actually function, the army, the police, the economy, the parliament. Apartheid? Perpetual civil war?

No. Since 1948 everything has changed, but nothing has changed.

Sorry, the Two-State Solution is still the only game in town.

The Elders welcome Paris Mideast peace conference, urge all P5 states to show leadership


A press release from The Elders

The Elders welcomed the latest international conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict held in Paris on 15 January 2017 at the initiative of the French Government, and commended their leadership in pushing for a viable two-state solution.

They urged all the wider international community, and in particular all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, to play an active and concerted role to secure a lasting and just peace for the peoples of Israel and Palestine.

The Elders reiterated their support for UN Security Council Resolution 2334 passed in December 2016 which condemned all settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, and all acts of violence and terror. They hoped this consensus in the Council is maintained in the coming months as the best chance of ensuring the survival of the two-state solution.

Kofi Annan, Chair of The Elders, said:

“The French government has worked hard over the past twelve months to garner international support for a viable two-state solution. It is vital that these calls are heeded and efforts redoubled by all key players, especially on the UN Security Council. Israeli and Palestinian leaders, and all States in the region and beyond, must abjure obstructionism which will only prolong the sufferings of Israelis and Palestinians alike.”

Lakhdar Brahimi, Elder and international conflict mediator, said:

“Yesterday’s Paris conference sent out an important message to the world. Scores of nations gathered, demonstrating the international community’s desire to promote the best hope for a sustainable peace for Israelis and Palestinians: two states living peacefully side by side. Any moves that imperil that solution, including settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, are incompatible with international law and UN resolutions, including Security Council Resolution 2334 of December 2016.”

Question related to this article:

Morocco: Madagh hosts eleventh World Meeting of Sufism


An article from Libération (translated by CPNN)

The 11th edition of the World Meeting of Sufism opened Saturday in Madagh, province of Berkane under the slogan “Sufism and culture of peace: universal vision of Islam for the values ​​of living together and the peace of civilizations “.

This meeting, organized under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, is an opportunity to highlight the contributions of Sufism to build peace, give special care to living together and constructive cooperation among countries. Organizers in a note of presentation of this annual meeting, added that the objective is to “show Islam in its true face, tolerant, advocating peace and respect for all civilizations.”

Speaking on this occasion, Mounir El-Kadiri Boudchich, Director of the meeting, welcomed the fact that this intellectual and spiritual encounter has become, over the years, a meeting of choice for scholars and researchers to discuss issues related to the coexistence and living together between religions and cultures of peace, stressing the importance of the theme chosen for this edition insofar as the culture of peace is now at the center of the concerns of the whole world.

For several centuries, the presence of the Zaouiya in Morocco has continued to cultivate these values ​​on a large scale and to train men of exception, able to incarnate and make them radiate, estimate the organizers, adding that the Morocco of today is a worthy heir of this history, holding high its values ​​which makes it a particular case but also an example to be followed.

“Culture of Peace: Concept and Meanings”, “Culture of Peace in Islam: Contents and Expressions”, “Culture of Peace: Individual, Social and Cultural Dimensions”, “Sufism and Culture of Peace” Peace: Historical Examples “,” Culture of Peace and Practice of Spiritual Diplomacy “and” Sufism and Green Peace “.

On the sidelines of this edition, meetings and conferences will be organized in Oujda and Berkane to make known Sufism as the foundation of the Moroccan identity.

Several other activities are also planned in the margins of this edition, including “a village of solidarity” dealing with the creation of associations and cooperatives in the Oriental region and solidarity and social economy, training sessions for local journalists and meetings dedicated to ecology dealing with the importance of the protection of the environment in Islam.

“The Sufi approach can not be identified with a philosophical discourse on peace, it is rather characterized by a practical method aimed at purifying man from the evil inclinations inciting him to evil, conflict, hatred, domination or violence,” explains the initiators, adding that today’s societies in search of stability and development “will undoubtedly find in the Sufi model and methodology an inspiration to found peace at the individual, family and social levels, the economy and the environment “.

The history of Morocco, which has long been the supreme land of Sufism, is a testimony to a peace founded on the spiritual purification of man, the same source points out, emphasizing the predominant role played by the zaouiyas in The rooting of values ​​of tolerance, cohabitation and respect for others.

(Click here for the original French version of this article)

Question for this article

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East; Is it important for a culture of peace?

. . . Tolerance & Solidarity . . .

Here is a blog by Mazin Qumsiyeh that responds to this question.

1- Palestine is the Western part of the Fertile Crescent: an area that includes Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. In this Fertile Crescent the first human agriculture developed. Here the first domestication of animals (e.g. goats, donkeys, camels) and plants (e.g. wheat, barley, chickpeas, lentils, olives) happened.

2- This is also where civilization began including development of the first alphabet (by Phoenician Canaanites) and the first laws. It was where we first developed sciences like astronomy, engineering, and mathematics

3- The original inhabitants of the Western part of the Fertile Crescent were called Canaanites and the original language was called Aramaic which Jesus spoke (he was born in the country called then Palestine and thus he was Palestinian)

4- The old Aramaic language gave rise to derived languages including Syriac, Arabic, and Hebrew and this language group is called Semetic languages

5- Arabic alphabet evolved in Southern Canaan (today’s Jordan and Palestine) while the Latin alphabet evolved in Northern Canaan (Phoenicia, present day Lebanon and Syria). The Alphabet used in Europe today came from our part of the world.

6- The people of Southern Canaan including Palestine endured many invasions of armies with nearly 15 times that local people were ruled by kings or emperors (Persian, Roman, Umayyad, Abbasid, Israelite etc).

7- Local religious ideas evolved over the ages from Cananitic Pagan ideas to monotheistic ideas to Christianity (first century), Rabbinical Judaism (3rd century), Islam (7th Century).,

8- Palestine was always multi-cultural, multi-religious society despite attempts to homogenize it in certain periods (e.g. the Crusaders killed and exiled Jews, Muslims, and Christians of other sects).

9- Jews of today, like Christians and Muslims of today come from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. They are thus genetically (biologically) heterogeneous.

10- Before the wave of European Jewish immigration, Palestinians were of various religions: about 85% Muslim, 10% Christian, 5% Jewish and others. For hundreds of years Palestinians of various religions lived in relative harmony.

11- Zionism is a political idea that spread among a minority of European Jews who adapted to the European notions of ethnocentric nationalism and thus claims Jews of today should gather in Palestine and create a Jewish state because of discrimination in Europe. Socialist Jews and other Jews believed in fighting for equal rights. Zionists thought that anti-Jewish feelings in Europe serves their interests and thus even collaborated with racists. There was a transfer agreement between the third Reich and the Zionist movement. Zionists also lobbied Western governments not to take in European Jewish refugees so that they all go to Palestine.

12- Zionism started in the mid 19th century with formation of the “Jewish Colonization Association” and became an international movement in 1897 at the first World Zionist Congress. To achieve its goals, its leaders advocated transferring the native non-Jewish Palestinians.

13- The United States and other Western countries under influence of a Zionist lobby pushed for the creation of a “Jewish state” of Israel in Palestine despite the wishes of the native people.

14- Between 1947-1949, 530 Palestinian villages and towns were completely destroyed and their people made refugees. This process of forcing Palestinians out of their land continued in other forms since the founding of Israel in May 1948. Today 70% of the 11 million Palestinians in the world are refugees or displaced people.

15- Current day Israel has a set of discriminatory laws that fit the descriptions given in the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Every month, the Israeli Knesset takes on more such racist laws.

16- In 1967, Israel occupied the West Bank (including the old city of Jerusalem) and Gaza strip. Together these two areas are 22% of historic Palestine. Israel began immediately to build Jewish colonial settlements in these Palestinian lands. Contrary to International law, there are now over 200 settlements on our lands housing over 0.5 million Jewish colonial settlers.

17- Israel has built walls around the remaining Palestinian enclaves (ghettos, people warehouses, cantons, reservations) and isolated them from each other and from the rest of Palestine. These walls separate Palestinians from their lands, from other Palestinians, from schools, from hospitals etc. As an example, the Bethlehem district houses 180,000 natives, some 50,000 of us living there are refugees from 1948 period. All of us are restricted now to develop and live on only 13% of the original Bethlehem district size. 87% of the district is now under control of Israeli settlements, military bases, closed military zones etc. The Bethlehem people are isolated behind a wall and even Jerusalem (6 km away) is off-limits to us.

18- Colonialism involves violence. Over 80 massacres were committed against native Palestinians. Over 60,000 Palestinian civilians were killed by Israeli forces and settlers. This is ten times more than the number of Israeli civilians (most colonial settlers) killed by Palestinians. Palestinians resisted colonialism over the past 130 years mostly by using non-violent popular resistance something not widely discussed in the Western countries because of attempts to vilify the victims.

19- Palestinians and other Arab countries in conflict with Zionism have been “unreasonably reasonable” as one diplomat described it. We accept all elements of International law` and all UN (United Nations) resolutions on the issue. Israel by contrast, violated over 60 UN Security Council resolutions and over 200 UN General Assembly Resolutions. Without the USA using its veto power to shield Israel from International law at the UN SC, the number would have been doubled.

20- We Palestinians demand and are struggling for our right to return and to self-determination. We call for a democratic pluralistic state for people of all religions in our historic homeland of Palestine. We call for equality and justice. People in Europe and around the world can support us by using education, by coming to visit us, and by Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS). This is a collective human struggle similar to what happened in challenging apartheid in South Africa.

There are` many books and references available to document each point.

* * * * * * * * * *

Related discussion may be found under the following questions:

How can a culture of peace be established in the Middle East?

Israel/Palestine, is the situation like South Africa?, Would a Truth and Reconciliation Commission help?

How can war crimes be documented, stopped, punished and prevented?

This question applies to the following CPNN articles:

Mazin Qumsiyeh: Old story- new twist

Michael Moore: From the Rubble Rises 22 Powerful Voices

For Nobel Peace Prize: Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Bethlehem, Palestine

‘Keep Your Eye On Calendar, Palestine Will Be Free’: Arundhati Roy’s PEN Pinter Prize Speech

From Paris to Caracas, thousands march in support of Gaza around the world, one year after October 7

Norway, along with Ireland and Spain, to recognize Palestinian state

Michael Moore: I Now Bring You the Voices of a New Generation

International Women’s Day: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

South Africa requests ICJ emergency orders to halt “unspeakable” Gazan genocide

Last Days of Hearings at the International Court of Justice on the Israeli Occupation of Palestine

World Court to Review 57-Year Israeli Occupation

USA: 200+ Unions Launch Network to Push for Gaza Cease-Fire

Decision of the International Court of Justice

Gala of solidarity with the Palestinians at the Algiers Opera

Artists for peace in Gaza

Rallies held worldwide as Israeli genocide in Gaza enters 100th day

Artists Pledge to Boycott German Institutions Over Stifling of Pro-Palestine Speech

Music video: We are all Palestinian

Guernica stands in solidarity with Gaza

Update on UN response to Israeli destruction of Palestine

Letter to the world from Mazin Qumsiyeh in Palestine

More Demonstrations for Palestine

Two-Thirds of American Voters Want US to Back Cease-Fire in Gaza

Around the world, people take to the streets for Palestine

American Anthropological Association Endorses Academic Boycott of Israeli ‘Apartheid Regime’

18 Years of BDS. 18 Years of Impact in Turning Darkness into Light

Dismantle Israel’s carceral regime and “open-air” imprisonment of Palestinians: UN expert

Solidarity with Palestine: Swim with Gaza

Elders warn of consequences of “one-state reality” in Israel and Palestine

Celebrating Rachel Corrie

USA: Ilhan Omar Vows to Continue Speaking Out Against Israel’s Abuse of Palestinians

Solidarity with the Palestinians and the forces of peace operating in Israel

Palestine: Tears and hope from the last few days

Phyllis Kotite has passed away

The Elders: Israel’s designation of Palestinian NGOs as “terrorist” undermines core democratic principles

A message from Palestine: This is the time to re-imagine, re-create and restore.

Israeli and Arab women demand peace between Israelis and Palestinians

Global Calendar of Resistance to Defend Palestine!

General strike in Palestine

Richard Falk: A Palestinian Balance Sheet: Normative Victories, Geopolitical Disappointments

Women’s leadership in the struggle for Palestinian freedom

New ICC ruling ‘opens the door’ for justice in occupied Palestine – Independent UN expert

The B’tselem Report on Israeli Apartheid

Mazin Qumsiyeh: Suggested electoral platform/program for Palestine

Amnesty International : US State Department’s attack on the BDS movement violates freedom of expression and endangers human rights protection

Palestine: 15 lessons from 15 years of BDS

Dutch pension fund divests from two Israeli banks over settlements’ finances

The Elders urge European leaders to stand firm on Israeli annexation threats

Israeli annexation of parts of the Palestinian West Bank would break international law – UN experts call on the international community to ensure accountability

Oppostion to Israel’s proposed annexation of occupied Palestinian territory

Palestine Must Live: An Online Petition

UN commemorates International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Australia: Antony Loewenstein wins the 2019 Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize

Manifesto on diversity: the Land of Canaan

Uri Avnery, leader of the Israeli peace movement Gush Shalom, 1923-2018

UN Chief Proposes Armed Peacekeeping Force to Protect Palestinians

BDS Victory: Irish Senate Approves Bill Boycotting Israeli Settlement Goods

ICC judges order outreach to victims of war crimes in Palestine

Flotilla bringing needed medical supplies to Gaza

Uri Avnery (Israel’s peace movement Gush Shalom) on Israel’s Days of Shame

The carnage against Gaza civilian protesters

Amnesty International: Israeli forces must end the use of excessive force in response to “Great March of Return” protests

Gaza Children Cinema – Update March 2018

Great March of Return: A New Defiance Campaign

Eyeless in Gaza

Photos: #FreeAhedTamimi and #FreePalestine in Brussels, Berlin, Athens, Amsterdam, London, Jaipur, Manchester, Naples, Milan, Dortmund

Israel/OPT: Palestinian child activist Ahed Tamimi sentenced to 8 months in prison

Ahed Tamimi and the Pathology of the Israeli Mind

14th Annual Israeli Apartheid Weeks of actions

International Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

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Ahed Tamimi: The Mandela of Palestine?

The Elders applaud Palestinian reconciliation; renew call for end to blockade of Gaza

USA: Israel-Palestine statement by the Mennonites takes a ‘third way’

Gandhi Peace Award to Omar Barghouti and Ralph Nader

The Inside Story on Our UN Report Calling Israel an Apartheid State

Confessions of a Megalomaniac by Uri Avnery of Gush Shalom (Israel)

The Elders welcome Paris Mideast peace conference, urge all P5 states to show leadership

200 legal scholars back right to boycott Israel

International Women’s Boat to Gaza

Women’s Boat to Gaza’ set to arrive in Gaza within hours amid fears of Israeli hijacking

Film review: Disturbing the Peace

Red carpet film festival asserts Gaza’s pride and talent

Freedom Flotilla will sail until the blockade of Gaza is permanently and fully lifted

The Elders welcome Paris conference as step towards two-state solution for Israel-Palestine

US: ​United Methodist Kairos Response Welcomes Pension Fund Exclusion and Divestment of Israeli Banks

Join the Palestine Museum of Natural History: Why doing so is so important

2015 Black Solidarity Statement with Palestine

Palestine: Breaking the Silence Tour in Hebron

Letter of appreciation to the Palestinian Youth Orchestra

Gaza prepares to welcome Freedom Flotilla III

Sanctions against Israel: Round up from 2014

Le Centre de la paix organise une séance de soutien psychologique pour les enfants de Gaza

The Peace Centre organized a counseling session for Gaza's children

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Worcester Palestinian Friendship (WPF)

Appeal: Welcome to Palestine 2012

L’appel de 'Bienvenue en Palestine 2012'

Towards a Culture of Peace and Recognition: Palestine is a UNESCO Member State

Vers une culture de Paix et Reconnaissance: La Palestine est un membre de l’UNESCO

Edward Said lecture

Students for a Free Palestine

Muslim Council of Elders, Anglican Church meeting ends on high note in Abu Dhabi


An article from the WAM Emirates News Agency

A two-day meeting of the Muslim Council of Elders and the Anglican Church ended today on a high note, with participants stressing the importance of promoting the principle of citizenship as people enjoy the same entitlements and responsibilities towards their countries and communities.

Muslim Council of Elders
(click on photo to enlarge)

They also emphasised the necessity of working on building a world that is based on understanding including the Muslim-Christian dialogue, with an aim of effectively bridging the gap that hinders the understanding of others and agreed that that the dialogue will contribute to the efforts of combating both extremism and the undermining of minority rights.

At the end of the meeting,which was co-chaired by Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayyeb Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, and Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury, a joint communique was issued. The full text of the communique follows: The Delegations of both the Anglican Church and the Muslim Council of Elders in the meeting organized from 2-4 November 2016 Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.

In a historical meeting between the Episcopal/Anglican communion and the Muslim Council of Elders, chaired by the Grand Imam of Al Azhar Dr. Ahmed Al Tayyeb, and the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, took place in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, from 2-4 November 2016 in the fourth round of meetings between elders from the East and the West titled “Towards an Integrated World”.

The two-day meeting included four sessions that focused on the dialogue between religious leaders, religious pluralism, experiences of coexistence and promoting a culture of peace. The meeting witnessed speeches from the Grand Imam of Al Azhar and the Archbishop of Canterbury on the role of religious leaders in addressing the current challenges facing the World.

The meeting included four main themes: religious pluralism, the experiences of common co-existence, the role of religion in promoting citizenship and consolidating principles of human flourishing, and the obstacles facing dialogue and co-existence and their possible remedies.

During the meeting, discussions and interventions focused on the vital role of religious leaders and adherents in peace-building, sustaining human values, disseminating religious concepts that encourage tolerance, cooperation between religious followers in combating extremism, hatred speech, and restoring hope in peoples’ hearts and minds, and empowering young people to be effective actors in their communities.

(Article continued in right column)

Question related to this article:


How can different faiths work together for understanding and harmony?

(Article continued from left column)

The participants stressed the importance of promoting the principle of citizenship as people enjoy the same entitlements and responsibilities towards their countries and communities.

We concluded with a number of recommendations as follows: – The necessity of working on building a world that is based on understanding including the Muslim-Christian dialogue, with an aim of effectively bridging the gap that hinders the understanding of others. The dialogue will contribute to the efforts of combating both extremism and the undermining of minority rights. As such, we encourage our wider communities to develop similar dialogue based initiatives as among the mostly powerful tools in consolidating societal peace in all communities.

– Organize mutual youth based meetings between Muslim and Christian university students, which embrace intellectual discourses on tolerance and coexistence.

– Produce documentary films in various languages that track, document and underline the historical and contemporary experiences of co-existence. These will be suitable materials to be broadcast or air on TV channels and other forms of social media that have been proven effective more than gatherings and meetings.

– Develop a five-year academic research program on the pillars and values of tolerance and coexistence. Researchers from both sides, Muslims and Christians, will be invited to contribute to the research and produce publications in various languages. The program will contribute to the Muslim-Christian Dialogue through articulating it with post- graduate studies in the concerned universities.

– Digitize all the Muslim-Christian dialogue initiatives, including audio-visual materials, studies, and conferences’ proceedings, and upload them on the internet, to be accessible to the participants in this conference, and other concerned people.

– Highlight and benefit from the multiple initiatives in promoting the values of tolerance, co-existence, participation, primarily the experience of the Ministry of Tolerance in the United Arab Emirates, and the experience of the House of Family in Egypt. These initiatives characterized by working on the ground through a variety of communities including work encompassing women and young generation. We affirm the work of these initiatives in establishing a model of genuine citizenship including Muslims and Christians in Egypt.

– The necessity of work promoting a culture of dialogue at different levels. We affirm the importance of respecting each other’s faith at all levels.

– We commit ourselves to work together for the common good in fighting illiteracy, poverty and disease.

– Lastly, the participants from both the Muslim Council of Elders and the Anglican Church call on all religious leaders, politicians, decision-makers and influential community leaders to encourage the values of justice, peace and cooperation for all nations and peoples regardless of the difference in religion, gender, race, or any other factor.

International Women’s Boat to Gaza


An article by Mairead Maguire for Transcend

I was a participant onboard the Zaytouna-Oliva boat | 29 Sep-5 Oct 2016.

26 Oct 2016 – A few weeks ago, the US government agreed to give Israel $38 billion dollars, the largest military funding package the U.S. has given any nation.  This $38 billion in military and other type of Aid will be used to imprison the Palestinians of Gaza, and continue Israel’s military occupation, and imposition of an apartheid state, upon the Palestinian people.

Click on photo to enlarge

This money will be used in the training fields of Israeli military, which are in Gaza, where military experiments are done, using US military weaponry, by the Israeli Occupation Forces.  The U.S. military and government is complicit in the crimes against the people of Gaza and the Palestinian occupied territory by the use of military hardware given by USA and by the training that Israelis give to Americans and USA gives to Israel.  It is also estimated that some 70% of European humanitarian aid to Palestine ends up in Israeli pockets.

Gaza continues to suffer from the continuing Israeli blockade, naval and land, and this 25-mile-long tiny strip, 5 miles wide, with l.9 million people, living in it, is a brutal blockade and Israel controls everything including electricity, food, etc.

Indeed, everything that comes into Gaza comes through Israeli hands.  Gaza’s only airport was completely destroyed in 2002 by Israeli jets and ground forces.  Egypt continues to be a part of this blockade as they have blocked Gaza’s southern border; and Egypt continues to receive USA military funding.  Medical authorities have reported that the time for operations in Gaza now goes up to 2025 as so many are awaiting health care, and the increasing issues around food, water, sewage, electricity, all of these mounting problems have led the U.N. to declare in their latest Report, that by the year 2020 Gaza will be uninhabitable.  What hope is there for the Palestinians of Gaza, the vast majority of whom are young people?

In order to give hope to the people of Gaza by showing solidarity and support the Women’s Boat to Gaza sailed in September 2016. Also we sailed in order to challenge this illegal and immoral blockade and occupation of Palestine by Israel, and draw international attention to the fact that under Geneva Conventions it is illegal to punish civilians, which is what Israeli government policies continues to do.

The Women’s Boat to Gaza set sail from the Spanish Port city of Barcelona (Barcelona is twinned with Gaza) in mid- September 2016.  The three legs of the trip were 1715 miles from Barcelona to Ajaccio, Corsica, France and then down to Messina in Sicily, Italy. 

It was hoped to have two boats but when one developed engine trouble in Barcelona, the other 50’ sailing boat, Zaytouna-Oliva, continued alone.  At all Ports the women were greeted and hosted by mayors, officials, and supporters of the Free Palestine Movement.   Over 40 women from around the world flew to Messina in hopes of being able to sail to Gaza.

I joined the boat in Messina, and was grateful to be chosen as one of the 13 women from thirteen countries, being finally chosen to sail to Gaza.   It was sad for those of us sailing to leave behind so many wonderful women due to not enough boats to sail, but it is hoped the Palestinian Coalition will be able to get more sailings to accommodate those wishing to go on a future occasion.   The 13 chosen participants included Ann Wright, (boat leader) the captain and two crew, two Al Jazeera journalists, and women from USA, Ireland, Russia, UK, Spain, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden/Chile, Malaysia, South Africa, Australia, and Algeria.

The third leg of the journey from Messina to Gaza was almost 1000 miles and a nine-day journey.  On 29th September 2016, we set sail from Messina, Sicily, after a wonderful reception from the mayor, the Muslim community, and many Palestinian friends in Messina.

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Question related to this article:

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

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The first few days sailing the weather was rough and many of us were seasick, but several days into the journey we had got our sea-legs and busied ourselves helping with the tasks to be done such as cooking, reporting, night watches with the crew, etc.  We shared our stories and held nonviolence training.   It was a wonderful experience getting to know the women whose courage was inspiring. Their love for the Palestinian people and their freedom was very deep.  Unfortunately, some 400 miles from Messina, with some 600 miles to go, we had problems with the boats rigging.  An appeal to friends in Crete resulted in a boatful of people coming out to meet us, bringing many gifts of food, and four men to fix the rigging!  This was for me one of the most moving experiences of the journey, and it proved yet again, the magnificence of the human spirit. Around 20 men and women answered our call for help and came to our aid, and all for the people of Gaza.  After the men fixed our boat rigging, we passed greetings to our rescuers from Crete and sailed in a happy and hope filled mood towards Gaza.

On Wednesday 5th October, we were contacted by the Israeli navy by phone.  A few hours earlier all communications via our own phones were cut off.  The Israeli navy communicator told Captain Madeleine that we were nearing the 20-mile military Israeli security zone and were breaking Israeli law.  They said if we did not turn back or agree to be escorted to Ashdod, they would confiscate our boat and take us to Israel.

However, we kept sailing towards Gaza.   We saw several Navy military ships on the horizon.  At 6 p.m., a Zodiac boat came alongside our boat.  There were 30 Israeli sailors including Israeli women sailors who were the first to come on board our boat. 

They were not in combat gear.  They wore baseball caps, and long sleeved jerseys.  In 2010,   I had been on the Rachel Corrie Irish/Malaysian boat, which was part of the Freedom Flotilla and when we were boarded by Israeli sailors, they were in combat gear, with rifles, and sniffer dogs, and we were handcuffed and forcibly taken to Israel.  I was surprised when this different approach was used to confiscate our boat, the Zaytouna.  In 2010, on the Mavi Marmara, the Israelis murdered nine people, and subsequently a 10th person died as 50 people were wounded.  Therefore, the treatment of our women’s boat to Gaza participants was very different from what happened on previous ones where I had travelled.

On the Zaytouna, when the Israeli navy sailors confiscated our boat, took us under protest against our will to Israel, arrested, held us for several days without contact with our families, and deported us for ten years, it was all completely illegal under international law. However, it is sad to report that no governments or international bodies have taken up our case for being hijacked, and again the Israeli government has been allowed to break international laws.

All the women were deeply saddened as we knew many people in Gaza were preparing for our visit, and yet again Israel was denying our entry into Gaza. So as we watched the coastline of Gaza in complete darkness and then the coastline of Israel fully lit up against the night sky, we were again witnessing the injustice and unfairness of the Israeli policies against the Palestinians. 

With this experience, many of us committed in our hearts to continue our support for the Palestinian people’s ongoing work to break the blockade and end the occupation. We also saw just off the coast of Gaza two huge gas rigs fully lit up and whose gas is piped to Israel. Yet Gaza has only a few hours of light, as Israeli bombings have destroyed most of its electricity and sewage infrastructures.

When we reached Ashdod, Israel, after six hours sailing, we were processed by Israeli security and searched, taken to Prison and released two days later.   All the women on board the Zaytouna, now have a ten-year deportation order. As this is my 4th time being given a 10-year deportation order, it will be 40 years before I can return to Israel or get into Palestine.  This thought reminds me that there are over 7 million Palestinian people who cannot return to their country, and this is why it is so important to campaign for the right to return for the Palestinian people.

I would like to thank the Freedom Flotilla Coalition who gave us the opportunity to participate on the journey to Gaza.  Their work of joining in solidarity with the people of Gaza is so important and I thank them for all they do.

To the Palestinian people of Gaza, please keep your hopes high and believe that freedom and peace will come. Thank you for your perseverance and ongoing inspiration to us all.

March of Hope gathers 20,000 in historic Jerusalem rally


An article by Fatima for Alliance for Middle East Peace

An estimated 20,000 women and men marched in Jerusalem for the final rally of the Women Wage Peace March of Hope on October 19th. That morning, almost 4,000 Israeli and Palestinian women met near Jericho to begin the journey. Those who were able continued on to Jerusalem, where the March of Hope culminated in a historic rally outside the Prime Minister’s Residence, demanding a political solution to the conflict.

Thousands of women marching to Qasr al-Yahud on the border between Isral and Jordan (Photo: Women Wage Peace)
(click on photo to enlarge)

This is all thanks to the hard work of the amazing activists at our member organization Women Wage Peace, including ALLMEP’s regional director Huda Abuarquob. Huda played an integral role in organizing this march and ensuring its success on both sides.

At the final rally, Huda gave an electrifying speech which was reported in Ha’aretz:

“Huda Abu Arqoub, a political activist from Hebron, won rousing applause when she said, in English, that she was there as a free woman, and that the time had come for women to speak their piece and to work for peace, security for everyone and mutual recognition. She ended her speech by declaring that there is a partner for peace.”

[additional notes from other news sources]

Among the participants in the final rally were Hadassah Froman, the widow of Rabbi Menachem Froman, and her daughter-in-law Michal Froman, who was wounded in a stabbing attack in 2015, Leymah Gbowee, one of three Liberian women to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011, and Singer Yael Deckelbaum, who performed at the rally.

Ynet News quoted Hadassah Forman as saying: “There is a lot of energy which will lead us on a new path—maybe even to change. I hope that it will be possible to see the connections and to see what can be done to create a solution.” And they quoted Michal as saying: “I believe that the peace we want will happen, and that it will come after we see what is possible and what is definitely not possible. Even the right-wing will work with us towards peace,” she said.

According to Jews for Justice for Palestinians Leymah Gbowee said that the two days she spent marching with Israeli and Palestinian women were days of hope and of looking toward the future, and they had convinced her that peace was possible. And the singer Yael Deckelbaum spoke about the women’s prayer service she had attended Wednesday morning at Qasr al-Yahud, near Jericho. “We were 4,000 women, half of them Palestinians,” she said. “They told me there was nobody to make peace with. Today, we proved that wrong.”

Questions related to this article:

How can a culture of peace be established in the Middle East?

How effective are mass protest marches?

Readers’ comments are invited on this article and question. See comments box below.

Film review: Disturbing the Peace


By David Swanson

A new film called Disturbing the Peace tells the story — unknown to most Americans but painfully familiar to others — of Israel and Palestine. Of the many films I’ve seen, this is one of the best. It presents both sides without equating them. It opens itself to a broad audience without boring anybody.


Disturbing the Peace presents personal stories of soldiers and of suicide bombers. You should come away understanding while opposing all of these stories.

In a nod to the power of other films, this film recounts how Palestinians in an Israeli prison watched the film Schindler’s List and found themselves sympathizing with the grandparents of their jailers, and then thinking about what that could mean.

We also see, in Disturbing the Peace, an Israeli whose eyes are opened, who gains the ability to see children, to recognize children, to appreciate the suffering of some of Israel’s victims — and then to cease participating.

We see Israeli soldiers resist.

We see Palestinians learn nonviolence in prison.

We see an Israeli see courage, the courage of unarmed nonviolent Palestinians bringing blankets to those in need, at risk to their own lives.

Turn off your television. Avoid an election circus. Watch this film and see what you see.

Questions for this article:

‘Women’s Boat to Gaza’ set to arrive in Gaza within hours amid fears of Israeli hijacking


An article from Ahram Online

The Women’s Boat to Gaza (WBG) mission is set to arrive in Gaza in a couple of hours and aims to challenge the 10-year blockade of the strip and highlight the critical role of Palestinian women in the resistance movement amid fears of Israeli forces intercepting the mission, according to WBG’s website.

Sandra Barralilo, MP Jeannette Escarilla, Ann Wright, Ambassador , Dr. Fauziah, Mairead Maguire, MP Samira Douliafia. Above MP Marama Davidson. Olympic Athlete Leigh-Ann Naidoo. (Photo Courtesy of Women’s Boat to Gaza website)
Click on photo to enlarge

The Israeli naval and land blockade has severely restricted the movement of 1.8 million Palestinians and goods to and from Gaza since the Islamist Hamas movement became its de-facto ruler in 2006, inflicting increasing suffering on the impoverished population.

“At home we are all asking our governments to ensure the safe passage of Zaytouna [the Women’s Boat to Gaza]. We are calling on government leaders to stand with us in this challenge and to support our efforts to end this blockade, which is a collective punishment and is illegal under international law,” Wendy Goldsmith, an organiser of the Canadian Boat to Gaza campaign, told Ahram Online.

The women’s boat to Gaza, which includes only women from all over the world, is the fourth mission that has been organised by the Freedom Flotilla Coalition after the last attempt in 2015 ended with the seizure of the boat by Israeli forces in international waters.

“If Israel chooses to intercept this peaceful mission, they will be greeted by 13 incredibly strong and resilient women who are on a course to break the illegal blockade of Gaza. They will be met with love and determination to reach the conscience of humanity,” she said.

The two boats that make up the women’s boat mission — the Amal-Hope and Zaytouna-Oliva — have docked at a number of Mediterranean ports since 12 September, but the Amal-Hope broke off at Barcelona due to unexpected engine problems with only Zatouna-Olivia continuing the journey.

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Question related to this article:

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

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“The women on the boat send us daily updates and they report that they are in fine spirits and are looking forward to reaching the shores of Gaza,” Goldsmith said, adding that “we are also in regular contact with the women in Gaza and West Bank who have been organising many solidarity events. We are deeply touched and encouraged by the spirit of sisterhood around the world.”

The first attempt to break the siege with a flotilla, which was organised in 2010, ended in the killing by Israel of nine activists in international waters on the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara.

A second attempt was organised out of Greece in 2011, but the vessels were turned back by the Greek coastguard.

Among the diverse group of women on board are Swedish Member of European Parliament Malin Björk; a retired American army colonel and former diplomat who resigned in 2003 in opposition to the invasion of Iraq, Ann Wright; Irish Nobel Laureate and peace activist Mairead Maguire; and Turkish athlete and coach Cigdem Topçuoglu, whose husband was killed in the Israeli attack on the first freedom flotilla in 2010.

“Within this struggle, men and women play equal roles. In this particular project, it has been decided that women will take on the major role of confronting the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF). This does not minimise in any way the role that men take in both the organising and planning stages,” according to the launching statement of WBG sent to Ahram Online in March.

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is an international coalition composed of civil society organisations and initiatives from all over the world challenging “the illegal and inhumane” Israeli blockade of Gaza.

“When we arrive in Gaza we expect to be greeted by our many supporters, perhaps with coffee and falafel, music and dance. We hope to join hands with our sisters and claim an end to the blockade that has created the world’s largest open air prison, where innocent children and their families suffer every day,” Goldsmith said.

Arab states: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

The following events were listed in “Google News” during the week of September 17-24 for the International day of peace. All but the last three were listed under the arabic script. Although the links below are in English, the articles are in arabic; hence, unless you can read arabic, you will need to use a translation service such as that of google as we have done. For events elsewhere in the world, click here.

map of arab states idp
(Click on image to enlarge)

As seen on the map above, there were articles about 14 events for the International Day of Peace in 11 Arab states.

Here are excerpts from the articles.

As you can see from the preceding map, there were
Bahrain: The Minister of Labour and Social Development Jamil Humaidan, the United Nations Information Centre for Arab Gulf countries and the Bahrain Assembly of the Baha’i held an event to celebrate the International Day of Peace. Participating in the celebration were a number of officials of the ministry, members of the House of Representatives and the Shura Council and the heads of councils and associations, as well as intellectuals, opinion leaders and clerics of different sects and relligions.

Lebanon: The Organization Media Association for Peace-MAP, in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre in Beirut and the Club “Masterpiece,” held a celebration to display artistic talents within the activities of the Beirut Festival. The celebration saw the participation of talented young people in singing, dancing and playing music, with messages calling for peace and hope through art.

Egypt: The Day of Peace was held on the Greek campus of the American University in Cairo. A workshop discussed the situation of refugees and foreign students in Egypt, in addition to taking the values ​​of accepting the other. Participants included a number of expatriate student leaders and members of the African community living in Egypt, as well as representatives from civil society the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and academic researchers and activists in the field of refugees.

Somalia: The Somali Youth Dialogue Centre organized a ceremony in the capital, Mogadishu, to commemorate the International Day of Peace. Participants included government officials and MPs and civic organizations involved in public affairs, as well as guests of honor, notables and elders of the community. The director of Youth Dialogue Center stressed that Somali youth should be give the opportunity to take the initiative for lasting peace and stability in the country.

Taiz, Yemen: A workshop was held on “Social effects of the conflict in Taiz and ways to promote coexistence and social peace.” The director of the sponsoring foundation, Mohamed Ahmed Haj Amin, called for peace-building in addition to humanitarian aid and support for education in the effort to restore security, peace and stability to the province of Taiz.

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Question for this article

What has happened this year (2016) for the International Day of Peace?

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Aden, Yemen: The Al Mualla Foundation of Aden sponsored a meeting of women entitled “Open dialogue on peace.” The women concluded that the media should be activated to publish oncepts of peace in schools, universities, and other meetings and gatherings and to achieve a peace free from the partisan and sectarian strife of the ongoing war in Yemen. The meeting was attended by representatives from government agencies, civil society organizations, young women and housewives.

Al Diwaniyah, Iraq: A festival of music, theater and fine arts was held in Diwaniyah. A member of the preparatory committee for the festival, Bara Nihad, said that ” a group of young activists and volunteers in the province, agreed to draw a picture of peace in Diwaniyah, a number of art events and exhibitions produced by youth.” She expressed her delight at the large and interactive audience and explained that the festival provides a vision of peace and the desire of citizens for civic life, freedom of opinion and expression unlike the fighting in the fronts to expel Daesh. Hence there was no involvement of any government or party in the events and the young organizers relied only on their own energy and talents.

Hillah, Iraq: Activists in the Babylon tourist Resort (6 km north of the city of Hillah) greeted the World Day of Peace in the spirit of spreading “love, peace and tolerance” among children and displaced people. They sent a message to the world that the Iraqis are keen to achieve “coexistence and national unity.”

Damascus, Syria: On the occasion of the World Day of Peace the chorus of St. Ephrem Syriac Patriarchate and the choir Ohieddith Adonia, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, gave a concert in Damascus. The concert included traditional and popular songs representing Syrian folklore of various kinds with the theme “Blessed are those who seek peace.”

United Arab Emirates: At the association’s headquarters in Dubai the Emirates Association for hostels celebrated the day of peace with the slogan «sleep peacefully» for all the world ‘s youth hostels. The celebration was organized under the patronage of the Minister of culture Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan.

Palestine An event in Ramallah drew about a thousand Palestinian school and sent a message of peace to the countries of the world and to the members of the international Quartet. Balloons and white doves were released to express their hopes and dreams for a better future, “we want to live in peace.”

Gaza, Palestine In the old port of Gaza, dozens of Palestinian children from public and private schools manifested their appreciation for international solidarity and their hope that
the ship of women bound for Gaza would be able to break the Israeli blockade . They addressed a message of peace and hope to the entire world: “We, children are the light of Palestine. . . May justice prevail!”

Algeria: On the occasion of the international Day of peace, the wilaya of Mostaganem organized a ceremony for the Emir Abdelkader prize, given to three personalities who contributed to the promotion of peace: Federico Mayor from Spain, Raymond Chretien from Canada and Lakhdar Brahimi from Algeria.

South Sudan: The United Nations’ Funds, Programmes and Agencies, and the peacekeeping mission organized a number of events across the country, in collaboration with the National Platform for Peace and Reconciliation (NPPR) and other non-governmental organisations; alongside the launch of the 100 days of peace activism; a platform for all voices calling for peace, healing, and reconciliation to unite and send powerful messages to leaders and calling for a peaceful resolution to the current crisis.