All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

United Nations High Level Forum: The Culture of Peace Bolsters the Potential for Sustainable Peacebuilding


An article by Anwarul K. Chowdhury in Indepthnews

23 years ago today, on 13 September 1999, the United Nations adopted the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, a monumental document that transcends boundaries, cultures, societies, and nations. It was an honor for me to Chair the nine-month long negotiations that led to the adoption of this historic norm-setting document by the United Nations General Assembly.

(Editor’s note: The Declaration and Programme of Action was drafted by UNESCO on the request of the UN General assembly and submitted in 1998.)

That document asserts that inherent in the culture of peace is a set of values, modes of behaviour and ways of life. I was highly privileged to introduce at the 53rd Session of UN General Assembly on its concluding day that resolution for adoption without a vote presenting the consensus text reached under my chairmanship.

20th anniversary of the culture of peace decision was the last in-person High Level Forum in 2019. After two years of virtual Forums, on 6 September this year, President of the 76th General Assembly Abdulla Shahid convened the in-person High Level Forum on The Culture of Peace. That was the eleventh in the series of annual Forums, the first day-long Forum being convened by the 66th President Ambassador Nassir Al-Nasser in 2012.

As his Senior Special Advisor, I had the full responsibility of organizing this pioneering initiative on 14 September. It was a huge success particularly amongst the UN’s civil society organizations which welcomed the opportunity they received to participate proactively along with the Member States and the rest of the UN system. Since then, the afternoon’s Panel Discussion has been considered as the civil society component of the Forum all these years.

Mandated by the UNGA resolutions, the Presidents of the General Assembly have been convening the annual high-level forums since 2012. The Forum provides a platform for the Member States, civil society, and relevant stakeholders to deliberate on the continuing applicability of the Culture of Peace in the contemporary contexts.

The Forum also has been the only UN gathering which was addressed by the largest number of women Nobel Peace laureates—six times out of eleven Forums. Also, the Forum’s panelists were always gender-balanced, on most occasions with more women, as was the case this year.

The Culture of Peace remains one of the key items for the General Assembly since 1997 when the Assembly decided to include a new and self-standing item to its agenda. This was followed by the UNGA resolution 52/15 of 20 November 1997 that proclaimed the year 2000 as the “International Year for the Culture of Peace” and GA resolution 53/25 of 10 November 1998, that proclaimed the period of 2001-2010 as the “International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World”.

Over the years the scope of the Culture of Peace expanded allowing adoption by the General Assembly multiple resolutions on a wide range of issues relating to various areas of its Programme of Action.

This year’s Forum theme was “The Culture of Peace: Importance of justice, equality and inclusion for advancing peacebuilding”.

It provided an opportunity to Member States, UN system and the civil society to explore and discuss ways to promote justice, equality, and inclusion for advancing peacebuilding and sustaining peace, especially through inculcation and promotion of the values of the Culture of Peace, as the concept note stated.

The concept note also underscored that “… there is no alternative to investing in peacebuilding and sustaining peace, with a view to build a common vision of a society, ensuring that the needs of all segments of the population are taken into account. Such vision encompasses activities aimed at preventing the outbreak, escalation, continuation, and recurrence of conflict and addressing root causes. At the same time, there is an urgent need to eliminate discrimination and inequalities and promote social cohesion and inclusive development, to ensure no one is left behind. In this context, as elaborated in the UNGA resolution on the Culture of Peace, empowerment of people to address the challenges in a peaceful and non-violent way is an essential component.”

The United Nations was born in 1945 out of World War II. The UN Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace was born in 1999 in the aftermath of the Cold War. Apart from the Charter, the Declaration and Program of Action is the only document which has focused so comprehensively on peace. Simply put, the Culture of Peace as a concept, as a motivation means that every one of us needs to consciously make peace and nonviolence a part of our daily existence. We should not isolate peace as something separate or distant.

Ever since the initiative taken by me in July 1997 to formally propose inclusion of a separate agenda item on the culture of peace in the UN General Assembly and its decision to do so, for the last two decades and half, my focus has been on advancing the culture of peace which aims at making peace and non-violence a part of our own self, our own values, our own personality. This has now become more pertinent amid the ever-increasing militarism, militarization and weaponization that is destroying both our planet and our people.

I believe there are two major developments that have the enormous opportunity to bolster the global movement for the culture of peace. Decision with regard to one has already been initiated while the other is still being brewed and hopefully will be ready by next week.

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Question(s) related to this article:

What is the United Nations doing for a culture of peace?

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First the upcoming one—recognizing that education is a foundation for peace, tolerance, human rights and sustainable development, Secretary-General António Guterres has convened a Transforming Education Summit (TES) 16th to 19th September. Its three overarching principles are Country-led; Inclusive; Youth-inspired. All very relevant to creating the Culture of Peace. The Summit provides an opportunity to mobilize greater political ambition, commitment, and action to reverse the slide on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on education of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Summit should highlight that the Point 4.7 of that Goal includes, among others, promotion of culture of peace and non-violence, women’s equality as well as global citizenship as part of the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development. It also calls on the international community to ensure that all learners acquire those by the year 2030. I hope the outcome document of the Summit would reflect 4.7 of the SDG 4 with strong emphasis.

Never has it been more important for us to learn about the world and understand its diversity. The task of educating children and young people to find non-aggressive means to relate with one another is of primary importance.

Targeting the individual is meaningful because there cannot be true peace unless every one of us value peace and non-violence and practices the culture of peace in their actions. Connecting the role of individuals to broader global objectives, Dr Martin Luther King Junior affirmed that “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” The UN Programme of Action on the Culture of Peace pays special attention to the individual’s self-transformation.

All educational institutions need to offer opportunities that prepare the students not only to live fulfilling lives but also to be responsible and productive citizens of the world. For that, educators need to introduce holistic and empowering curricula that cultivate the culture of peace in each and every young mind.

Indeed, such educating for peace should be more appropriately called “education for global citizenship”. Such learning cannot be achieved without well-intentioned, sustained, and systematic peace education that leads the way to the culture of peace.

The other major development was announced in 2021. At last year’s Forum during the Panel Discussion, the peace activist and globally respected Mayor Kazumi Matsui of Hiroshima and President of Mayors for Peace in his virtual participation announced that “On the 7th of July this year, Mayors for Peace adopted its new Vision, titled: “Vision for Peaceful Transformation to a Sustainable World”. One of the objectives set forth by the new Vision is to ‘promote the culture of peace’, in addition to the ongoing objectives, “realize a world without nuclear weapons,” and “realize safe and resilient cities.”

He added that “Under this new Vision, Mayors for Peace will continue making our utmost efforts toward our ultimate goal of realizing lasting world peace in solidarity with its 8,043 member cities in 165 countries and regions.” This new vision would be placed at the center of the deliberations during 10th Annual General Conference of Mayors for Peace in Hiroshima this October.

These two developments—outcome of Transforming Education Summit and the Mayors of Peace initiative on the Culture of Peace—have the potential of making the Culture of Peace a major force in sustaining peace.

In conclusion I would reiterate that women have a major role to play in promoting the culture of peace in our violence-ridden societies, thereby bringing in lasting peace and reconciliation. While women are often the first victims of any conflict, they must also and always be recognized as key to the resolution of the conflict. It is my strong belief that unless women are engaged in advancing the culture of peace at equal levels with men, sustainable peace would continue to elude us.

In various parts of the world, women have shown great capacity as peacebuilders.  They assumed activist roles while holding together their families and communities. At the grassroots and community levels, women have organized to resist militarization, to create space for dialogue and moderation and to weave together the shattered fabric of society. Through my field experiences, I am proud to recognize that involvement of women in the peace process in various conflict areas of the world has contributed immensely to ensuring longer term benefits for their present as well as future generations.

As has been rightly said, without peace, development is impossible, and without development unachievable, but without women, neither peace nor development is even conceivable.

Often, I am asked how the UN is doing in the implementation of the Programme of Action adopted by the General Assembly in 1999. I believe that the Organization should own it fully and internalize its implementation throughout the UN system.  Also, Secretary-General should prioritize the culture of peace as a part of his leadership agenda. He should make good use of this workable tool that UN possess to advance the objective of sustainable peace. Not using the tool of the culture of peace is behaving like a person who needs a car to go to work and has a car… but with a minimal interest in knowing how to drive it.

I would repeat for the umpteenth time what former Secretary-General of the United Nations and Nobel Peace laureate Kofi Annan had said: “Over the years we have come to realize that it is not enough to send peacekeeping forces to separate warring parties. It is not enough to engage in peace-building efforts after societies have been ravaged by conflict. It is not enough to conduct preventive diplomacy. All of this is essential work, but we want enduring results. We need, in short, the culture of peace.”

I continue to emphasize that The Culture of Peace is not a quick fix. It is a movement, not a revolution!

One voice creates a ripple—many ripples make a wave—collectively, our voices for the culture of peace can transform the world.

2022: Nobel Committee Gets Peace Prize Wrong Yet Again


An article by David Swanson in World Beyond War

The Nobel Committee has yet again awarded a peace prize  that violates the will of Alfred Nobel and the purpose for which the prize was created, selecting recipients who blatantly are not “the person who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses.”

With its eyes on the news of the day, there was no question that the Committee would find some way to focus on Ukraine. But it steered clear of anyone seeking to reduce the risk of that thus-far relatively minor war creating a nuclear apocalypse. It avoided anyone opposing both sides of the war, or anyone advocating for a ceasefire or negotiations or disarmament. It did not even make the choice one might have expected of picking an opponent of Russian warmaking in Russia and an opponent of Ukrainian warmaking in Ukraine.

Instead, the Nobel Committee has chosen advocates for human rights and democracy in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. But the group in Ukraine is recognized for having  “engaged in efforts to identify and document Russian war crimes against the Ukrainian civilian population,” with no mention of war as a crime or of the possibility that the Ukrainian side of the war was committing atrocities. The Nobel Committee may have learned from Amnesty International’s experience of being widely denounced for documenting war crimes by the Ukrainian side.

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Question related to this article:

The Nobel Peace Prize: Does it go to the right people?

When does human rights become a tool of propaganda?

(Article continued from left column)

The fact that all sides of all wars have always failed and always will fail to engage in humane operations is possibly why Alfred Nobel set up a prize to advance the abolition of war.  It’s too bad that prize is so misused. Because of its misuse, World BEYOND War has created instead the War Abolisher Awards.

– – – – – – –

Adding here some thoughts from Yurii Sheliazhenko:

NGO Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine) recently was co-awarded the Nobel Peace Prize  with Russian and Belarussian human rights defenders.

What is the Ukrainian secret of success? Here are some tips.

– don’t rely on support of local citizens, embrace international donors with their agendas, like the U.S. Department of State and NED;

– support NATO membership of Ukraine, shame those who seek compromise with Russia  and ask the West to engage in war against Russia on Ukrainian side by imposing no-fly zone and delivery of armaments;

– insist that war is necessary for survival and no negotiations are possible;

– insist that international institutions are worthless and therefore human rights activists must ask for weapons for the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

– insist that only Putin violates human rights in Ukraine, and only the Ukrainian army are real human rights defenders;

– never criticize Ukrainian government for suppression of pro-Russian media, parties, and public figures;

– never criticize Ukrainian army for war crimes, for violations of human rights related to war effort and military mobilization, like beating of students by the border guard for their attempt to study abroad  instead of becoming cannon fodder, and nobody should hear from you even a word about human right to conscientious objection to military service.

“End War in Ukraine” Say 66 Nations at UN General Assembly


An article by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies in the TRANSCEND Media Service

We have spent much of the past week reading and listening to speeches by world leaders at the UN General Assembly in New York. Most of them condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a violation of the UN Charter and a serious setback for the peaceful world order that is the UN’s founding and defining principle.

But what has not been reported in the United States is that leaders from 66 countries, mostly from the Global South, also used their General Assembly speeches to call urgently for diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine through peaceful negotiations, as the UN Charter requires. We have compiled excerpts from the speeches of all 66 countries to show the breadth and depth of their appeals, and we highlight a few of them here.

African leaders echoed one of the first speakers, Macky Sall, the president of Senegal, who also spoke in his capacity as the current chairman of the African Union when he said, “We call for de-escalation and a cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, as well as for a negotiated solution, to avoid the catastrophic risk of a potentially global conflict.”

The 66 nations that called for peace in Ukraine make up more than a third of the countries in the world, and they represent most of the Earth’s population, including India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Brazil and Mexico.

While NATO and EU countries have rejected peace negotiations, and U.S. and U.K. leaders have actively undermined them, the leaders of five European countries – Hungary, Malta, Portugal, San Marino and the Vatican – joined the calls for peace at the General Assembly.

The peace caucus also includes many of the small countries that have the most to lose from the breakdown of the UN system that recent wars in Ukraine and the Greater Middle East represent, and who have the most to gain by strengthening the UN and enforcing the UN Charter to protect the weak and restrain the powerful.

Philip Pierre, the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, a small island state in the Caribbean, told the General Assembly,

“Articles 2 and 33 of the UN Charter are unambiguous in binding Member States to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state and to negotiate and settle all international disputes by peaceful means.…We therefore call upon all parties involved to immediately end the conflict in Ukraine, by undertaking immediate negotiations to permanently settle all disputes in accordance with the principles of the United Nations.”

Global South leaders lamented the failure of the UN system, not just in the war in Ukraine but throughout decades of war and economic coercion by the United States and its allies. President Jose Ramos-Horta of Timor-Leste directly challenged the West’s double standards, telling Western countries,

“They should pause for a moment to reflect on the glaring contrast in their response to the wars elsewhere where women and children have died by the thousands from wars and starvation. The response to our beloved Secretary-General’s cries for help in these situations have not met with equal compassion. As countries in the Global South, we see double standards. Our public opinion does not see the Ukraine war the same way it is seen in the North.”

Many leaders called urgently for an end to the war in Ukraine before it escalates into a nuclear war that would kill billions of people and end human civilization as we know it. The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, warned,

“…the war in Ukraine not only undermines the nuclear non-proliferation regime, but also presents us with the danger of nuclear devastation, either through escalation or accident. … To avoid a nuclear disaster, it is vital that there be serious engagement to find a peaceful outcome to the conflict.”

Others described the economic impacts already depriving their people of food and basic necessities, and called on all sides, including Ukraine’s Western backers, to return to the negotiating table before the war’s impacts escalate into multiple humanitarian disasters across the Global South. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh told the Assembly,

“We want the end of the Russia-Ukraine war. Due to sanctions and counter-sanctions, …the entire mankind, including women and children, is punished. Its impact does not remain confined to one country, rather it puts the lives and livelihoods of the people of all nations in greater risk, and infringes their human rights. People are deprived of food, shelter, healthcare and education. Children suffer the most in particular. Their future sinks into darkness.

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Questions related to this article:

Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

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My urge to the conscience of the world – stop the arms race, stop the war and sanctions. Ensure food, education, healthcare and security of the children. Establish peace.”

Turkey, Mexico and Thailand each offered their own approaches to restarting peace negotiations, while Sheikh Al-Thani, the Amir of Qatar, succinctly explained how delaying negotiations will only bring more death and suffering:

“We are fully aware of the complexities of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the international and global dimension to this crisis. However, we still call for an immediate ceasefire and a peaceful settlement, because this is ultimately what will happen regardless of how long this conflict will go on for. Perpetuating the crisis will not change this result. It will only increase the number of casualties, and it will increase the disastrous repercussions on Europe, Russia and the global economy.”

Responding to Western pressure on the Global South to actively support Ukraine’s war effort, India’s Foreign Minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, claimed the moral high ground and championed peaceful diplomacy,

“As the Ukraine conflict continues to rage, we are often asked whose side we are on. And our answer, each time, is straight and honest. India is on the side of peace and will remain firmly there. We are on the side that respects the UN Charter and its founding principles. We are on the side that calls for dialogue and diplomacy as the only way out. We are on the side of those struggling to make ends meet, even as they stare at escalating costs of food, fuel and fertilizers.

It is therefore in our collective interest to work constructively, both within the United Nations and outside, in finding an early resolution to this conflict.”

One of the most passionate and eloquent speeches was delivered by Congolese Foreign Minister Jean-Claude Gakosso, who summarized the thoughts of many, and appealed directly to Russia and Ukraine – in Russian!

“Because of the considerable risk of a nuclear disaster for the entire planet, not only those involved in this conflict but also those foreign powers who could influence events by calming them down, should all temper their zeal. They must stop fanning the flames and they must turn their backs on this type of vanity of the powerful which has so far closed the door to dialogue.

Under the auspices of the United Nations, we must all commit without delay to peace negotiations – just, sincere and equitable negotiations. After Waterloo, we know that since the Vienna Congress, all wars finish around the table of negotiation.

The world urgently needs these negotiations to prevent the current confrontations – which are already so devastating – to prevent them from going even further and pushing humanity into what could be an irredeemable cataclysm, a widespread nuclear war beyond the control of the great powers themselves – the war, about which Einstein, the great atomic theorist, said that it would be the last battle that humans would fight on Earth.

Nelson Mandela, a man of eternal forgiveness, said that peace is a long road, but it has no alternative, it has no price. In reality, the Russians and Ukrainians have no other choice but to take this path, the path of peace.

Moreover, we too should go with them, because we must throughout the world be legions working together in solidarity, and we must be able to impose the unconditional option of peace on the war lobbies.

(Next three paragraphs in Russian) Now I wish to be direct, and directly address my dear Russian and Ukrainian friends.

Too much blood has been spilled – the sacred blood of your sweet children. It’s time to stop this mass destruction. It’s time to stop this war. The entire world is watching you. It’s time to fight for life, the same way that you courageously and selflessly fought together against the Nazis during World War Two, in particular in Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kursk and Berlin.

Think about the youth of your two countries. Think about the fate of your future generations. The time has come to fight for peace, to fight for them. Please give peace a real chance, today, before it is too late for us all. I humbly ask this of you.”

At the end of the debate on September 26, Csaba Korosi, the president of the General Assembly, acknowledged in his closing statement that ending the war in Ukraine was one of the main messages “reverberating through the Hall” at this year’s General Assembly.

You can read here Korosi’s closing statement and all the calls for peace he was referring to.

And if you want to learn more about the “legions working together in solidarity… to impose the unconditional option of peace on the war lobbies,” as Jean-Claude Gakosso said, you can find out more at

Страны бывшего СССР: Международный день мира

Свободный поток информации

Обзор CPNN

В течение недели с 17 по 28 сентября этого года следующие 126 мероприятий состоялись в 6 странах, ранее входивших в состав Советского Союза, согласно запросу в Google по ключевыми словами «Международный день мира» и «Міжнародний день мира», а также «“International day of peace».

В дополнение к этому, 16 мероприятий перечислены на веб-сайтах хора One Day One Choir и хора школ Монтессори, поющих во имя мира, но нет указаний на то, какие из них произошли в этом году, а какие – только в предыдущие годы.

Примечание: Для кратости, для городов, где имело место множество меропрятий, мы предоставили описание одного-двух из них и ссылку на остальные.

фото из села Испас, Украина

* * * АЗЕРБАЙДЖАН * * *


В национальной библиотеке Азербайджана имени М.Ф.Ахундзаде открылась виртуальная выставка, посвященная Международному дню мира, сообщает Trend Life. На выставке представлены фотографии, книги по теме и статьи, опубликованные в СМИ.

* * * БЕЛАРУСЬ * * *


21.09.2022 учащиеся группы СД-112 с преподавателем английского языка Ольгой Анатольевной Рапинчук решили совместить приятное с полезным и отпраздновали Международный день мира в узком кругу. Будущие медики приняли участие в викторине, познакомившись при этом с историей возникновения и целью проведения этого дня, затем отдали дань уважения Дню мира минутой молчания под звук колокола мира (самые известные традиции, которые соблюдаются в этот день) и прочли цитаты-высказывания известных людей о мире. Затем учащимся было предложено выбрать понравившуюся цитату. К слову, цитатой-фаворитом оказалось высказывание Матери Терезы: «Мир начинается с улыбки», которое и стало темой данного мероприятия.


Фотоальбом детских рисунков к Международному дню мира.


Тематические информационные часы: 19.09 «Мы за счастливое, мирное детство!» и 21.09 «Беларусь – символ мира» (21.09 – Международный день мира)


В Международный день мира Гомель встречал гостей со всей области – представители власти, делегации учителей и школьников, общественники собрались на большой форум в гомельской школе № 27. Перед началом торжества участники минутой молчания почтили память защитников Родины, возложили цветы и венки к мемориалу на Аллее Героев. Дальше миротворцев ждала насыщенная программа: онлайн-встреча «Дети – за мир!» с участием коллег из Курска, Смоленска, Владикавказа и Минска. . . . Педагоги и учащиеся гомельской школы № 27 поделились своим опытом с коллегами из районов, которые стали миротворческими только в этом году – такой статус присвоили учреждениям образования в шести районах области. Для гостей провели экскурсии по музейным комнатам, посвященным этнографии, истории школы и миротворческой деятельности. Встреча завершилась диалоговой площадкой «Дети мирной Беларуси!», на которой участники обсудили совместные проекты и предстоящие марши, акции, концерты.


23 сентября 2022 года в духовно-просветительском центре «Истоки» Лунинецкой центральной районной библиотеки состоялся час просвещения «Вместе на благо мира» с участием настоятеля Спасо-Преображенского храма (д.Язвинки)протоиерея Сергия Чижа, сообщает сайт ЛРЦБС. Главный библиотекарь Ирина Новацкая напомнила, что 21 сентября отмечается Международный день мира, рассказала историю праздника. Отец Сергий отметил, что главная ценность для любого человека – это мир. Война является физическим проявлением скрытого духовного недуга человечества. События последних лет обусловили беспрецедентную актуальность Международного дня мира сегодня.


Сегодня отмечается Международный день мира. Накануне этого дня Малоритчину посетил председатель правления общественного объединения «Белорусский фонд мира» Максим Мисько . . . Одним из направлений деятельности Белорусского фонда мира является благотворительная акция «Наше внимание – ветеранам войны и труда». В рамках этой акции учреждениям здравоохранения страны оказывается помощь в обустройстве палат для ветеранов современным медицинским оборудованием, бытовой техникой для комфортного пребывания в них пациентов.


21 сентября – Международный день мира. Активисты ОО ПО «БРСМ» ГУО “Средняя школа №83 г. Минска имени Г.К.Жукова” приняли участие в акции «Голубь мира», приуроченной к Международному дню мира. Нашей стране пришлось пережить не одну войну. Погибли миллионы людей. Погибли не просто так, а за то, чтобы жить нам с вами сейчас. Погибли ради мира в мире. Мы, нынешнее поколение, должны помнить тех, кто отдал за нас жизнь. Голубь выбран символом мира.


Международный День мира. В этот день в средней школе № 2 им. Н. П. Массонова г. Свислочи прошел праздник «Мир и единство – сила народа». На мероприятии присутствовали учащиеся 8–9 классов, педагоги, администрация школы, а также гости – председатель РО ОО «Белорусский фонд мира» Татьяна Гжещик и председатель районного совета ветеранов Елена Прокопик.


21 сентября 2022 года воспитанники группы “Солнышки”, воспитатель дошкольного образования Шпаковская М.И., музыкальный руководитель Вилкова Н.М., провели мероприятие,посвященное Международному дню мира.

* * * ГРУЗИЯ * * *


On International Day of Peace, local civil society organizations in the Samegrelo region of Georgia came together to support people displaced by conflict and promote peace and dialogue among conflict-affected communities. The grassroots celebration at the Chemi Mordu elderly home in Rukhi village gathered women, children, small entrepreneurs and residents from the surrounding communities. A handicrafts exhibition showcased handmade products created by local children and artisans. The event participants also joined artists in decorating the elderly home with a colourful mural, inspired by the theme of peace and social cohesion.

* * * МОЛДОВА * * *


Сегодня весь мир отмечает Международный день мира. По этому случаю несколько студентов Государственного университета медицины и фармакологии им. Николае Тестемицану организовали флешмоб, присоединившись к глобальной кампании «Минута молчания», запущенной в память о жертвах насилия, сообщает “Молдова 1”. Студенты говорят, что хотят жить в мире и участвуют в мероприятии с целью донести до людей важность мира в контексте войны на границе нашей страны.



21 сентября в Азовской поселковой библиотеке прошёл час Мира. Ученики 6 класса и библиотекарь Акбарова А.С. вспомнили историю происхождения знаменательной даты, ее значение и какие ценности в ней заложены.


21 сентября в подразделении школы в ИК-44 Белово прошло общешкольное мероприятие, посвященное Международному дню мира. . . . Учащиеся подготовили сообщения о традициях праздника, о его символах (голубе мира, Колоколе мира, о почетном звании Посланник мира и доброй воли), о деятельности Международного общественного фонда «Российский фонд мира».


В Белореченской Детской библиотеке отпраздновали Международный день мира. Библиотекари Детской библиотеки провели мероприятие под названием «Мир нужен всем» для воспитанников старшей группы детского сада №11. . . . В завершение мероприятия маленькие посетители приклеили листочки с добрыми словами на дерево мира. Малыши поняли, как важно быть добрее друг к другу, совершать только хорошие поступки, чтобы был мир во всём мире.


21 сентября отмечается Международный день мира. . . . в нашем реабилитационном центре прошло познавательное мероприятие «Всем нужен МИР!» Воспитанники познакомились с историей появления Международного Дня мира, с важными мировыми проблемами, которые необходимо решать для сохранения мира на Земле, историей рождения символа «Голубь мира». Затем нарисовали своих «голубей мира» и подготовили красочный плакат «Дети за мир на планете». В завершении мероприятия воспитанникам было предложено присоединиться ко всем людям планеты, которые борются за мир во всем мире.


21 сентября 2022 г. директор Литературного музея М.Ю.Лермонтова Хамдиева Р.Х. организовала и провела воспитательный час «21 сентября — Международный день мира». В ходе воспитательного часа ребята познакомились и с праздничной датой и с трагическими событиями из истории страны. Воспитательный час был направлен на развитие лучших качеств человечества: патриотизма, гражданственности, гордости за свою Родину, стремления к миру. Предварительно ребята получили задание: нарисовать рисунок в поддержку мира на Земле, выучить стихотворение. Мероприятие завершилось выставкой рисунков и оформлением пожеланий на заранее подготовленных бумажных голубях.


Лекторы-семиклассники провели уроки, посвящённые Международному дню мира. Они напомнили об истории возникновения праздника, об известных символах мира, о печальной истории японской девочки Садако Сасаки, ставшей жертвой ядерной бомбардировки Хиросимы, об Организации Объединённых Наций.
В завершение урока еврогимназисты стали участниками акции “Мы голосуем за мир!”


Что может быть лучше мира?! Гармония с окружающими и природой, доброта и красота — это прекрасно во все времена. Международный День мира способен стирать все границы, сближать и объединять! Данный праздник отмечается 21 сентября и призван заставить человечество не только задуматься о мире, но и сделать что-то ради него. Сегодня в нашу «Алису» пришли ученики из МОУ «СОШ №13», и мы вместе с ними «выпустили» белых голубей на «Землю»!


Сегодня, 21 сентября, в Международный день мира в МБОУ СОШ #1 им.Б.П.Юркова ребята, входящие в состав медиацентра «Объектив», провели акцию «Мир для меня это…». Участники записали видео на данную тему, озвучив свои мысли и размышления. Так же в школе прошли классные часы на данную тему.


ПОДКАСТ “Радио России” Иваново. Гость в студии:
 Галина Азеева – председатель правления ивановского отделения “Российский Фонд Мира”. 


Мир глазами детей. Конкурс поделок, посвященный Международному дню мира. 20 сентября, 2022. Городской округ Истра, Первомайский дом 33. Дети должны смеяться и жить в мирном мире. Открытый класс студии современного танца «Феномен». 21 сентября, Истринский городской округ, Покровское.


Отдел научно-методической работы и библиотечных инноваций провел патриотический час «Нам завещано беречь мир», посвященный Международному дню мира. . . . Сотрудники библиотеки, присутствовавшие на мероприятии, получили информацию о последних событиях в Украине – когда-то братской стране, входившей в состав Советского Союза, и выразили уверенность в том, что Российская Армия установит мир – мир, в котором нам нужно жить и продолжать жить. делать добро, творить и творить, строить и развивать. . . . Присутствующие услышали стихотворения «Берегите землю» Михаила Дудина, «Пальма для птиц» Алима Кешокова, «Мир и радость вам живущим» Кайсына Кулиева, а также песни о мире. Мероприятие сопровождалось видеопрезентацией «Как прекрасен этот мир».


Календарь мероприятий Кемеровской библиотеки: В Международный день мира библиотека для своих читателей проведет игротеку «вместе жить нам надо дружно». Специалист библиотеки расскажет ребятам об истории этого дня, о людях, которые изменили наш мир к лучшему: принцессе Диане, Нельсоне Манделе, Стивене Хокинге и др. В игре «Доскажи словечко» дети покажут свою эрудицию, отгадают загадки о дружбе и друзьях. В память об этом дне детям будет предложено нарисовать плакат дружбы.


Для подростков прошел информационный час, на котором обсудили события в мире и вспомнили трудные годы Великой Отечественной войны. Накануне сотрудники Кильдеевского сельского Дома культуры провели информационный час для подростков и молодежи «Как хорошо под мирным миром жить», посвященный Международному дню Мира.. . . . В заключении мероприятия ребята подняли голубей, символ мира.


К празднику мира для членов любительского объединения «Путеводная звезда» Шевинской библиотеки прошёл литературно-музыкальный вечер «Посмотри, как хорош мир, в котором ты живёшь».Библиотекарь рассказала о людях, которые изменили наш мир к лучшему: о благотворительной деятельности принцессы Дианы, Нельсоне Мандела, южноафриканском политике, страстном борце за права человека; Стивене Хокинге — известном ученом мира; Оскаре Шиндлере, спасшем 1200 евреев во время Великой Отечественной войны. Мероприятие сопровождалось показом презентации «Жизнь на Земле — прекрасней её нет!».


В Краснодарском кооперативном институте в рамках Международного дня мира состоялся круглый стол, участниками которого стали студенты факультета высшего образования, а организатором и ведущим – доцент кафедры социально-правовых и гуманитарных дисциплин канд. филол. наук Ирина Зимина. Тематика выступлений и презентаций была посвящена широкому кругу вопросов: конфликты и расизм, права женщин во всем мире, борьба с изменением климата ради мира, 74 года Всеобщей декларации прав человека и др. Участники круглого стола обсудили меры, которые принимаются государствами для предотвращения войн, а также вклад каждого в сохранение мира на земле.


Розетовская сельская библиотека. К Международному дню мира, Викторина для тех, кому интересна тема мира и стабильности. Результаты викторины и свои ошибки Вы сможете увидеть сразу после прохождения всех вопросов. Викторина пройдёт с 15 сентября по 25 сентября 2022 года. Все участники получат сертификат на электронную почту до 25 сентября.


Школьники из всех районов и округов Курганской области организовали акции к Международному дню мира. Молодёжный портал Зауралья рассказал, насколько творчески подошли к мероприятию его участники. В Кетовском детско-юношеском центре дети рисовали мир своими глазами и оформляли выставку, а также создали символ мира – голубей. Учащиеся Куртамышской школы искусств изготовили голубей в технике оригами. Эти поделки ребята унесут домой и поместят на самое видное место, чтобы в их семьях всегда был мир и согласие. В Лебяжьевской школе-интернате прошло познавательное мероприятие «Мир во всём мире». На мероприятии ребята обсудили, что мир – это спокойная жизнь, разумность, радость улыбок, душевное тепло и комфорт. Каждый из присутствующих позвенел в школьный колокол. Его звон заставил задуматься каждого: как хрупок наш мир, а значит, его нужно беречь! Ребята водили хороводы, читали стихи, играли, прикрепили голубей как символ Мира, защитили планету своими ладошками. А ребята из волонтёрского отряда «Помогатор» изготовили открытки и голубей, и дарили их всем жителям Лебяжья с добрыми пожеланиями мирного неба над головой!


21 сентября, в Международный день мира, в Курганском областном социально-реабилитационном центре для несовершеннолетних, расположенном в Кургане, по улице Войкова 26, состоялось открытие нового патриотического пространства. На празднике присутствовал иеромонах Афанасий (Коренкин) – древлехранитель Курганской епархии, настоятель храма в честь Блаженной Матроны Московской в Глинках и храма в честь Святых Царственных Страстотерпцев в Больше-Чаусово. . . . По случаю праздника выпустили девять голубей. Птицы – как символ мира – полетели домой, испытав тепло детских рук. Участники праздника сделали общую инсталляцию – выстроили детей и взрослых в слово МИР и сфотографировали его квадрокоптером. Дети декламировали стихи, общались с ростовой куклой Мишуткой, слушали душевные песни вокальной студии «София Лав».


Курский электромеханический техникум. В Международный день мира педагоги Варикова Антонина Андреевна и Ларин Денис Анатольевич провели тематический урок, посвященный этой дате. Группе Н-21 рассказали историю праздника и посмотрели тематические видеоролики.


Международный день мира в школах г. Меленки.. Вопросы войны и мира всегда были и остаются актуальными для человечества. Особенно остро это стали ощущать в XXI веке. Именно об этом вели разговор обучающиеся на классных часах в МБОУ «СОШ № 4» г. Меленки, МБОУ «Даниловская СОШ». В МБОУ «Бутылицкая СОШ» состоялась торжественная линейка, на которой с речью выступила директор школы Галина Владимировна Асташкина, обучающиеся исполнили стихи и песни о мире. В МБОУ «Урвановская СОШ имени Героя Советского Союза Емельянова И.А.» было проведено внеклассное мероприятие «Как хорошо под мирным небом жить». Ребята делали голубей, вспоминали о том, почему именно голубь с оливковой веточкой в клюве, которого нарисовал Пабло Пикассо, стал символом и эмблемой праздника.


В рамках реализации мероприятия в школах прошёл классный час,посвящённый этому празднику. В начале классного часа классный руководитель провела беседу “Что такое МИР?” Рассказала ученикам о возникновении праздника, поведала о колоколе, которую выплавили и сделали из монеток, собранными детьми. У этого колокола каждый год, 21 сентября, собирается народ и в 10 часов звенят в колокол, поминая жертв войны. После звона колокола все участвуют в минуте молчания. Дети узнали также о символе праздника – Голуби Мира. Информация, которую узнали ученики, оказалась очень познавательной, не менее интересной оказалась практическая деятельность – дети изготовили Голубя Мира в технике оригами.


Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации в рамках Года культурного наследия народов России при поддержке Совета по межнациональным отношениям при Президенте Российской Федерации запланирована к проведению уникальная акция, не имеющая аналогов в России и мире, с участием более 10 тыс. человек. Акция проводится в целях демонстрации единства народов России и укрепления межнациональных отношений. Мероприятие установит рекорд в категории «Самый массовый вальс», который будет внесен в Книгу рекордов России, – более 5 тыс. пар одновременно исполнят вальс под сюиту «Метель» композитора Свиридова Г.В. В мероприятии примут участие жители Москвы и гости столицы из всех субъектов Российской Федерации, а также студенты московских, областных и региональных образовательных организаций высшего образования, учащиеся общеобразовательных организаций, детских, профессиональных и самодеятельных танцевальных коллективов, ветераны, пенсионеры, общественные и политические деятели, деятели науки и культуры. Акция состоится 21 сентября 2022 г. в Международный день мира на территории ВДНХ.


Мурманский отдел народных художественных промыслов, 22 сентября – 14.00, Мероприятие с мастер-классом «Международный день мира».


Международный день мира отметили в Мысковском детском доме-интернате . . . В Мысковском детском доме-интернате в этот день с воспитанниками было проведено тематическое занятие, на котором присутствовала Ветрова Галина Александровна – заместитель председателя Совета Народных депутатов Мысковского городского округа.
Галина Александровна рассказала ребятам об истории этого праздника, провела беседу о значимости мира для людей всех стран, о важности сохранять мир во имя жизни, провела с детьми небольшую викторину о том, что является предвестником мира. После беседы был проведён мастер-класс по изготовлению голубя-символа мира. Из бумаги ребята сделали объёмных голубей и написали на них пожелания всем людям – мира, добра, взаимопонимания!


К Международному дню мира приурочены различные мероприятия: лекции, флэшмобы, благотворительные акции, конкурсы детских рисунков, концерты, парады мира, марши с «Факелом мира». Ученики гимназии № 2 традиционно в этот день собираются у городской стелы «Добрый ангел Мира» до начала уроков. Читают стихи о мире и добре, раздают белых голубков прохожим с пожеланиями мира, звонят в маленький колокольчик, присоединяясь тем самым к звону большого Колокола мира, а чтобы почтить память всех погибших в войнах и всех, кто стал жертвой терактов, объявляется минута молчания. Так же с самого утра в гимназии организована утренняя информационная встреча с мастер классом по изготовлению символа Дня мира.


В Новосамарске дети отметили День мира В Международный день мира, который на нашей планете, на всех континентах отмечают 21 сентября, сотрудники Новосамарского сельского клуба провели познавательную программу для детей «День мира». Ведущая программы рассказала об истории праздника. Примечательно, что в этот день принято звонить в колола. Дети, по традиции, звонили в колокольчик,  передавая его друг другу по очереди, затем, взявшись за руки, загадали желание, чтобы в мире не было войны, и никто не страдал. В конце мероприятия ребята прикрепили фигурки, вырезанных из бумаги голубей, на плакат «Наша планета» в знак призыва к миру, дружбе и взаимопониманию.


Сегодня, 21 сентября, отмечается международный день мира. Вместе со всеми жителями планеты Земля в 12:00 в нашей школе прозвенели колокольчики мира и добра. Звон колокольчика возвестил о том, что всем людям нужен мир, что мы не хотим войны и желаем всему миру счастья! Смотрите видеоролик сегодняшней акции на нашем Youtube канале


21 сентября для учащихся 5 В класса школы № 46 и 3 А, 3 Б классов коррекционной школы № 3 был проведен час актуальной информации «Мы разные – в этом наше богатство. Мы вместе – в этом наша сила», посвященный Международному дню мира. Участники познакомились с историей праздника и его традициями, раскрасили голубя, который является символом мира и написали пожелания добра. Так же ребята прочитали пословицы о мире, посмотрели мультфильм «Нам нужен мир», видеоролики «Голубь- символ мира», «Саманта Смит», «Мир, который нужен мне» и др.  В конце мероприятия школьники сделали вывод – мир начинается с простой человеческой дружбы, взаимного уважения и благожелательного отношения к другим людям. Нам нужно проявлять свои лучшие качества каждый день, решать споры мирно и тогда мы сможем подарить миру что-то хорошее и жить в мире и согласии!


21 сентября во всех странах отмечается Международный день мира. К этой дате сотрудники структурных подразделений МБУК «ЦКС Пугачёвского района» провели цикл мероприятий. В рамках мероприятий работниками культуры были проведены познавательно—игровые, тематические программы, беседы, акции, продемонстрированы видеоролики содержащие информацию о мире. Также были нарисованы на бумаге и сделаны из модулей оригами, голуби – символизирующие голубое мирное небо!


21 сентября – международный День мира. По этому поводу в Зеленогорском парке культуры и отдыха состоялись спортивные мероприятия. Специалисты отделения адаптивной физической культуры Комплексного центра социального обслуживания населения провели эстафету с элементами спортивных игр и турнир по мини-гольфу. В мероприятиях приняло участие 15 человек, 3 детей и 12 взрослых. Участники усовершенствовали свои навыки в спортивных играх,укрепили спортивный дух и волю к победе. Завершились мероприятия веселым и дружным катанием на каруселях.




21 сентября 2022 года в МОУ «СОШ 100» прошла акция «Голубь мира». Международный день мира – учрежденный Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН праздник – ежегодно отмечают в разных государствах. Он призван способствовать установлению мира на Земле и отказу от насилия. (с фотографиями)


Дети нашего детского сада тоже присоединились к жителям всей Земли, приняв участие в акции «Голубь мира». Ребята изготовили голубей символ мира и добра. Прикрепив бумажных голубей на палочку. Этой акцией мы хотим показать всем поколениям, что мир на земле – это самое важное и хрупкое, что следует беречь и защищать.


21.09.2022 г. в ГОУ «Провальский УВК» прошла акция «Голубь Мира». В рамках ежегодных мероприятий международного «Дня мира», в нашей школе прошел конкурс рисунков «Мы за МИР», в котором приняли участие обучающиеся с 1 по 11 класс. Существует традиция выпускать белых голубей, как символ мирных намерений, так учащиеся выпустили в небо белых бумажных голубей, привязанных к гелиевым шарам под песню И. Дунаевского «Летите голуби, летите».


Юные жители Предгорья запустили в небо белых журавлей. Добрую акцию провели на Ставрополье в Международный День мира.


Международный день мира призывает к взаимопониманию между народами, этническими, религиозными, культурными группами и отдельными людьми. В России к Международному дню мира приурочены различные мероприятия (лекции, флэшмобы, благотворительные акции, конкурсы детских рисунков, концерты, парады), которые проходят в разных учреждениях. Тростенецкий Дом культуры не исключение. На мероприятии участники узнают историю праздника, традиции празднования, а также интересные факты.


В Тульском техникуме социальных технологий» прошли мероприятия посвященные главной ценности нашей жизни – Миру. Единый час духовности: «Голубь мира», посвящённый Международному Дню Мира.


Музей Победы Центра детского творчества №2 провел в этот день урок мира для воспитанников 1А и 4Б классов ОГКОУ «Школа-интернат №16». Педагог ЦДТ №2 Карпова Л.А. подготовила презентацию и рассказала ребятам об истории праздника, его традициях. Подчеркнула, что важный вклад в дело сохранения мира вносят люди всей планеты. И каждый из нас способен что-то сделать для мира. . . . В международный день мира принято оказывать благотворительную помощь, радовать друзей и близких небольшими подарками. Юные патриоты также сделали подарки для своих родителей. Они складывали и вырезали бумажного голубя мира с оливковой ветвью в клюве, который является символом Международного дня мира. 
Мастер-класс по изготовлению голубя в технике оригами подготовила педагог объединения «Бумажные фантазии» ЦДТ №2 Лариса Александровна Сочнева.


Центральная городская библиотека в Международный день мира приглашает школьников города 21 сентября в 15:00 на час размышлений «Мир без войн и терактов – это реально». Мероприятие направлено на привлечение внимания детей к противодействию и предотвращению терроризма и войны. Поговорим о том, что терроризм является глобальной проблемой человечества и его проявления влекут за собой массовые человеческие жертвы. Почему война это плохо? Как важно, чтобы все народы нашей земли жили в мире и согласии. Как мы можем этого добиться?


Средняя школа 45. Международный день мира. В школе прошли Уроки Мира, посвященные этой дате. Дети нарисовали голубей – символ мира. Вспомнили, почему символом и эмблемой праздника стал голубь с оливковой ветвью в клюве, которого нарисовал Пабло Пикассо. Главный вывод, который сегодня сделали ребята, заключается в том, что все хотят жить тихо и счастливо под мирным небом.


МАОУ “Лицей № 102.  Международный день мира в начальной школе. Фото.


Гелюся Багаутдинова провела беседу с учениками начальных классов на тему «Международный день мира». . . После того, как познакомились с историей праздника, перешли на мастер-класс «Символ мира – голубь». Ученики с радостью участвовали, и каждый из них очень старательно делал своего голубя.


Международный день мира. Для учащихся средних классов ДШИ им. Е.М. Стомпелева проведена Презентация-беседа об истории создания праздника и его традиций.  

* * * УКРАЇНА * * *


День миру в ліцеї «Білоцерківський колегіум»! . . . Протягом усієї історії український народ боровся за своє мирне існування. І в 2022 році Україна усіма силами протистоїть російській агресії. Сьогодні кожен громадянин нашої держави, у міру своїх сил, виборює мир та спокій для нашої рідної землі. І це в особливий спосіб роблять діти в нашому навчальному закладі. Сьогодні в ліцеї пройшла виставка «Мир очима дітей». Усі учні мали змогу розгадати цікаві філворди «Що таке мир», написати на крилах голубів своє бачення миру та висловити свої мрії про майбутнє.


21 вересня, коли всі люди Землі відзначають Міжнародний день миру, працівники відділу обслуговування дітей та юнацтва Білгород-Дністровської Публічної бібліотеки запросили учасників гуртка «Юний художник» на годину миру «Хай буде мир віднині і довіку». Завідувачка відділу розповіла дітям історію виникнення цього свята, про символ міжнародної солідарності всіх людей світу «Дзвін миру», який було відлито з тих монет, які пожертвували діти всіх континентів. На заході діти зробили листівки «Голуб Миру» та написали свої побажання на крилах голубів, а саме: щоб вони мали можливість спокійно вчитися, втілювати в життя свої мрії, за мир, любов, спокій у своїх родинах та мирне небо над нашою рідною Україною, щоб скоріше закінчилася війна. В бібліотеці оформлена книжкова виставка «Україна бажає миру!», з якою юні читачі ознайомились та переглянули відео ролик «День миру». Діти власноруч зробили сердечка «Ми за мир» та подарували їх перехожим на вулиці біля бібліотеки .

(Продолжение в правой колонке)

Вопрос по этой статье:

Что произошло в этом году (2022) в связи с Международным днем мира?

(Продолжен с левой колонки)


Сьогодні у всьому світі відзначають Міжнародний день миру. На жаль, він затьмарений нашою спільною бідою: тривають бої, гинуть співвітчизники та воїни. Як ніколи, ми українці, розуміємо цілковите значення слова “Мир”. У цей день у нашому коледжі проходить акція «Пташка миру». Викладач Брошеван Тетяна Віталіївна провела майстер-клас, де студенти власноруч виготовили символічних паперових голубів, які принесуть мир та спокій нашій Батьківщині, припинять кровопролиття та страждання тисячі українців


З метою долучення до Міжнародного дня миру, в нашому закладі проведено ряд виховних заходів зі здобувачами освіти: ранкові зустрічі (класовод Руденко Н.М.), перегляд інформаційних відеороликів «21 вересня – Всесвітній день миру» (класний керівник Круглова Т.М.), відео-презентацій «Міжнародний день миру» (класний керівник Адаменко Т.А.), “21 вересня – Всесвітній день миру”, перегляд та обговорення патріотичний відео та пісень (класний керівник Гришко І.П.), читання поезії на тему «Мій дім – це мій край на ім’я Україна», конкурс віршів про мир, конкурс плакатів «Хай буде мир в Україні» (класовод Жолак В.М.), конкурс малюнків «Ми за мир в усьому світі!», також здобувачі освіти долучилися до флешмобу «Ми маємо вільні крила, бо ми з України», створення відеоролика «Міжнародний день миру» (педагог-організатор Полякова Л.П.).


Діти України хочуть Миру! Традиційно 21 вересня в Україні та в усьому світі відзначають Міжнародний день миру. Сьогодні мир в Україні не є абстрактним бажанням, це усвідомлена мета, адже за мирне існування, за право жити у власній державі триває боротьба по всій країні. І найвищу цінність миру, який є запорукою щасливого життя, сьогодні відчула кожна українська родина. Мир не означає програти війну, мир – це щоденна праця кожного громадянина задля вдосконалення, розвитку і спокою в країні.
З нагоди Дня миру учні 7-А класу підготували відеофлешмоб “Діти України хочуть Миру!”


День миру у школах Бучанської громади . . . У Здвижівській гімназії пройшли виховні години “Діти України -за мир!” Діти виготовляли листівки для воїнів ЗСУ та голубів. Миру в Україні бути! Миру хочуть добрі люди І дорослі, і малі Прагнуть миру на землі!


Загальноосвітні і позашкільні заклади міста Василькова у Міжнародний день миру провели флеш-моб «Голуб миру». Учні шкіл і вихованці позашкільних закладів виготовляли паперових голубів, запускали їх з кульками в небо, кріпили до карти України, малювали на асфальті, роздавали перехожим, читали вірші, промовляли гасла : «Ми за Мир!», «Ми любимо Україну!», «Хай в Україні буде Мир!» з надією, що їхні мрії про мир на Батьківщині здійсняться. Посмішки на обличчях, радість в серцях учнів, вчителів вселяли надію та впевненість в тому, що в Україні та в усьому світі не буде місця війнам.


З нагоди Міжнародного дня миру, який традиційно відзначають в Україні та в усьому світі 21 вересня, у Вербовецькій загальноосвітній школі I-III ступенів пройшли тематичні заходи. Кожна перерва і кожен урок у цей день були пронизані темою миру.


Міжнародний день миру. А сьогодні, як ніколи, потрібно усіма силами боротися за мир, щоб завжди світило тепле, ясне сонечко, щоб небо було завжди чисте та блакитне, щоб завжди були усмішки на обличчях у людей. Студенти АЛ-111, АА-111 курсу разом з керівником груп Писаною Мирославою Іванівною відвідали Алею Героїв Небесної Сотні та поклали квіти до пам’ятного знака. Студенти згадали про Героїв Небесної Сотні, які заради нашого щасливого та мирного майбутнього віддали своє життя.


У цей буремний час саме Мир українці цінують найбільше . . . Тож викладачі та студенти спецілізації “Видовищно-театралізовані заходи” Гадяцького фахового коледжу культури і мистецтв ім.І.П. Котляревського провели поетичні читання “З Україною в серці”, присвячені миру в рідній країні . . . З вітальним словом до всіх учасників та глядачів звернувся директор коледжу Анатолій Насменчук. Усі присутні мали змогу насолодитися патріотичними віршами, мелодіями бандури та мирним флешмобом. До того ж усі небайдужі могли долучитися до збору коштів для допомоги Збройним силам України.


Cтудентська рада факультету економіки та бізнесу, вирішила провести Челендж, присвячений дню Миру, по збору паперових журавликів. Паперовий журавлик є символом удачі, довголіття, щастя, надії та здійснення бажань. Існує легенда, що якщо скласти тисячу журавликів і загадати бажання, воно обов’язково виповниться. . . . Челендж триватиме по 26 вересня, коли відзначається не менш важлива світова подія – Міжнародний День боротьби за повну ліквідацію ядерної зброї. Давайте разом побажаємо Миру нашій любій та незламній країні! Така проста дія покаже нашу згуртованість та бажання боротися. Україна – це ми, і тільки від нас залежить її подальше буття!


Велика й дружна родина колегіуму теж мріє про мир, очікує на нього. Цю свою мрію діти Січового колегіуму втілили у своїх світлинах. Вони із захопленням взяли участь у загальношкільній фотовиставці «Моє майбутнє без війни».  Бо ж для кожного мир – це щастя і спокій в родині, це омріяне повернення до рідних стін, це цікаве, насичене, бурхливе колеґіантське життя, це здійснення усіх наших мрій і задумів. Віримо: наші героїчні воїни ЗСУ наближають перемогу над лютим ворогом, після якої до нас назавжди прийде МИР. Мир прийде у кожну нашу домівку, в наше Запоріжжя, в нашу Україну. Мир настане в  Європі, у цілому світі. Вірмо в це – і хай так буде! Миру тобі, плането! Миру вам, люди!



З нагоди Міжнародного дня миру у бібліотеках громади були оформлені виставки «Хай буде мир віднині і повік» (Бібліотека-філія с. Зятківці), “Бережімо мир на цій землі” (Бібліотека-філія с. Чечелівка) та перегляди літератури «Хай буде мир віднині і навіки» (Бібліотека-філія с. Кисляк), «Нам потрібне мирне небо» (Бібліотека-філія с. Губник), “Хай буде мир на всій Землі” (Бібліотека-філія с. Мар`янівка), підготовлені інформаційний дайджест «21 вересня – Міжнародний день миру» (Центральна бібліотека), «Мир – значить життя» (Відділ юнацтва), з яких користувачі та відвідувачі бібліотек дізналися про історію виникнення цього свята.


21 вересня світ відзначає Міжнародний день Миру. В Україні за указом президента цей день відзначають з 2002 року. На сьогодні для нашої держави це свято є особливо значимим. . . . Тому напередодні свята провідна фахівцівчиня з екологічної освіти Гетьманського національного природного парку Оксана Суслова організувала фоточелендж “Моя мрія – мирне небо над головою” у дистанційному форматі, у якому взяли участь учні Литовського навчально виховного комплексу: загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІ ступенів – дошкільного навчального закладу Чернеччинської сільської ради Охтирського району , Хухрянської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів (опорного закладу освіти) Чернеччинської сільської ради Охтирського району, Охтирської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів імені Бориса Антоненка-Давидовича та вихованці еколого-натуралістичного напрямку Охтирського міського центру позашкільної освіти – Малої академії наук. Діти фотографували хмаринки і домальовували свої фантазії . доступний тут на facebook.


З нагоди Дня миру в Іспаському ЗЗСО І-ІІІ ст. ім. М. Марфієвича вихователь групи подовженого дня 2-х класів Гаврилюк Ірина Анатоліївна провела виховну годину на тему: “Україна бажає миру!” . . . Під час проведення акції “Скринька мирних побажань” другокласники-нушенята написали листівки з побажаннями для солдатів. А під час роботи в групах юні художники з великим натхненням розмалювали мега розмальовку “Ми – за мир!” Другокласники декламували вірші, виконували пісні “Це моя Україна”, “Україна – матуся моя”, “Країна моя Україна”, “Журавлі”. Під час проведення патріотичного флешмобу учні продемонстрували свій талант та творчість. Присутні помітили радість і надію на обличчях дітей, що скоро настануть мирні дні.


21 вересня 2022 р. бібліотека-філія №15 с. Підлужжя Департаменту культури міської ради провела пізнавальний калейдоскоп “Мир не кров’ю, а дружбою й любов’ю”. На цьому заході читачі ознайомились з історією Дня миру, переглянули відеоролик, а також поділились своїми думками і переживаннями. На знак підтримки підготували голубів, які символізують мир.


Акція “Голуб Миру”, присвячена Міжнародному дню Миру…Ми запропонували учням написати свої найзаповітніші бажання і всі вони сходяться до одного – МИРУ! Це єдине, чого прагне кожен українець, кожен, хто підтримує нашу країну, кожен, хто допомагає нам його здобути!


На уроці Миру дітки дізнавалися про затвердження відзначення цього Дня Генеральною Асамблеєю ООН, про символ миру – білого голуба з оливковою гілкою у дзьобі, про дзвін миру, що був відлитий у Японії; учениці Тетянка Брич та Даринка Шмігельська натхненно читали поезію про війну «І знов весна…»; усі дітки створювали есе на теми «Що таке мир для мене», «Я прагну миру, бо…». Наша чудова переселеночка з Луганської області Марійка Дмитрієва зворушила всіх чуттєвою розповіддю про свій малюночок. Солідарні та щирі у своїх бажаннях і мріях дорогенькі шестикласники посилали у світ голуб миру з надією на якнайближчу Перемогу України.


Новини гімназії. Напередодні Міжнародного дня миру класні керівники провели виховні години «Хай буде мир на всій землі», на яких учні висловились про важливість миру в усьому світі, переглянули тематичні презентації та відеоматеріали. Усі учасники освітнього процесу залюбки долучилися до колективної творчої справи «Голуб миру». Незважаючи на те, що навчання проводиться з використанням дистанційних технологій, протягом кількох днів учні надсилали свої малюнки, оригамі, поробки, відеоматеріали, які надихали та підбадьорювали вчителів, однокласників і батьків. Мир – цінність, яку по-справжньому ми усвідомили за останні місяці. Бажаємо миру та злагоди кожній родині, спокою, процвітання і,звісно, якнайшвидшої перемоги! Миру нашій неньці-Україні! Слава Україні! Героям Слава! Віримо в ЗСУ! (КИЇВ – БІБЛІОТЕКА ІМЕНІ ДЖАМБУЛА ДЖАБАЄВА






Цього дня освітні заклади Кременчука проводять тематичні уроки та виховні заходи. Що думають про мир учні, батьки та учителі Кременчуцького ліцею №25 “Гуманітарний колегіум” можна переглянути тут на facebook.


У Центрі «Віза» («Центр Дії») оновлено виставку-експозицію дитячих малюнків до Міжнародного дня миру! . . . В такий нелегкий час для України, як зараз, дитячі шедеври дивують не тільки персонал ЦНАП «Візи», але й наших відвідувачів своїм прагненням до єдності та миру в нашій державі. А деякі, особливо привернули увагу своєю теплотою та дитячими мріями про міцну і мирну Україну. Діти різного віку малюють і бачать все в яскравих фарбах, а ми відчуваємо їх прагнення до світлого майбутнього.


Різноманітними заходами відзначила бібліотека Чижевського Міжнародний день миру. . . . Відвідувачі бібліотеки цього дня брали участь у майстер-класі з виготовлення з бісеру янголят, які огортатимуть теплом серця наших Захисників на передовій. Особливу програму бібліотекарі підготували для своїх маленьких друзів – дівчаток та хлопчиків з дитсадочку «Краплинка». Щасливі люди живуть у мирі. Щоб бути щасливим, потрібно бути здоровим, щоб бути здоровим, потрібно правильно харчуватись! Тож у відділі з питань охорони здоров’я малеча знайомилася з секретами правильного харчування. А разом з бібліотекарями відділу абонементу діти виготовляли символи миру – голубів. Разом з ними вони фотографувалися на різних локаціях та в чудовій фотозоні з повітряною інсталяцією.


Куликівський професійний аграрний ліцей. До Дня миру, який міжнародна спільнота відзначає 21 вересня в читальному залі ліцейної бібліотеки розгорнуто книжкову виставку “Хай буде мир віднині і довіку”


21-го вересня, у Міжнародний день миру, в гімназії села Ласків Володимирської громади педагоги-організатори провели благодійний ярмаркок під гаслом «Смаколики випікай – ЗСУ допомагай». Учні кожного класу готували випічку, солодкі напої, вироби, зроблені власними руками, і продавали їх. Купували батьки, вчителі та самі школярі. Також була організована “Скринька Миру”, куди діти кидали малюнки та листівки, адресовані нашим захисникам з побажаннями.


До Дня миру вихованці гуртка «Народні умільці», керівник Олена Верхова, підготували фотозвіт дитячих малюнків. А вихованці гуртка «Виготовлення сувенірів» (керівник Наталія Омельченко) створили композицію «Голуб миру» як символ миру та відродження нашої країни. . . . Всі малюнки яскраві та унікальні, заслуговують на високу оцінку, а найкращі обирали учасники спільноти вподобайками.


«Україна нічого не просить, окрім миру та суверенітету, можливості обирати свою долю і шукати власні альянси, як і будь-яка незалежна держава». Про все це, а також про інші аспекти міжнародної системи безпеки йшлося під час заходу для першокурсників на факультеті управління фінансами та бізнесу, присвяченому Міжнародному дню миру. . . . Після того, як всі необхідні приготування було завершено, студенти провели флешмоб в Актовій залі Університету. Саме там вони розгорнули карту України, створену за допомогою оригамі, і побажали швидкої перемоги Україні у війні з агресором та мирного життя кожному у безпечній Українській Державі.


21 вересня відзначають Міжнародний день миру, з цієї нагоди в нашій школі відбулась акція «Ми маємо вільні крила». Наші учні власноруч зробили голубів миру й намалювали патріотичні малюнки, котрі передали нашим військовим. Пам’ятаймо, що об‘єднавшись, ми – сила! І перемога – за нами!


З метою формування глибокого розуміння про важливість миру, виховання гуманізму, патріотизму в Закладі загальної середньої освіти I-II ступенів с. Митлашівка Драбівської селищної ради Черкаської області відбувся захід «Ми проти війни». З вуст дітей звучали слова вдячності всім, хто захищає нашу країну від окупантів, хто своєю щоденною працею наближає мир на нашій землі.


В навчальних закладах громади 21 вересня пройшли тематичні заходи, пронизані темою миру, єдності, перемоги. Школярі виготовили обереги для військових, які, разом з продуктами харчування, ліками були вручені нашим землякам – захисникам: Олегу Козакевичу, Юрію Колпаку та Андрію Ракітіну, які саме в цей день перебували у короткочасній відпустці вдома, сільським головою Тамарою Фесько, з побажаннями миру та здоров’я від усіх жителів громади.


Академічний ліцей №3 Обухівської міської ради Київської області. 21 вересня – Міжнародний день миру. Цьогоріч це свято є дуже актуальним в Україні. У час повномасштабної війни цінуємо мир та спокій якнайбільше. Вдячні ЗСУ за мужність, стійкість та відважність. Саме завдяки воїнам ми живемо у відносному спокої та тиші. Педагогічний колектив, учні школи та батьки підтримали акцію ” Подаруй тепло душі воїнам”. Ми зібрали теплі речі, дощовики, засоби інтимної гігієни, побутову хімію, продукти харчування швидкого приготування, солодощі, чай та каву.


Одеський Державний Екологічний Університет. Метою сьогоднішньої зустрічі, організованої старшим викладачем кафедри українознавства Мирошниченко М.І. зі студентами 3 курсу природоохоронного факультету груп Е-20, Е-22і, ЕК-20, ТЗ-20, ТЗ-21і, було  звернутися до обговорення актуальних питань миру посередництвом тематичної мінідискусії «Вимір миру». . . . Студенти розвивали вміння будувати діалог, вести дискусію, доводити власну точку зору, працювати з проблемними запитаннями. Ми почали більше цінувати мир і розуміти його справжнє значення. Віримо, що мир у нашій країні неодмінно настане і ми будемо жити під мирним небом!


21 вересня у Павлограді громадською організацією  “Агенція демократичного розвитку донбасу” було проведено публічну акцію – художня виставка-вернісаж у Павлограді, яка присвячена Дню миру. . . . Детальніше з діяльністю у рамках проекту можна ознайомитися на порталі, у групі проекту в фейсбуці  та на сторінці  ГО “Агенція демократичного розвитку Донбасу”.


Міжнародний день миру . . . З нагоди цього свята працівники культури с.Петрушів провели свято “Ми хочемо миру”. Сьогодні мир в Україні не є абстрактним бажанням, це усвідомлена мета, адже за мирне існування, за право жити у власній державі триває боротьба на сході країни.


Плесецька гімназія. З нагоди Дня миру у 3-А класі пройшла година спілкування на тему: “Мир очима дитини” .


Шолоховський Ліцей. Виставка малюнків : “Мир на планеті – щастя всім дітям”.
Виставка малюнків : “Мир на планеті – щастя всім дітям”, здобувачів освіти 5-А класу до Міжнародного дня миру.


21 вересня у всьому світі відзначають Міжнародний день миру. . . . Сьогодні мир в Україні не є абстрактним бажанням, це усвідомлена мета, адже за мирне існування, за право жити у власній державі триває кривава боротьба. Про це йшла розмова в ході проведення музично-поетичної акварелі «Дай, Боже, миру Україні!», що відбулася в Центральній бібліотеці ПМТГ на вул.Алмазній 6/11. Учасники заходу – учнівська молодь Полтавського коледжу нафти та газу, місцеві активісти та ВПО, ознайомилися з традиціями відзначення цього свята у світі, говорили про символи миру, обмінювалися думками…Поетичну сторінку представила полтавська поетеса Надія Гринь


У Рівному 21 вересня, у Міжнародний день миру, міські заклади дошкільної та загальної середньої освіти . . . продавали патріотичні вироби та домашню випічку, аби підтримати ЗСУ. . . . “У нас є кекси — власна випічка і вироби, зроблені своїми руками. Ми хочемо допомогти ЗСУ. На мою думку, ця допомога дуже важлива, адже наші захисники нас зараз захищають і їм потрібно допомагати всім, чим ми можемо”, — каже дев’ятикласниця Валерія Сасько. Загалом у місті відбулося п’ять таких ярмарків: у сквері на проспекті Князя Романа, 12 школі, площі Перемоги, парку Хімік та за кінопалацом Україна.


Освітяни Рогатинської міської територіальної громади та їх вихованці сьогодні приєднуються до флешмобу «День миру». Відеоролики доступні за посиланнями:
Лучинецька гімназія, Липівська гімназія імені Стефана Качали, Рогатинський ліцей №1, Верхньолипицький ліцей, Верхньолипицький ліцей, Рогатинський ліцей імені Братів Рогатинців, Пуківська гімназія, Підмихайлівська філія Княгиницького ліцею


Відкритий діалог з громадою до міжнародного дня миру. «цінності миру»: бесіда-огляд . . . центральна бібліотека: м.сарни разом з педагогами долучилися до відзначення міжнародного дня миру. у всіх вікових групах були проведені заняття, бесіди, розглядання ілюстрацій на загальну. (З відео, зробленим учнями.


До Дня Миру в Слов’янській ЗОШ №12 проводидись онлайн-заходи флешмоби «Голуб миру», «Лелека Миру», «Долоньки миру», «Склади квітку миру», «Ми за мирне небо України». Години спілкування: «Ми – діти світу», «Світове щастя неможливе без миру на Землі», «Хай буде мир у нашій рідній Україні» виготовляли інформаційний бюлетень до Дня миру.


В середу 21 вересня в Конгрес-Центрі СумДУ відбудеться творча подія, присвячена відзначенню Міжнародного Дня миру. . . . Пройде він у формі концерту, в якому візьмуть участь виконавці та автори співаної поезії, а також представники класичних мистецтв.


Тернопільська школа No4. Учні 3-В класу вітають усіх з Міжнародним днем миру! Бажаємо, щоб над нами завжди було чисте і мирне небо, нехай на планеті ніде і ніколи не буде воєн, а люди будуть щасливі і спокійні!


В с.Тисалово до Міжнародного дня Миру працівниками культури проведено флешмоб”Ми за мир на всій землі” та годину спілкування


Фото зі святкування Міжнародного дня миру в лінгвістичній гімназії ім. Т. Г. Шевченка з відео на YouTube


Студентське самоврядування факультету дошкільної та спецільної освіти провели он лайн захід для студентів, на якому ознайомили з історією створення та важливістю миру у житті людей. Віримо що незабаром дійсно настане мир, і ми не будемо чути звуки сирен, ракет… Що більше жоден українець не загине від рук рашистів


З метою формування глибокого розуміння питань, пов’язаних із миром, розширення знань учнів про важливість миру на землі, виховання гуманізму, патріотизму, любові до свого народу, поваги до людей різних національностей в закладах загальної середньої освіти громади провели заходи з відзначення Міжнародного Дня Миру, засідання круглих столів, виховні заходи «Мир за мир», «Мир у твоїх руках», «День Миру в Україні», вікторини – «Гортаючи сторінки історії», «Україна-єдина», «На захисті миру», «Наше серце Україна», інформаційні хвилинки, флешмоби.


Раніше для нас, українців, мир – це була повсякденна реальність. На вулицях нашої неньки – України було спокійно, всі діти ходили до школи, посміхалися. Але відбулися різкі зміни, підкралося горе… На Україну напав ворог. І нам, українцям, як ніколи, потрібно усіма силами боротися за мир щоб нам завжди світило тепле, ясне сонечко, щоб небо було завжди чисте та блакитне, щоб завжди були посмішки на обличчях людей. Сьогодні соціальним педагогом Марією Нечепоренко та вчителем з трудового навчання Іриною Семенюк, для учнів 1-7 класів було проведено майстер-клас з виготовлення «Голуба миру». Діти почеплять у себе в домівках символічних голубів, які принесуть мир та спокій нашій Батьківщині, щоб мир запанував у душах та серцях людей.






ПТАХА МИРУ від 21 вересня оселилась у 5-В класі НВК№10! Вважаємо, що саме так має формуватись освітнє середовище у 5 класах НУШ: не дорослі придумали і зробили/придбали/прикрасили. Самі здобувачі сучасної освіти об’єдналися для виконання міні-проєкту. Так і колектив гуртується, так і предмет “Мистецтво” цікавіше вивчати! Вітаємо дітей 5-В з гарною спільною справою! Дякуємо класній керівничці Карині Ткачук.


21 вересня 2022 року, у Міжнародний День миру, у Черкаському державному технологічному університеті відбувся мистецький вернісаж «Життя перемагає!», на якому представлені роботи лауреатів та дипломантів регіонального конкурсу малюнка «Рашизму – НІ! Наближаємо велику Перемогу!». Тематична виставка, присвячена Міжнародному Дню миру, проходить у межах реалізації на Черкащині Програми по відновленню порозуміння для лідерів громад в Україні «Мир у цифровий час». (з відео на YouTube)


Відзначаємо День Миру. . . День розпочався з ранкових зустрічей у 1- 11 класів присвячених цій важливій для нашої держави події. У шкільному фоє учні, батьки та вчителі мали змогу переглянути відеоролики та ознайомитися з історією виникнення та символами свята. Під час інформаційних годин учні взяли участь в он-лайн вікторині «День Миру» та майстер-класах «Голуб Миру». Волонтерський клуб «Вектор» організував та провів миротворчу акцію «# pray for Ukraine» в якій активну участь взяли учні 5-х класів. Наймолодші учні школи разом із своїми вчителями приєдналися до флешмобу «Парасольки Миру»


Голова Черкаської обласної парторганізації Юрій Тренкін разом із депутаткою обласної ради від «Батьківщини» Тетяною Волочай у Міжнародний день миру прийшли до першокласників черкаської школи №34. . . . . Черкаські школярі розповідали політикам про те, як їхні матусі волонтерять і допомагають армії, як товаришують і підтримують своїх однолітків, які приїхали із міст, найбільш постраждалих від війни. Діти пишаються українськими Героями і переживають за їхнє життя, вони бажають, щоб війна якнайшвидше закінчилася. Свої переживання учні передають через малюнки, які показали своїм гостям. Тут і українські воїни, які перемагають ворога, і будиночки із жовто-блакитними прапорами, і лелеки на пшеничних полях… Бо це їхнє найзаповітніше бажання – жити в мирній Україні!


Завдяки боротьбі Збройних Сил України молодіжна спільнота Чернігова мала можливість зібратися в Агенції регіонального розвитку на творчу виставку-вернісаж, яку з нагоди Міжнародного дня миру та Дня міста Чернігова організував НУ «Чернігівська політехніка» спільно з ГО «Центр гендерної освіти». Виставка живописних робіт майбутніх архітекторів та дизайнерів – здобувачів вищої освіти Національного університету «Чернігівська політехніка» – присвячена нашому рідному місту, стала символом незламності Чернігова і його протистояння російській агресії. . . . Захід розпочався виконанням гімну України на саксофоні, лунали патріотичні пісні, дивовижні вірші, цікаві історії про Чернігів від Ервіна Мідена. Сповнені натхнення і віри у майбутнє рідного міста та України, учасники/ці говорили про потребу просування молодіжних ініціатив, спрямованих на розвиток молодіжного лідерства та участь молоді у соціальному відновленні.



Активисты ОД «Мир Луганщине» провели акцию «Голубь мира» в селе Власовка
В селе Власовка 21 сентября прошла акция «Голубь мира». В этот день ребята своими руками сделали белых голубей и нарисовали плакат «Мы за мир!»


В Международный день мира в поселке городского типа Крепенский 21 сентября прошла акция «Голубь мира», имеющая большую воспитательную духовную значимость для подрастающего поколения. В акции приняли участие, председатель Крепенского первичного отделения, начальник отдела по обеспечению жизнедеятельности Татьяна Бака, преподаватели, воспитатели, учащиеся школ, студенты медицинского колледжа, активисты Крепенского первичного отделения ОД «Мир Луганщине». . . . Дети пришли на праздник с белыми голубями, в знак благодарности и признательности нашим героическим дедам и прадедам-участникам Великой Отечественной войны, это послание всем людям земли с призывом жить в мире, дружбе и взаимопонимании. Проведение данной акции в поселке Крепенский стало уже доброй традицией на протяжении восьми лет.


План культурно-массовых и спортивных мероприятий. 21.09.2022 : Международный день мира
– Информационное мероприятие. Информационная выставка. Раздача листовок. Феодосийский городской дом культуры
– В течение учебного дня, Тематический урок: Международный день мира. Оформление тематического стенда
– Приморская ДХШ имени М.А. Волошина: Совместная выставка рисунков на тему «Мир глазами детей»
– Центральная детская библиотека: «Голубь мира»


21 сентября в Кураховском центре культуры и досуга прошло тематическое мероприятие «Нам нужно мирное небо». Своим творчеством: песнями и танцами, творческими работами-поделками взрослые и дети проявили неравнодушие к этой актуальной теме, и выразили свою гражданскую позицию. Дети города Курахово также имели возможность принять участие в мастер-классах по изобразительному и декоративно-прикладному искусству.


Институт транспорта и логистики и Факультет компьютерных систем и информационных технологий ЛГУ им. В. Даля начали этот день звоном в колокольчик, присоединяясь к звону Колокола мира. Тем самым они почтили память всех жертв военных действий и терактов.


Дзержинского первичного отделения Общественного движения «Мир Луганщине» провели флешмоб, посвященный Международному дню мира. Участники флешмоба вышли в парк с воздушными шарами, с бумажными фигурами голубей, чтобы продемонстрировать стремление жителей Донбасса к миру. – Отмечая этот праздник, мы хотим подчеркнуть, что Международный день мира для нас особенно дорог и значим. Ведь мы уже сколько лет мечтаем о мире на нашей земле. Поэтому активисты нашего первичного отделения традиционно отмечают этот праздник, – подчеркнула председатель Дзержинского первичного отделения ОД «Мир Луганщине» Наталья Грищенко.


В Международный день мира с целью воспитания у подрастающего поколения патриотизма и любви к Родине 21 сентября активисты Общественной организации «Молодая гвардия» Славяносербского района провели информационный час «Несите, голуби, народам мира наш привет!» . . . В исполнении молодежи прозвучали стихи и песни о мире. – Для жителей прифронтового Славяносербского района слово «мир» имеет особое значение. Восемь лет мы выступаем за мирную, счастливую жизнь без войны, борясь с украинским неонацизмом. Мы хотим, чтобы наши стремления поддержали не только жители Республики, но и все неравнодушные люди, которым небезразлична судьба Донбасса, – отметил активист проекта «Молодая Гвардия» Артем Козлов. В завершение мероприятия каждый участник получил символ мира – бумажного голубя.


Международный день мира. К этому дню библиотека–филиал №3 провела для своих читателей акцию «Мир в сердце – мир на Земле». Вместе с библиотекарем ребята постарались дать определение слову «мир». Юные читатели говорили, что мир – это солнце, небо, Родина, родные и близкие люди, друзья. Рассуждали и о том, что самыми беззащитными при военных действиях становятся дети, старики и женщины. В своей беседе библиотекарь рассказала ребятам об истории этого дня, о людях, которые в современной мире на нашей земле пытаются защитить и сберечь этот мир для будущих своих детей . . . В заключении акции ребята сфотографировались с рисунками о мире, держа в руках маленького голубя, т.к. именно эта птица является символом мира на земле.


21 сентября 2022 года работники  Культурно-досугового объединения провели  молодежную акцию к Международному дню мира «Я люблю этот мир».
Организаторы акции прошлись по центральным улицам города Шахтерска и рассказали жителям о том, что примерно каждую сотню лет в мире вспыхивает глобальный военный конфликт, уносящий жизни миллионов людей,  что каждое пятое государство регулярно сталкивается с проблемами военных действий и терроризмом, а также, что символом современного дня мира является голубь и оливковая ветвь. На память о празднике, воспитанники театрального кружка «Маска» вручали прохожим и символ мира.

English bulletin October 1, 2022


According to our survey of the Internet there was a great increase in participation in the International Day of Peace this year. This was true in all regions of the world except for Ukraine and Russian Federation.

Of course, Ukraine and Russian Federation are a special case since they are at war. Despite this, there were 61 events from Ukraine and 45 from the Russian Federation, which is especially remarkable since, according to UNICEF, half of the children of Ukraine are out of school because of the war. Most of the events involved school children. On both sides of the war, they drew or cut out paper doves and wrote their wishes for peace on them. Often they sent them into the sky on balloons. Their actions were especially heart-wrenching this year. Has there ever been such a time when the children on both sides of a war could express and publish for the world to see their wishes for peace?

Elsewhere in Europe we found reference to actions in 293 communities, over 100 more than last year. As in previous years, the greatest number was recorded in Belgium where 136 towns and municipalities participated in a campaign to fly the peace flag on official buildings. The Collective for 21 September coordinated and described actions in more than half of the one hundred departments of France, including marches and demonstrations, often linked to the struggle to preserve the planet from global warming.

In Spain, several cities, including Navarra and Tolosa celebrated the day with the premiere of a work called “Zotoz” for female choirs. The choral performances were filmed in beautiful historic sites and made available on the Internet. In Italy, the national post office issued a special colorful postcard for the day which was available throughout the country. Also at a national level in Italy, the national network of schools for peace, along with many partner organizations, launched a national program of civic education for students called “For peace with care.”

In North America, Peace Day celebrations could be found on the Internet from 44 of the 50 United States and 7 of the 10 Canadian provinces. City-wide events took place in Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, among others. At the United Nations in New York, more than 500 students interacted with the UN Secretary-General and high-profile artists and activists. Among the many events coordinated and reported by the Pace e Bene network, perhaps the most unique was the report from Alan Sutton, “Posters that I got from Pace e Bene are on both sides of the camper on the back of my truck. It’s a continuous action in pursuit of a culture of nonviolence.”

Reports from Asia and Pacific increased by 50% from last year to 64 this year, including 17 from India and 10 from Australia. It was new this year that we searched using the Japanese characters for the International Day of Peace and as a result we found 10 instead of one event in that country. One of these was the festival of calligraphy in Nigata City, where calligraphers and high school students put their wishes for world peace into their brushes. Calligrapher Ayasu Shimoda said, “I think that we can do it by swinging the brush instead of the sword. I wrote it with my thoughts.”

Reports from Africa more than doubled from last year to 74 this year, including 18 alone from all the regions of Nigeria. The celebrations of the International Day of Peace took place in a context of armed conflicts, not only in Nigeria, but also in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), in Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau and South Sudan, among others. UN Peacekeeping forces took part in a number of these celebrations. On the occasion of the international day of peace, Lucha, a non-violent and non-partisan youth civil society movement in the DRC held peaceful demonstrations in Tshilenge, Beni, Kindu, Goma, Kisangani, Kananga, Tshikapa and Kinshasa “to show its solidarity with the compatriots of Bunagana and other entities of the ‘East of our country living under occupation of the M23 and other armed groups.”

Reports from Latin America increased by 80% from last year to 52 this year, including 13 each from Brazil and from Mexico. In Colombia, the celebration was linked to the struggle for reconstruction following the peace accords that ended their decades of war. In Bogota the House of Justice was covered with woven fabrics that were hand-made by dozens of people as a tribute to the victims of the armed conflict. In addition, there were cultural exhibitions, academic talks and a fair of enterprises of victims of the armed conflict and signatories of the Agreement.

In Mexico, for the International Day of Peace, the National System for Integral Family Development carried out a Mayan ceremony on the esplanade of the Expomaya in the city of Felipe Carrillo Puerto. And in Costa Rica, the day was celebrated by a national contest for the best song for peace.

Reports from Arab States and the Middle East increased by 80% from last year to 28 this year. These included formal events to mark the day by the League of Arab States, the Muslim World League, the Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia and ISESCO, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Events in Yemen, Darfur Sudan and Syria were carried out in the context of the armed conflicts in those countries. In Yemen, “Southern Women Group for Peace”, renewed its demands that southern women occupy their rightful place in all negotiations calling for peace, based on resolution (1325) issued by the UN Security Council.

In addition to the above, there were a number of international virtual events. Here are a few of them:
Songs for World Peace
Raising Peace Festival
Peace Day Live
Together for Peace in the World, organized by the European Parliament



What has happened this year: International Day of Peace



United States and Canada: International Day of Peace



Europe: International Day of Peace



Asia and Pacific: International Day of Peace




Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace



Arab States And Middle East: International Day of Peace



Latin America and Caribbean: International Day of Peace



Africa: International Day of Peace

What has happened this year (2022) for the International Day of Peace

This year we give links to 293 actions carried out in 1O countries of Western Europe and 126 in 6 countries in Eastern Europe that were once part of the Soviet Union. We link to 209 actions in 7 Canadian provinces and 44 of the 50 states of the United States. There are 64 actions cited in 16 countries of Asia and the Pacific, 52 from 12 Latin American and Caribbean countries, 74 from 30 African countries, and 28 from 15 Arab and Middle Eastern countries. See the CPNN bulletin for October for a synopsis.

Detailed data may be found on the following CPNN articles:

Europe: International Day of Peace

Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace

United States and Canada: International Day of Peace

Asia and Pacific: International Day of Peace

Arab and Middle Eastern States: International Day of Peace

Latin America and Caribbean: International Day of Peace

Africa: International Day of Peace

Europe: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

We list here 293 events in 20 European countries that were listed this year in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International Day of Peace”, “Journée Internationale de la Paix”, “Dia Internacional de Paz”, “Dia Internacional da Paz”, “Internationaler Tag des Friedens”and “Giornata internazionale della pace” or were listed on the websites of International Cities of Peace Facebook and the website of the Collectif de 21 septembre.

In France, there were events in 59 departments, more than half in the country, and in Belgium there were events in 136 municipalities.

In addition to these, over 300 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but, with the exception of 6 listed here that were new this year, there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

No doubt there were also many events listed on the Internet in the various national languages in Europe other than those for which we searched.

For events in European countries formerly part of the Soviet Union, click here.

Photo from Le Creusot, France


The United Nations proclaimed September 21 as the “International Day of Peace” to encourage all initiatives to “promote the ideals of peace”. On this occasion, we invite the cities and municipalities of Belgium to participate in this UN appeal by hoisting the flag of peace on the municipal building(s). . . . This initiative is a campaign of the Belgian Coalition Against Nuclear Weapons. The following 136 municipalities have taken part:
Amay, Andenne, Aubange , Avelgem , Assesse, Awans, Beersel, BoechoutBouillon, Bredene, Brugge, Châtelet, Chaumont-Gistoux, Chièvres, Chimay, Komen-Waasten, De Panne, Dessel, Engis, Eupen, Florenville, Fontaine-L’Evêque, Gent, Gerpinnes, Gouvy, Ham, Hamont-Achel, Hannuit, Hensies, Herbeumont, Hoeselt, Holsbeek, Houffalize, Houthalen-Helchteren, Itter, Geldenaken, Juprelle, Kalmthout, Kasterlee, Koekelare, Kontich, Kortessem, Laarne, Terhulpen, Lanaken, Leuven, Lichtervelde, Lierde, Manhay, Marche-en-Famenne, Marchin, Meise, Meulebeke, Messancy, Moeskroen, Nijvel, Ohey, Pecq, Peer, Péruwelz, Perwijs, Blieberg, Ramillies, Roosbeek ,Rouvroy, Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse, Sainte-Ode, Sambreville, Schelle, Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Zinnik, Soumagne, Spa, Stekene, Tessenderlo, Thuin,Tinlot, Tintigny, Trooz, Tubeke, Verlaine, Wezet, Viroinval, Weismes, Walhain, Borgworm, Waver, Wichelen, Wortegem-Petegem, Zandhoven, Zonhoven, Lille, Lummen, Borsbeek, Zelzate, Oostende, Florennes, Beaumont, Belœil, Geer, Herstal, Meix-devant-Virton, Quaregnon, Rendeux, Sint-Joost-ten-Node, Morlanwelz, Overijse, Melle, Putte, Zutendaal, Herne, Vilvoorde, Frasnes-lez-Anvaing, Genepiën, Hoei, La Louvière, Manage, Pepinster, Quévy, Somme-Leuze, Stavelot, Wingene, Roeselare, Nazareth, Montigny-le-Tilleul, Bièvre, Kaprijke, Arendonk, Machelen, Ravels, Riemst, Herk-de-Stad, Brunehaut, Écaussinnes, Vorst, Léglise, Malmedy, Anhée


Following a series of youth essay and art competitions organized by the OSCE and United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2020 and 2021 to mark the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the country’s commitment to Agenda2030, the two organizations have gathered a selection of essays and artwork in a publication presenting young peoples’ reflections on peace in BiH. The publication, entitled The Peace Young People Wish to Build in BiH, was presented today in Sarajevo on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, and was followed by a conversation with young authors. The Peace Young People Wish to Build in BiH publication is available at the following link: The Peace Young People Wish to Build in Bosnia and Herzegovina | OSCE.


Acting on this year’s theme of End Racism, Build Peace, the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, the Home for Cooperation, The Home Café and Peace Players Cyprus join together to organise a series of activities promoting and celebrating peace. On the International Day of Peace, September 21, a series of activities, performances and presentations will take place inviting all of the communities of the island.


Turkish and Greek Cypriot unions, which are members of the World Union Federation and the Bi-Communal Peace Initiative are organizing a bi- Communal event for United Cyprus, in line with the 1st of September World Peace Day. Turkish Cypriots will gather at Kuğulu Park and Greek Cypriots will gather at Eleftheria Square at 6.30 pm and will walk to the buffer zone during the event that will take place on Thursday, September 1st 2022. The General-Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Union (WFTU) Pambis Kiritsis will be holding a speech at the 1st of September World Peace Day event to be held at the ÇetinKaya Stadium at 7.30 pm. The “Let’s Sing Together” Orchestra will give a concert at the event.


The International Day of Peace is coming up and like in the previous years, it’s a chance to invite everyone to run with us in Nicosia! This will be an easy 6-7km run with runners from both sides and will pass by some major streets of the whole of Old Nicosia. The event is organized by RUNITE, a group of friends from across the island who love to run together and have organized running events in different parts of Cyprus.


March and gathering for peace. Wednesday 21 September, from the National Garden (bust of Jean JAURES) to Place du Vigan.
From 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Graphic and musical course.
Posters, texts, poems, songs, petitions, bibliographies, exchanges…
At 6:30 p.m. Gathering Place du Vigan.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, Wednesday September 21, 2022, the local committee of the Peace Movement of Alençon ( Orne ) will be present Thursday September 22 at the downtown market. In the context of the war in Ukraine , pacifists call for mobilization to “obtain social, economic, cultural, national and international peace policies inspired by the United Nations Charter and respectful of all human rights”.


Two highlights for peace. Date(s): 21/09/2022 – 24/09/2022
September 21, International Day of Peace, in Angers: 2 highlights
Wednesday, September 21: 6 p.m. PLACE DE LA PAIX celebration
Saturday, September 24: 3:00 p.m. PLACE DU RALLIEMENT walk


The gathering will take place this Saturday, September 24 at 2 p.m. in front of the Annecy Prefecture. First signatories: Peace Movement, PCF, Human Chain Against Hate. Stop all wars, violence, misery, injustice. Dare Peace, Cultivate Peace


At the call of the Peace Movement, let us come together to express our demand for peace: Exhibition and meeting-debate. Wednesday, September 21, 2022, International Day of Peace, 6:00 p.m., Mairie d’Availles Limouzine


International Day of Peace. During two days, 20 and 21 September, many highlights will come to celebrate these days, the associations offer a space of peace to marvel, recharge, inform, dialogue & discover works of art, manual creativity, portraits of people of peace , messages of peace, stands for Unicef (peace ambassadors in schools), Omcal (many leisure activities sources of peace), Ammac (helps young people build model boats ), Agrédiance (promotion of peace through relational harmony and offers tools to manage aggression).


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace (September 21), the UN urges us to build A CULTURE OF PEACE. Also, we invite you to a cinema-meditation session on Friday September 23 at 7 p.m. with the film We All by Pierre Pirard on the program.


Call for a rally for Peace as part of the celebrations of the International Day for Peace : Saturday September 24, 2022 at 11 a.m. Besancon aux Glacis (war memorial). Themes: nuclear disarmament in a context where the risk of nuclear war has never been high, the need for a ceasefire and peace in Ukraine, the consequences in France with inflation and rising prices Energy. Rally at the call of: Peace Movement, General Confederation of Labor (UL CGT), Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV Grand Besançon), French Communist Party (PCF Doubs), La France Insoumise (LFI), Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MRAP), A Gauche Citoyens! (AGC!), Republican Association of Veterans Affairs (ARAC)…


Sunday, September 25, we are organizing our 40th Peace Walk in Blois Departure from the Allées stadium car park. 5 Routes of 5,10,15,20,25 km. Organized by Mouvement de la Paix du Loir et Cher


Several initiatives are programmed in Bonneuil on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.
11 h. Placement of one thousand cranes and origami made by children in leisure centers – Leo-Lagrange sports complex.
14-17 h. Football game, to live together, to speak about peace, to favor feminine and mixed practice in sports and football, to create a space for inter-generational contact.


COLLECTIVE WALK FOR PEACE, In LIBOURNE, the local organizations FSU, LDH, CGT call to participate in the “GLASS FOR PEACE” Parc de l’Epinette from 5:30 p.m.


War is anything but harmless. And the fact that it is not yet happening on our territory should not encourage us to ignore it. War is never the right answer, it is bad for everyone at every level. This is the message that the collective for peace wants to convey during this annual gathering. Created a few years ago, this gathering is designed to raise awareness in this complicated period on the importance of preserving peace in the world, respect for human rights, the socio-economic development of populations and the emergence of pacifist citizenship. The tree of peace is the symbol of this peace movement. In Boulogne-sur-Mer, it is personified by a Gingko Biloba, planted in 1995 near the war memorial on boulevard Eurvin, by Jean Delessalle, member of the Boulogne section of the Communist Party


Saturday, September 24, about thirty activists from the PCF, the League of Human Rights, Attac, free thought, showed their support for the International Day of Peace. Gathered at 2:30 p.m. at the corner of rue Gambetta and rue Victor-Bach, the members of the “Collectif National 21 Septembre” led by Daniel Blatrix (PCF) recalled the remarks of António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations who had declared “Instead of fighting against each other, we should act to defeat our real enemies: racism, poverty, inequality, conflict, the climate crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. » Banners unfurled and microphone in hand, peace activists recalled that the International Day of Peace has never been so important, in a world where 37 “theaters” of war are identified in different parts of the globe with a nuclear threat.


Exhibition and Conference-debate. September 21, 2022 – 6 p.m. International Day of Peace – End Racism, Build Peace. At the Val d’Auron Media Library, Place Martin Luther King: Inauguration of the exhibition “Faces and birds of peace”
8 p.m. – The Culture of Peace, a brief history and a resource for the future. At the Natural History Museum, amphitheater, Allée René Ménard: Conference-debate with the participation of David Adams, Former Director of the Culture of Peace at UNESCO


Rally for Peace on September 21, 2022 in Cahors (46) at 5.30 p.m., Fountain of Peace, Place Mitterrand. First signatories: CGT 46, Lot Committee of the Mouvement de la Paix.


Distribution of leaflets, 22/09/2022, all day.


Animation and distribution of leaflets. As part of the International Day of Peace, an event is organized in the city center of Châtellerault on Saturday, September 24, it will be preceded by the distribution of leaflets in the city’s markets.


Peace March in Chenove (21) as part of the Peace Day. The march will follow the city’s memorial route and will end with a speech by the Mouvement de la Paix.


Gathering on September 21, 2022. As every year for many years, the Channel Committee will gather at the foot of the olive tree of Peace in Equeurdreville, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin.


Gathering and animation for peace. September 21, 2022 from 3 p.m. (until 6 p.m.) Place Travot in Cholet. We will propose an animation to inform, exchange, sign petitions… in order to advance the culture of Peace. And we will participate in the march for PEACE, September 24: 3 p.m. PLACE DU RALLIEMENT in Angers


Many events, peace trail
September 11: Association Forum in Brive
September 21: 12:30 p.m.: Citizen picnic in front of the tree of peace in Brive
September 22: Ceremony of the Tree of Peace in Argentat
September 30: Ceremony of the Tree of Peace in Ussel


60 people gathered in Ajaccio this Wednesday, September 21 for the International Day of Peace. Many associations called for a mobilization on the theme “end racism, build a world of peace”.


In Bastia, around thirty people gathered for peace. On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, and at the call of many associations, two gatherings were organized in Corsica, notably in Ajaccio and Bastia.


On September 21, the International Day of Peace, around thirty citizens unfurled banners in Dijon, and a dozen in Moloy, near the CEA site in Valduc (Commissariat for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies) which maintains and the modernization of France’s 290 nuclear weapons.
They demand :
– France’s compliance with art. 6 of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to which it acceded in 1992 and of which it violates the spirit and the letter,
– France’s accession to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TIAN), which since January 22, 2021 has become the standard of international law,
– and, eventually, the reconversion to peaceful activities of the CEA-DAM sites, including that of Valduc.


At the call of the association Vosges pour la Paix, a few demonstrators met in front of the Vosges prefecture, place Foch, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.


International Day of Peace on September 21, 2022: mobilization for peace in Foix between 12 p.m. and 2 the call of the Mouvement de la Paix, and the organizations ACAT09, AFMD, 4ACG, CGT09, Couserans-Palestine, EELV09, FSU09, LDH09, MJCF09, NPA09, PCF09, RESF09, Solidaires 09, UFAL09 and the deputy G. Lazaroo. We will distribute a flyer and have people sign the petition “cursed be war”.


The Popular University of Fontenay-sous-Bois invites you on Monday September 26, at 8:30 p.m. at the Le Kosmos cinema, to the screening of the documentary film La Bombe et nous (70’) by Xavier-Marie Bonnot. This film was shot in 2017, during the preparation at the UN of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TIAN) for the preparation of which the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) received the Nobel Prize for the peace. On January 22, 2021, the TIAN entered into force; it continues to be ratified by many countries. This film has the advantage of giving voice to very diverse personalities, both favorable and opposed to the TIAN. It will feed the reflection in view of the meeting-debate which will take place on November 15 at the Town Hall of Fontenay-sous-Bois, during the inauguration of the exhibition Acting for disarmament.


March for peace September 21. Meet at 6 p.m. in front of the lion at Place de la Cymaise, in the St Laurent district (opposite the St Laurent pedestrian bridge) in Grenoble and walk to the new Place de Lavalette museum


Rally of the Mouvement de la Paix. Every year, the International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21. Wednesday, at 6 p.m., on the initiative of the Creuse Committee of the Movement for Peace, citizens were invited to join in the event. About forty people were thus gathered on the forecourt of the town hall of Guéret to defend peace, act for the climate, nuclear disarmament, social justice and living together.


September 28, 2022 – 8 p.m. The Culture of Peace for a Peaceful Transition. Rue d’Olmor – Municipal hall: Conference/debate in partnership with Femmes Solidaires


In La Rochelle, a rally and then a march in town as part of the International Day of Peace. Dozens of associations relay our appeal and some have indicated that they will be present at our side. A group of young, sometimes very young, dancers from a working-class area of the city, the Ultimatum group, will animate our gathering with music and hip-hop dances.


At the call of the Trégor Mouvement de la Paix, about fifty people gathered this Wednesday, September 21, on the Human Rights forecourt to say a stop to the war in Ukraine and in 36 other countries. “For its future, humanity has no choice but peace.” It is with these words that Françoise Le Loarer, spokesperson for the Trégor Mouvement de la Paix, concluded her speech, this Wednesday, September 21, at the end of the afternoon, on the forecourt of Human Rights, in Lannion.


Initiatives of the Laragne-Vallée du Buëch committee for September 21:
– Celebration around the olive tree of peace in Laragne:
Wednesday September 21 at 6 p.m. in the Jardin Jean Giono (next to the church) to commemorate the International Day of Peace together, with the participation of the Restoublons choir
– Creative workshop for young people in partnership with the MJC and the Laragne leisure center, Wednesday October 5


In the Gers, we have place original panels for peace at the entrances to villages and on the national road 21! (with many photos)


At the call of the Collective for Peace, around forty people gathered this Wednesday at Place Schneider as part of the International Day of Peace celebrated each year on September 21. After the gathering, the procession formed went to rue Leclerc and then took the direction of the town hall where Jacqueline Guillien read the text of the Collective for Peace. “It was particularly important to meet all of us on September 21, International Day of Peace, to affirm our common aspiration, beyond our differences in convictions and philosophical, political, religious, trade union sensibilities…. We must make our demands heard in favor of Peace, the climate, nuclear disarmament, social and environmental justice, friendship between individuals and Peoples.”


The peace committee of Le Havre (76) organizes from September 19 to September 28, 2022:
– September 19, at 6.30 p.m.: evening at the literary café “Les Yeux d’Elsa” with our friends from Femmes Solidaires on the theme “women and peace”
– September 21, at 2:30 p.m. in Gonfreville l’Orcher, we are invited to participate in a performance of songs specially designed for the International Day of Peace by the choir of the residence for the elderly. An intergenerational meeting with the participation of children from a CM1 class with their teacher. and at 5.30 p.m. the peace march in Le Havre, at the call of the Peace Committee of Le Havre with the participation of 25 associations, trade unions and local politicians: departure from the Town Hall to go to the Oscar Niemeyer space.
– September 28 at 8:30 p.m. at the “Le Studio” cinema: screening followed by a debate, of the 1989 film “Black Rain” by Japanese Shohei Imamura. “After the bomb in Hiroshima, the horror, the trauma… life for the survivors”


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace decreed by the UN on September 21, the Friends of Peace, in partnership with the group of readers of La Vie de la Sarthe, offer a conference by the historian Pierre Maucourt on Fridtjof Nansen, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1922. In the aftermath of the First World War, this Norwegian, explorer, scientist and statesman, led a visionary action in favor of refugees. A century later, its action is still relevant and can inspire all those involved in the reception of war victims, in particular Ukrainians. Details in our calendar.


In Le Mans, rally at 3 p.m. Place de la République, September 24, 2022. And exhibition from September 26 at the town hall of Allonnes.


International Day of Peace. Rally on Wednesday September 21 at 6 p.m. for peace and against wars in the central square of Malakoff in front of the Town Hall in the form of a “circle of silence”. Animation on Sunday September 25 during the market with installations and a mini-exhibition of artists for peace. This Sunday, September 25 in Malakoff, we will celebrate this event by putting the city’s main square in the colors of peace with an installation created by artists on the theme of hands.


THE SAILS OF PEACE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. Saturday September 24, 9:30 a.m.: Old Port in front of the central Town Hall, speeches, entertainment 11:30 a.m.: Boarding for L’Estaque – Espace Mistral – entertainment, boat trips


As part of the UN International Day of Peace: Call for citizen rally. Wednesday September 21 – 5.30 p.m. – Jardin de Ferrieres in Martigues: Speeches,Snack, Concert of young martegals on the theme of Peace. In the afternoon, great game of peace at Canto Perdrix
Sunday 25, Peace Regatta: departure at 1 p.m. from Tholon base


Wednesday, September 21, demonstration for peade in Metz, meet at 5:30 p.m. in front of the station for a demonstration that will end at Place des Droits de l’Homme. At the call of a collective of organizations, with the presence of the Mouvement de la Paix.


Flash mob for peace. Date(s): 21/09/2022. Time(s): 11:00 a.m. Meet at Mont Saint Michel at 11:00 a.m. under the ramparts and at 12:00 p.m. on the shore, in the sand towards Tombelaine.


A few supporters of peace marched this Wednesday evening, September 21, through the city to say no to racism and war.


“Meeting for Peace” at HENNEBONT. Saturday September 24, at the initiative of the Morbihan Committee of the Mouvement de la Paix.
– at 4 p.m., opening of the “Rendez-vous de la Paix”, interventions and musical entertainment by “Duo Madachi”, Latin American music
– from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., “Marche de la Paix” between Square de la Paix and Place Foch
– from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., “Pot of Peace” room Chevassu.
with the support of: AFPS, LDH, Libre Pensée, Attac, CGT, FSU, Solidaires, PCF


When the war develops all over the place, when military expenditure increases like never before in the history of humanity (2013 billion dollars in 2021), when the threat of the possible use of nuclear weapons reappears, and when world peace is threatened, it is urgent to act to say stop, that’s enough! This is why the local organizations of the national collective of marches for peace are calling the population to a rally on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 at 6:30 p.m. (international day of peace) place d’Allier in Moulins and invite those who wish to read texts and poems to peace to join them. Moulinois collective of marches for peace (Peace Movement, ARAC, Mrap, CGT, PCF, RESF and CCFD)


Two weeks of non-violence and peace in Nancy from September 21 to October 2, 2022
Tuesday September 20 at 7:30 p.m. (reception at 7 p.m.) at the MJC Lillebonne, 14 rue du Cheval Blanc in Nancy: debate on non-violence “What social, political and economic changes in the face of global warming? How to invent our Low Carbon lives?”
from September 21 to 30 during MJC opening hours, at the MJC Lillebonne, 14 rue du Cheval Blanc in Nancy: exhibition “non-violence is radical”. The objective of this exhibition is to reach people driven by a strong sense of anger but also helplessness in the face of the social and climate crisis. In particular, we want to raise awareness among young people who are now involved in demonstrations, occupations, social and environmental struggles. Official inauguration on September 21 at 6 p.m. for the International Day of Peace.


A fresco depicting a couple of migrants embracing each other has been installed in Névache for the International Day of Peace.


Meeting and march for peace. Wednesday September 21 Place Carnot in Nevers, meet at 5.30 p.m. Walk to the Place de la Résistance (in front of the Prefecture) where the interventions of the Mouvement de la Paix will be read, then the many associative organizations, trade unions and political partners may express themselves.


Many events at the Bar Le Prolé from September 21 to October 2
Until Sept 18 Photography contest on the theme of peace
Sept 24 Café Philo with Marjolaine Pierre
Sept 26 Results of photo context and expo of best 3
Sept 29-Oct 1 Artist-painters create in public
Sept 30 show by Lou Chatell Company on climate and economy as factors for war
Oct 1 Association SERVAS presents its actions for peace
Conference-debate with Mouvement de la Paix
Debate with ARAC, Association of militants of peace
Oct 2 Showing of Film “Timbuktu”


To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the local group of the Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples has planted an olive tree in the city of Oloron.


With the Mouvement de la Paix Committee of Orsay, Les Ulis, Vallée de Chevreuse, the International Day of Peace, September 21, will be an opportunity for a meeting at 2 p.m., supervised by the referent teachers of the eco-delegates with the eco-delegates of the Lycée Blaise Pascal . . . Also, a Cine-Debate around the film “The bomb and us” on September 21 at 8:45 p.m. at the Jacques Prévert cinema.


Rally. Meet on Wednesday September 21, 2022 at 6 p.m. Place de la République in Paris Meet near the statue, opposite Rue du Faubourg du Temple. Don’t forget banners, flags, etc. Flyers and documents will be available for distribution.


At a time when peace in the world and in Europe is once again threatened, nearly 135 young people and adults from nearly 16 different countries have decided to celebrate together this September 21 the 41st International Day of Peace 2022, under the Arc de Triomphe, by reliving together the ceremony of the rekindling of the Flame. . . Invited for this sixth edition on the initiative of the National Association of Local Reservists for Youth and Citizenship (ANRLJC), this delegation welcomed this year the defense class of the Jeanne d’Arc college in Kremlin-Bicêtre, a delegation from Saint Joseph College in Saint Cloud, a delegation of students from the ILERI Défense association and young foreigners taking part in international Rotary International exchanges in the 1660 and 1770 districts. Young people from the EPIDES of Saint Quentin and Val-de- Reuil participated with us in this ceremony.


A symposium on the theme “Republic and fraternity” at the Nazareth Synagogue. The event is organized as part of the bicentenary of the synagogue and commemorates the international day of peace. The event is organized in partnership with the “Rotary International District 1660” club.


Rally in PAU this Wednesday, September 21 at 6 p.m. in front of the Prefecture


The kick-off will be given on Sunday September 18 with the Fête de la Paix in Peyriac Minervois . . . the troupe “La Tripe du Bœuf” will offer its show “14-18, Bleu Sombre Horizon”, an adaptation of texts taken from the war diaries of Corporal Louis Barthas and other combatant authors of the Great War . . Other initiatives are planned for that day and during the week, particularly with primary school children, on children’s rights, the environment, tolerance and non-violence. During the day, we will welcome you with pleasure at the committee’s stand, which will offer you extensive documentation and promotional items. This day received the support of the Cercle Louis Barthas and the municipality of Peyriac Minervois, a municipality that is a member of the “cities of peace” network.


International Day of Peace. Ceremony, exhibitions and workshops in Poissy and Carrières-sous-Poissy!


March for peace, departure at 6 p.m. from the Charles de Gaulle metro station, Cours des Allies. Reading of the national appeal of the collective marches for peace, demonstration and press conference.


Rally of the Peace Mouvement de la Paix, ATTAC, JOC…Wednesday, September 21 – 6:30 p.m.Grand Place Roubaix. As part of the UN International Day of Peace at the call of the Collective of marches for Peace.


For “the international day of peace, Wednesday September 21, our organizations support the appeal of the Peace Movement and invite the people of Comminge to a rally at 6 p.m. in front of the sub-prefecture of Saint Gaudens. Press release ATTAC Comminges, BDS Comminges, COMICO (Collective Migrants Comminges), EELV GLSO, FSU Comminges, France Insoumise Comminges-Savès, Communist Party Comminges, Socialist Party St Gaudens/ Montréjeau, RESF Comminges, UL CFDT Comminges, UL CGT Comminges, UL Solidaires .


Rally for peace at 11 a.m. at the town hall of Saint Léon sur l’Isle, on September 24.


Rally on September 21 Esplanade de l’Europe, behind the media library, opposite the station at 6 p.m. We will meet for the International Day of Peace to claim Peace, to demand that the weapons be silent, nuclear disarmament everywhere in the world, the reorientation of the economy towards an economy of Peace… supported by the CGT, the FSU, AFPS, ARAC and the organizations of deportees, Femmes solidaires.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace and Marches for Peace, the Saint-Nazaire committee calls for a rally When the war develops all over the place, when military expenditure increases like never before in the history of humanity (2013 billion dollars in 2021), when the threat of the possible use of nuclear weapons reappears, and when world peace is threatened, it is urgent to act to say stop, that’s enough! This is why the Nazaire Committee of the Peace Movement with the local organizations of the national collective * Marches for Peace calls on the population to a rally on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 at 4 p.m. (International Day of Peace) at the War Memorial – Seafront in Saint-Nazaire


A day for peace. Sunday, September 18, 2022Courtyard of the town hall and wedding hall, Pacifist exhibition, pyramid of shoes with Handicap International, discussion an petition around the TIAN, raffle, show “From operetta to opera” with Voice in G minor.


Committee of Saint-Étienne – Loire 42: September 21, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.Gathering in front of the statue of Jean Jaurès, at the call of the Collectif pour les marches de la paix; Place Jean Jaurès in Saint-Étienne.


The association “Foutez-nous la paix!“, with the help of La Mégisserie and Ciné-Bourse present, from October 17 to 30, 2022, the 3rd edition of the festival “Foutez-nous la paix!“ in Saint-Junien.


Lighting of the Flame of Nuclear Disarmament followed by a Conference-Debate with Jacques Terracher, Aeronautical Technician. The civil nuclear between cracks and discomfiture and Jean-Marie Matagne, President of Citizen Action for Nuclear Disarmament (ACDN) War in Ukraine: the Apocalypse for tomorrow? PUBLIC DEBATE. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima, Zaporijia… How to neutralize the civil and military nuclear danger?


This Wednesday, September 21, Saran will celebrate the International Day of Peace, with the theme “End Racism, Build Peace”. The event, which the news sheds in a particular light, takes on a new dimension with many events for the general public to experience on the forecourt of the town hall.
From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.: Sports games, creative workshops, games, entertainment, snack offered to children
5 p.m.: Planting of the tree of peace
From 6 p.m.: Official speeches and reception
8 p.m.: Big Band concert in favor of Ukraine


On Sunday, September 25, on the initiative of the Mvt peace committee south 54, the CDN54 (collective against nuclear weapons) and many organizations or unions will hold a March for Peace to say: NO to all wars No to war in Ukraine! A march against poverty and for social justice. Against racism and for Solidarity. Music and songs in the afternoon.




Round Table for Peace and Concert, 09/21/2022, 6:00 p.m., METRO CAPITOLE at 6:00 p.m.


Schools and peace.
– Tuesday 20, the delegates of each of the 13 schools will bring the creations which will be arranged around the 13 olive trees (in containers) offered by the Tournon-Tain Peace Committee. Then at 6 p.m., official inauguration with institutional partners, teachers, children and parents as well as the Cadets de Bacchus choir.
– Wednesday 21, visits for all audiences of the various exhibitions: student creations, “Peace and Climate” exhibition and “Children’s words and drawings” exhibition.
– Thursday 22, visits organized for schools.


– Saturday September 17 in Loches: distribution of leaflets to the population on the market
– Tuesday September 20 in Tours: press meeting
– Tuesday, September 20 in Loches: meeting / debate with Edith BOULANGER around issues of Peace and Climate (exhibition at the media library)
– Saturday September 24 in Tours: gathering from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. place Jean JAURES with distribution of leaflets to the population and discussions at the call of the collective of the marches for Peace


Rally. Mouvement de la Paix, Valenciennes Committee – Wednesday, September 21 – 6:30 p.m., Place d’Armes – Valenciennes, As part of the UN International Day of Peace, at the call of the Collective of Marches for Peace.


For the International Day of Peace, The Vénissieux committee of the Mouvement de la Paix organizes September 21 on Wednesday afternoon
– Plantation of a Gingko Biloba, Amstrong district (Minguettes)
– Then screening of the documentary “the beginning of the end of nuclear weapons” at the Gérard Philipe cinema
– Debate and speech by the Mayor
– Friendly drink offered by the city.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the World Center for Peace in Verdun is organizing a rally on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 from 5:30 p.m. A member of the “World Union of Martyr Cities, Cities of Peace”, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, Verdun is one of the cities that have been deeply marked by war . Its landscape and its heritage still bear the traces. The World Center for Peace, Freedoms and Human Rights plays a key role in remembrance work. The gathering of this September 21, 2022 will also be the opportunity to present a new module  within the exhibition  « Drôles de paix : 1945 à aujourd’hui ». 


On this day to celebrate peace, the children of the Villejuif Leisure Centers explain to us what the word “peace” means to them: Youtube video


September 21, 2022 in Villejuif (94): Celebration of the International Day of Peace
– in the morning presence at the market of the Villejuif Committee of the Peace Movement, distribution of leaflets calling for the gathering
– 10:30-10:45 a.m.: march for peace
. . .
– 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.: Cooperation games at Pablo Neruda Park
Creation of a giant fresco: the children will answer the questions “in one word or in one sentence, what is peace? what is well-being? “. their answer will follow the curves of a drawing forming the dove of Peace:
– 6 p.m.: gathering around the olive tree of peace in front of the town hall, speeches by the municipality and pacifists, then inauguration of the “Cartooning for peace” exhibition at the media library.


Evening of Friendship on September 21, 2022, Salle Makarenko, rue Grétillat in Vitry sur Seine. Exchanges Buffet, Music on the occasion of the International Day of Peace and the 60th anniversary of Algeria’s independence in partnership with the Association Ensemble pour l’avenir.

(Survey continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

What has happened this year (2022) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)


Berlin Alpakaclan Techno Truck World Peace Day demonstration, 17 and 18 September.


The Arab-German Cener for Dialogue “Wasla” organized an artistic evening to celebrate the International Day of Peace.


Event on the occasion of the UN World Peace Day at the World Peace Bell in the Volkspark Friedrichshain. Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau, will speak at the event at 16h10


On the occasion of the “International Day of Peace” of the United Nations, the district office invites you to a peace festival on Wednesday, September 21, in the town hall of the town hall, Carl-Schurz-Straße 2-6. The event is aimed at people who are interested in peace in groups, clubs, projects, associations and initiatives.


International Day of Peace. The planting of trees is actually not a big deal and therefore takes place again and again − organized by a wide variety of stakeholders. But on Wednesday morning everything was a little different in the area in front of the town hall in the town park “Alte Bibel” in Bernburg: Kathrin Schröder from Dessau had invited to a planting ceremony. This “heart project” could be implemented thanks to the support of the Peace Tree Foundation and the federal program “Live Democracy!”.


“Bombed” – a word that is unfortunately becoming more and more topical today. And a play of the same name by Sarah Kane, which will be performed on September 21st and 22nd at the Euro Theater Central, on the occasion of the International Day ofPeace on September 21st.


On the International Day of Peace on September 21, an event will take place in front of the town hall in Dinslaken. It will start there at 3 p.m. At this event, all painted doves will be collected and exhibited before being distributed in the Dinslaken city area. The doves were prepared by students in workshops with topics of peace, intercultural training and games.


In a campaign period between September 21st, the International Day of Peace, and the beginning of the autumn holidays on October 14th, all schools in Lower Saxony are called upon, under the motto “Lower Saxony’s schools. Klar für Frieden” to carry out campaigns and projects. Against the background of the war in Ukraine, but also in a broader context, these can address the question of what peace means – for us here in Germany and for people and societies around the world. Whether and how they shape this project is up to the school’s own responsibility and freedom of design. . . . Impressions of the actions in the form of a short report, a photo, a video clip, etc., can be sent to the function mailbox and will be presented here.


The war against Ukraine is still raging, and numerous Ukrainian women are still fleeing to Germany, among other places. Two Lüneburg schools started an action on the international day of peace and called for peace in the schoolyard.


On Wednesday evening, a demonstration against the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine took place on Human Rights Street in Nuremberg. The reason for this was the International Day of Peace, which was celebrated worldwide yesterday. The organizer of the protest was the “Alliance for a Free Democratic Russia – Nuremberg”. Around 90 people took part in the demonstration.


September 21 is the International Day of Peace around the world. On this occasion, the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock invites you to a commemoration on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 12 p.m. under the linden tree of peace on Jakobikirchplatz. After a welcome by Andreas Tesche, 1st Deputy President of the City Parliament, young musicians from the Young Academy Rostock (YARO) present classical works by Johann Sebastian Bach on viola and cello as well as flute pieces by Sigfrid Karg-Elert and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and send a musical greeting to the city.


On the International Day of Peace, Mayor Rocco Wilken, Ralf Tschechne (Head of Social Affairs & Education/Culture) and Tatjana Bakumovski (Integration Office of the City of Vlotho) hoisted the flag of the global alliance “Mayors for Peace” (Mayors for Peace). . More than 8,170 cities belong to the network, including 830 cities in Germany.


At Loreto Convent School The United Nations International Day of Peace is celebrated with the wider community. Our aim is to inspire everyone to think creatively and collectively on how to strengthen the ideals of peace. Pupils in Year 6 have worked hard to prepare a Peace Service to mark the occasion. Representatives from different faiths in our community came to share with our pupils in verse, dance, song and prayer. The service took place in our Palm Tree playground where our Peace Pole; a symbol of the oneness of humanity and our common wish for a world of Peace- takes a prominent position.


Remember that a safe and peaceful society is one of our most precious possessions, said Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise Trade and Employment, Leo Vardakar, in a message read at a Ceremony of Reflection in St Mary’s Church, Tipperary, on International Peace Day, September 21. . . . The event in Tipperary brought diplomats, representatives of Church and State, representatives of An Garda Síochána, the local authority and local and national bodies and organisations. The ceremony was interspersed with music and song from Cahir to Sing choir, from Aoife O’Farrell of Rockwell Music Academy and from singer/songwriter Nick McCarthy. There was poetry and readings from Dr Mary Honan, Deirdre Devally, Eddie McGrath and Kuldeep Joshi. The Clare-based poet and writer, Deirdre Devally, performed one of her own compositions No Free War and also recited one of her poems She Stood Her Ground at the ceremony and she also laid a wreath at the grave of Irish poet, Ellen O’Leary, who is interred in the adjoining cemetery.


Poste Italiane dedicates to International Day of Peace , which is celebrated on 21 September of each year, a colorful postcard themed, a must for all fans and collectors of the sector. In Molise , the postcard is already available in the post offices with a philatelic counter in Campobasso Centro (via Pietrunto), Termoli (corso Mario Milano) and Isernia Centro (via XXIV Maggio). In addition, from Monday 19th to Saturday 24th September , there will also be a special cancellation dedicated to the anniversary . The postcard is also available online at the post office website, in all the post offices with philatelic counters in the national territory and in the Spazio Filatelia in Rome, Milan, Genoa, Turin, Trieste, Venice, Verona, Florence and Naples.


International Day of Peace: today a network of organizations and local authorities is launching a national program of civic education and care for the younger generations in numerous Italian schools called “For peace with care”. It is an innovative teaching tool, specially designed so that young and very young people can release their positive energies and their intelligences. This is to encourage the formation of aware, capable and responsible citizens. The program “For peace with care” 2022-2023 is promoted by the National Network of Schools for Peace, National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights, Peace Table, “Antonio Papisca” Human Rights Center. And, again, Unesco Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” of the University of Padua, Eis- Higher Education School “Educating to encounter and solidarity”Of the Lumsa of Rome.


Simone Cristicchi will be the protagonist on the stage of the Petrarca Theater, on 21 September , of the evening event with which Arezzo celebrates the International Day for Peace promoted by the United Nations. From 9.15 pm the music of Cristicchi and the testimonies of the children of Rondine will alternate to let the dove of Peace fly from Tuscany.


Six months of war and no serious diplomatic peace initiative. The Promoting Committee of the Perugia Assisi Peace March launches an appeal for a grassroots mobilization to be carried out on the next International Day of Peace which is celebrated on 21 September . “If governments do not take the initiative, aware and responsible citizens must do so. Today, August 24, is six months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. Six months of killings, murders, infanticides, femicides, wounded, mutilated, displaced persons, refugees, suffering, despair, destruction, rubble ».


 In a world tormented by dozens of conflicts that have continued for years in global indifference and more than six months after the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the coordinators of the PerugiAssisi Peace March and the Peace Table, have called for this date a national mobilization. . . . The Asti Welcoming Network , continuing its commitment to peace that has already seen it organize various initiatives and principals in recent years and in particular since the beginning of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, has joined the appeal and invites all citizens to participate in the Presidium for Peace to be held in Piazza San Secondo on Wednesday at 6 pm (the international Day of Peace).


The Montessori school La Casa di Irma di Bedano celebrated the UN International Day of Peace with a unique exhibition created with the technique freely inspired by the Caviardage method. The technique involves the creation of a poem starting from an existing text (‘Education and Peace’ by Maria Montessori) from which each child has extrapolated the most significant words for him, illustrating it with different artistic expressions. The more than one hundred students of the Institute, divided between kindergarten, elementary and middle school, together with teachers and parents gave life to an unforgettable afternoon on Peace, a very important theme in Montessori philosophy and never so current.


– 21/09 6.00 pm Peace Garden of Porta Cento
– 21/09 SOCIAL CENTER “LUIGEN” aperitif of peace and fried gnocchini
– 22/09 at 21.00 tombola della Pace
– 23/09 at 18.00 MAGI ‘900 MUSEUM: The man of peace
– 24/09 PINACOTECA“ G. CAMPANINI “THE SCHOOLS: exhibition of the works dedicated to peace carried out by the children / young people of kindergartens and primary schools 
– 25/09 CHIESA Ss. TRINITA guided tours to remember the Peace Day by the volunteers of the FAI GROUP of Pieve di Cento


State Comprehensive Institute Boville Ernica. We inaugurate the new school year by organizing, on 21 September, the International Day of Peace promoted by the UN.


The International Day of Peace 2022 , which falls on Wednesday 21 September, is celebrated as part of the “Festival of the Florentine Cultural Associations”, with a double event in the name of Father Ernesto Balducci as a messenger of peace on the centenary of his birth and spread throughout the territory of the universal values of UNESCO.


Galliera Veneta: AN OLIVE TREE FOR PEACE – Wednesday 21.09.2022 – Olive tree planting ceremony on the occasion of the International Day of PEACE.


Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 8.45 pm, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the Sala Puccini of the Milan Conservatory will host ” 21settembre2022 hall program “, a musical event organized by our Area Members Committees of Baggio, Corsico, Zoia, Quinto Romano Settimo , Bareggio, Rho, Palmanova, Piazzale Lodi, Rogoredo, Arona and Bonola, in collaboration with the  Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Milan  and  Musical Evenings .


The conference on the International Day of Peace, a meeting scheduled for the ExtraOrdinario Festival 2022 , will be held on Wednesday 21 September at 5:00 pm in the hall of the Social Club of Pinerolo . The Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta section of Amnesty International, the Opificio 121 association and the Mosaico Refugees participate in the event organized by the City of Pinerolo and Controtempo Theater, the organizing company of the ExtraOrdinario Festival . Danilo Franti of Controtempo Theater presented the motivations and contents of the Pinerolese conference on Peace open to everyone and everyone live at Café Bleu .


Discussion for the International Day of Peace. Close down the war, construct the peace. 21 September, 21:15, Parco del Cappuccini Acii Persone Comunità, Pisa. Sponsors: Peace and cooperation table, ANPI provincial committee Pisa, ACLI provincial Pisa, ARCI committee of Pisa, ARCI valdera, CGIL Pisa, CISL pisa, UIL Pisa


Classes 1 A and 2 A of the Nicola Pisano plexus celebrated the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE wearing the rosette of PEACE created in the classroom.


Lazio Women was the protagonist today of the event ” Let’s take the field for peace” , organized in Rebibbia, mainly in the Women’s Prison . The initiative was held on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, and saw mixed teams between Biancocelesti and 324 inmates play in a tournament, who wore the ills of Athletic Rights. The event ended with the participation of some artists and singers. Dr. Mezzaroma , wife of the President of Lazio Lotito , experienced the day as follows:“We lived a day in the name of sharing, sport and reflection on some issues that are too often forgotten. Lazio intends not to leave this event a dead letter, but to commit itself, together with the institutions that are represented today by the director, Alessia Rampazzi, and by the commander of the Institute, Dario Pulsinelli, in carrying out other projects. Everyone is obliged to grant a second chance ” . These are the words of the Lazio Women captain Castiello : “We wanted to give a morning of happiness to all the people present here, this is what counts for us, a different way to train the sporting spirit”.


Peace Run, the longest running relay for peace, the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italia Association and the I Colori per la Pace / Colors for Peace Association will respond today at 6pm to the United Nations appeal , celebrating the International Day of Peace with the “Colors of Peace” initiative to be held in the context of the Colosseum Archaeological Park, a symbolic place for years for appeals for peace and environmental sustainability. . . . For the occasion, 1000 drawings inspired by the theme of peace, made by students from over 130 nations, will be exhibited in Piazza del Colosseo and on the Via Sacra. . . .  After lighting, the torch of Peace will pass to torchbearers of various nationalities ready to travel the Italian section of the Peace Run which will end on September 27 in Florence. The artistic program of the evening will see the intervention of the boys of the “Europa inCanto” choir, already winners of the European Creative Europe program, who will sing the Italian anthem first and then the Puccini romanza “Nessun Dorma”. Mezzosoprano Valentina Volpe Andreazza will subsequently perform Beethoven’s “Hymn to Joy” to conclude the ceremony with Maestro Nicola Piovani’s “Beautiful That Way”. 


The Villa Farnesina Art Museum celebrates the International Day of Peace with the launch of the new video “La Trregua”, as part of the RightsLab project in collaboration with Iulm University of Milan. In the short, the two protagonists and the abandoned space of a factory evoke war scenarios, where the ruins symbolize our condition of provisionality. The images convey the idea of how remote is the possibility of the truce itself, of the interruption of conflicts and of the dream of peace. Rights Lab is a series dedicated to human rights and fundamental freedoms created by IULMovieLAB, by IULM students of the second year of the Master’s Degree in Television, Cinema and New Media; the artistic supervision is by Giuseppe Carrieri. Video on the Italian Vimeo channel


MINISTRY OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, REGIONAL SCHOOL OFFICE FOR LAZIO, COMPREHENSIVE INSTITUTE “A. SCRIATTOLI . Our Institute, on Wednesday 21 September 2022, will promote educational, training and information for the dissemination of the culture of PEACE, particularly significant interventions in this moment of crisis and uncertainty. Therefore all teachers are invited to carry out interventions aimed at spreading the culture of PEACE, through reflections, reading dedicated passages, etc.


On the International Day of Peace, the students in the Fifth and Sixth Grades of the College français elaborated cartoons of imaginary human figures in order to promote peace and to combat racism.


As part of the celebration of the UN International Day of Peace, the National Council of Monaco welcomed several Champions for Peace, in particular Venuste Niyongabo, Olympic champion in the 5000m, and Fiorina Berezovsky, chess champion, to discuss peace and sports with youth representatives. . . . In the presence of Stéphane Valeri, President of the National Council, Joël Bouzou, President/Founder of Peace and Sport and Marine Grisoul, President of the Commission, Education, Youth and Sports, the Champions for Peace announced the various actions carried out by the association, recalling the determining role of sport for peace. . . . In Burkina Faso, Togo, Colombia, India, Mali, Morocco, Burundi and Rwanda, peace through sport is taught through our “Peacemakers Project”. Since May 2021, thousands of children have benefited from ready-to-use peace-through-sport sessions, delivered by hundreds of peace educators trained by Peace and Sport. Currently, representatives of Peace and Sport are also present in Colombia, on the occasion of the 13th edition of the Friendship Games, which will take place from September 23 to 25.


St Brigid’s Primary School, Magherafelt. Today marked the 20th Anniversary of the UN initiative ‘International Day of Peace.’ To celebrate this special day Primary 7 discussed how best to have peace in a world where there is inequality, injustice and war. We want to take a stand against racism and we want to treat everyone fairly to make this world a better place. Take a look at some of our recipe’s for Peace and perhaps take some time this evening to pray as a family for Peace in our World. 


Morning Beat // World Peace Day Special
Where: Oslo Street Food
When: Wednesday, 21/09/2022, 07:00-10:00
Morning Beat is a sustainable cultural project, where degradable glitter, live DJs and various art/music elements are united in dance and end with a vigorous yoga class!


Escola Basica, Ibn Mucana. To commemorate the International Day of Peace and Gratitude on September 21, 9th D students participated in the LivingPeace initiative. The idea was to build origami doves and, in the ICT discipline, they created logos using different digital tools. These doves will be sent by post to a school in Poland, which has also done the same activity.


“For an environment of Peace” is the title of the exhibition that will open on September 15, at 5:30 pm at the António Rosa Mendes Library, on the Gambelas Campus. This is an initiative integrated in the celebrations of the International Day of Peace which is marked on 21 September. The exhibition is free to enter and will be open until the 30th of September.


Agrupamento de Escolas Cardoso Lopes. The 1st students marked the International Day of Peace by reading and illustrating the work “The Book of Peace” by Todd Parr. With the illustrations, they built a beautiful panel that was embellished with a painting of the peace symbol. The symbol was also used to create necklaces that “spread” peace throughout the community! To end this day in beauty, the students were presented with a white dove, offered by the students of the 4ºC. 


“For an environment of Peace” is the title of the exhibition that will open on September 15, at 5:30 pm at the António Rosa Mendes Library, on the Gambelas Campus. This is an initiative integrated in the celebrations of the International Day of Peace which is marked on 21 September. The exhibition is free to enter and will be open until the 30th of September.


The João de Meira School Group marks this Wednesday the International Day of Peace dressed in White. Under the motto “End Racism. Build Peace», that student community made clear a “no to racism”, in a demonstration in which it intended to show that it is united for peace. Youtube video of their demonstration.


The 21st of September was the World Day of Peace. At Escola EB1 da Zebreira, the educational community came together to mark this day. Students and teachers gathered in the School Library, where visualized a story alluding to the theme and made a bracelet “Peace Bracelet”. At the end of the activity, the children formed a circle. depicting a symbol of union for PEACE.


Católica celebrates International Day of Peace with SACRU. “Fostering peace while tackling racism relies on an inclusive policy approach”. This is what Ana Evans, professor at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), states in the article written within the scope of the International Day of Peace, in collaboration with the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU). Under the theme “There is no harmony in racism”, the alliance of Catholic research universities, of which UCP is a founding member, gathered the opinions of various specialists to mark this date.


The City Council of the Municipality of Miranda do Corvo will mark the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21, with the realization of several initiatives during this week. The city joined the Municipalities for Peace Movement on 05.03.2021, committing to the 10 Commitments for Peace. The Movement of Municipalities for Peace was created in 2016, as part of a joint initiative by the Municipality of Seixal and the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, with the founding municipalities defining a set of commitments for Peace. In the commitments assumed, it is recognized that Peace is essential to human life and a fundamental condition for progress, well-being, democracy, the freedom of peoples and a better world for humanity. 


Teachers and students of the second cycle of the Paredes de Coura School Group celebrated the International Day of Peace this Wednesday. For this purpose, a human logo was built on the school’s sports grounds. The symbol chosen was the one used in the late 1950s by a British peace movement during the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.


The students of the EB 2.3 School in Quarteira celebrated this Wednesday, September 21, the International Day of Peace by spelling the word peace in a frame with their bodies. According to the organization, this was a «very interesting activity», with good feedback and that «involved the entire educational community».


The 21st of September is celebrated annually as the International Day of Peace. The Escola Profissional do Vale do Tejo (EPVT) did not want to fail to mark this date . . . The date served as a motto for the 11th year students of the Multimedia Technical Professional course to carry out some work. Within the scope of the Integration Area subject and, with the support of the professor of the technical area of the course, the students developed visuals for social networks, with illustrations and images alluding to peace. 


More than 800 people, including students, assistants and teachers, joined the walk “united for peace”, promoted by the Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Seraphim Leite.  The initiative began at the group’s headquarters school. . . . . The mayor was present at the concentration of students in the renovated Praça Luís Ribeiro, transforming that place into a giant “peace”. 


The International Day of Peace (September 21) will be marked in Silves with a march, to be held in locations throughout the county.  The initiatives take place on the 21st and 22nd of September and between elements of the Senior Sports classes and pre-school students, the marches will «gather about two hundred participants dressed in white for Peace».


The 21st of September is the International Day of Peace and the Municipality of Sobral de Monte Agraço joined this symbolic date, with the raising of the flag of the Municipalities for Peace Movement in the Paços do Concelho building, with the presence of the Vice -Mayor Luís Soares and Councilor Carla Alves, who praised the importance of continuing efforts to pursue peace around the world. Also within the scope of this event, the children from the Kindergartens of the Basic Schools of Sapataria and Sobral de Monte Agraço enrolled in the Extension of Time Service, created a “Peace Mural”, based on the phrase “Living in Peace is…”. It should be remembered that the Municipality is part of the Movement of Municipalities for Peace and the Network of Educating Cities, and it is within this scope that this activity was promoted, promoting education for peace among children.


On the 21st, as part of the commemorations of the International Day of Peace, at 2:30 pm, the initiative “Conversas à volta da paz” will take place, in a joint organization of the Municipality of Viana, the UCC of Viana do Alentejo and Terras Dentro – CLDS4G. One of the highlights of this cultural week is the presentation of the Archaeological and Heritage Charter of the Municipality of Viana do Alentejo, by archaeologist Ulrico Galamba, at Paço dos Henriques, in Alcáçovas, at 18:30. The penultimate day of the event ends with a night walk for peace, with departure scheduled for Praça da República, in Viana do Alentejo, at 9:00 pm.


Santa Casa de Vila Verde celebrated Peace Day at the nursery with children from Ukraine.


Video of celebration of International Day of Peace


Slovenia marked International Day of Peace with a ceremony at the Cerje Peace Memorial today. This year the rally honored the late writer Boris Pahor and the 95th anniversary of the patriotic anti-fascist organization TIGR, which was set up in the 1920s to fight the Fascists in the western region of Primorska. This year’s keynote speaker was French Slovenian philosopher, photographer and activist Evgen Bavčar who in his keynote address said that he wished that Slovenia would remain an oasis of peace just like Pahor envisioned it. The ceremony was held in Cerje, around 10 kilometres south of Nova Gorica, which is known for a watchtower-like memorial to the defenders of Slovenian territory, that was completed in 2011 at the initiative of TIGR.


September 21 is the International Day of Peace. Casa Mediterráneo joins this commemoration with a classical music concert by a young symphony orchestra made up of a selection of young students from the different higher music conservatories of the Valencian Community and directed by Pascual Cabanes, expressly configured for this event. The concert, made up of a popular, entertaining and varied repertoire, has the collaboration of the High Performance Music School (ESMAR), the Consolat de Mar music store in Benaguasil and the Llíria Town Hall. The performance will take place on Wednesday, September 21 at 8:00 p.m. at Casa Mediterráneo, open to the public until full capacity is reached and broadcast online at a YouTube link.


Motivated by the International Day of Peace, the art world of the area, and by extension the Andalusian, made a plea last Wednesday night for a more just and humanitarian world in the city, just now that we live in times of anxiety and instability. The old church of Santa Marina hosted the I Anduxar Cultural Act for Peace, with the motto ‘Put an end to racism. Build peace’. A cast of musicians, poets, painters and photographers joined their efforts to promote the creation of bridges of understanding, friendship and universal fraternization between towns and their people. This event was organized by the Anduxar cultural association and the ITIMAD Literary Artistic Association of Seville participated. The Royal International Academy of Art and Literature and the departments of Tourism and Culture of the Andújar City Council also collaborated in this initiative. . . . The president of Anduxar, Juan José González, indicated that 25 pictorial and photographic works were presented, with their corresponding texts that were read by their authors.  . . . This event was well attended by the public. 


This Wednesday, September 21, is the International Day of Peace and at Gresol we are celebrating the week of peace with many activities for students. We have created different workshops related to doves and pinwheels. The Dove is a symbol of peace and the pinwheel is a symbol of childhood, of things that blow in the wind… that flow… they remind us of a time when things were simple, happy and peaceful. To celebrate the week of peace, all the students have come to the schoolyard to create a giant peace symbol. This is visible from the air and reminds us how important it is to end wars and violence, and to live happily, safely and in peace with the whole community. In addition to these amazing activities, students are learning songs, having discussions, and giving presentations on what peace is and how it is achieved. They are exploring peace on all its different levels: peace with themselves, peace with their classmates, peace in their communities, world peace…


On Wednesday 21 September, coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of Peace, the International Catalan Institute for Peace presented the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2022 to the Basque associative network in favor of peace. . . . These award-winning initiatives include several organizations that have played a key role in advancing towards resolution of the conflict, such as the Permanent Social Forum, the now-dissolved Coordinadora Gesto por la Paz and Elkarri/Lokarri. Also included are organizations that work for peace education and the promotion of coexistence and human rights, through the Forum of Associations for Peace and Human Rights Education, where Gernika Gogoratuz, Baketik and Bakeola play an important role. The award also recognizes the Gernika Peace Museum Foundation, Foro Ciudadano Donostia, UNESCO Etxea, the Fernando Buesa , Emagune, the Ahotsak women’s network, Eskubidez, the experiences of dialogues with victims such as Encuentros Ciudadanos-Memoria Lab, the Encuentros Restaurativos between ETA prisoners and victims, and the BatzART! initiative.


On  September 21, International Day of Peace, and also coinciding with the celebration of Sunday September 25, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, the Delegation of Social Pastoral calls for a liturgical celebration and, immediately afterwards, a concert for the peace. The liturgical celebration will take place inside the Basilica at 7:00 p.m. and will be presided over by Monsignor Javier Vilanova, auxiliary bishop of Barcelona. At the end, there will be a concert for peace by various choirs, made up of both Ukrainian refugees and Ukrainians from the Ukrainian Catholic community of Barcelona.


Next Wednesday, September 21, the children of Belmonte de Miranda will enjoy the fun storytelling “Womagis escapes from the book” . Designed for ages four and up, this storytelling will also be a creative workshop on cultural diversity, through which the International Day of Peace will be celebrated . This unique event, which will take place in the company of Mar Rojo, will be held at the town’s Sociocultural Center, starting at five in the afternoon.


On September 21, the International Day of Peace, the Burjassot Municipal Libraries team has scheduled a new free activity of reading animation on the same day 21 at 6:00 p.m. in the Children’s Library .  . . The activity will begin with a reading aloud session of the books “Different but equal” and “Carla. We are all different”, thus focusing on the theme this year, “End racism. Build peace.” Once this first part is over, values such as respect for life, ways of thinking, different cultures… Each and every participant will be able to give their opinion and, together, each of the impressions will be shared. To end the animation, with reflection also on SDG 16, an artistic origami workshop will be held .


Entreculturas, which is a member of the Cantabrian Coordinator of NGDOs, has launched a didactic unit with material to teach in classrooms about the values of peace and coexistence. The launch is made on the occasion of  the International Day of Peace  2022, which was celebrated on September 21. Under the title of ‘A world in peace’ , the guide includes a compilation of didactic units to work on the culture of peace and develop knowledge, values and social and civic competences that allow the people who work on them to actively commit to  coexistence , conflict resolution and the creation of a culture of  peace in their environments and globally.


On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, which is commemorated next Wednesday, September 21, several initiatives organized by the Values and Human Rights area of the Irun City Council will be carried out in Irun.

September 21:
– 5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.: BALIOEN LORATZEA: II Forum meeting between young and old people
– 5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.: USOA-PALOA: Completing the figure of peace with drawings
September 22:

- 7:00 p.m.: CINEMA: “The Breadwiner” (2017) animated film


For the International Day of Peace, in UNED Lugo on September 21 at 12:00 a debate forum will be held with the title “Dialoguing for Peace: Meetings with the university community” with the participation of UNED, Diaconia, ACNUR, ACCEM, Caritas , Misevi Spain and refugees and natives of Lugo.


ADASEC – Asociación de Ayuda Social Ecologica y Cultural de España. Commemorative activity of the International Day of Peace. ONLINE event. Free admission


The Basilica of San Francisco el Grande (San Buenaventura, 1) will host the Music for Three Souls concert on Friday, September 16, at 8:15 p.m. Convened on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which is commemorated on September 21, it will be offered by JOIRE, the Young Spanish Interreligious Ensemble, made up of professional Spanish musicians and singers representing the three Abrahamic monotheistic religions.


The City Council of Mataró (Maresme) will commemorate the legacy of Nelson Mandela for the International Day of Peace , which will be celebrated on September 21. To highlight his figure and the values ​​of peace and social cohesion for which he fought, the consistory will organize, in collaboration with the Barcelona Provincial Council, a talk that will end with a music show. The Nave Gaudí is the place where this central event will be held, which will be called “ The legacy of Nelson Mandela ”. The conference will be given by the president of the Euro-Africa Center, Divaika Kiemba Come, and the ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Spain and Andorra, Sankie Mthembi-Mahanyele. The event, in which the councilor for Cooperation and Development, María José Pérez, and the mayor, David Bote, will participate, will end with the show “CabareTango”, the true black history of Tango! with poems about Mandela and music.


The Federation of Choirs of Navarra -Nafarrroako Abestazen Elkartea continues to celebrate the International Week of Peace 2022 with the premiere this Wednesday on its social networks of the work ‘Zatoz’. . . an audiovisual work composed by Josu Elberdin, directed by Itziar Bueno Zamarbide and accompanying Rinaldo Zhok on piano with the participation of three female choirs such as the Tiebas Choir, the Tudela Joaquín Gaztambide Choir and the Elkhos Vocal Group. . . . “A work whose text speaks of unity, coexistence, and the use of the smile as an indestructible weapon”, sums up the director of the Tiebas Choir and preparer of ‘Zatoz’. Click here for the video.


More than 140 choristers from four choirs from Colombia, Madrid and the Basque Country will sing this Saturday for Peace in Tolosa, as part of the celebration of the 20th UNESCO International Day of Peace in the town of Gipuzkoa. . . . The day will kick off with a round table to be held at the TOPIC, which will analyze the relationship between art, youth and peace. . . . Simultaneously, and thanks to the collaboration of UNIMA Euskal Herria, TOPIC will offer workshops in the morning to learn how to make paper puppets, aimed at children, and ‘Doves of Peace’ will be built, based on the work of Néstor Basterretxea, that will be used in the Cultural March for Peace in the afternoon, which will tour the streets of the Old Town of Tolosa starting at 4:30 p.m. The march will be led by a giant Basterretxea Peace Dove puppet, built by his son Jonan Basterretxea, and will also include the participation of institutional representatives, and the guest choirs will perform live on the street at various points along the route . The march will culminate in the Plaza Euskal Herria, where the Madrid Youth Choir and the Cecilia Espinosa Choir will perform. To finish, all the groups will sing together the work ‘Zatoz!’, composed by Josu Elberdin for the occasion and which will premiere that same day.


The 10th edition of the PeaceTalks will take place on the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2022, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Organized in a hybrid way, it will welcome both face-to-face and online participants. “What does peace mean to you?”, the theme of the very first Geneva PeaceTalks will be revisited by the speakers this year to mark this 10th edition. In parallel, the one chosen by the UN for the International Day of Peace, “End racism. Building peace”, will be the watermark of the event. . . Each Geneva PeaceTalks speaker will share their own perspective on peace. She or he will share their experiences and insights to inspire individuals to think about the meaning of peace and spark a discussion about how each and every one of us can contribute to a world we can be proud of.


A community group based in Andover is planning to lead children and young people in a procession in Harmony Woods as part of UN’s International Day of Peace. Andover Trees United will hold the event from 9.45am to 11.30am on Wednesday, September 21. This is an event that Andover Trees United has celebrated alongside education programme ‘Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots’ every year since 2018.


Community leaders across Bradford have come together to mark International Day of Peace.  The Global Peace event took place on 21st September at Tong Park Hotel in Bradford and was organised by Georgi Majid who is the President of the Global Peace Journey.  The day is devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples. 


International Day of Peace Concert on Wednesday 21st September at 7:00pm in St Joseph’s Church. Featuring the Festiva Choir and Les Encores Children. Followed by refreshments and Guernsey Gache! Join us for this truly ecumenical evening of song, scripture, and worship.


A group of Ukrainian children have joined a choir of 300 school pupils on the Isle of Man for World Peace Day. Pupils from 16 primary schools gathered at Tynwald Hill to celebrate the United Nations’ International Day of Peace. The choir sang a number of songs, including The Beatles’ All You Need Is Love, John Lennon’s Imagine and Padjey Colum Killey, which translates from Manx as St Columba’s Prayer. Almost 100 Ukrainians have applied to relocate to the island since March. . . . Among the pupils performing were also children from the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, the only school in the island where children have lessons solely in Manx.

In addition to the events listed above, there were 6 new events in Europe to celebrate the International Day of Pea:re not listed last year:

Czech Republic: Brno
Germany: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Italy: Rome
Poland: Katowice slask
Portugal: Lisbon
Slovakia: Dolny Kubin


Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN
(Нажмите здесь для версии на русском языке)
(Натисніть тут для версії українською мовою.)

The following 126 events in 6 countries formerly part of the Soviet Union were listed in Google during the weeks of September 17-28 this year under the key words “Международный день мира”and “Міжнародний день миру”, as well as “International day of peace”. These include 61 events from Ukraine, 45 from the Russian Federation and 9 from regions disputed between Ukraine and Russia.

In addition to these, 16 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

Note: To save space, where there are many entries for a city, we have provided the text from one or two and only the link for the others.

photo from Ispas Village, Ukraine

Here are excerpts from the articles, translated into English. For the original Russian and Ukrainian texts, click here.

* * * AZERBAIJAN * * *


A virtual exhibition dedicated to the International Day of Peace has opened in the National Library of Azerbaijan named after M.F.Akhundzade, Trend Life reports. The virtual exhibition ( ) presents photographs, related books and articles published in the media.

* * * BELARUS * * *


On September 21, 2022, students of the SD-112 group with an English teacher Olga Anatolyevna Rapinchuk decided to combine business with pleasure and celebrated the International Day of Peace in a narrow circle. Future doctors took part in a quiz, getting acquainted with the history of the origin and purpose of holding this day, then paid tribute to Peace Day with a minute of silence to the sound of the peace bell (the most famous traditions that are observed on this day) and read quotes-statements of famous people about the world. The students were then asked to choose their favorite quote. By the way, the favorite quote was Mother Teresa’s statement: “The world begins with a smile”, which became the theme of this event.


Calendar of events: 19.09 Thematic “We are for a happy, peaceful childhood!”
21.09 – Thematic “Belarus – a symbol of peace” (21.09 – International Day of Peace)


On the International Day of Peace, Gomel welcomed guests from all over the region – government officials, delegations of teachers and schoolchildren, public figures gathered for a large forum in Gomel school No. 27. Before the start of the celebration, the participants honored the memory of the defenders of the Motherland with a minute of silence, laid flowers and wreaths at the memorial on the Alley of Heroes. Further, a rich program awaited the peacekeepers: an online meeting “Children for Peace!” with the participation of colleagues from Kursk, Smolensk, Vladikavkaz and Minsk . . . . Teachers and students of Gomel school No. 27 shared their experience with colleagues from districts that became peacekeeping only this year – this status was assigned to educational institutions in six districts of the region. The guests were given tours of the museum rooms dedicated to ethnography, the history of the school and peacekeeping activities. The meeting ended with the dialogue platform “Children of Peaceful Belarus!”, where the participants discussed joint projects and upcoming marches, actions.


On September 23, 2022, in the spiritual and educational center “Istoki” of the Luninets Central District Library, an hour of enlightenment “Together for the good of the world” was held with the participation of the rector of the Transfiguration Church (village of Yazvinka), Archpriest Sergiy Chizh, the LRCBS website reports. Chief Librarian Irina Novatskaya recalled that September 21 is the International Day of Peace and told the history of the holiday. Father Sergius noted that the main value for any person is peace. War is the physical manifestation of humanity’s hidden spiritual malady. The events of recent years have determined the unprecedented relevance of the International Day of Peace today.


On the eve of the International Day of Peace, representatives of the “Belarusian Peace Fund” visited the Malorita Central District Hospital . . . . One of the areas of activity of the Belarusian Peace Fund is the charitable action “Our attention is to veterans of war and labor.” As part of this action, the country’s health care institutions are being assisted in arranging wards for veterans with modern medical equipment and household appliances for a comfortable stay of patients in them.


September 21 – International Day of Peace. Activists of the NGO PO “Belarusian Republican Youth Union” of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 83 of Minsk named after G.K. Zhukov” took part in the action “Dove of Peace”, dedicated to the International Day of Peace. Our country had to go through a single war. Millions of people died. They died not just like that, but for us to live now. Died for peace in the world. We, the present generation, must remember those who gave their lives for us. The dove is chosen as a symbol of peace.


On September 21, 2022, pupils of the “Solnyshki” group, preschool teacher Shpakovskaya M.I., music director Vilkova N.M. held an event dedicated to the International Day of Peace.


On this day in secondary school No. N. P. Massonov, the city of Svisloch hosted a holiday “Peace and unity – the strength of the people.” The event was attended by students of grades 8-9, teachers, school administration, as well as guests – the chairman of the RO NGO “Belarusian Peace Fund” Tatyana Gzheshchik and the chairman of the regional council of veterans Elena Prokopik.


Photo album of children drawing for the International Day of Peace.

* * * GEORGIA * * *


On International Day of Peace, local civil society organizations in the Samegrelo region of Georgia came together to support people displaced by conflict and promote peace and dialogue among conflict-affected communities. The grassroots celebration at the Chemi Mordu elderly home in Rukhi village gathered women, children, small entrepreneurs and residents from the surrounding communities. A handicrafts exhibition showcased handmade products created by local children and artisans. The event participants also joined artists in decorating the elderly home with a colourful mural, inspired by the theme of peace and social cohesion.

* * * MOLDOVA * * *


International Day of Peace celebrated at the State Medical University. On this occasion, several students of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacology named after. Nicolae Testemitanu organized a flash mob, joining the global campaign “Moment of Silence”, launched in memory of the victims of violence, “Moldova 1” reports. Students say they want to live in peace and participate in an event to convey to people the importance of peace in the context of the war on the border of our country.



On September 21, the Hour of Peace was held in the Azov Village Library. 6th grade students and librarian Akbarova A.S. remembered the history of the origin of a significant date, its meaning and what values ​​it contains.


Belorechensk Children’s Library. Every year on September 21, we celebrate the International Day of Peace. Librarians of the Children’s Library held an event called “Everyone Needs Peace” for pupils of the senior group of kindergarten No. 11. . . . At the end of the event, little visitors glued leaflets with kind words to the tree of peace. The kids understood how important it is to be kinder to each other, to do only good deeds, so that there is world peace.


On September 21, a school-wide event dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held in the school unit in IK-44 Belovo.. . . The students prepared reports about the traditions of the holiday, about its symbols (the dove of peace, the Bell of Peace, the honorary title of Messenger of Peace and Goodwill), about the activities of the International Public Fund “Russian Peace Fund”.


September 21 is the International Day of Peace . . . an educational event “Everyone needs PEACE!” was held in our rehabilitation center! Pupils got acquainted with the history of the emergence of the International Day of Peace, with important world problems that need to be addressed to maintain peace on Earth, the history of the birth of the symbol “Dove of Peace”. Then they drew their own “doves of peace” and prepared a colorful poster “Children for peace on the planet.” At the end of the event, the students were invited to join all the people of the planet who are fighting for world peace.


Middle School 45. International Day of Peace. Our school held Peace Lessons dedicated to this date.The children drew doves,a symbol of peace. They recalled why the dove with an olive branch in its beak, which was painted by Pablo Picasso, became the symbol and emblem of the holiday. The main conclusion that the guys made today is that everyone wants to live quietly and happily under a peaceful sky.


Photos of children celebrating the International Day of Peace at Chelnyabinsk public liceum..


September 21, 2022 Director of the Literary Museum M.Yu. Lermontov Khamdieva R.Kh. organized and conducted an educational hour ” September 21 – International Day of Peace “. During the educational hour, the children got acquainted with the festive date and the tragic events in the history of the country. The educational hour was aimed at developing the best qualities of mankind: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s Motherland, striving for peace. Previously, the guys received a task: to draw a picture in support of peace on Earth, to learn a poem. The event ended with an exhibition of drawings and making wishes on pre-prepared paper doves.


The world through the eyes of children: Craft competition dedicaed to the International Day of Peace. 20 September, 2022. City district of Istra, Pervomaisky 33. Children should laugh and live in a peaceful world: Open class of modern dance studio “Phenomenon.” 21 September, City district of Istra, Pokrovskoe.


Podcast from Radio Ivanovo for the International Day of Peace with guest in the studio, Galina Azeeva, Chairman of the Board of the Ivanovo Branch of the Russian Peace Fund


The Department of Scientific and Methodological Work and Library Innovations held a patriotic hour “We are bequeathed to protect the world”, dedicated to the International Day of Peace. . . . The library staff present at the event was given information about the latest events in Ukraine – once a brotherly country that was part of the Soviet Union, and expressed confidence that the Russian Army will establish peace – the peace that we need to live and continue to do good, create and create, build and develop. . . . Those present heard the poems “Take care of the earth” by Mikhail Dudin, “A palm for birds” by Alim Keshokov, “Peace and joy to you who live” by Kaysyn Kuliyev, as well as songs about peace. The event was accompanied by a video presentation “How beautiful this world is.”


Kemerovo Library calendar of events: On the International Day of Peace, the library will hold a library game, “We need to live together together” for its readers. The library specialist will tell the children about the history of this day, about the people who changed our world for the better: Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela, Stephen Hawking, etc. In the Spell the Word game, children will show their erudition, guess riddles about friendship and friends. In memory of this day, the children will be asked to draw a poster of friendship.


An information hour was held for teenagers, during which they discussed events in the world and remembered the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. The day before, employees of the Kildeevsky rural House of Culture held an information hour for teenagers and youth “How good it is to live under a peaceful world”, dedicated to the International Day of Peace. . . . At the end of the event, the guys released doves, a symbol of peace.


On the occasion of the peace holiday, a literary and musical evening “Look how good the world you live in” was held for members of the amateur association “Guiding Star” of the Shevin Library. The librarian spoke about the people who changed our world for the better: Princess Diana’s philanthropic work; Nelson Mandela, a South African politician and passionate human rights activist; Stephen Hawking – the famous scientist of the world; Oskar Schindler, who saved 1200 Jews during the Great Patriotic War. The event was accompanied by a demonstration of the presentation “Life on Earth – there is nothing more beautiful!”.


Within the framework of the International Day of Peace, a round table was held at the Krasnodar Cooperative Institute, the participants of which were students of the Faculty of Higher Education, and the organizer and moderator was Associate Professor of the Department of Social, Legal and Humanitarian Disciplines, Ph.D. philol. Sciences Irina Zimina. The topics of speeches and presentations were devoted to a wide range of issues: conflicts and racism, the rights of women around the world, the fight against climate change for the sake of peace, 74 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, etc. The participants of the round table discussed the measures taken by states to prevent wars, and also the contribution of each to the preservation of peace on earth.


Rosetovksaya Library. For the International Day of Peace, here is an online quiz for those who are interested in the topic of peace and stability. You can see the results of the quiz and your mistakes immediately after completing all the questions. The quiz will be held from September 15 to September 25, 2022. All participants will receive a certificate by email by September 25th.


Schoolchildren from all districts and districts of the Kurgan region organized actions for the International Day of Peace. The youth portal of the Trans-Urals told how creatively its participants approached the event. In the Ketovsky Children’s and Youth Center, children drew the world with their own eyes and designed an exhibition, and also created a symbol of peace – doves. Students of the Kurtamysh School of Arts made doves using the origami technique. The guys will take these crafts home and place them in the most prominent place so that there will always be peace and harmony in their families. The educational event “World Peace” was held at the Lebyazhevsk boarding school. At the event, the guys discussed that the world is a calm life, reasonableness, the joy of smiles, warmth and comfort. Each of those present rang the school bell. Its ringing made everyone think: how fragile our world is, which means that it must be protected! The guys danced, read poetry, played, attached doves as a symbol of Peace, protected the planet with their hands. And the guys from the volunteer detachment “Helper” made postcards and doves, and gave them to all the inhabitants of Lebyazhie with good wishes for a peaceful sky above their heads!


On September 21, on the International Day of Peace, a new patriotic space was opened at the Kurgan Regional Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors, located in Kurgan, along Voikov Street, 26. Hieromonk Athanasius (Korenkin), the ancient keeper of the Kurgan diocese, the rector of the church in honor of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow in Glinka and the church in honor of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers in Bolshe-Chausovo, was present at the celebration. . . .On the occasion of the holiday, nine doves were released. Birds – as a symbol of peace – flew home, having experienced the warmth of children’s hands. The participants of the holiday made a common installation – they lined up children and adults in the word PEACE and photographed it with a quadrocopter. The children recited poems, talked with the life-size puppet Mishutka, listened to soulful songs of the Sofia Love vocal studio.


Kursk Electromechanical College. On the International Day of Peace, teachers Wharikova Antonina Andreevna and Larin Denis Anatolyevich conducted a thematic lesson dedicated to this date. The H-21 group was told the history of the holiday and thematic videos were watched.


International Day of Peace in the schools of Melenki. The issues of war and peace have always been and remain relevant for humanity. This has become especially acute in the 21st century. It was about this that the students in class hours at MBOU “Secondary School No. 4” in Melenki, MBOU “Danilovskaya Secondary School” were talking. In MBOU “Butylitskaya secondary school” a solemn line was held, at which the director of the school Galina Vladimirovna Astashkina made a speech, the students sang poems and songs about the world. In MBOU “Urvanovskaya secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Emelyanov I.A.” an extra-curricular event “How good it is to live under a peaceful sky” was held. The guys made doves, recalled why the dove with an olive branch in its beak, which was painted by Pablo Picasso, became the symbol and emblem of the holiday.


As part of the implementation of the International Day of Peace, a class hour dedicated to this holiday was held in schools. At the beginning of the class hour, the class teacher held a conversation “What is PEACE?” She told the students about the origin of the holiday, told about the bell, which was smelted and made from coins collected by the children. At this bell every year, on September 21, people gather and at 10 o’clock they ring the bell, commemorating the victims of the war. After the ringing of the bell, everyone participates in a moment of silence. Children also learned about the symbol of the holiday – Dove of Peace. The information that the students learned turned out to be very informative, practical activities turned out to be no less interesting – the children made the Dove of Peace using the origami technique.


The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the Year of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia, with the support of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation, is planning to conduct a unique action that has no analogues in Russia and the world, with the participation of more than 10 thousand people. The action is held in order to demonstrate the unity of the peoples of Russia and strengthen interethnic relations. The event will set a record in the category “The most massive waltz”, which will be included in the Russian of Records – more than 5 thousand couples will simultaneously perform a waltz to the “Snowstorm” suite by composer Sviridov G.V. The event will be attended by residents of Moscow and guests of the capital from all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as students of Moscow, regional and regional educational organizations of higher education, students of educational organizations, children’s, professional and amateur dance groups, veterans, pensioners, public and political figures, figures science and culture. The action will take place on September 21, 2022 on the International Day of Peace at VDNKh.


Murmansk Department of Folk Arts and Crafts, September 22 – 14.00, An event with a master class “International Day of Peace”.


International Day of Peace was celebrated at the Myskovsky orphanage . . . . a thematic lesson was held with the pupils, which was attended by Vetrova Galina Aleksandrovna, Deputy Chairman of the Council of People’s Deputies of the Myskovsky City District. Galina Alexandrovna told the children about the history of this holiday, talked about the importance of peace for people of all countries, about the importance of maintaining peace for the sake of life, held a small quiz with the children about what is a harbinger of peace. After the conversation, a master class on making a dove, a symbol of peace, was held. The guys made voluminous doves out of paper and wrote wishes to all people on them – peace, kindness, mutual understanding!


International Day of Peace: Pupils of gymnasium No. 2 traditionally gather on this day at the city stele “Good Angel of the World” before the start of classes. They read poems about peace and kindness, distribute white doves to passers-by with wishes of peace, ring a small bell, thereby joining the ringing of the big Peace Bell, and in order to honor the memory of all those who died in wars and all who became victims of terrorist attacks, a minute of silence is declared. Also, in the morning, the gymnasium organized a morning informational meeting with a master class on making the symbol of the Day of Peace.


On the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21 on our planet, on all continents, employees of the Novosamarsk rural club held an educational program for children called Peace Day. The host of the program told about the history of the holiday. It is noteworthy that on this day it is customary to ring the bells. Children, according to tradition, rang the bell, passing it to each other in turn, then, holding hands, made a wish that there would be no war in the world, and no one would suffer. At the end of the event, the children attached figurines of doves cut out of paper to the poster “Our Planet” as a sign of a call for peace, friendship and mutual understanding.


Today, September 21, is the International Day of Peace. Together with all the inhabitants of the planet Earth at 12:00, the bells of peace and goodness rang in our school (Gymnasium No. 14 “Universitetskaya”). The ringing of the bell announced that all people need peace, that we do not want war and wish the whole world happiness! Watch the video of today’s promotion on our Youtube channel


On September 21, an hour of relevant information was held for students of grades 5 B of school No. 46 and 3 A, 3 B of correctional school No. 3 “We are different – this is our wealth. We are together – this is our strength”, dedicated to the International Day of Peace. The participants got acquainted with the history of the holiday and its traditions, painted a dove, which is a symbol of peace, and wrote good wishes. The children also read proverbs about peace, watched the cartoon “We need peace”, videos “Dove is a symbol of peace”, “Samantha Smith”, “The world that I need”, etc. At the end of the event, the students concluded that the world begins with a simple human friendship, mutual respect and benevolent attitude towards other people. We need to show our best qualities every day,


On September 21, all countries celebrate the International Day of Peace. On this date, employees of the structural divisions of the MBUK “CCC Pugachev district” held a series of events.
As part of the events, cultural workers held cognitive – game, thematic programs, conversations, actions, videos containing information about the world were shown. They were also drawn on paper and made from origami modules, doves – symbolizing the blue peaceful sky!


On September 21, 2022, the action “Dove of Peace” was held at the MOU “Secondary School 100”. International Day of Peace – a holiday established by the UN General Assembly – is celebrated annually in different states. It is designed to promote the establishment of peace on Earth and the rejection of violence. (with photos)


On September 20, the head of the branch “Museum of the History of the Village of Shakhmaikino named after Mirhaydar Faizi” Gelusya Bagautdinova held a conversation with primary school students on the topic “International Day of Peace”. . . .symbol of peace is a dove”. The students were happy to participate, and each of them very diligently made his own dove.


September 21 – International Peace Day. On this occasion, sports events were held in the Zelenogorsk Park of Culture and Recreation. Specialists of the department of adaptive physical culture of the Comprehensive Center for Social Services of the Population held a relay race with elements of sports games and a mini-golf tournament. The events were attended by 15 people, 3 children and 12 adults. Participants improved their skills in sports games, strengthened their sports spirit and will to win. The event ended with a fun and friendly carousel ride.




In the Stavropol territory young residents released white cranes into the sky on the International Day of Peace.


On September 21, 2022, the action “Dove of Peace” was held at the State Educational Institution “Provalsky UVK”. As part of the annual events of the international “Day of Peace”, our school hosted a drawing competition “We are for PEACE”, in which students from grades 1 to 11 took part. There is a tradition of releasing white doves as a symbol of peaceful intentions, so students released white paper doves into the sky tied to helium balloons to the song of I. Dunaevsky “Fly pigeons, fly”.


The children of our kindergarten also joined the inhabitants of the whole Earth, taking part in the action “Dove of Peace”. The children made doves, a symbol of peace and kindness. Attaching paper doves to a stick. With this action, we want to show all generations that peace on earth is the most important and fragile thing that should be protected and protected.


. . . The International Day of Peace calls for mutual understanding between peoples, ethnic, religious, cultural groups and individuals. In Russia, various events (lectures, flash mobs, charity events, children’s drawing contests, concerts, parades) are timed to coincide with the International Day of Peace, which take place in various institutions. Trostenetsky House of Culture is no exception. At the event, participants will learn the history of the holiday, the traditions of the celebration, as well as interesting facts.


At the Tula Technical School of Social TechnologieS, an hour of spirituality: “Dove of Peace”, was dedicated to the International Day of Peace.


The Victory Museum of the Center for Children’s Creativity No. 2 held a peace lesson on this day for pupils of grades 1A and 4B of the OGKOU Boarding School No. 16. Teacher of the Central Children’s Theater No. 2 Karpova L.A. prepared a presentation and told the children about the history of the holiday, its traditions. She stressed that the people of the entire planet make an important contribution to the preservation of peace. And each of us is capable of doing something for peace. . . . On the International Day of Peace, it is customary to provide charitable assistance, to please friends and relatives with small gifts. The young patriots also made gifts for their parents. They folded and carved a paper dove of peace with an olive branch in its beak, which is the symbol of the International Day of Peace. A master class on making a dove using the origami technique was prepared by the teacher of the association “Paper Fantasies” of the Central Children’s Theater No. 2 Larisa Alexandrovna Sochneva.


On the International Day of Peace, the Central City Library invites schoolchildren of the city on September 21 at 15:00 for an hour of reflection “A world without wars and terrorist attacks is possible. The event is aimed at attracting the attention of children to countering and preventing terrorism and war. Let’s talk about the fact that terrorism is a global problem of mankind and its manifestations entail mass casualties. Why is war bad? How important it is for all the peoples of our land to live in peace and harmony. How can we achieve this?


International Day of Peace. For middle school students the school teachers held a presentation-talk about the history of the creation of the holiday and its traditions.


Lecturers and seventh-graders held lessons dedicated to the International Day of Peace. They recalled the history of the holiday, the famous symbols of the world, the sad story of the Japanese girl Sadako Sasaki, who became a victim of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, and the United Nations. At the end of the lesson, Eurogymnasium students became participants in the action “We vote for peace!”


What could be better than peace?! Harmony with others and nature, kindness and beauty are wonderful at all times. The International Day of Peace is capable of erasing all borders, bringing together and uniting! This holiday is celebrated on September 21 and is designed to make humanity not only think about the world, but also do something for it. Today, students from the MOU “Secondary School No. 13” came to our “Alisa”, and together with them we “released” white doves to the “Earth”!


Today, September 21, on the International Day of Peace in MBOU secondary school # 1 named after B.P. Yurkov, the guys who are part of the media center “Objective” held the action “Peace for me is …”. Participants recorded a video on this topic, voicing their thoughts and reflections. The school also held class hours on this topic.

* * * UKRAINE * * *


This article by Inna Omelchuk mentions Peace Day activities in dozens of schools in the Ukraine, but in most cases it is difficult or impossible to determine the city or village where the school is located.


On September 21, when all the people of the Earth celebrate the International Day of Peace, the employees of the children and youth service department of the Bilhorod-Dnistrovska Public Library invited the participants of the “Young Artist” circle to the hour of peace “Let there be peace from now on and forever.” The head of the department told the children the history of the origin of this holiday, about the symbol of international solidarity of all people of the world, the “Peace Bell”, which was cast from coins donated by children of all continents. At the event, the children made “Dove of Peace” postcards and wrote their wishes on the wings of pigeons, namely: for them to have the opportunity to study peacefully, to realize their dreams, for peace, love, tranquility in their families and a peaceful sky over our native Ukraine, to end the war sooner. The book exhibition “Ukraine wants peace!” was organized in the library, with which young readers got acquainted and watched the video clip “Peace Day”. The children made “We are for peace” hearts with their own hands and presented them to passers-by on the street near the library.


Day of peace at the Lyceum “Bilotserkiv Collegium”! . . . Throughout history, the Ukrainian people fought for their peaceful existence. And in 2022, Ukraine will resist Russian aggression with all its might. Today, every citizen of our country, to the best of his ability, chooses peace and tranquility for our native land. And this is done in a special way by the children in our educational institution. Today, the exhibition “Peace through the eyes of children” was held at the lyceum. All students had the opportunity to express “What is peace”, to write their vision of peace on the wings of doves and to express their dreams for the future.

(Survey continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

What has happened this year (2022) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)


In order to participate in the International Day of Peace, a number of educational events were held in our institution with students: morning meetings (classroom teacher N.M. Rudenko), viewing of informative videos “September 21 – World Peace Day” (classroom teacher T.M. Kruglova) , video presentations “International Day of Peace” (class teacher Adamenko T.A.), “September 21 – World Peace Day”, watching and discussing patriotic videos and songs (class teacher Gryshko I.P.), reading poetry on the topic ” My home is my land called Ukraine”, poetry competition about peace, poster competition “Let there be peace in Ukraine” (class teacher V.M. Zholak), drawing competition “We are for peace in the whole world!”, also winners of education joined the flash mob “We have free wings, because we are from Ukraine”, the creation of the video clip “International Day of Peace” (pedagogue-organizer L.P. Polyakova).


Today, the whole world celebrates the International Day of Peace. Unfortunately, it is overshadowed by our common misfortune: battles continue, compatriots and soldiers die. As never before, we Ukrainians understand the full meaning of the word “Peace”. On this day, the “Bird of Peace” campaign is held in our college. Teacher Broshevan Tetiana Vitalyivna held a master class where students made symbolic paper doves with their own hands, which will bring peace and tranquility to our Motherland, stop the bloodshed and suffering of thousands of Ukrainians


Children of Ukraine want Peace! . . . International Day of Peace is traditionally celebrated on September 21 in Ukraine and around the world. Today, peace in Ukraine is not an abstract desire, it is a conscious goal, because the struggle for peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state continues throughout the country. And today every Ukrainian family felt the highest value of peace, which is the key to a happy life. Peace does not mean losing the war, peace is the daily work of every citizen for improvement, development and peace in the country. On the occasion of Peace Day, students of the 7th grade prepared a video flash mob “Children of Ukraine want Peace!”


Day of peace in the schools of the Buchansk community . . . Educational hours “Children of Ukraine – for peace!” were held in Zdvizhivsk gymnasium. The children made postcards for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and pigeons. May there be peace in Ukraine! Good people want peace. Both adults and children. They want peace on earth!


The head of the Cherkasy regional party organization, Yury Trenkin, together with the deputy of the regional council from “Batkivshchyna” Tetyana Volochai, visited the first-graders of the Cherkasy school No. 34 on the International Day of Peace. . . . Cherkasy schoolchildren told politicians about how their mothers volunteer and help the army, how they befriend and support their peers who came from the cities most affected by the war. Children are proud of Ukrainian Heroes and worry about their lives, they want the war to end as soon as possible. Students convey their experiences through the drawings they showed their guests. There are Ukrainian soldiers who are defeating the enemy, and houses with yellow and blue flags, and storks in the wheat fields… Because this is their most cherished desire – to live in a peaceful Ukraine!


On September 21, 2022, on the International Day of Peace, Cherkasy State Technological University hosted the art opening “Life Wins!”, which presented the works of laureates and graduates of the regional drawing competition “Racism – NO! We are approaching a great Victory!”. The thematic exhibition, dedicated to the International Day of Peace, takes place within the framework of the implementation in Cherkasy Oblast of the Program to restore understanding for leaders of communities in Ukraine “Peace in the digital age”. (with youtube video)



Thanks to the struggle of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the youth community of Chernihiv had the opportunity to gather at the Regional Development Agency for a creative exhibition-vernissage, which was organized on the occasion of the International Day of Peace and the Day of the City of Chernihiv by NU “Chernihiv Polytechnic” together with the NGO “Center for Gender Education”. The exhibition of paintings of future architects and designers – graduates of higher education at the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University – dedicated to our native city, became a symbol of Chernihiv’s indomitability and its resistance to Russian aggression. . . The event began with the performance of the national anthem of Ukraine on the saxophone, patriotic songs, amazing poems, and interesting stories about Chernihiv by Ervin Meaden. Full of inspiration and faith in the future of their hometown and Ukraine, the participants talked about the need to promote youth initiatives aimed at the development of youth leadership and youth participation in social restoration.

The International Day of Peace. Today, more than ever, we need to fight for peace with all our might, so that the warm, clear sun will always shine, the sky will always be clean and blue, so that there will always be smiles on people’s faces. Students of the AL-111, AA-111 course, together with the group leader Pysana Myroslava Ivanovna, visited the Alley of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and laid flowers at the memorial. Students remembered the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred who gave their lives for our happy and peaceful future.


In this tumultuous time, it is Peace that Ukrainians value the most. . . .Therefore, the teachers and students of the specialization “Spectacular and theatrical events” of the I.P. Kotlyarevsky Hadiac College of Culture and Arts held poetic readings “With Ukraine in the Heart”, dedicated to peace in our native country . . . Anatoliy Nasmenchuk, director of the college, addressed all the participants and spectators with a welcome speech. All those present had the opportunity to enjoy patriotic poems, bandura melodies and a peaceful flash mob. In addition, everyone who cared could join the fundraising for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


. . . On September 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace. In Ukraine, by presidential decree, this day has been celebrated since 2002. Today, this holiday is particularly significant for our country. . . . on the eve of the holiday, Oksana Suslova, a leading specialist in environmental education of the Getman National Natural Park, organized a photo challenge “My dream is a peaceful sky above my head” in a remote format, in which students of the Lithuanian educational complex: comprehensive school of grades I-II – preschool educational institution of Chernechchynska participated. village council of Okhtyr district, Khukhryan comprehensive school of grades I-III (supporting institution of education) of Chernechchyn village council of Okhtyr district, Okhtyr general education school of grades I-III named after Boris Antonenko-Davydovych and pupils of the ecological and naturalistic direction of Okhtyr city center of extra-curricular education – Small Academy of Sciences . Children photographed clouds and painted their fantasies, available here on facebook.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the community libraries organized the exhibitions “Let there be peace from now on and forever” (Zyatkivtsi branch library), “Let’s preserve peace on this land” (Chechelivka village branch library) and reviews of the literature “Let there be peace from now on and forever” (Library-branch of the village of Kislyak), “We need a peaceful sky” (Library-branch of the village of Gubnyk), “Let there be peace on the whole Earth” (Library-branch of the village of Mar’yanivka), an information digest has been prepared “September 21 – International Peace Day” (Central Library), “Peace means life” (Youth Department), from which library users and visitors learned about the history of this holiday.


On the occasion of the Day of Peace in Ispasky ZZSO I-III centuries. named after M. Marfievicha, the teacher of the extended day group of the 2nd grades, Gavrilyuk Iryna Anatoliivna, conducted an educational hour on the topic: “Ukraine wants peace!” . . .. During the “Box of Peaceful Wishes” campaign, second-graders from Nushenia wrote postcards with wishes for soldiers. And while working in groups, young artists with great enthusiasm painted the mega coloring page “We are for peace!” Second-graders recited poems, performed the songs “This is my Ukraine”, “Ukraine is my mother”, “My country is Ukraine”, “Cranes”. During the patriotic flash mob, students demonstrated their talent and creativity. Those present noticed the joy and hope on the faces of the children that peaceful days would soon come.


September 21, 2022, branch library No. 15, p. Subalterns of the Department of Culture of the City Council held an educational kaleidoscope “Peace not in blood, but in friendship and love.” At this event, readers got acquainted with the history of Peace Day, a video, and also shared their thoughts and experiences. As a sign of support, they prepared doves that symbolize peace.


The “Dove of Peace” action dedicated to the International Day of Peace. We invited the students to write their most cherished wishes and they all converge on one thing – PEACE! This is the only thing that every Ukrainian aspires to, everyone who supports our country, everyone who helps us win it!


At the Peace lesson, the children learned about the approval of the celebration of this Day by the UN General Assembly, about the symbol of peace – a white dove with an olive branch in its beak, about the peace bell that was cast in Japan; students Tetyanka Brych and Darinka Shmigelska inspiredly read poetry about the war “And spring again…”; all children created essays on the topics “What is peace for me”, “I long for peace because…”. Our wonderful immigrant from the Luhansk region, Mariyka Dmitrieva, touched everyone with a sensual story about her little picture. Dear sixth graders, united and sincere in their wishes and dreams, sent a dove of peace into the world with the hope of the nearest Victory of Ukraine:


Previously, for us, Ukrainians, peace was an everyday reality. On the streets of our otherland – Ukraine, it was calm, all the children went to school, smiling. But sudden changes took place, grief crept in. Ukraine was attacked by an enemy. And we Ukrainians, more than ever, need to fight for peace with all our might, so that we always have a warm, clear sun, so that the sky is always clean and blue, so that there are always smiles on people’s faces. Today, social pedagogue Maria Necheporenko and labor education teacher Iryna Semenyuk held a master class on making a “Peace Dove” for students of grades 1-7. Children will fly symbolic doves in their homes, which will bring peace and tranquility to our Motherland, so that peace reigns in the souls and hearts of people.






BIRD OF PEACE settled in the 5-B class of NVK No. 10 from September 21! We believe that this is how the educational environment should be formed in the 5th grade of NUSH: not adults came up with and made/purchased/decorated it. Those who have received modern education have united to implement a mini-project. This is how the team unites, and the subject “Art” is more interesting to study! Congratulations to the children of 5-B on a good common cause! Thanks to class leader Karina Tkachuk.


On the International Day of Peace, educational institutions of Kremenchuk conduct thematic lessons and educational activities. What students, parents and teachers of Kremenchug Lyceum No. 25 “Humanitarian Collegium” think about peace can be viewed here on facebook


The Chizhevskii library celebrated the International Day of Peace with various events. . . . The visitors of the library that day participated in a master class on making beaded angels that will warm the hearts of our Defenders on the front lines. The librarians prepared a special program for their little friends – girls and boys from the “Kraplinka” kindergarten. Happy people live in peace. To be happy, you need to be healthy, to be healthy, you need to eat right! So, in the department of health care, children got to know the secrets of proper nutrition. And together with the librarians of the subscription department, the children made symbols of peace – doves. Together with them, they were photographed at various locations and in a wonderful photo zone with an aerial installation.


The “Visa” Center (“Action Center”) has updated the exhibition of children’s drawings for the International Day of Peace! . . . In such a difficult time for Ukraine, as now, children’s masterpieces surprise not only the staff of the Visa Center, but also our visitors with their desire for unity and peace in our country. And some especially attracted attention with their warmth and childhood dreams of a strong and peaceful Ukraine. Children of all ages draw and see everything in bright colors, and we feel their desire for a bright future.


Kulykiv Vocational Agrarian Lyceum. For the Day of Peace, which the international community celebrates on September 21, the book exhibition “Let there be peace from now on and forever” was opened in the reading room of the Lyceum library.


Gymnasium News. On the eve of the International Day of Peace, the class teachers held educational hours “Let there be peace on the whole earth”, during which the students spoke about the importance of peace around the world, watched thematic presentations and video materials. All participants of the educational process willingly joined the collective creative work “Dove of Peace”. Despite the fact that the training is conducted using distance technologies, during several days the students sent their drawings, origami, crafts, video materials, which inspired and encouraged teachers, classmates and parents. Peace is a value that we have truly realized in recent months. We wish peace and harmony to every family, peace, prosperity and, of course, a speedy victory! Peace to our motherland-Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! We believe in the Armed Forces! (Video prepared by Class 5V)







On September 21, on the International Day of Peace, in the gymnasium of the village of Laskiv of the Volodymyr community, teachers-organizers held a charity fair under the slogan “Bake delicacies – help the Armed Forces of Ukraine”: a charity fair was held in the gymnasium of the village of Laskiv. Pupils of each class prepared pastries, sweet drinks, products made by their own hands and sold them. Parents, teachers and schoolchildren themselves bought. A “Peace Box” was also organized, where children threw drawings and postcards addressed to our defenders with wishes.


For the Day of Peace, pupils of the “People’s Craftsmen” circle, led by Olena Verkhova, prepared a photo report of children’s drawings. And the students of the “Souvenir Making” group (leader Nataliya Omelchenko) created the composition “Dove of Peace” as a symbol of peace and revival of our country. . . All drawings are bright and unique, deserve a high rating, and the best ones were chosen by community members as favorites.


“Ukraine asks for nothing but peace and sovereignty, the opportunity to choose its own destiny and seek its own alliances, just like any independent state.” All this, as well as other aspects of the international security system, were discussed during an event for freshmen at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management dedicated to the International Day of Peace.. . . . After all the necessary preparations were completed, the students held a flash mob in the Assembly Hall of the University. It was there that they unfolded a map of Ukraine, created with the help of origami, and wished Ukraine a quick victory in the war with the aggressor and a peaceful life for everyone in the safe Ukrainian State.


September 21 is the International Day of Peace, on this occasion our school held the campaign “We have free wings” Our students made doves of peace with their own hands and drew patriotic pictures, which they handed over to our military. Let’s remember that united, we are a force! And the victory is ours!


In order to form a deep understanding of the importance of peace, education of humanism, patriotism in the Institution of General Secondary Education I-II degrees of “We are against the war” event was held in Mytlashivka, Drabivka settlement council, Cherkasy region. From the mouths of the children came words of gratitude to all those who protect our country from the occupiers, who, with their daily work, bring peace to our land. The action “We are for peace” was held in the village children’s library. Young artists of the Drabiv Children’s Art School under the guidance of teacher Zoreslava Perekhrest and librarians painted a dove, a symbol of peace. With a symbolic dove, they thanked our defenders for the peaceful sky above their heads, for the opportunity to wake up every day and see the sun instead of hearing the roar of guns!


On September 21, educational institutions of the community held thematic events permeated with the theme of peace, unity, and victory. Schoolchildren made charms for the military, which, along with food and medicine, were handed to our compatriots – defenders: Oleh Kozakevych, Yuriy Kolpak and Andriy Rakitin, who were on a short vacation at home on this very day, by village head Tamara Fesko, with wishes for peace and health from all residents of the community.


Academic Lyceum No. 3 of the Obukhiv City Council, Kyiv Region September 21 – International Day of Peace. This year, this holiday is very relevant in Ukraine. In times of full-scale war, we value peace and quiet as much as possible. We are grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for courage, resilience and bravery. It is thanks to the soldiers that we live in relative peace and quiet. The teaching staff, school pupils and parents supported the campaign “Give the warmth of your soul to the soldiers”. We have collected warm things, raincoats, intimate hygiene products, household chemicals, fast food, sweets, tea and coffee…


Odessa State Environmental University. International Day of Peace. The purpose of today’s meeting, organized by the senior lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, M.I. Myroshnychenko. with students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Environmental Protection of groups E-20, E-22i, EK-20, TK-20, TK-21i, was to turn to the discussion of topical issues of peace through the thematic mini-discussion “Dimension of Peace”. . . . Students developed the ability to build a dialogue, lead a discussion, prove their own point of view, work with problematic questions. We began to appreciate peace more and understand its true meaning. We believe that peace will surely come in our country and we will live under a peaceful sky!


On September 21 in Pavlograd, the public organization “Agency for Democratic Development of Donbas” held a public event – an art exhibition-opening in Pavlograd, dedicated to Peace Day. . . .You can find out more about the activities within the project on the portal, in the project group on Facebook and on the page of the NGO “ Agency for Democratic Development of Donbass“.


International Day of Peace. . . On the occasion of this holiday, cultural workers of the village of Petrushiv held the “We want peace” holiday. Today, peace in Ukraine is not an abstract wish, it is a realized goal, because the struggle for peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state continues in the east of the country.


Plesetska gymnasium. On the occasion of Peace Day, the 3-A class held an hour of communication on the topic: “Peace through the eyes of a child”.


Sholokhovsky School. Exhibition of handicrafts “Dove of peace” 2nd class. Exhibition of drawings: “Peace on the planet – happiness for all children” by students of the 5-A class for the International Day of Peace.


September 21 is the International Day of Peace . . . Today, peace in Ukraine is not an abstract desire, it is a conscious goal, because a bloody struggle continues for peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state. This was discussed during the music-poetry watercolor “Give, God, peace to Ukraine!”, which took place in the Central Library of PMTG at 6/11 Almaznaya Street. The participants of the event – students of the Poltava College of Oil and Gas, local activists and IDPs – got acquainted with the traditions of celebrating this holiday in the world, talked about the symbols of peace, exchanged opinions. The poetic page was presented by Poltava poetess Nadiya Hryn, who introduced the audience to her work.


In Rivne, on September 21, on the International Day of Peace, city preschool and general secondary education institutions . . . sold patriotic products and home baked goods to support . . . the Armed Forces of Ukraine. . . . “We have cupcakes – our own pastries and products made by ourselves. We want to help the Armed Forces. In my opinion, this help is very important, because our defenders are protecting us now and we need to help them with everything we can,” says dev’ Valeriya Sasko, a first-grader. A total of five such fairs were held in the city: in the square on Knyaz Romana Avenue, school 12, Peremogy Square, Khimik Park and behind the Ukraina Cinema Palace.


Educators of the Rohatynsk territorial community and their students are joining the “Peace Day” flash mob today. Videos are available at the following links: Luchynetsk gymnasium, Lipivsk gymnasium named after Stefan Kachala, Rohatyn Lyceum No. 1, Verkhnolypytskyi Lyceum, Verkhnolypytskyi Lyceum, Rohatyn Lyceum named after the Rohatyn Brothers, Pukiv Gymnasium, Pydmykhailiv branch of Kniagynytskyi Lyceum.


Open dialogue with the community for the international day of peace. “values ​​of peace”: discussion-review, central library of the city of Sarny, together with teachers, joined the celebration of the International Day of Peace. In all age groups, classes, discussions, and viewing illustrations were held for the general public. (With video made by the students.)


On the occasion of Peace Day, online flash mob events “Dove of Peace”, “Stork of Peace”, “Hands of Peace”, “Make a flower of peace”, “We are for a peaceful sky of Ukraine” will be held at Slovyanska ZOSH No. 12. Hours of communication: “We are the children of peace”, “Happiness is impossible without peace on Earth”, “Let there be peace in our native Ukraine” produced an information bulletin for Peace Day.


On Wednesday, September 21, a creative event dedicated to the celebration of the International Day of Peace will be held in the Congress Center of Sumy State University. . . . It will be in the form of a concert, in which performers and authors of sung poetry, as well as representatives of the classical arts, will take part.


Ternopil School No. 4. Pupils of the 3rd grade congratulate everyone on the International Day of Peace! We wish that there will always be a clear and peaceful sky above us, that there will never be wars anywhere on the planet, and that people will be happy and calm!


In the village of Tysalovo, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, cultural workers held a flash mob “We are for peace on the whole earth” and an hour of communication.


The Student Self-Government of the Faculty of Preschool and Special Education held an online event for students, where they were introduced to the history of the international day of peace and the importance of peace in people’s lives. We believe that soon peace will really come, and we will not hear the sounds of sirens, rockets… That no more Ukrainians will die at the hands of the Russian fascists.


The community’s general secondary education institutions held events to celebrate the International Day of Peace , round table meetings, educational events “Peace for peace”, “Peace in your hands”, “Peace Day in Ukraine”, quizzes – “Turning the pages of history”, “Ukraine is one”, “In defense of peace”, “Our heart Ukraine”, informative minutes, flash mobs.


Photo of school celebration of Intenational Day of Peace at Linguistic gymnasium named after T. G. Shevchenko with Youtube video


. . . on the International Day of Peace, general education and extracurricular institutions of the city of Vasylkov held a “Peace Dove” flash mob. Students of schools and pupils of extra-curricular institutions made paper doves, launched them with balloons into the sky, attached them to the map of Ukraine, painted on the asphalt, distributed them to passers-by, read poems, uttered the slogans: “We are for Peace!”, “We love Ukraine!”, ” Let there be Peace in Ukraine!” with the hope that their dreams of peace in the Motherland will come true. Smiles on the faces, joy in the hearts of students and teachers inspired hope and confidence that there will be no place for wars in Ukraine and throughout the world.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which is traditionally celebrated in Ukraine and around the world on September 21, thematic events were held at the Verbovets secondary school of grades I-III. Every break and every lesson that day was permeated with the theme of peace.


The Student Council of the Faculty of Economics and Business decided to hold a Challenge dedicated to the Day of Peace, to collect paper cranes. The paper crane is a symbol of luck, longevity, happiness, hope and fulfillment of wishes. There is a legend that if you make a thousand cranes and make a wish, it will surely come true. . . . The challenge will continue until September 26, when an equally important world event is celebrated – the International Day of Struggle for the Complete Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. Let’s wish peace to our beloved and indomitable country together! Such a simple act will show our solidarity and will to fight. Ukraine is us, and its future existence depends only on us!


The large and friendly collegium family also dreams of peace, waits for it. The children of the Sich Collegium embodied this dream in their photographs. They enthusiastically participated in the school-wide photo exhibition “My future without war”. Because for everyone, peace is happiness and peace in the family, it is a dream return to native walls, it is an interesting, full, stormy collegiate life, it is the realization of all our dreams and plans. We believe: our heroic soldiers of the Armed Forces are nearing victory over the fierce enemy, after which PEACE will come to us forever. Peace will come to each of our homes, to our Zaporozhye, to our Ukraine. Peace will come in Europe, in the whole world. Believe in it – and let it be so! Peace to you, planet! Peace to you, people!




Plan of activities 09/21/2022 : International Day of Peace
– Information event. Information exhibition. Distribution of leaflets Feodosia city house of culture.
– During the school day, Thematic lesson:International Day of Peace. Design of a thematic stand
– Primorskaya Children’s Art School: exhibition of drawings “Peace through the Eyes of Children”
– Central Children’s Library: Dove of Peace


On the International Day of Peace in the urban-type settlement of Krepensky on September 21, the action “Dove of Peace” was held, which has great educational spiritual significance for the younger generation. The action was attended by the chairman of the Krepensky primary department, the head of the life support department Tatyana Baka, teachers, educators, schoolchildren, students of the medical college, activists of the Krepensky primary department of the OD “Peace of the Luhansk region”. . . . Children came to the holiday with white doves, as a sign of gratitude and appreciation to our heroic grandfathers and great-grandfathers, participants in the Great Patriotic War, this is a message to all people of the earth with a call to live in peace, friendship and mutual understanding. The holding of this action in the village of Krepensky has become a good tradition for eight years.


For the day of peace on September 21, a thematic event “We need a peaceful sky” was held at the Kurakhovsky Center for Culture and Leisure. With their creativity: songs and dances, creative crafts, adults and children showed indifference to this topical topic, and expressed their civic position. Children of the city of Kurakhovo also had the opportunity to take part in master classes in fine and decorative arts.


The Institute of Transport and Logistics and Faculty of Computer Systems and Information Technologies, Lugansk State University. V. Dalia began the day of peace by ringing the Peace Bell. Thus, they honored the memory of all the victims of hostilities and terrorist attacks.


On September 21, activists of the Dzerzhinsky primary branch of the Public Movement “Peace to the Luhansk Region” held a flash mob dedicated to the International Day of Peace in the urban-type settlement of Dzerzhinsky in the city of Rovenki. The participants of the flash mob went to the park with balloons, with paper figures of doves, to demonstrate the desire of the inhabitants of Donbas for peace. – Celebrating this holiday, we want to emphasize that the International Day of Peace is especially dear and significant for us. After all, we have been dreaming of peace in our land for many years. Therefore, the activists of our primary branch traditionally celebrate this holiday, – stressed the chairman of the Dzerzhinsky primary branch of the OD “Peace to the Lugansk region.”


On September 21, 2022, employees of the Cultural and Leisure Association held a youth action for the International Day of Peace “I love peace”. The organizers of the action walked along the central streets of the city of Shakhtersk and told the residents that a global military conflict breaks out in the world approximately every hundred years, claiming the lives of millions of people, that every fifth state regularly faces problems of military operations and terrorism, and also that a symbol of modern day of peace is a dove and an olive branch. As a memento of the holiday, pupils of the theatrical circle “Mask” handed over to passers-by a symbol of peace.


On the International Day of Peace, with the aim of educating the younger generation of patriotism and love for the Motherland, on September 21, activists of the Young Guard Public Organization of the Slavyanoserbsky District held an information hour “Bring, doves, our greetings to the peoples of the world!” . . . The youth performed poems and songs about peace. – For residents of the front-line Slavyanoserbsky region, the word “peace” has a special meaning. For eight years we have been advocating a peaceful, happy life without war, fighting Ukrainian neo-Nazism. We want our aspirations to be supported not only by the inhabitants of the Republic, but also by all caring people who care about the fate of Donbass,” said Artem Kozlov, an activist of the Young Guard project. At the end of the event, each participant received a symbol of peace – a paper dove.


For the day, of peace the library-branch No. 3 held for its readers the action “Peace in the Heart – Peace on Earth”. Together with the librarian, the guys tried to define the word “peace”. Young readers said that the world is the sun, the sky, the Motherland, relatives and close people, friends. They also argued that children, the elderly and women become the most defenseless during hostilities. In her conversation, the librarian told the children about the history of this day, about people who in the modern world on our earth are trying to protect and save this world for their future children. . . At the end of the action, the guys took pictures with drawings about the world, holding a small dove in their hands, because this particular bird is a symbol of peace on earth.


Activists of the organization “Peace to the Luhansk region” held the action “Dove of Peace” in the village of Vlasovka on September 21. On this day, the guys made white doves with their own hands and drew a poster “We are for peace!”

United States and Canada: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

Here are 196 events for the International Day of Peace located in 44 of the 50 United States, as well as 13 events in Canada in seven of the ten provinces. In order to save space, only one event is given in detail for each state and province while internet links are provided for the others.

The events were listed in Google during the weeks of September 17-28 this year under the key words “International Day of Peace,” “peaceday” or “Journée Internationale de la Paix” or were listed on the following websites:
Campaign Nonviolence
International Cities of Peace Facebook

In addition to the above events, there were several hundred singing events listed on the websites of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but it was not possible to distinguish events of 2022 from events in previous years, except for those Montessori schools that were new this year, as listed below.

Students at Montclair High School in New Jersey on the International Day of Peace

Here are excerpts from the articles.

* * * CANADA * * *


OTTAWA : Today, on the International Day of Peace, we reflect on the efforts we have made to make peace a reality around the world. In the face of rising violence, authoritarianism, and threats to democracy globally, more work needs to be done to build a stable world for everyone. According to the United Nations (UN), our planet is witnessing the largest number of violent conflicts in over 75 years. . . Canada has long been a leader in international efforts to advance peace, and continues to be a strong voice for human rights. Along with liked-minded partners in the UN, we are working to promote the rule of law, build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, and provide access to justice as part of our ongoing commitment to fulfill the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). As Co-Chair of the UN SDG Advocates group, I will continue to work closely with our global partners to address the world’s biggest challenges and help create a more peaceful and prosperous future for people in Canada and around the world. . . . On this International Day of Peace, we recommit to building a better, more stable world for all.”


CALGARY : Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. Come Peace. We will have SAIT’s portable Labyrinth on hand for you to walk through and our SAIT Chaplains will be available for you to engage with as we discuss this year’s theme, “End Racism, Build Peace.” We will also have plenty of artisan “Peace cookies”, coffee and tea for you to enjoy as you enjoy taking a moment for Peace.


KOOTENAY : September 21, 2022, is the International Day of Peace and the 15th anniversary of the official opening of the Mir Centre for Peace at Selkirk College. Please join us . . . We will unveil and celebrate the newly refurbished Conversation Bench, in the presence of the artists who both created and restored it. We look forward to seeing you there!


WINNEPEG : Official proclamation of the Province of Manitoba: Peace Days September 15-21, 2022


ANTIGONISH : We are chocolate makers located in Antigonish Nova Scotia. Originally from Damascus Syria. Today is the 2022 United Nations Day of Peace. We are taking a concrete step towards a world that is more peaceful. Our new strategic partnership with the Institute for Economics & Peace will create 100 new voices for peace by facilitatiing 5 positive peace workshops in prioritized countries.


WATERLOO : University of Waterloo: On September 21, 2014, the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement opened its doors for the first time in celebration of the International Day of Peace. . . .After a two years of online opportunities and small gatherings, the Centre for Peace Advancement is once again marking Peace Week by hosting a public community calendar of events and activities.We invite you to be in community with us during #PeaceWeek2022.



CHARLOTTETOWN : A day-long series of events in Charlottetown will mark International Day of Peace on September 21. The highlights will include a sunrise sing-along, song and dance celebrating Mi’kmaq culture, John Lennon’s peace songs, an origami peace crane giveaway, yoga for wellness, and a panel on human rights, liveable income, education, inclusive diversity, and pillars of peace.


MONTREAL : The eighth edition of Peace Days , an initiative of the Network for Peace and Social Harmony, will be held from September 21 to October 2. The event kicks off with the International Day of Peace and concludes with the International Day of Non-Violence, both declared by the United Nations. . . . For 12 days, the theme Acting for equality: ending racism, building peace is available in more than forty activities, proposed by some fifty partners from the community, cultural, educational and philanthropic sectors. Gathered under four main categories (Learning, Arts and culture, Community, In dialogue), the most varied program is aimed at all audiences: workshops, artistic events, exhibitions, round tables, picnics, storytelling, conferences, documentaries , public concert… The program offers online and face-to-face activities — mostly in Montreal, but also on its outskirts — and the vast majority of these are free, although registration is required for some.


* * * UNITED STATES * * * *


OPELIKA : On September 24th, community organizers and civic groups in Opelika, Alabama held a March Against Violence/Gun Violence. This was the 5th Annual MLK Jr. Youth Nonviolence Peace March And Rally Against Violence & Gun Violence, honoring loving memories of the late Otis Gray, Sr. (Pastor Morton’s father). Mayor Gary Fuller issued a proclamation declaring a day of peace and calling for an end to violence. Pastor Carolyn Morton received an Achievement Award for her work to end gun violence. Auburn Moms Demand Action was honored with an MLK Jr. Social Justice Award during a celebration of International Day of Peace at Christian Care Ministries. Opelika Councilman George Allen was a special guest at the celebration. Other participants included the CEO of Lee County Community Outreach Stop The Violence Activists Group, Samford Stop the Violence Group, Opelika & Auburn Moms Demand Action Local Chapter Group, and Opelika Fire Department.


KINGMAN : Kingman’s event is scheduled to be held at Locomotive Park from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.   Planned activities include guest speaker Jack Ehrhardt who will speak on climate change, making and displaying of past peace flags, a group discuss ion on the meaning of peace, a smudging ceremony, and of course the traditional bell ringing ceremony at noon.  Bring your own lawn chair, peace sign, liquid refreshment …. and your passion for peace!!



LITTLE ROCK : Join us for Arkansas Peace Week! Each year Arkansas Peace Week includes numerous events, hosted by dozens of organizations throughout our state. These events feature education, service and outreach activities promoting peacemaking, non-violence, social justice, ecological stewardship, and community building


SAN DIEGO : Peace Week San Diego is a project of the Peace Resource Center in collaboration with the Campaign NonViolence Week of Actions. San Diego collaborations: American Friends Service Committee, activist Andrea St. Julian, artist/activist Antonia Davis, Climate Mobilization Coalition, Veterans For Peace, Women Occupy San Diego, Treat M.I./Don’t Mistreat M.I., Mothers Against Torture, Cop Watch. . . . 9/17 – Peace Week Kicks off with the Kale Festival at the Peace Garden . . . 9/18, Author Francesco da Vinci reads from his book, I Refuse to Kill – about his work in peace activism in San Diego during the tumultuous 60s. . . . 9/20, Tuesday, No MAS w/ San Diego Veterans For Peace, Carroll Canyon Overpass, Miramar Base. A protest against the Miramar Air Show. . . .Wednesday, 9/21, noon, County Court House – A birthday cake for Geo with a side of Justice. Geo is in prison, living with mental illness and no treatment. . . . Wednesday, 9/21, 4 PM – Kids 4 Peace International Day of Peace Rally



GREENWOOD VILLAGE : Pinwheels and pledges mark World Peace Day at Timberline Elementary School. “This year we implemented social-emotional time in the morning, and our teachers have taken that time to talk about how we can lead a peaceful life and also have peace within ourselves,” Bowens said. Teachers and students have also discussed ending racism, which is the theme of this year’s international celebration. “We’ve been talking about cultural differences and how we respect and accept each other and learn to love and care and be kind to one another.” To mark World Peace Day, every student wrote a “peace pledge” that highlighted the ways they will try to foster peace at school, at home and in their community.


NORWICH : On Wednesday, members of the Norwich community marked the International Day of Peace with a rededication of the peace poles. . . . This year’s dedication was the first one since the pandemic. Highlights of the ceremony included Norwich middle school students reading essays about peace, reading the peace pole by people who speak some of the non-English languages, and Jennifer Hubbard, president of the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary, donating local plants from the sanctuary’s pollinator garden to help create a pollinator garden at the poles. . . .
Norwich is also part of the International Cities of Peace, which represents cities around the world that are committed to working on peace.


WILMINGTON : From October 8-16, 2022, peace-loving people across our state will celebrate Peace Week Delaware—a statewide series of events and actions raising awareness and hope for peace in our communities, nation, and world. . . . We will also commemorate International Peace Day (Sept. 21) and the efforts of the United Nations to achieve international harmony.


WASHINGTON, D.C. : The United States Institute for Peace (USIP)! will open its doors for an open house on September 21, featuring guided tours and informative exhibits. There will also be interactive stations for visitors of all ages, including a live wall painting led by the renowned Afghan art collective, ArtLords, and activities to participate in the USIP #PeaceDayChallenge directly from the USIP headquarters!


FORT MYERS : SWFL Peace Day Celebration continues to be a community favorite event where the community comes together to celebrate all that’s right in the world, experiencing a single day of peace in SW Florida. . . .Peace Day is at Wa-Ke-Hatchee Park in Fort Myers on Sunday, Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. . . . The day will include kids’ activities, rides, local vendors, unique artisans, live art, blood drive and live entertainment.



SAVANNAH : On Sunday Sept. 25 from 12 to 4 p.m., local nonprofit the Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire will host the first annual Savannah Day of Peace at Daffin Park. . . .The Savannah Day of Peace is an intentional peacebuilding event designed to help bridge gaps and unite the community. The event arose from a need recognized by the Mediation Center team members, a need that became particularly prominent during the onset of the pandemic. “During that time, we learned a lot and we also saw that our community is more in need than ever for conflict resolution skills,” said Jill Cheeks, executive director of the Mediation Center.


WAIANAE : The Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center and Towers of Kuhio Park created a Zone of Peace and Nonviolence in Waianae, Hawai’i. On September 21st, the International Day of Peace, they put up a sign at the entrance of the community and established a focus of peace and nonviolence in the neighborhood. Children, youth, elders, parents, and community members rallied and carried banners, including for Campaign Nonviolence Hawaii. 



BOISE : The Boiser Peace Quilt Project plans an action on September 21 for the International Day of Peace


CHICAGO : Hundreds of people will gather in Daley Plaza to International Day of Peace. It is the 44th year Chicago has celebrated the holiday. More than 1,000 students are expected to carry flags of all of the world’s nations and share signs promoting peace. The event is free and begins at 11:45 a.m.



FORT WAYNE : Actions for the International Day of Peace partnering with the Franciscan Action Network


IOWA CITY : Veterans for Peace, University of Iowa Center for Human Rights, Iowa Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Office of Equity & Human Rights, Peace Iowa, and Johnson County United Nations Association will mark International Day of Peace with a program at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022, at Mercer Park, Shelter #1.



MANHATTAN : This year, in conjunction with Peace Day 2022, the K-State conflict resolution program is inviting K-Staters to join them in a celebration of peace on Sept. 20 over the lunch hour. Students, faculty and staff are invited to gather in the front lobby of Justin Hall at noon. Starting at 12:15 p.m. a peace walk will begin. Participants will be encouraged to link up with other walkers and have discussions on peace using provided prompts and questions. The walk will end on Anderson lawn where a photo of the group will be taken in the shape of a peace sign. Following the photo, conflict resolution program staff will encourage discussion among attendees with additional prompts and questions around the topic of peace.


LOUISVILLE : Students at Louisville’s Presentation Academy are practicing peace by participating in several activities with “International Peace Day.”  Students at Presentation Academy are sharing simple but strong messages of peace, statements of affirmation and positivity they are displaying for anyone passing by their school. “We are making tags for what we need to see in the world for peace,” Freshman Bryce Jackson tells Spectrum News 1. Their messages are written on paper cards and tied to leaves on a campus tree.



LAFAYETTE : Actions for the International Day of Peace by Compassionate Communication of Lafayette, LA Citizens Climate Lobby, Lafayette Chapter


NATIONAL HARBOR : On the eve of the International Day of Peace, and in solidarity with all who are participating in the coming days in Campaign Nonviolence and the Catholic Days of Action, Mike Walli, Bob Cooke, Jack McHale, Scott Wright and Art Laffin vigiled outside the annual Air Force Association (AFA) “Air-Space-Cyber Conference and Technology Exposition.” The peace activists call this an “Arms Bazaar” and made their presence felt by weapons contractors and military personnel. During this faith-based event, they held banners and signs.

Question for this article

What has happened this year (2022) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)


BOSTON : Once again this year, local peace activists and faith groups will be on Boston Common to commemorate the International Day of Peace. This year a major focus is on local youth alternatives to gangs. Ian Harrington, co-chair for International Day of Peace Boston, said the event will include music, dance, poetry and song as well as spoken presentations from local peacemakers. This is our eighth year,” he said. “(We) like to use our event to bring together people who work in various types of peace; and especially people who, peace is international, together with people who the peace they seek is on the local streets.” Harrington said some of the local groups that provide activities aimed at diversion from gangs will participate. The event begins at 1 p.m. Sunday on Boston Common.



SAGINAW :  The Mridha International Institute of Peace & Happiness (MIIPH) is hosting a Saginaw Peace Walk on Wednesday, September 21, International Peace Day. The walk will be preceded by a Partners in Peace Expo with 16 other Saginaw-based non-profit organizations. The event begins at 4:00pm and will be held at the historic Montague Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1581 S. Washington Ave. Saginaw Mayor Brenda Moore will issue a proclamation recognizing MIIPH’s efforts to promote peace in the community through events and the development of its online peace education platform, which will debut in 2023. Food trucks, live music, and local nonprofit activities and information will be featured.



ST. PAUL : International Peace Day, Dinner at St. Paul UU Church. . . Come learn about how the Golden Rule sailboat helped stop nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and how she continues to fight the possibility of nuclear war today.On this International Peace Day, Golden Rule Project Manager Helen Jaccard and congregant Mike McDonald invite us into the Golden Rule’s work for peace!


CAPE GIRARDEAU : Members with the Cape Girardeau County Rotary Club came together at Peace Park in Cape Girardeau to help out another organization on World Peace Day. A check for $1,000 was given to the Feed My Starving Children organization. Rotary International has designated September 21st as World Peace Day and Rotarians are challenged to imagine what it would be like if world peace were to be achieved in our lifetime. We talked with club President Rick Fischer who says they want to keep making efforts to make a difference in helping others. “At the local community level, start there and hope that good will will propagate and actually from a local level to a county level, to a city level, to a state level,” Fischer said. “Then, before we know it, have a national campaign to accomplish world peace in our lifetime.”




At Edgemont Montessori, students, staff and families celebrated International Day of Peace with their annual Peace Parade. They started with a mindful minute, discussed International Day of Peace and the theme, listened to student speakers share reflections (in English and Spanish), and then finished with the Peace Parade celebration.  . . . . Montclair High School’s Center for Social Justice (CSJ) planned and participated in observing the International Day of Peace. Students recognized this day by learning its history, signing a pledge and sharing words of hope while surrounding the CSJ/MHS Peace Pole. CSJ students encourage all people to “Say It, Do It, Share It”: Say what peace means to you, do something that demonstrates your commitment to peace, and share it on social media with #CSJPeaceDayChallenge and inspire others to do the same.



SANTE FE : The combined sponsorship of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Veterans for Peace, and Nonviolent Santa Fe, present to the County Commission of Santa Fe, New Mexico, A Resolution Recognizing September 21, 2022, as The International Day of Peace and Urging the United States Congress to Reduce Funding to the United States Department of Defense and Reallocate Those Funds to Domestic Needs.


UN HEADQUARTERS : The International Day of Peace was observed on 16 September 2022 at United Nations Headquarters. The programme began with the traditional Peace Bell Ceremony in the Peace Garden at 9:00 a.m. EDT. At that event, the Secretary-General and President of the General Assembly rang the Peace Bell. Following that, a Youth Observance was held in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Chamber at 9:30 a.m. EDT, in which more than 500 students interacted with the Secretary-General and high-profile artists and activists. Young people presented projects that illustrated the action they had taken to combat racism and thereby foster peace. Watch the Youth Observance at See the Youth Observance’s programme here:


SARATOGA SPRINGS : Saratoga’s Peace Week coincides with international Peace Week events, with Sept. 21 commemorated as the United Nations International Day of Peace.  The Spa City’s Peace Week was started 15 years ago by Elizabeth Meehan as a one-day event, but has since expanded.  “It continues to grow as more organizations get involved,” she said. Now the week-long event is held at different venues and features a variety of programs, including international speakers, musicians, yoga, and art and museum exhibits.



ASHEVILLE : We’ll have Declaration of Peace from the Western North Carolina People of Peace read at our gathering at the Ekder and Sage Community Garden in Downtown Asheville. We will recognize our Peacemaker of the Year Ponkho Bermejo of Beloved Asheville. We will also begin a Peace Day Honor Roll this year recognizing those who have given decades to non-violence in WNC. After that, we will chalk sidewalks with peace messages downtown.



TOLEDO : Peace March in Toledo, Ohio, September 21, noon-1 p.m. – Peace Walk around the Courthouse for the UN International Day of Peace. Wednesday, September 21, 2022, noon to 1 p.m. Lucas County Courthouse, Toledo, Ohio. We’ll gather at the statue in front of the Lucas County Courthouse and follow the peace pole around the block with song and prayer. All are welcome: the event is inclusive, multi-faith, non-violent, and non-partisan. Organized by Social Justice Advocates.



OKLAHOMA CITY : On Wednesday, September 21, Oklahoma City organizations will come together to celebrate the International Day of Peace with a free event hosted by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization of Oklahoma.. . . . The event will take place at Dr. Doug Baker Auditorium at the OSU-OKC University Learning Resource Center (LRC100), 900 N Portland Avenue and begins at 6:30 p.m. . . . Participating groups include: United Nations Association of Oklahoma City, Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma, Hindu Temple of OKC, First Unitarian Church of OKC, Respect Diversity Foundation, Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma, Baháʼí Faith, Sikh Gurdwara of Oklahoma, Shirdi Sai Temple of OKC , and the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization.


HILLSBORO : Working with Habitat For Humanity, the Oregon Peace Builders will be planting and dedicating a Peace Pole at Alder Commons homesites Saturday Sept. 24 10am, in front of a new Habitat site. Location: 13th St and Alder Ct in Hillsboro OR. Also on 09/25/22 we will hold a church service dedicated to nonviolence



PHILADELPHIA : Peace Day Philly 2022. September 21. Philadelphia will join with groups and organizations around the world to make this global day of local opportunity. The global Peace Day theme, set by the United Nations, is End Racism. Build Peace. Guests will speak to this theme and we will share in the global act of observing one minute of silence at 12 noon. Live music, poetry and artmaking will also be a part of this event. Special speakers will include: – Romana Lee-Akiyama, MSS, MLSP, Director – Mayor’s Office of Public Engagement – Kia Ghee, Esq., Executive Director- Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations Performers will include – L’Tajh Carter – Poetry – Marcy Francis and Jan Jeffries – Drumming – Hugh Taft-Morales – guitar and singing Artmaking: We welcome people to “Chalk 4 Peace” by sharing words and images of peace with sidewalk chalk. Creating peace buttons (thanks to Artwell) and mini murals (hanks o Mural Arts)



KINGSTON : The University of Rhode Island, Kingston Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies invites you to celebrate the  International Day of Peace in Memorial Student Union 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. You are welcome to explore, exchange, express, sing, practice, learn, and enjoy the peace!



CHARLESTON : Photos of children celebrating the International Day of Peace at the Murray-LaSaine Montessori School.


RAPID CITY : Alan Sutton: Rolling Protest – The “Nonviolence Means” Posters that I got from Pace e Bene are on both sides of the camper on the back of my truck. It’s a continuous action in pursuit of a culture of nonviolence. The truck pulls my tiny house which is where I live, currently in Rapid City SD; heading further west for winter warmth in November.


JACKSON : The Community Montessori School and Arlington Elementary met each other halfway Wednesday in a walk of peace. “Today we made the decision so happily to join Arlington, our neighbors,” said Community Montessori Principal Dr. Melinda Harris. “We had a peace walk and joined the students of Arlington, sang songs together, talked about peace education and what it means to love and care for each other.” Students from both schools sang songs of peace, and CMS students performed their school song. . . . The school principals say they hope to continue a walk of peace each year.



EL PASO : A celebration of International Day of Peace hosted by Unity Through Creativity Foundation and the Interfaith Alliance of the Southwest was held on September 21, 2022. Nine speakers/performers and 18 vendors welcomed people to Keystone Heritage Botanical Garden. Around 83 people of all ages participated. Attendees added to “The Nectarine Singing Tree Mural of Peace”, the 111th mural in a project that invites the whole world to make a painting together. . . . The celebration went on all day long. Television and radio broadcaster Monica Gomez emceed the day. Grandma Beatriz Villegas opened the day with a ceremony. Neema Soratgar, the first woman to drive in Afghanistan in 2001 when the Taliban fell who carried the Afghanistan flag in the Olympics in 2004, spoke about her experience narrowly escaping with her children in 2021.  She is a guest Scholar in Women Studies at University of Texas in El Paso.  



PARK CITY : Park City Library. Throughout the week the Library will be observing International Peace Day and Voter Registration day. These two events help promote and strengthen the ideals of peace, both within and among nations and people by  encouraging active civic participation and voting. At this event, register to vote or make sure your voting information is correct and celebrate International Peace Day. You will be able to make a desktop peace pole to bring home.


LINCOLN : Please join us for the Global 40TH Anniversary of the celebration of the International Day of Peace with these distinguished speakers discussing “End Racism. Build Peace through Bioresonance.” Tuesday, September 21; . . . .Sunray is also honored to join with many global Peacebuilders with this on the Equinox as part of the Fall Peace Week included in the 99 Days of Peace —which started on June 18 with the beginning of World Unity Week, and will end on Saturday September 24. We are doing many prayers and meditation actions as part of this.


SUFFOLK : Pause at 12 noon with the Suffolk Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.for the International Day of Peace.



WEST SEATTLE : The newest Peace Pole planted by the Rotary Club of West Seattle now stands in front of C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) after a dedication ceremony this morning. Keith Hughes  from the Rotary explained that this dedication is special because it was arranged to happen on the United Nations International Day of Peace. . . . Each pole is decorated and inscribed differently; this one carries its message of peace in Hawaiian, Japanese, Lushootseed, and English – and a solar-powered light on top. The Rotary has at least five more to install around West Seattle; the next scheduled dedication will be in November along Fauntleroy Creek. .



MORGANTOWN : The West Virginia University Native American Studies Program will hold its annual Peace Tree Ceremony Wednesday, September 21 at 12 p.m. at the WVU Peace Tree located between Martin and Elizabeth Moore Halls. . . . This year’s ceremony marks the 30th anniversary of the planting of WVU’s first peace tree by Chief Leon Shenandoah, Tadodaho of the Grand Council of the Haudenosaunee Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy.


RACINE : The Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice continuing its participation in the yearly Peace Day Celebration at Jefferson Lighthouse. The Future appears be looking up! (with photo)

***** MONTESSORI *****

In addition to the events listed above, there were 55 new events in North America to celebrate the International Day of Peace on the website of the Montessori Schools, i.e. events that were not listed last year:
Arizona : Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa
California: Bakersfield, Berkeley, Carmichael, Garden Grove, Moraga, San Diego
Colorado: Parker
Florida: Oviedo
Georgia: Atlanta, Chattahoochee, Decatur, Sandy Springs
Hawaii: Hanamaulu
Idaho: Spirt Lake
Illinois: Chicago
Indiana: Angola, Indianapolis (2)
Kansas: Stilwell
Louisiana:Abita Springs
Maine: Fryeburg, Nobleboro
Massachusets,:Beverly, North Chelmsford, Rowley
Michigan: Rochester
Minnesota: Pinckney ,Minneapolis
New Jersey: Berkeley Heights, Metuchen, Morris Plains, Union City, Warren
New Mexico: Albuquerque
New York: Ithaca, West Hqrrison
North Carolina: Asheville, Mebane
Oklahoma: Tulsa
Ontario: Blenheim, Burlington
Pennsylvania: Allison Park
South Carolina: Greenwood
South Dakota: Aberdeen
Tennessee: Nashville, Pasquo,
Texas: Cedar Hill, Georgetown, Richmond
Virginia: Arlington, Danville, Hampton, Springfield

Latin America and the Caribbean: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

The following 52 events in 12 Latin American countries include those listed in Google during the weeks of September 17-28 this year under the key words “International day of peace”, “Dia Internacional da Paz” and “Día Internacional de la Paz” The events also includes some listed on the facebook page of the International Cities of Peace.

About 48 events are listed in One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but there is no indication which events took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

Brazil, the Satsung Spring Ball, September 21


The Directorate for Alternative Conflict Resolution is organizing a talk open to the general public on dialogue and good interpersonal relations, which will take place on the 21st of this month at 6:00 p.m., in the Judicial School room, on the sixth floor of the Court building, 641 San Martín street in the city of Formosa. The activity is part of the International Day of Peace that is commemorated on September 21 of each year. In the cities of Clorinda and El Colorado and with different speakers, the same talk will be replicated on the same day at the same time. . . The director of the area of Alternative Conflict Resolution, María Irma González, said that the unit under her charge intends to celebrate the Day of Peace with various inclusive activities, which will be aimed at the community in general, in order to promote dialogue, listening, empathy, and non-violence.. . . The activities will consist of making a drawing or a phrase that represents peace, which will be to design almanacs for the year 2023, which will be distributed in the different offices of the Judicial Power of the province, concluding with a release of white balloons, as a representation of peace.


City councilors participated in the act in commemoration of the International Day of Peace, an opportunity in which they delivered diplomas and exhibited a bell-shaped model, as a symbol of Peace, to different educational institutions in the city.


Meeting of Sculptors for the International Day of Peace. From the Rotary Club Malargüe, every year they carry out activities in the department, for the International Day of Peace,


Celebration of the International Day of Peace. Campaign for one million hearts and smiles for peace. Come make and exchange your origami heart to announce peace. 21 September, 10:30, 2502 Maipu Avenue, Olivos.


In commemoration of September 21, which is the International Day of Peace, promoted by the United Nations General Assembly in order to promote the ideals of peace in all nations and peoples of the world, the Government Secretariat of the Municipality of Posadas presents the third meeting “Posadas Dialogues for Peace” to be held in the “Tierra Sin Mal” Auditorium of the Villa Cultural La Estación . . . This event is possible thanks to the articulated work of the areas of the General Directorate of Human Rights and the General Directorate of Participatory Methods for Conflict Resolution and Citizen Strengthening, which propose a celebration of the month of Peace with a discussion that addresses the issue from different looks and looks.


At least 30 runners will star this Sunday 18 (concentration, 8:45; start, 9:30) the 12th 5K Provincial Championship (10th International Day of Peace Run), organized by the End of the World Athletic Group (AAFM ) and the Rotary Club Isla Grande (RCIG).


The activities will be first of all on September 17 at Casa Beban starting at 5:00 p.m., where the southern peace movement, the Sembrando Cultura foundation and the Municipality will promote the Peace Day “Build your own crane”, inviting neighbors to make a paper crane, a millennial symbol of happiness and part of the Children’s Peace Monument that represents Sadako Sasaki, a victim of the Hiroshima bomb. Already on September 21, at 11:00 a.m. the event will be held in the framework of the International Day of Peace and the 10th Anniversary of the Plaza Campana de la Paz, the Austral Peace movement, the Mil Milenios de Paz Foundation , the Cooperativa Sembrando Cultura and the Ministry of Culture and Education will carry out an activity in commemoration of the date.


In commemoration of the International Day of Peace, Fundación CONSTRUIR participated on Thursday, September 22, 2022 in the “XIII Fair for the International Day of Peace, at an end to discrimination. Build Peace”  organized by different institutions such as SEPAMOS, CEBIAE, OMAK, CHASKI, among others. The event took place in the city of El Alto, in the vicinity of the Red cable car in the 16 de Julio area.


This Wednesday’s rain did not disturb the celebrations of the International Day of Peace promoted by the Casa da Fraternity together with different religious segments and society in Ararangua. The night was exciting and the atmosphere of harmony and peace between the leaders who participated was beautiful!


On the 24th of September , the League of Combatants together with the ADFA (Association of the Disabled of the Armed Forces) will hold the “ March for Peace 2022 ”, within the scope of the International Day of Peace. The March will begin at the entrance of the Museu do Combatente/Forte do Bom Sucesso, in Belém, and the route will be as usual along Avenida Brasília to the Museum of Electricity/MAAT and back, arriving at the same place next to the entrance. from the Combatant Museum/Forte do Bom Sucesso.


To celebrate the date and its meaning, DIÁRIO DO COMÉRCIO and Brahma Kumaris hold, on September 25 , the Walk for Peace .The event is free and open to the public, departing at 8 am from Marco Zero, in Lagoa da Pampulha , heading to the Ecological Park.The route of about 2 kilometers will be an opportunity to reflect on peace, exercise and have fun with playful surprises along the way.At the end, in the midst of nature, there will be a special closing moment with group meditation and musical presentation by the handpan player Thiago Peixoto .


I MARCHA DA PEACE, JOY AND ART 2022″ , on the 25th of September 2022, also motivated by the celebration of the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE.


A special invitation from Brazil for peace and the planet. Paulo Barddal, International Cities of Peace, Curitiba, Brazil, Universal Circle of Ambassadors of Peace


Alesc receives seminar “Best Practices for a Culture of Peace”. Assembleia Legislativa de Santa Catarina. To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the Legislative Assembly hosted this Wednesday (21) a seminar on good practices for a culture of peace.


On the International Day of Peace, this Wednesday (21), students from the Gomes Jardim State Institute of Education formed a hug around the Farroupilha Cypress, a tree that is a symbol of Guaíba and a cultural heritage of the state. In the place where the Farroupilha Revolution began 187 years ago, students asked for more peace, unity, solidarity, positive energies for the city and the planet. The prayed Our Father for the 403 people who died as a result of the pandemic in Guaíba. On the way to the Historic Site, they distributed free hugs to traders and people on the streets and distributed messages and the dove of peace.


In celebration of the International Day of Peace (September 21), the City of Guarulhos promotes the second edition of Guarulhos de Mãos Dadas pela Paz, in the main tent of Bosque Maia. The program begins with a Tai Ji Qi Gong class, a body practice that helps to strengthen breathing, which will be led by physical educator Manoel Eloildo Felix da Silva at 9:15 am. Then, at 9:45 am, there will be the Circular Dances for Peace workshop, a movement virtually created by Friedel Klokle-Eibl, a leading exponent of circular dances from the Netherlands, who invited practitioners from different countries to contribute, by holding hands in a circle, to dance for peace and for a world open to tolerance. To conclude, at 11:15 am, the construction of a human mandala will begin with the participants as a symbol of reciprocity and harmony, under the coordination of Renate Sewing de Paula, an artist from the city dedicated to the creation of mandalas. The work will be donated to one of the municipal health facilities as a decorative art and a symbol of peace.


Hands providing peace. Today, September 21, 2022, was one of the best experiences of my life in the construction of cultures of peace. I was invited to accompany the kids in a local school in an action for peace. The kids offered hearts, smiles and hugs to others who responded to the invitation with smiles and hugs. Peace is more than possible, it is real and it begins with each little act of the heart. Edmario Jobat, International Cities of Peace, Igarassu, Brazil, Universal Circle of Ambassadors of Peace, Living Peace International.


In order to reflect on the culture of peace, schools in the municipal education network of Juazeiro, held on the morning of this Tuesday (06), the traditional walk alluding to the International Day of Peace, celebrated in the month of September. The action is also part of the calendar of pedagogical activities of the municipality related to September 7, and receives full support from the City of Juazeiro, through the Secretary of Education and Youth (Seduc). In all, 10 municipal schools participated in the occasion, bringing together students, family members, managers, the school community and the local community.


Students and pedagogical team from Colégio Paulo Freire, in Marechal Cândido Rondon, carried out on the morning of this Wednesday (31 agosto) the Peace Walk, which is part of the Family at School project, carried out by the Association of Parents, Teachers and Employees ( APMF), and is sponsored by Itaipu Binacional. The purpose of the march was to promote reflection on the culture of peace. In addition, the students and the school administration delivered to the Rondonian Executive, represented by the deputy mayor Ilario Hofstaetter, a document with strategies to promote peace in the municipality. Among the measures presented to the deputy mayor is the implementation of the International Day of Peace in Marechal Rondo to generate awareness in the community about the culture of peace.


More than 300 children, students, parents, education and health professionals took to the streets of the Procasa community, in Barreiros, this Wednesday morning (21) to ask for peace. The 7th Peace Walk is a promotion of the Municipal Basic School (EBM) Altino Corsino da Silva Flores, which invites other health and educational institutions nearby to join in this cause. . . . Each participating educational institution addressed the theme in the classroom and prepared elements to symbolize peace. EBM students Altino Corsino da Silva Flores carried paper hearts, EVA birds and smiling emojis. . . . Children from CEI Santos Dumont, on the other hand, produced mini flags with drawings and affectionate messages with white paper.


The 2022 edition of the Spring Satsang, in São José dos Campos, will feature five days of celebration and experience in honor of the International Day of Peace and the beginning of the new season.  With experiences of circular dances, guided by João Paulo Pessoa and Guataçara Monteiro, the Spring Ball has as its theme the awakening of a new season. The main idea is to create a peaceful atmosphere that connects everyone who wants to participate with the essence of the Brazilian people’s culture of peace.


This Saturday (24), Parque Vicentina Aranha hosts the 10th edition of the Festival Te Ofereço A Paz, under the theme Reconnection. The program starts at 9 am and will take place in different areas of the Park, with more than 15 activities that encourage lightness and well-being through direct contact with people, methods, techniques and therapies that promote the search for peace on three levels. : with oneself, with the other and with nature. Conceived by psychologist Sonia Redi, the multidisciplinary festival takes place in celebration of the International Day of Peace (September 21), an initiative established by the United Nations. Among the programmed activities are yoga, reiki, quick massages, music, circular dance, lectures and experiences with bioenergetics, in addition to an exclusive space for children.


Concepcion Chiguayante School. In the context of the International Day of Peace and Nonviolence, the English Department celebrated this event at all levels of the school. The students participated in marches for peace (pre-school), creation of crafts and door decoration (basic education), work with the song “all you need is love” and creation of stickers (5th and 6th grade), creation of posters (7th to 1st grade) and discussions about types of violence in the school context and actions we can take (2nd to 4th grade)


In commemoration of the International Day of Peace 2022, Abba Colombia joins and highlights the work it is doing for peace, non-violence and non-discrimination in Colombia; for this reason, some young beneficiaries of Abba Colombia tell us about the importance of contributing to peace regardless of race, nationality, culture, economic or social status through our social media.


From this Wednesday, September 21, and until Friday, September 23, the Palace of Justice will be sheltered within the framework of the International Day of Peace and as a citizen demonstration to remember the rights to peace, a dignified life and the reconstruction of the collective memory of who have been victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia. The Colombian house of justice will be covered with woven fabrics that were hand-made by dozens of people throughout the national territory and in 24 countries in Latin America and Europe, a sign of the commitment of those who believe in absolute peace as a path to non-repetition. In addition to the symbolic act, called Covering of the Palace of Justice, for three days there will be cultural exhibitions, academic talks and a fair of enterprises of victims of the armed conflict and signatories of the Agreement.

(Survey continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

What has happened this year (2022) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)


Colombian Red Cross; Come and celebrate with us the International Day of Peace. Wednesday, 21 September, 2;00 PM, Bogotá Plaza Hotel. Through the synergy of the private and humanitarian sectors, we can achieve sustainability, development and peace.


In Medellín, the celebration of the International Day of Peace began at the Presbítero Antonio José Bernal Londoño Educational Institution, where children painted peace. This activity, organized within the framework of the Month for Peace, will be extended during September and October in other schools and with the sons and daughters of the peace signatories in the different regions of Antioquia, with the support of Redepaz and the Mission of United Nations verification in Colombia.  


Every September 21, the United Nations General Assembly celebrates the Intentional Day of Peace : an opportunity to strengthen the ideas of peace and Non-Violence. To be part of the celebration, the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra invites you to the concert “Peace, music and silence”, to invite you to look at diversity, peace and respect life. The music of Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Joseph Haydn will be the protagonists of this concert that will be directed by Adrian Chamorro, Colombian director, pedagogue and soloist. 


Campaign seeks to keep children away from violence in regions of Colombia Football as a generator of social change is what inspires the Fundación Selección Colombia and Spirit of Soccer to carry out programs such as Goals that Save Lives, designed so that nearly 300 children and adolescents have a life option in sports, far of violence. The first of the football festivals was held in Villavicencio (Meta) on September 13 and 14 . . . These programs will continue in Santander de Quilichao (Cauca), on the 16th and 17th of the same month, and Ocaña (Norte de Santander), on September 20th and 21st. . . It is an effort motivated by the celebration of the International Day of Peace of the United Nations, on September 21, but one that can be sustained over time and can benefit many more minors.


With cultural events, plays, sporting events and the intervention of a mural in Bolívar Park, the International Day of Peace was celebrated this Wednesday, September 21, in Palmira.


The Ministry of Justice and Peace, the Ministry of Culture and Youth, the Ministry of Public Education and the Fire Department commemorated this September 21, the International Day of Peace, with the award ceremony for the “Song for Peace” Contest. “Today we celebrate the International Day of Peace and what better way than to do it through art and youth. Song for Peace is an example of the preventive work that the Ministry of Justice and Peace has been carrying out through the Vice Ministry of Peace, thanks to the commitment and joint work with public institutions and private companies”, said Sergio Sevilla, Vice Minister of Peace. .


 The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) celebrated today the award ceremony of the national contest “Children paint and write for Peace”, an act that adds to the extensive program of activities that are carried out in this day, on the occasion of celebrating the International Day of Peace .
During a simple activity, the pioneers of the Arturo Montori elementary school made drawings related to peace and learned about the results of the national contest organized by the José Martí Pioneers Organization (OPJM) and ICAP.


The Provincial Directorate of the Judicial Council (CJ) of Manabí commemorated, this Monday, September 12, 2022, the International Day of Peace, with a dialogue in which experiences were shared about the work carried out by justices of the peace in their communities. The event took place in the House of Culture of Manabí and was attended by the Provincial Director of the CJ in the Disciplinary Field, Shamir Briones, the President of the Provincial Court of Justice, Carlos Zambrano, the Public Defender, Mauro Ponce, the Manabi artists, Danny Coveña and Eduardo Mendoza, justices of the peace, representatives of social organizations, students and teachers of the San Gregorio de Portoviejo University. The Provincial Director, Shamir Briones, in his speech mentioned that the Culture of Peace is a mechanism that has been promoted by the Council of the Judiciary in order to further expand the access of citizens to the justice system, especially in communities where through this mechanism, conflicts have been resolved without the parties having resorted to the Judicial Units.


The Directorate of the Judicial Council of Manabi commemorated the International Day of Peace, with a dialogue in which experiences of the work carried out by justices of the peace in their communities were shared. The activity took place at the Casa de la Cultura, in Portoviejo, with the participation of justices of the peace and representatives of social organizations. La Direccion del Consejo de la judicatura de Manabi conmemmoro el Dia Internacional de la Paz, con un dialogo en el que se compartieron experiencias del trabajo que realizan los jueces de paz en sus comunidades. La actividad se efectuo en la Casa de la Cultura, en Portoviejo, con la participacion de jueces de paz y representantes de organizaciones sociales.


Yesterday, Wednesday September 21, 2022 was the International Day of Peace. On this occasion, the NGO Club Soroptimist International went to the Saint-Paul nursing home to celebrate this day with the residents.


In commemoration of the International Day of Peace, administrative staff of the Departmental Directorate of Education (Dideduc) of Escuintla, teachers and students carried out a civic act in the cultural center of the municipal seat. The notes of the marimba were heard in that room, in which students from the Intercultural Normal School made various performances. The activity was replicated in different establishments in the department. One of the schools that joined the celebration was the primary school of the Cañaveral II village, in Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa.


Event poster: 21 September, International Day of Peace, May peace prevail on earth. Even free for all the family. In the Municipal Park of Badalar. 10:00 AM. Ceremony of banners. Peace declarations. Circular dances.


The celebration of the International Day of Peace was held at the Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez Primary School. The director of the campus, Berenice de León Caro, stressed that directors, teachers, students and parents participated in this important date.


The municipal government of Benito Juárez, through the Directorate of Religious Affairs, commemorated the International Day of Peace with a significant participation of public servants who formed the word “Peace” and the symbol of the dove allusive to said message on the esplanade of the Plaza de la Reforma. The person in charge of the office of the Municipal Presidency, Lourdes Latife Cardona Muza, thanked the people who dressed in white, a color alluding to this day, which is celebrated every September 21, for their assistance. She emphasized that “with peace we will achieve a Cancun where we can all see each other as brothers and we can continue building and rebuilding the social fabric.”


To commemorate the “International Day of Peace”, the Municipal Government, through the Education subdirectorate, held a civic ceremony this Wednesday morning called “Put an end to racism. Build peace”, with which a call is made to build a more peaceful community. Within the framework of this event that took place in the Quintana Roo park, the secretary general of the Cozumel City Council, Ociel González González, representing the municipal president, Juanita Alonso Marrufo, explained that peace is much more than the absence of a conflict, it is understanding others, it is educating the new generations to be good people, to understand that each one of us can rebuild our present and create everything we want through words, especially through our actions, since we all have the same circumstances in common, we share the same problems and the same conditions.


Culiacan: Sinaloa will have a day of activities for peace, announces Building Spaces for Peace.
The activities will take place from September 19 to 24, since the International Day of Peace is commemorated on September 22


The National System for Integral Family Development in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, carried out a Mayan ceremony on the esplanade of the Expomaya premises in the framework of the commemoration of the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21, every year, to raise awareness about the importance of having an environment free of violence.


Within the framework of the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21 of each year, this Monday in Guanajuato began the ninth edition of the School Week for Peace 2022, which presents a program of more than 300 activities in which institutions The basic, upper middle and higher levels of the state will participate from September 19 to 23. . . . During the Week for Peace, the educational institutions of basic, upper secondary and higher education carry out cultural and recreational activities with the coordination of state and municipal agencies; through: workshops, conferences, webinars, cultural events and physical activations.


By resolution of the United Nations Organization, September 21 is the International Day of Peace, and to commemorate the Fundación el Sol, based in Mexico, two concerts for peace will be held in this city, offered by the Philharmonic Orchestra by Lazaro Cardenas. at the concert on Wednesday 21, they will award recognition to humanitarian social leaders, who are . . . those who have contributed to peace in Lázaro Cárdenas.


Within the framework of the celebration of the International Day of Peace , teaching staff and students from different elementary schools, carried out different student dynamics on the fields of their respective educational institutions. . . the basic level students carried out different group dynamics under the roof of the respective schools, after providing a detailed explanation by their teachers in relation to this date, as it is the International Day of Peace .


Within the framework of the International Day of Peace and with the purpose of eradicating discrimination and contributing to the prevention of crime, the Family Welfare Coordination of the State DIF offered awareness talks on the culture of peace and free environments of violence.


The City Council of Toluca invites the population to the commemorative event of the International Day of Peace, which will take place on Saturday, September 21 at 10:00 a.m. at the Morelos Theater. With the aim of raising awareness among Toluqueños to generate a healthy coexistence and promote the Culture of Peace as a lifestyle, the General Directorates of Social Welfare and Promotion and Guidance for Social Coexistence join this world celebration, in which will highlight topics such as the Rescue of Values, Conflict Resolution and Positive Attitude.


In order to promote the culture of peace , the community of Colegio Keystone Riviera Veracruzana held a peaceful march in Boca del Río . Dressed in white and with some posters with messages of peace, teachers and students from kindergarten, primary, secondary and high school, accompanied by their families, marched on Vicente Fox Boulevard. Rossana de Velasco, general coordinator of the Keystone Riviera Veracruzana School, explained that this activity is carried out within the framework of the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21.


The Secretariat of Women of the State of Zacatecas (Semujer), will carry out, on September 21, the State Meeting of Women:  “Traveling together towards equality, love and peace” . It is organized during this day to commemorate the International Day of Peace. Women from the public administration of the state will participate in this event, as well as the media, academia and women from the business sector.  From this meeting, it will be possible to generate ties between women and promote projects in which the participation of women has an impact on the daily and social life of the state. The importance of this space refers not only to recognizing the work that women carry out day by day from different trenches, but also to open a path for new generations.


Within the framework of inter-institutional collaboration and social bonding, volunteer students and teachers from FAREM-Estelí commemorated the international day of peace with activities carried out at the María Auxiliadora School, in district III of the city of Estelí. The first activity was carried out with third level children; Through songs, they reflected on the importance of promoting a culture of peace. Later, a piñata was held where peaceful attitudes, respect for order and the joy of living in peace were put into practice, with the motto “children want peace”. The second activity, carried out with fifth and sixth grade students, consisted of a deeper reflection on what it means to live in peace and its importance for the development of the community. Finally, drawings alluding to peace were made and their meaning was shared in plenary. In turn, the importance of peace in our lives was emphasized.


To the rhythm of a lively batucada followed by the dance therapy girls and the children from the INCES sports initiation schools, the march to celebrate the International Day of Peace fulfilled its mission of going through the streets of the point and circle, a route that was accompanied by a group of apprentices and workers from the General Management of Culture, Sports, Recreation and Community Participation of INCES. “ Walk for peace. End racism. Build peace”, was the slogan of a day that was accompanied by institutions such as: Terrestrial Transit, the PNB, the UNES, the National Institute Against Racial Discrimination, the National Service for Voluntary Disarmament, among others.


A large colloquium was held this Wednesday, September 21, for the International Day of Peace in the municipality of Juan José Mora. . . . . During the meeting, the institutions present spoke about the contribution that each represents to the development of peace in the municipality. . . .The activity was attended by representatives of the Preventive Front, Carabobo State Police, Municipal Police, National Police, Police Chaplaincy, Senamecf, SEGNA, Idenna, MINEC, Municipal Firefighters, Rescue Group 3000, teachers from the UBV, Insalud and other institutions. who with their daily work contribute to the establishment of a sense of peace and security.