A survey by CPNN
We list here 293 events in 20 European countries that were listed this year in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International Day of Peace”, “Journée Internationale de la Paix”, “Dia Internacional de Paz”, “Dia Internacional da Paz”, “Internationaler Tag des Friedens”and “Giornata internazionale della pace” or were listed on the websites of International Cities of Peace Facebook and the website of the Collectif de 21 septembre.
In France, there were events in 59 departments, more than half in the country, and in Belgium there were events in 136 municipalities.
In addition to these, over 300 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but, with the exception of 6 listed here that were new this year, there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.
No doubt there were also many events listed on the Internet in the various national languages in Europe other than those for which we searched.
For events in European countries formerly part of the Soviet Union, click here.

Photo from Le Creusot, France
The United Nations proclaimed September 21 as the “International Day of Peace” to encourage all initiatives to “promote the ideals of peace”. On this occasion, we invite the cities and municipalities of Belgium to participate in this UN appeal by hoisting the flag of peace on the municipal building(s). . . . This initiative is a campaign of the Belgian Coalition Against Nuclear Weapons. The following 136 municipalities have taken part:
Amay, Andenne, Aubange , Avelgem , Assesse, Awans, Beersel, BoechoutBouillon, Bredene, Brugge, Châtelet, Chaumont-Gistoux, Chièvres, Chimay, Komen-Waasten, De Panne, Dessel, Engis, Eupen, Florenville, Fontaine-L’Evêque, Gent, Gerpinnes, Gouvy, Ham, Hamont-Achel, Hannuit, Hensies, Herbeumont, Hoeselt, Holsbeek, Houffalize, Houthalen-Helchteren, Itter, Geldenaken, Juprelle, Kalmthout, Kasterlee, Koekelare, Kontich, Kortessem, Laarne, Terhulpen, Lanaken, Leuven, Lichtervelde, Lierde, Manhay, Marche-en-Famenne, Marchin, Meise, Meulebeke, Messancy, Moeskroen, Nijvel, Ohey, Pecq, Peer, Péruwelz, Perwijs, Blieberg, Ramillies, Roosbeek ,Rouvroy, Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse, Sainte-Ode, Sambreville, Schelle, Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Zinnik, Soumagne, Spa, Stekene, Tessenderlo, Thuin,Tinlot, Tintigny, Trooz, Tubeke, Verlaine, Wezet, Viroinval, Weismes, Walhain, Borgworm, Waver, Wichelen, Wortegem-Petegem, Zandhoven, Zonhoven, Lille, Lummen, Borsbeek, Zelzate, Oostende, Florennes, Beaumont, Belœil, Geer, Herstal, Meix-devant-Virton, Quaregnon, Rendeux, Sint-Joost-ten-Node, Morlanwelz, Overijse, Melle, Putte, Zutendaal, Herne, Vilvoorde, Frasnes-lez-Anvaing, Genepiën, Hoei, La Louvière, Manage, Pepinster, Quévy, Somme-Leuze, Stavelot, Wingene, Roeselare, Nazareth, Montigny-le-Tilleul, Bièvre, Kaprijke, Arendonk, Machelen, Ravels, Riemst, Herk-de-Stad, Brunehaut, Écaussinnes, Vorst, Léglise, Malmedy, Anhée
Following a series of youth essay and art competitions organized by the OSCE and United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2020 and 2021 to mark the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the country’s commitment to Agenda2030, the two organizations have gathered a selection of essays and artwork in a publication presenting young peoples’ reflections on peace in BiH. The publication, entitled The Peace Young People Wish to Build in BiH, was presented today in Sarajevo on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, and was followed by a conversation with young authors. The Peace Young People Wish to Build in BiH publication is available at the following link: The Peace Young People Wish to Build in Bosnia and Herzegovina | OSCE.
Acting on this year’s theme of End Racism, Build Peace, the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, the Home for Cooperation, The Home Café and Peace Players Cyprus join together to organise a series of activities promoting and celebrating peace. On the International Day of Peace, September 21, a series of activities, performances and presentations will take place inviting all of the communities of the island.
Turkish and Greek Cypriot unions, which are members of the World Union Federation and the Bi-Communal Peace Initiative are organizing a bi- Communal event for United Cyprus, in line with the 1st of September World Peace Day. Turkish Cypriots will gather at Kuğulu Park and Greek Cypriots will gather at Eleftheria Square at 6.30 pm and will walk to the buffer zone during the event that will take place on Thursday, September 1st 2022. The General-Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Union (WFTU) Pambis Kiritsis will be holding a speech at the 1st of September World Peace Day event to be held at the ÇetinKaya Stadium at 7.30 pm. The “Let’s Sing Together” Orchestra will give a concert at the event.
The International Day of Peace is coming up and like in the previous years, it’s a chance to invite everyone to run with us in Nicosia! This will be an easy 6-7km run with runners from both sides and will pass by some major streets of the whole of Old Nicosia. The event is organized by RUNITE, a group of friends from across the island who love to run together and have organized running events in different parts of Cyprus.
March and gathering for peace. Wednesday 21 September, from the National Garden (bust of Jean JAURES) to Place du Vigan.
From 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Graphic and musical course.
Posters, texts, poems, songs, petitions, bibliographies, exchanges…
At 6:30 p.m. Gathering Place du Vigan.
On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, Wednesday September 21, 2022, the local committee of the Peace Movement of Alençon ( Orne ) will be present Thursday September 22 at the downtown market. In the context of the war in Ukraine , pacifists call for mobilization to “obtain social, economic, cultural, national and international peace policies inspired by the United Nations Charter and respectful of all human rights”.
Two highlights for peace. Date(s): 21/09/2022 – 24/09/2022
September 21, International Day of Peace, in Angers: 2 highlights
Wednesday, September 21: 6 p.m. PLACE DE LA PAIX celebration
Saturday, September 24: 3:00 p.m. PLACE DU RALLIEMENT walk
The gathering will take place this Saturday, September 24 at 2 p.m. in front of the Annecy Prefecture. First signatories: Peace Movement, PCF, Human Chain Against Hate. Stop all wars, violence, misery, injustice. Dare Peace, Cultivate Peace
At the call of the Peace Movement, let us come together to express our demand for peace: Exhibition and meeting-debate. Wednesday, September 21, 2022, International Day of Peace, 6:00 p.m., Mairie d’Availles Limouzine
International Day of Peace. During two days, 20 and 21 September, many highlights will come to celebrate these days, the associations offer a space of peace to marvel, recharge, inform, dialogue & discover works of art, manual creativity, portraits of people of peace , messages of peace, stands for Unicef (peace ambassadors in schools), Omcal (many leisure activities sources of peace), Ammac (helps young people build model boats ), Agrédiance (promotion of peace through relational harmony and offers tools to manage aggression).
On the occasion of the International Day of Peace (September 21), the UN urges us to build A CULTURE OF PEACE. Also, we invite you to a cinema-meditation session on Friday September 23 at 7 p.m. with the film We All by Pierre Pirard on the program.
Call for a rally for Peace as part of the celebrations of the International Day for Peace : Saturday September 24, 2022 at 11 a.m. Besancon aux Glacis (war memorial). Themes: nuclear disarmament in a context where the risk of nuclear war has never been high, the need for a ceasefire and peace in Ukraine, the consequences in France with inflation and rising prices Energy. Rally at the call of: Peace Movement, General Confederation of Labor (UL CGT), Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV Grand Besançon), French Communist Party (PCF Doubs), La France Insoumise (LFI), Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MRAP), A Gauche Citoyens! (AGC!), Republican Association of Veterans Affairs (ARAC)…
Sunday, September 25, we are organizing our 40th Peace Walk in Blois Departure from the Allées stadium car park. 5 Routes of 5,10,15,20,25 km. Organized by Mouvement de la Paix du Loir et Cher
Several initiatives are programmed in Bonneuil on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.
11 h. Placement of one thousand cranes and origami made by children in leisure centers – Leo-Lagrange sports complex.
14-17 h. Football game, to live together, to speak about peace, to favor feminine and mixed practice in sports and football, to create a space for inter-generational contact.
COLLECTIVE WALK FOR PEACE, In LIBOURNE, the local organizations FSU, LDH, CGT call to participate in the “GLASS FOR PEACE” Parc de l’Epinette from 5:30 p.m.
War is anything but harmless. And the fact that it is not yet happening on our territory should not encourage us to ignore it. War is never the right answer, it is bad for everyone at every level. This is the message that the collective for peace wants to convey during this annual gathering. Created a few years ago, this gathering is designed to raise awareness in this complicated period on the importance of preserving peace in the world, respect for human rights, the socio-economic development of populations and the emergence of pacifist citizenship. The tree of peace is the symbol of this peace movement. In Boulogne-sur-Mer, it is personified by a Gingko Biloba, planted in 1995 near the war memorial on boulevard Eurvin, by Jean Delessalle, member of the Boulogne section of the Communist Party
Saturday, September 24, about thirty activists from the PCF, the League of Human Rights, Attac, free thought, showed their support for the International Day of Peace. Gathered at 2:30 p.m. at the corner of rue Gambetta and rue Victor-Bach, the members of the “Collectif National 21 Septembre” led by Daniel Blatrix (PCF) recalled the remarks of António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations who had declared “Instead of fighting against each other, we should act to defeat our real enemies: racism, poverty, inequality, conflict, the climate crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. » Banners unfurled and microphone in hand, peace activists recalled that the International Day of Peace has never been so important, in a world where 37 “theaters” of war are identified in different parts of the globe with a nuclear threat.
Exhibition and Conference-debate. September 21, 2022 – 6 p.m. International Day of Peace – End Racism, Build Peace. At the Val d’Auron Media Library, Place Martin Luther King: Inauguration of the exhibition “Faces and birds of peace”
8 p.m. – The Culture of Peace, a brief history and a resource for the future. At the Natural History Museum, amphitheater, Allée René Ménard: Conference-debate with the participation of David Adams, Former Director of the Culture of Peace at UNESCO
Rally for Peace on September 21, 2022 in Cahors (46) at 5.30 p.m., Fountain of Peace, Place Mitterrand. First signatories: CGT 46, Lot Committee of the Mouvement de la Paix.
Distribution of leaflets, 22/09/2022, all day.
Animation and distribution of leaflets. As part of the International Day of Peace, an event is organized in the city center of Châtellerault on Saturday, September 24, it will be preceded by the distribution of leaflets in the city’s markets.
Peace March in Chenove (21) as part of the Peace Day. The march will follow the city’s memorial route and will end with a speech by the Mouvement de la Paix.
Gathering on September 21, 2022. As every year for many years, the Channel Committee will gather at the foot of the olive tree of Peace in Equeurdreville, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin.
Gathering and animation for peace. September 21, 2022 from 3 p.m. (until 6 p.m.) Place Travot in Cholet. We will propose an animation to inform, exchange, sign petitions… in order to advance the culture of Peace. And we will participate in the march for PEACE, September 24: 3 p.m. PLACE DU RALLIEMENT in Angers
Many events, peace trail
September 11: Association Forum in Brive
September 21: 12:30 p.m.: Citizen picnic in front of the tree of peace in Brive
September 22: Ceremony of the Tree of Peace in Argentat
September 30: Ceremony of the Tree of Peace in Ussel
60 people gathered in Ajaccio this Wednesday, September 21 for the International Day of Peace. Many associations called for a mobilization on the theme “end racism, build a world of peace”.
In Bastia, around thirty people gathered for peace. On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, and at the call of many associations, two gatherings were organized in Corsica, notably in Ajaccio and Bastia.
On September 21, the International Day of Peace, around thirty citizens unfurled banners in Dijon, and a dozen in Moloy, near the CEA site in Valduc (Commissariat for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies) which maintains and the modernization of France’s 290 nuclear weapons.
They demand :
– France’s compliance with art. 6 of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to which it acceded in 1992 and of which it violates the spirit and the letter,
– France’s accession to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TIAN), which since January 22, 2021 has become the standard of international law,
– and, eventually, the reconversion to peaceful activities of the CEA-DAM sites, including that of Valduc.
At the call of the association Vosges pour la Paix, a few demonstrators met in front of the Vosges prefecture, place Foch, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.
International Day of Peace on September 21, 2022: mobilization for peace in Foix between 12 p.m. and 2 the call of the Mouvement de la Paix, and the organizations ACAT09, AFMD, 4ACG, CGT09, Couserans-Palestine, EELV09, FSU09, LDH09, MJCF09, NPA09, PCF09, RESF09, Solidaires 09, UFAL09 and the deputy G. Lazaroo. We will distribute a flyer and have people sign the petition “cursed be war”.
The Popular University of Fontenay-sous-Bois invites you on Monday September 26, at 8:30 p.m. at the Le Kosmos cinema, to the screening of the documentary film La Bombe et nous (70’) by Xavier-Marie Bonnot. This film was shot in 2017, during the preparation at the UN of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TIAN) for the preparation of which the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) received the Nobel Prize for the peace. On January 22, 2021, the TIAN entered into force; it continues to be ratified by many countries. This film has the advantage of giving voice to very diverse personalities, both favorable and opposed to the TIAN. It will feed the reflection in view of the meeting-debate which will take place on November 15 at the Town Hall of Fontenay-sous-Bois, during the inauguration of the exhibition Acting for disarmament.
March for peace September 21. Meet at 6 p.m. in front of the lion at Place de la Cymaise, in the St Laurent district (opposite the St Laurent pedestrian bridge) in Grenoble and walk to the new Place de Lavalette museum
Rally of the Mouvement de la Paix. Every year, the International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21. Wednesday, at 6 p.m., on the initiative of the Creuse Committee of the Movement for Peace, citizens were invited to join in the event. About forty people were thus gathered on the forecourt of the town hall of Guéret to defend peace, act for the climate, nuclear disarmament, social justice and living together.
September 28, 2022 – 8 p.m. The Culture of Peace for a Peaceful Transition. Rue d’Olmor – Municipal hall: Conference/debate in partnership with Femmes Solidaires
In La Rochelle, a rally and then a march in town as part of the International Day of Peace. Dozens of associations relay our appeal and some have indicated that they will be present at our side. A group of young, sometimes very young, dancers from a working-class area of the city, the Ultimatum group, will animate our gathering with music and hip-hop dances.
At the call of the Trégor Mouvement de la Paix, about fifty people gathered this Wednesday, September 21, on the Human Rights forecourt to say a stop to the war in Ukraine and in 36 other countries. “For its future, humanity has no choice but peace.” It is with these words that Françoise Le Loarer, spokesperson for the Trégor Mouvement de la Paix, concluded her speech, this Wednesday, September 21, at the end of the afternoon, on the forecourt of Human Rights, in Lannion.
Initiatives of the Laragne-Vallée du Buëch committee for September 21:
– Celebration around the olive tree of peace in Laragne:
Wednesday September 21 at 6 p.m. in the Jardin Jean Giono (next to the church) to commemorate the International Day of Peace together, with the participation of the Restoublons choir
– Creative workshop for young people in partnership with the MJC and the Laragne leisure center, Wednesday October 5
In the Gers, we have place original panels for peace at the entrances to villages and on the national road 21! (with many photos)
At the call of the Collective for Peace, around forty people gathered this Wednesday at Place Schneider as part of the International Day of Peace celebrated each year on September 21. After the gathering, the procession formed went to rue Leclerc and then took the direction of the town hall where Jacqueline Guillien read the text of the Collective for Peace. “It was particularly important to meet all of us on September 21, International Day of Peace, to affirm our common aspiration, beyond our differences in convictions and philosophical, political, religious, trade union sensibilities…. We must make our demands heard in favor of Peace, the climate, nuclear disarmament, social and environmental justice, friendship between individuals and Peoples.”
The peace committee of Le Havre (76) organizes from September 19 to September 28, 2022:
– September 19, at 6.30 p.m.: evening at the literary café “Les Yeux d’Elsa” with our friends from Femmes Solidaires on the theme “women and peace”
– September 21, at 2:30 p.m. in Gonfreville l’Orcher, we are invited to participate in a performance of songs specially designed for the International Day of Peace by the choir of the residence for the elderly. An intergenerational meeting with the participation of children from a CM1 class with their teacher. and at 5.30 p.m. the peace march in Le Havre, at the call of the Peace Committee of Le Havre with the participation of 25 associations, trade unions and local politicians: departure from the Town Hall to go to the Oscar Niemeyer space.
– September 28 at 8:30 p.m. at the “Le Studio” cinema: screening followed by a debate, of the 1989 film “Black Rain” by Japanese Shohei Imamura. “After the bomb in Hiroshima, the horror, the trauma… life for the survivors”
On the occasion of the International Day of Peace decreed by the UN on September 21, the Friends of Peace, in partnership with the group of readers of La Vie de la Sarthe, offer a conference by the historian Pierre Maucourt on Fridtjof Nansen, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1922. In the aftermath of the First World War, this Norwegian, explorer, scientist and statesman, led a visionary action in favor of refugees. A century later, its action is still relevant and can inspire all those involved in the reception of war victims, in particular Ukrainians. Details in our calendar.
In Le Mans, rally at 3 p.m. Place de la République, September 24, 2022. And exhibition from September 26 at the town hall of Allonnes.
International Day of Peace. Rally on Wednesday September 21 at 6 p.m. for peace and against wars in the central square of Malakoff in front of the Town Hall in the form of a “circle of silence”. Animation on Sunday September 25 during the market with installations and a mini-exhibition of artists for peace. This Sunday, September 25 in Malakoff, we will celebrate this event by putting the city’s main square in the colors of peace with an installation created by artists on the theme of hands.
THE SAILS OF PEACE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. Saturday September 24, 9:30 a.m.: Old Port in front of the central Town Hall, speeches, entertainment 11:30 a.m.: Boarding for L’Estaque – Espace Mistral – entertainment, boat trips
As part of the UN International Day of Peace: Call for citizen rally. Wednesday September 21 – 5.30 p.m. – Jardin de Ferrieres in Martigues: Speeches,Snack, Concert of young martegals on the theme of Peace. In the afternoon, great game of peace at Canto Perdrix
Sunday 25, Peace Regatta: departure at 1 p.m. from Tholon base
Wednesday, September 21, demonstration for peade in Metz, meet at 5:30 p.m. in front of the station for a demonstration that will end at Place des Droits de l’Homme. At the call of a collective of organizations, with the presence of the Mouvement de la Paix.
Flash mob for peace. Date(s): 21/09/2022. Time(s): 11:00 a.m. Meet at Mont Saint Michel at 11:00 a.m. under the ramparts and at 12:00 p.m. on the shore, in the sand towards Tombelaine.
A few supporters of peace marched this Wednesday evening, September 21, through the city to say no to racism and war.
“Meeting for Peace” at HENNEBONT. Saturday September 24, at the initiative of the Morbihan Committee of the Mouvement de la Paix.
– at 4 p.m., opening of the “Rendez-vous de la Paix”, interventions and musical entertainment by “Duo Madachi”, Latin American music
– from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., “Marche de la Paix” between Square de la Paix and Place Foch
– from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., “Pot of Peace” room Chevassu.
with the support of: AFPS, LDH, Libre Pensée, Attac, CGT, FSU, Solidaires, PCF
When the war develops all over the place, when military expenditure increases like never before in the history of humanity (2013 billion dollars in 2021), when the threat of the possible use of nuclear weapons reappears, and when world peace is threatened, it is urgent to act to say stop, that’s enough! This is why the local organizations of the national collective of marches for peace are calling the population to a rally on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 at 6:30 p.m. (international day of peace) place d’Allier in Moulins and invite those who wish to read texts and poems to peace to join them. Moulinois collective of marches for peace (Peace Movement, ARAC, Mrap, CGT, PCF, RESF and CCFD)
Two weeks of non-violence and peace in Nancy from September 21 to October 2, 2022
Tuesday September 20 at 7:30 p.m. (reception at 7 p.m.) at the MJC Lillebonne, 14 rue du Cheval Blanc in Nancy: debate on non-violence “What social, political and economic changes in the face of global warming? How to invent our Low Carbon lives?”
from September 21 to 30 during MJC opening hours, at the MJC Lillebonne, 14 rue du Cheval Blanc in Nancy: exhibition “non-violence is radical”. The objective of this exhibition is to reach people driven by a strong sense of anger but also helplessness in the face of the social and climate crisis. In particular, we want to raise awareness among young people who are now involved in demonstrations, occupations, social and environmental struggles. Official inauguration on September 21 at 6 p.m. for the International Day of Peace.
A fresco depicting a couple of migrants embracing each other has been installed in Névache for the International Day of Peace.
Meeting and march for peace. Wednesday September 21 Place Carnot in Nevers, meet at 5.30 p.m. Walk to the Place de la Résistance (in front of the Prefecture) where the interventions of the Mouvement de la Paix will be read, then the many associative organizations, trade unions and political partners may express themselves.
Many events at the Bar Le Prolé from September 21 to October 2
Until Sept 18 Photography contest on the theme of peace
Sept 24 Café Philo with Marjolaine Pierre
Sept 26 Results of photo context and expo of best 3
Sept 29-Oct 1 Artist-painters create in public
Sept 30 show by Lou Chatell Company on climate and economy as factors for war
Oct 1 Association SERVAS presents its actions for peace
Conference-debate with Mouvement de la Paix
Debate with ARAC, Association of militants of peace
Oct 2 Showing of Film “Timbuktu”
To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the local group of the Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples has planted an olive tree in the city of Oloron.
With the Mouvement de la Paix Committee of Orsay, Les Ulis, Vallée de Chevreuse, the International Day of Peace, September 21, will be an opportunity for a meeting at 2 p.m., supervised by the referent teachers of the eco-delegates with the eco-delegates of the Lycée Blaise Pascal . . . Also, a Cine-Debate around the film “The bomb and us” on September 21 at 8:45 p.m. at the Jacques Prévert cinema.
Rally. Meet on Wednesday September 21, 2022 at 6 p.m. Place de la République in Paris Meet near the statue, opposite Rue du Faubourg du Temple. Don’t forget banners, flags, etc. Flyers and documents will be available for distribution.
At a time when peace in the world and in Europe is once again threatened, nearly 135 young people and adults from nearly 16 different countries have decided to celebrate together this September 21 the 41st International Day of Peace 2022, under the Arc de Triomphe, by reliving together the ceremony of the rekindling of the Flame. . . Invited for this sixth edition on the initiative of the National Association of Local Reservists for Youth and Citizenship (ANRLJC), this delegation welcomed this year the defense class of the Jeanne d’Arc college in Kremlin-Bicêtre, a delegation from Saint Joseph College in Saint Cloud, a delegation of students from the ILERI Défense association and young foreigners taking part in international Rotary International exchanges in the 1660 and 1770 districts. Young people from the EPIDES of Saint Quentin and Val-de- Reuil participated with us in this ceremony.
A symposium on the theme “Republic and fraternity” at the Nazareth Synagogue. The event is organized as part of the bicentenary of the synagogue and commemorates the international day of peace. The event is organized in partnership with the “Rotary International District 1660” club.
Rally in PAU this Wednesday, September 21 at 6 p.m. in front of the Prefecture
The kick-off will be given on Sunday September 18 with the Fête de la Paix in Peyriac Minervois . . . the troupe “La Tripe du Bœuf” will offer its show “14-18, Bleu Sombre Horizon”, an adaptation of texts taken from the war diaries of Corporal Louis Barthas and other combatant authors of the Great War . . Other initiatives are planned for that day and during the week, particularly with primary school children, on children’s rights, the environment, tolerance and non-violence. During the day, we will welcome you with pleasure at the committee’s stand, which will offer you extensive documentation and promotional items. This day received the support of the Cercle Louis Barthas and the municipality of Peyriac Minervois, a municipality that is a member of the “cities of peace” network.
International Day of Peace. Ceremony, exhibitions and workshops in Poissy and Carrières-sous-Poissy!
March for peace, departure at 6 p.m. from the Charles de Gaulle metro station, Cours des Allies. Reading of the national appeal of the collective marches for peace, demonstration and press conference.
Rally of the Peace Mouvement de la Paix, ATTAC, JOC…Wednesday, September 21 – 6:30 p.m.Grand Place Roubaix. As part of the UN International Day of Peace at the call of the Collective of marches for Peace.
For “the international day of peace, Wednesday September 21, our organizations support the appeal of the Peace Movement and invite the people of Comminge to a rally at 6 p.m. in front of the sub-prefecture of Saint Gaudens. Press release ATTAC Comminges, BDS Comminges, COMICO (Collective Migrants Comminges), EELV GLSO, FSU Comminges, France Insoumise Comminges-Savès, Communist Party Comminges, Socialist Party St Gaudens/ Montréjeau, RESF Comminges, UL CFDT Comminges, UL CGT Comminges, UL Solidaires .
Rally for peace at 11 a.m. at the town hall of Saint Léon sur l’Isle, on September 24.
Rally on September 21 Esplanade de l’Europe, behind the media library, opposite the station at 6 p.m. We will meet for the International Day of Peace to claim Peace, to demand that the weapons be silent, nuclear disarmament everywhere in the world, the reorientation of the economy towards an economy of Peace… supported by the CGT, the FSU, AFPS, ARAC and the organizations of deportees, Femmes solidaires.
On the occasion of the International Day of Peace and Marches for Peace, the Saint-Nazaire committee calls for a rally When the war develops all over the place, when military expenditure increases like never before in the history of humanity (2013 billion dollars in 2021), when the threat of the possible use of nuclear weapons reappears, and when world peace is threatened, it is urgent to act to say stop, that’s enough! This is why the Nazaire Committee of the Peace Movement with the local organizations of the national collective * Marches for Peace calls on the population to a rally on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 at 4 p.m. (International Day of Peace) at the War Memorial – Seafront in Saint-Nazaire
A day for peace. Sunday, September 18, 2022Courtyard of the town hall and wedding hall, Pacifist exhibition, pyramid of shoes with Handicap International, discussion an petition around the TIAN, raffle, show “From operetta to opera” with Voice in G minor.
Committee of Saint-Étienne – Loire 42: September 21, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.Gathering in front of the statue of Jean Jaurès, at the call of the Collectif pour les marches de la paix; Place Jean Jaurès in Saint-Étienne.
The association “Foutez-nous la paix!“, with the help of La Mégisserie and Ciné-Bourse present, from October 17 to 30, 2022, the 3rd edition of the festival “Foutez-nous la paix!“ in Saint-Junien.
Lighting of the Flame of Nuclear Disarmament followed by a Conference-Debate with Jacques Terracher, Aeronautical Technician. The civil nuclear between cracks and discomfiture and Jean-Marie Matagne, President of Citizen Action for Nuclear Disarmament (ACDN) War in Ukraine: the Apocalypse for tomorrow? PUBLIC DEBATE. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima, Zaporijia… How to neutralize the civil and military nuclear danger?
This Wednesday, September 21, Saran will celebrate the International Day of Peace, with the theme “End Racism, Build Peace”. The event, which the news sheds in a particular light, takes on a new dimension with many events for the general public to experience on the forecourt of the town hall.
From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.: Sports games, creative workshops, games, entertainment, snack offered to children
5 p.m.: Planting of the tree of peace
From 6 p.m.: Official speeches and reception
8 p.m.: Big Band concert in favor of Ukraine
On Sunday, September 25, on the initiative of the Mvt peace committee south 54, the CDN54 (collective against nuclear weapons) and many organizations or unions will hold a March for Peace to say: NO to all wars No to war in Ukraine! A march against poverty and for social justice. Against racism and for Solidarity. Music and songs in the afternoon.
Round Table for Peace and Concert, 09/21/2022, 6:00 p.m., METRO CAPITOLE at 6:00 p.m.
Schools and peace.
– Tuesday 20, the delegates of each of the 13 schools will bring the creations which will be arranged around the 13 olive trees (in containers) offered by the Tournon-Tain Peace Committee. Then at 6 p.m., official inauguration with institutional partners, teachers, children and parents as well as the Cadets de Bacchus choir.
– Wednesday 21, visits for all audiences of the various exhibitions: student creations, “Peace and Climate” exhibition and “Children’s words and drawings” exhibition.
– Thursday 22, visits organized for schools.
– Saturday September 17 in Loches: distribution of leaflets to the population on the market
– Tuesday September 20 in Tours: press meeting
– Tuesday, September 20 in Loches: meeting / debate with Edith BOULANGER around issues of Peace and Climate (exhibition at the media library)
– Saturday September 24 in Tours: gathering from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. place Jean JAURES with distribution of leaflets to the population and discussions at the call of the collective of the marches for Peace
Rally. Mouvement de la Paix, Valenciennes Committee – Wednesday, September 21 – 6:30 p.m., Place d’Armes – Valenciennes, As part of the UN International Day of Peace, at the call of the Collective of Marches for Peace.
For the International Day of Peace, The Vénissieux committee of the Mouvement de la Paix organizes September 21 on Wednesday afternoon
– Plantation of a Gingko Biloba, Amstrong district (Minguettes)
– Then screening of the documentary “the beginning of the end of nuclear weapons” at the Gérard Philipe cinema
– Debate and speech by the Mayor
– Friendly drink offered by the city.
On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the World Center for Peace in Verdun is organizing a rally on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 from 5:30 p.m. A member of the “World Union of Martyr Cities, Cities of Peace”, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, Verdun is one of the cities that have been deeply marked by war . Its landscape and its heritage still bear the traces. The World Center for Peace, Freedoms and Human Rights plays a key role in remembrance work. The gathering of this September 21, 2022 will also be the opportunity to present a new module within the exhibition « Drôles de paix : 1945 à aujourd’hui ».
On this day to celebrate peace, the children of the Villejuif Leisure Centers explain to us what the word “peace” means to them: Youtube video
September 21, 2022 in Villejuif (94): Celebration of the International Day of Peace
– in the morning presence at the market of the Villejuif Committee of the Peace Movement, distribution of leaflets calling for the gathering
– 10:30-10:45 a.m.: march for peace
. . .
– 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.: Cooperation games at Pablo Neruda Park
Creation of a giant fresco: the children will answer the questions “in one word or in one sentence, what is peace? what is well-being? “. their answer will follow the curves of a drawing forming the dove of Peace:
– 6 p.m.: gathering around the olive tree of peace in front of the town hall, speeches by the municipality and pacifists, then inauguration of the “Cartooning for peace” exhibition at the media library.
Evening of Friendship on September 21, 2022, Salle Makarenko, rue Grétillat in Vitry sur Seine. Exchanges Buffet, Music on the occasion of the International Day of Peace and the 60th anniversary of Algeria’s independence in partnership with the Association Ensemble pour l’avenir.
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What has happened this year (2022) for the International Day of Peace?
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Berlin Alpakaclan Techno Truck World Peace Day demonstration, 17 and 18 September.
The Arab-German Cener for Dialogue “Wasla” organized an artistic evening to celebrate the International Day of Peace.
Event on the occasion of the UN World Peace Day at the World Peace Bell in the Volkspark Friedrichshain. Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau, will speak at the event at 16h10
On the occasion of the “International Day of Peace” of the United Nations, the district office invites you to a peace festival on Wednesday, September 21, in the town hall of the town hall, Carl-Schurz-Straße 2-6. The event is aimed at people who are interested in peace in groups, clubs, projects, associations and initiatives.
International Day of Peace. The planting of trees is actually not a big deal and therefore takes place again and again − organized by a wide variety of stakeholders. But on Wednesday morning everything was a little different in the area in front of the town hall in the town park “Alte Bibel” in Bernburg: Kathrin Schröder from Dessau had invited to a planting ceremony. This “heart project” could be implemented thanks to the support of the Peace Tree Foundation and the federal program “Live Democracy!”.
“Bombed” – a word that is unfortunately becoming more and more topical today. And a play of the same name by Sarah Kane, which will be performed on September 21st and 22nd at the Euro Theater Central, on the occasion of the International Day ofPeace on September 21st.
On the International Day of Peace on September 21, an event will take place in front of the town hall in Dinslaken. It will start there at 3 p.m. At this event, all painted doves will be collected and exhibited before being distributed in the Dinslaken city area. The doves were prepared by students in workshops with topics of peace, intercultural training and games.
In a campaign period between September 21st, the International Day of Peace, and the beginning of the autumn holidays on October 14th, all schools in Lower Saxony are called upon, under the motto “Lower Saxony’s schools. Klar für Frieden” to carry out campaigns and projects. Against the background of the war in Ukraine, but also in a broader context, these can address the question of what peace means – for us here in Germany and for people and societies around the world. Whether and how they shape this project is up to the school’s own responsibility and freedom of design. . . . Impressions of the actions in the form of a short report, a photo, a video clip, etc., can be sent to the function mailbox and will be presented here.
The war against Ukraine is still raging, and numerous Ukrainian women are still fleeing to Germany, among other places. Two Lüneburg schools started an action on the international day of peace and called for peace in the schoolyard.
On Wednesday evening, a demonstration against the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine took place on Human Rights Street in Nuremberg. The reason for this was the International Day of Peace, which was celebrated worldwide yesterday. The organizer of the protest was the “Alliance for a Free Democratic Russia – Nuremberg”. Around 90 people took part in the demonstration.
September 21 is the International Day of Peace around the world. On this occasion, the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock invites you to a commemoration on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 12 p.m. under the linden tree of peace on Jakobikirchplatz. After a welcome by Andreas Tesche, 1st Deputy President of the City Parliament, young musicians from the Young Academy Rostock (YARO) present classical works by Johann Sebastian Bach on viola and cello as well as flute pieces by Sigfrid Karg-Elert and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and send a musical greeting to the city.
On the International Day of Peace, Mayor Rocco Wilken, Ralf Tschechne (Head of Social Affairs & Education/Culture) and Tatjana Bakumovski (Integration Office of the City of Vlotho) hoisted the flag of the global alliance “Mayors for Peace” (Mayors for Peace). . More than 8,170 cities belong to the network, including 830 cities in Germany.
At Loreto Convent School The United Nations International Day of Peace is celebrated with the wider community. Our aim is to inspire everyone to think creatively and collectively on how to strengthen the ideals of peace. Pupils in Year 6 have worked hard to prepare a Peace Service to mark the occasion. Representatives from different faiths in our community came to share with our pupils in verse, dance, song and prayer. The service took place in our Palm Tree playground where our Peace Pole; a symbol of the oneness of humanity and our common wish for a world of Peace- takes a prominent position.
Remember that a safe and peaceful society is one of our most precious possessions, said Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise Trade and Employment, Leo Vardakar, in a message read at a Ceremony of Reflection in St Mary’s Church, Tipperary, on International Peace Day, September 21. . . . The event in Tipperary brought diplomats, representatives of Church and State, representatives of An Garda Síochána, the local authority and local and national bodies and organisations. The ceremony was interspersed with music and song from Cahir to Sing choir, from Aoife O’Farrell of Rockwell Music Academy and from singer/songwriter Nick McCarthy. There was poetry and readings from Dr Mary Honan, Deirdre Devally, Eddie McGrath and Kuldeep Joshi. The Clare-based poet and writer, Deirdre Devally, performed one of her own compositions No Free War and also recited one of her poems She Stood Her Ground at the ceremony and she also laid a wreath at the grave of Irish poet, Ellen O’Leary, who is interred in the adjoining cemetery.
Poste Italiane dedicates to International Day of Peace , which is celebrated on 21 September of each year, a colorful postcard themed, a must for all fans and collectors of the sector. In Molise , the postcard is already available in the post offices with a philatelic counter in Campobasso Centro (via Pietrunto), Termoli (corso Mario Milano) and Isernia Centro (via XXIV Maggio). In addition, from Monday 19th to Saturday 24th September , there will also be a special cancellation dedicated to the anniversary . The postcard is also available online at the post office website, in all the post offices with philatelic counters in the national territory and in the Spazio Filatelia in Rome, Milan, Genoa, Turin, Trieste, Venice, Verona, Florence and Naples.
International Day of Peace: today a network of organizations and local authorities is launching a national program of civic education and care for the younger generations in numerous Italian schools called “For peace with care”. It is an innovative teaching tool, specially designed so that young and very young people can release their positive energies and their intelligences. This is to encourage the formation of aware, capable and responsible citizens. The program “For peace with care” 2022-2023 is promoted by the National Network of Schools for Peace, National Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights, Peace Table, “Antonio Papisca” Human Rights Center. And, again, Unesco Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” of the University of Padua, Eis- Higher Education School “Educating to encounter and solidarity”Of the Lumsa of Rome.
Simone Cristicchi will be the protagonist on the stage of the Petrarca Theater, on 21 September , of the evening event with which Arezzo celebrates the International Day for Peace promoted by the United Nations. From 9.15 pm the music of Cristicchi and the testimonies of the children of Rondine will alternate to let the dove of Peace fly from Tuscany.
Six months of war and no serious diplomatic peace initiative. The Promoting Committee of the Perugia Assisi Peace March launches an appeal for a grassroots mobilization to be carried out on the next International Day of Peace which is celebrated on 21 September . “If governments do not take the initiative, aware and responsible citizens must do so. Today, August 24, is six months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. Six months of killings, murders, infanticides, femicides, wounded, mutilated, displaced persons, refugees, suffering, despair, destruction, rubble ».
In a world tormented by dozens of conflicts that have continued for years in global indifference and more than six months after the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the coordinators of the PerugiAssisi Peace March and the Peace Table, have called for this date a national mobilization. . . . The Asti Welcoming Network , continuing its commitment to peace that has already seen it organize various initiatives and principals in recent years and in particular since the beginning of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, has joined the appeal and invites all citizens to participate in the Presidium for Peace to be held in Piazza San Secondo on Wednesday at 6 pm (the international Day of Peace).
The Montessori school La Casa di Irma di Bedano celebrated the UN International Day of Peace with a unique exhibition created with the technique freely inspired by the Caviardage method. The technique involves the creation of a poem starting from an existing text (‘Education and Peace’ by Maria Montessori) from which each child has extrapolated the most significant words for him, illustrating it with different artistic expressions. The more than one hundred students of the Institute, divided between kindergarten, elementary and middle school, together with teachers and parents gave life to an unforgettable afternoon on Peace, a very important theme in Montessori philosophy and never so current.
– 21/09 6.00 pm Peace Garden of Porta Cento
– 21/09 SOCIAL CENTER “LUIGEN” aperitif of peace and fried gnocchini
– 22/09 at 21.00 tombola della Pace
– 23/09 at 18.00 MAGI ‘900 MUSEUM: The man of peace
– 24/09 PINACOTECA“ G. CAMPANINI “THE SCHOOLS: exhibition of the works dedicated to peace carried out by the children / young people of kindergartens and primary schools
– 25/09 CHIESA Ss. TRINITA guided tours to remember the Peace Day by the volunteers of the FAI GROUP of Pieve di Cento
State Comprehensive Institute Boville Ernica. We inaugurate the new school year by organizing, on 21 September, the International Day of Peace promoted by the UN.
The International Day of Peace 2022 , which falls on Wednesday 21 September, is celebrated as part of the “Festival of the Florentine Cultural Associations”, with a double event in the name of Father Ernesto Balducci as a messenger of peace on the centenary of his birth and spread throughout the territory of the universal values of UNESCO.
Galliera Veneta: AN OLIVE TREE FOR PEACE – Wednesday 21.09.2022 – Olive tree planting ceremony on the occasion of the International Day of PEACE.
Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 8.45 pm, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the Sala Puccini of the Milan Conservatory will host ” 21settembre2022 hall program “, a musical event organized by our Area Members Committees of Baggio, Corsico, Zoia, Quinto Romano Settimo , Bareggio, Rho, Palmanova, Piazzale Lodi, Rogoredo, Arona and Bonola, in collaboration with the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Milan and Musical Evenings .
The conference on the International Day of Peace, a meeting scheduled for the ExtraOrdinario Festival 2022 , will be held on Wednesday 21 September at 5:00 pm in the hall of the Social Club of Pinerolo . The Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta section of Amnesty International, the Opificio 121 association and the Mosaico Refugees participate in the event organized by the City of Pinerolo and Controtempo Theater, the organizing company of the ExtraOrdinario Festival . Danilo Franti of Controtempo Theater presented the motivations and contents of the Pinerolese conference on Peace open to everyone and everyone live at Café Bleu .
Discussion for the International Day of Peace. Close down the war, construct the peace. 21 September, 21:15, Parco del Cappuccini Acii Persone Comunità, Pisa. Sponsors: Peace and cooperation table, ANPI provincial committee Pisa, ACLI provincial Pisa, ARCI committee of Pisa, ARCI valdera, CGIL Pisa, CISL pisa, UIL Pisa
Classes 1 A and 2 A of the Nicola Pisano plexus celebrated the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE wearing the rosette of PEACE created in the classroom.
Lazio Women was the protagonist today of the event ” Let’s take the field for peace” , organized in Rebibbia, mainly in the Women’s Prison . The initiative was held on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, and saw mixed teams between Biancocelesti and 324 inmates play in a tournament, who wore the ills of Athletic Rights. The event ended with the participation of some artists and singers. Dr. Mezzaroma , wife of the President of Lazio Lotito , experienced the day as follows:“We lived a day in the name of sharing, sport and reflection on some issues that are too often forgotten. Lazio intends not to leave this event a dead letter, but to commit itself, together with the institutions that are represented today by the director, Alessia Rampazzi, and by the commander of the Institute, Dario Pulsinelli, in carrying out other projects. Everyone is obliged to grant a second chance ” . These are the words of the Lazio Women captain Castiello : “We wanted to give a morning of happiness to all the people present here, this is what counts for us, a different way to train the sporting spirit”.
Peace Run, the longest running relay for peace, the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italia Association and the I Colori per la Pace / Colors for Peace Association will respond today at 6pm to the United Nations appeal , celebrating the International Day of Peace with the “Colors of Peace” initiative to be held in the context of the Colosseum Archaeological Park, a symbolic place for years for appeals for peace and environmental sustainability. . . . For the occasion, 1000 drawings inspired by the theme of peace, made by students from over 130 nations, will be exhibited in Piazza del Colosseo and on the Via Sacra. . . . After lighting, the torch of Peace will pass to torchbearers of various nationalities ready to travel the Italian section of the Peace Run which will end on September 27 in Florence. The artistic program of the evening will see the intervention of the boys of the “Europa inCanto” choir, already winners of the European Creative Europe program, who will sing the Italian anthem first and then the Puccini romanza “Nessun Dorma”. Mezzosoprano Valentina Volpe Andreazza will subsequently perform Beethoven’s “Hymn to Joy” to conclude the ceremony with Maestro Nicola Piovani’s “Beautiful That Way”.
The Villa Farnesina Art Museum celebrates the International Day of Peace with the launch of the new video “La Trregua”, as part of the RightsLab project in collaboration with Iulm University of Milan. In the short, the two protagonists and the abandoned space of a factory evoke war scenarios, where the ruins symbolize our condition of provisionality. The images convey the idea of how remote is the possibility of the truce itself, of the interruption of conflicts and of the dream of peace. Rights Lab is a series dedicated to human rights and fundamental freedoms created by IULMovieLAB, by IULM students of the second year of the Master’s Degree in Television, Cinema and New Media; the artistic supervision is by Giuseppe Carrieri. Video on the Italian Vimeo channel
MINISTRY OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, REGIONAL SCHOOL OFFICE FOR LAZIO, COMPREHENSIVE INSTITUTE “A. SCRIATTOLI . Our Institute, on Wednesday 21 September 2022, will promote educational, training and information for the dissemination of the culture of PEACE, particularly significant interventions in this moment of crisis and uncertainty. Therefore all teachers are invited to carry out interventions aimed at spreading the culture of PEACE, through reflections, reading dedicated passages, etc.
On the International Day of Peace, the students in the Fifth and Sixth Grades of the College français elaborated cartoons of imaginary human figures in order to promote peace and to combat racism.
As part of the celebration of the UN International Day of Peace, the National Council of Monaco welcomed several Champions for Peace, in particular Venuste Niyongabo, Olympic champion in the 5000m, and Fiorina Berezovsky, chess champion, to discuss peace and sports with youth representatives. . . . In the presence of Stéphane Valeri, President of the National Council, Joël Bouzou, President/Founder of Peace and Sport and Marine Grisoul, President of the Commission, Education, Youth and Sports, the Champions for Peace announced the various actions carried out by the association, recalling the determining role of sport for peace. . . . In Burkina Faso, Togo, Colombia, India, Mali, Morocco, Burundi and Rwanda, peace through sport is taught through our “Peacemakers Project”. Since May 2021, thousands of children have benefited from ready-to-use peace-through-sport sessions, delivered by hundreds of peace educators trained by Peace and Sport. Currently, representatives of Peace and Sport are also present in Colombia, on the occasion of the 13th edition of the Friendship Games, which will take place from September 23 to 25.
St Brigid’s Primary School, Magherafelt. Today marked the 20th Anniversary of the UN initiative ‘International Day of Peace.’ To celebrate this special day Primary 7 discussed how best to have peace in a world where there is inequality, injustice and war. We want to take a stand against racism and we want to treat everyone fairly to make this world a better place. Take a look at some of our recipe’s for Peace and perhaps take some time this evening to pray as a family for Peace in our World.
Morning Beat // World Peace Day Special
Where: Oslo Street Food
When: Wednesday, 21/09/2022, 07:00-10:00
Morning Beat is a sustainable cultural project, where degradable glitter, live DJs and various art/music elements are united in dance and end with a vigorous yoga class!
Escola Basica, Ibn Mucana. To commemorate the International Day of Peace and Gratitude on September 21, 9th D students participated in the LivingPeace initiative. The idea was to build origami doves and, in the ICT discipline, they created logos using different digital tools. These doves will be sent by post to a school in Poland, which has also done the same activity.
“For an environment of Peace” is the title of the exhibition that will open on September 15, at 5:30 pm at the António Rosa Mendes Library, on the Gambelas Campus. This is an initiative integrated in the celebrations of the International Day of Peace which is marked on 21 September. The exhibition is free to enter and will be open until the 30th of September.
Agrupamento de Escolas Cardoso Lopes. The 1st students marked the International Day of Peace by reading and illustrating the work “The Book of Peace” by Todd Parr. With the illustrations, they built a beautiful panel that was embellished with a painting of the peace symbol. The symbol was also used to create necklaces that “spread” peace throughout the community! To end this day in beauty, the students were presented with a white dove, offered by the students of the 4ºC.
“For an environment of Peace” is the title of the exhibition that will open on September 15, at 5:30 pm at the António Rosa Mendes Library, on the Gambelas Campus. This is an initiative integrated in the celebrations of the International Day of Peace which is marked on 21 September. The exhibition is free to enter and will be open until the 30th of September.
The João de Meira School Group marks this Wednesday the International Day of Peace dressed in White. Under the motto “End Racism. Build Peace», that student community made clear a “no to racism”, in a demonstration in which it intended to show that it is united for peace. Youtube video of their demonstration.
The 21st of September was the World Day of Peace. At Escola EB1 da Zebreira, the educational community came together to mark this day. Students and teachers gathered in the School Library, where visualized a story alluding to the theme and made a bracelet “Peace Bracelet”. At the end of the activity, the children formed a circle. depicting a symbol of union for PEACE.
Católica celebrates International Day of Peace with SACRU. “Fostering peace while tackling racism relies on an inclusive policy approach”. This is what Ana Evans, professor at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), states in the article written within the scope of the International Day of Peace, in collaboration with the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU). Under the theme “There is no harmony in racism”, the alliance of Catholic research universities, of which UCP is a founding member, gathered the opinions of various specialists to mark this date.
The City Council of the Municipality of Miranda do Corvo will mark the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21, with the realization of several initiatives during this week. The city joined the Municipalities for Peace Movement on 05.03.2021, committing to the 10 Commitments for Peace. The Movement of Municipalities for Peace was created in 2016, as part of a joint initiative by the Municipality of Seixal and the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, with the founding municipalities defining a set of commitments for Peace. In the commitments assumed, it is recognized that Peace is essential to human life and a fundamental condition for progress, well-being, democracy, the freedom of peoples and a better world for humanity.
Teachers and students of the second cycle of the Paredes de Coura School Group celebrated the International Day of Peace this Wednesday. For this purpose, a human logo was built on the school’s sports grounds. The symbol chosen was the one used in the late 1950s by a British peace movement during the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
The students of the EB 2.3 School in Quarteira celebrated this Wednesday, September 21, the International Day of Peace by spelling the word peace in a frame with their bodies. According to the organization, this was a «very interesting activity», with good feedback and that «involved the entire educational community».
The 21st of September is celebrated annually as the International Day of Peace. The Escola Profissional do Vale do Tejo (EPVT) did not want to fail to mark this date . . . The date served as a motto for the 11th year students of the Multimedia Technical Professional course to carry out some work. Within the scope of the Integration Area subject and, with the support of the professor of the technical area of the course, the students developed visuals for social networks, with illustrations and images alluding to peace.
More than 800 people, including students, assistants and teachers, joined the walk “united for peace”, promoted by the Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Seraphim Leite. The initiative began at the group’s headquarters school. . . . . The mayor was present at the concentration of students in the renovated Praça Luís Ribeiro, transforming that place into a giant “peace”.
The International Day of Peace (September 21) will be marked in Silves with a march, to be held in locations throughout the county. The initiatives take place on the 21st and 22nd of September and between elements of the Senior Sports classes and pre-school students, the marches will «gather about two hundred participants dressed in white for Peace».
The 21st of September is the International Day of Peace and the Municipality of Sobral de Monte Agraço joined this symbolic date, with the raising of the flag of the Municipalities for Peace Movement in the Paços do Concelho building, with the presence of the Vice -Mayor Luís Soares and Councilor Carla Alves, who praised the importance of continuing efforts to pursue peace around the world. Also within the scope of this event, the children from the Kindergartens of the Basic Schools of Sapataria and Sobral de Monte Agraço enrolled in the Extension of Time Service, created a “Peace Mural”, based on the phrase “Living in Peace is…”. It should be remembered that the Municipality is part of the Movement of Municipalities for Peace and the Network of Educating Cities, and it is within this scope that this activity was promoted, promoting education for peace among children.
On the 21st, as part of the commemorations of the International Day of Peace, at 2:30 pm, the initiative “Conversas à volta da paz” will take place, in a joint organization of the Municipality of Viana, the UCC of Viana do Alentejo and Terras Dentro – CLDS4G. One of the highlights of this cultural week is the presentation of the Archaeological and Heritage Charter of the Municipality of Viana do Alentejo, by archaeologist Ulrico Galamba, at Paço dos Henriques, in Alcáçovas, at 18:30. The penultimate day of the event ends with a night walk for peace, with departure scheduled for Praça da República, in Viana do Alentejo, at 9:00 pm.
Santa Casa de Vila Verde celebrated Peace Day at the nursery with children from Ukraine.
Video of celebration of International Day of Peace
Slovenia marked International Day of Peace with a ceremony at the Cerje Peace Memorial today. This year the rally honored the late writer Boris Pahor and the 95th anniversary of the patriotic anti-fascist organization TIGR, which was set up in the 1920s to fight the Fascists in the western region of Primorska. This year’s keynote speaker was French Slovenian philosopher, photographer and activist Evgen Bavčar who in his keynote address said that he wished that Slovenia would remain an oasis of peace just like Pahor envisioned it. The ceremony was held in Cerje, around 10 kilometres south of Nova Gorica, which is known for a watchtower-like memorial to the defenders of Slovenian territory, that was completed in 2011 at the initiative of TIGR.
September 21 is the International Day of Peace. Casa Mediterráneo joins this commemoration with a classical music concert by a young symphony orchestra made up of a selection of young students from the different higher music conservatories of the Valencian Community and directed by Pascual Cabanes, expressly configured for this event. The concert, made up of a popular, entertaining and varied repertoire, has the collaboration of the High Performance Music School (ESMAR), the Consolat de Mar music store in Benaguasil and the Llíria Town Hall. The performance will take place on Wednesday, September 21 at 8:00 p.m. at Casa Mediterráneo, open to the public until full capacity is reached and broadcast online at a YouTube link.
Motivated by the International Day of Peace, the art world of the area, and by extension the Andalusian, made a plea last Wednesday night for a more just and humanitarian world in the city, just now that we live in times of anxiety and instability. The old church of Santa Marina hosted the I Anduxar Cultural Act for Peace, with the motto ‘Put an end to racism. Build peace’. A cast of musicians, poets, painters and photographers joined their efforts to promote the creation of bridges of understanding, friendship and universal fraternization between towns and their people. This event was organized by the Anduxar cultural association and the ITIMAD Literary Artistic Association of Seville participated. The Royal International Academy of Art and Literature and the departments of Tourism and Culture of the Andújar City Council also collaborated in this initiative. . . . The president of Anduxar, Juan José González, indicated that 25 pictorial and photographic works were presented, with their corresponding texts that were read by their authors. . . . This event was well attended by the public.
This Wednesday, September 21, is the International Day of Peace and at Gresol we are celebrating the week of peace with many activities for students. We have created different workshops related to doves and pinwheels. The Dove is a symbol of peace and the pinwheel is a symbol of childhood, of things that blow in the wind… that flow… they remind us of a time when things were simple, happy and peaceful. To celebrate the week of peace, all the students have come to the schoolyard to create a giant peace symbol. This is visible from the air and reminds us how important it is to end wars and violence, and to live happily, safely and in peace with the whole community. In addition to these amazing activities, students are learning songs, having discussions, and giving presentations on what peace is and how it is achieved. They are exploring peace on all its different levels: peace with themselves, peace with their classmates, peace in their communities, world peace…
On Wednesday 21 September, coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of Peace, the International Catalan Institute for Peace presented the ICIP Peace in Progress Award 2022 to the Basque associative network in favor of peace. . . . These award-winning initiatives include several organizations that have played a key role in advancing towards resolution of the conflict, such as the Permanent Social Forum, the now-dissolved Coordinadora Gesto por la Paz and Elkarri/Lokarri. Also included are organizations that work for peace education and the promotion of coexistence and human rights, through the Forum of Associations for Peace and Human Rights Education, where Gernika Gogoratuz, Baketik and Bakeola play an important role. The award also recognizes the Gernika Peace Museum Foundation, Foro Ciudadano Donostia, UNESCO Etxea, the Fernando Buesa , Emagune, the Ahotsak women’s network, Eskubidez, the experiences of dialogues with victims such as Encuentros Ciudadanos-Memoria Lab, the Encuentros Restaurativos between ETA prisoners and victims, and the BatzART! initiative.
On September 21, International Day of Peace, and also coinciding with the celebration of Sunday September 25, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, the Delegation of Social Pastoral calls for a liturgical celebration and, immediately afterwards, a concert for the peace. The liturgical celebration will take place inside the Basilica at 7:00 p.m. and will be presided over by Monsignor Javier Vilanova, auxiliary bishop of Barcelona. At the end, there will be a concert for peace by various choirs, made up of both Ukrainian refugees and Ukrainians from the Ukrainian Catholic community of Barcelona.
Next Wednesday, September 21, the children of Belmonte de Miranda will enjoy the fun storytelling “Womagis escapes from the book” . Designed for ages four and up, this storytelling will also be a creative workshop on cultural diversity, through which the International Day of Peace will be celebrated . This unique event, which will take place in the company of Mar Rojo, will be held at the town’s Sociocultural Center, starting at five in the afternoon.
On September 21, the International Day of Peace, the Burjassot Municipal Libraries team has scheduled a new free activity of reading animation on the same day 21 at 6:00 p.m. in the Children’s Library . . . The activity will begin with a reading aloud session of the books “Different but equal” and “Carla. We are all different”, thus focusing on the theme this year, “End racism. Build peace.” Once this first part is over, values such as respect for life, ways of thinking, different cultures… Each and every participant will be able to give their opinion and, together, each of the impressions will be shared. To end the animation, with reflection also on SDG 16, an artistic origami workshop will be held .
Entreculturas, which is a member of the Cantabrian Coordinator of NGDOs, has launched a didactic unit with material to teach in classrooms about the values of peace and coexistence. The launch is made on the occasion of the International Day of Peace 2022, which was celebrated on September 21. Under the title of ‘A world in peace’ , the guide includes a compilation of didactic units to work on the culture of peace and develop knowledge, values and social and civic competences that allow the people who work on them to actively commit to coexistence , conflict resolution and the creation of a culture of peace in their environments and globally.
On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, which is commemorated next Wednesday, September 21, several initiatives organized by the Values and Human Rights area of the Irun City Council will be carried out in Irun.
September 21:
– 5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.: BALIOEN LORATZEA: II Forum meeting between young and old people
– 5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.: USOA-PALOA: Completing the figure of peace with drawings
September 22:
- 7:00 p.m.: CINEMA: “The Breadwiner” (2017) animated film
For the International Day of Peace, in UNED Lugo on September 21 at 12:00 a debate forum will be held with the title “Dialoguing for Peace: Meetings with the university community” with the participation of UNED, Diaconia, ACNUR, ACCEM, Caritas , Misevi Spain and refugees and natives of Lugo.
ADASEC – Asociación de Ayuda Social Ecologica y Cultural de España. Commemorative activity of the International Day of Peace. ONLINE event. Free admission
The Basilica of San Francisco el Grande (San Buenaventura, 1) will host the Music for Three Souls concert on Friday, September 16, at 8:15 p.m. Convened on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which is commemorated on September 21, it will be offered by JOIRE, the Young Spanish Interreligious Ensemble, made up of professional Spanish musicians and singers representing the three Abrahamic monotheistic religions.
The City Council of Mataró (Maresme) will commemorate the legacy of Nelson Mandela for the International Day of Peace , which will be celebrated on September 21. To highlight his figure and the values of peace and social cohesion for which he fought, the consistory will organize, in collaboration with the Barcelona Provincial Council, a talk that will end with a music show. The Nave Gaudí is the place where this central event will be held, which will be called “ The legacy of Nelson Mandela ”. The conference will be given by the president of the Euro-Africa Center, Divaika Kiemba Come, and the ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Spain and Andorra, Sankie Mthembi-Mahanyele. The event, in which the councilor for Cooperation and Development, María José Pérez, and the mayor, David Bote, will participate, will end with the show “CabareTango”, the true black history of Tango! with poems about Mandela and music.
The Federation of Choirs of Navarra -Nafarrroako Abestazen Elkartea continues to celebrate the International Week of Peace 2022 with the premiere this Wednesday on its social networks of the work ‘Zatoz’. . . an audiovisual work composed by Josu Elberdin, directed by Itziar Bueno Zamarbide and accompanying Rinaldo Zhok on piano with the participation of three female choirs such as the Tiebas Choir, the Tudela Joaquín Gaztambide Choir and the Elkhos Vocal Group. . . . “A work whose text speaks of unity, coexistence, and the use of the smile as an indestructible weapon”, sums up the director of the Tiebas Choir and preparer of ‘Zatoz’. Click here for the video.
More than 140 choristers from four choirs from Colombia, Madrid and the Basque Country will sing this Saturday for Peace in Tolosa, as part of the celebration of the 20th UNESCO International Day of Peace in the town of Gipuzkoa. . . . The day will kick off with a round table to be held at the TOPIC, which will analyze the relationship between art, youth and peace. . . . Simultaneously, and thanks to the collaboration of UNIMA Euskal Herria, TOPIC will offer workshops in the morning to learn how to make paper puppets, aimed at children, and ‘Doves of Peace’ will be built, based on the work of Néstor Basterretxea, that will be used in the Cultural March for Peace in the afternoon, which will tour the streets of the Old Town of Tolosa starting at 4:30 p.m. The march will be led by a giant Basterretxea Peace Dove puppet, built by his son Jonan Basterretxea, and will also include the participation of institutional representatives, and the guest choirs will perform live on the street at various points along the route . The march will culminate in the Plaza Euskal Herria, where the Madrid Youth Choir and the Cecilia Espinosa Choir will perform. To finish, all the groups will sing together the work ‘Zatoz!’, composed by Josu Elberdin for the occasion and which will premiere that same day.
The 10th edition of the PeaceTalks will take place on the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2022, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Organized in a hybrid way, it will welcome both face-to-face and online participants. “What does peace mean to you?”, the theme of the very first Geneva PeaceTalks will be revisited by the speakers this year to mark this 10th edition. In parallel, the one chosen by the UN for the International Day of Peace, “End racism. Building peace”, will be the watermark of the event. . . Each Geneva PeaceTalks speaker will share their own perspective on peace. She or he will share their experiences and insights to inspire individuals to think about the meaning of peace and spark a discussion about how each and every one of us can contribute to a world we can be proud of.
A community group based in Andover is planning to lead children and young people in a procession in Harmony Woods as part of UN’s International Day of Peace. Andover Trees United will hold the event from 9.45am to 11.30am on Wednesday, September 21. This is an event that Andover Trees United has celebrated alongside education programme ‘Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots’ every year since 2018.
Community leaders across Bradford have come together to mark International Day of Peace. The Global Peace event took place on 21st September at Tong Park Hotel in Bradford and was organised by Georgi Majid who is the President of the Global Peace Journey. The day is devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.
International Day of Peace Concert on Wednesday 21st September at 7:00pm in St Joseph’s Church. Featuring the Festiva Choir and Les Encores Children. Followed by refreshments and Guernsey Gache! Join us for this truly ecumenical evening of song, scripture, and worship.
A group of Ukrainian children have joined a choir of 300 school pupils on the Isle of Man for World Peace Day. Pupils from 16 primary schools gathered at Tynwald Hill to celebrate the United Nations’ International Day of Peace. The choir sang a number of songs, including The Beatles’ All You Need Is Love, John Lennon’s Imagine and Padjey Colum Killey, which translates from Manx as St Columba’s Prayer. Almost 100 Ukrainians have applied to relocate to the island since March. . . . Among the pupils performing were also children from the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, the only school in the island where children have lessons solely in Manx.
In addition to the events listed above, there were 6 new events in Europe to celebrate the International Day of Pea:re not listed last year:
Czech Republic: Brno
Germany: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Italy: Rome
Poland: Katowice slask
Portugal: Lisbon
Slovakia: Dolny Kubin