An announcement from the Global Campaign for Peace Education
As part of the project Education for a Culture of Peace as a Vehicle for Reconciliation in Cyprus, Education for a Culture of Peace is organising an International Conference entitled “Education for Culture of Peace: Sharing Best Practices” on 24th and 25th February 2017 at Fulbright Center in Ledra Palace Buffer Zone in Nicosia.

On 24th of February, Friday from 4.00pm to 8.00pm, there will be a conference session examining best practices in Peace Education in two panel discussions. The first panel entitled “Local Practices on Education for a Culture of Peace” will feature representatives of the Scientific Committee of the project who will present the practices of critical education and schooling in Cyprus.
The second panel entitled “Alternative Education: Methodology and Teaching or Different Pedagogical Approaches and Schooling?” will feature international experts who will talk about the methodologies, principles and practices of literacy for peace culture and the actualisation of peace education.
On 25th of February, Saturday, there will be three parallel workshops to be held all day from 9.30am until 5.00pm at three different venues in the Buffer zone. These two-hour workshops will be limited to a group of 20 educators each and will be facilitated by the academic guest experts.
Limited seats available on first come first serve basis. RSVP at +3922276843 or +357 97743074 or at postresearchinstitute@gmail.com or info@postri.org by 20th February, Monday.
For the details of the conference, please visit the event page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/269974243435439/ – Education For a Culture of Peace (E4CP) and also the websites of the project: www.e4cp.org and/or postri.org.