An email received by CPNN from PATRIR
The Advanced Certificate Program in Systemic Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation & Post-War Recovery and Reconciliation (PCTR) will be held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania 20-24 June 2016. The program is accredited by COTIPSO [Certificate of Training in United Nations Peace Support Operations].

“I will not hesitate to unreservedly recommend this programme for all actors in the peacebuilding field. I dare say that without it you stand the risk of missing the mark, with it your chance of success in your endeavours are quite significantly enhanced!”
— Paul Ebikwo, African Union/United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), Sudan
By bringing together experienced practitioners and policymakers from governments, the United Nations, regional authorities (EU, AU, OAS, ASEAN), and national and international organisations and agencies, PCTR fosters a unique opportunity to interchange experience and practical learning with those working in conflict situations worldwide. Internationally noted as one of the best-evaluated programmes in the field, PCTR is unique in thoroughly addressing all three phases of violence and war – the before, during and after periods – grounded in rigorous professional training and practical operational experiences.
PCTR is a five-day intensive programme which provides experts, practitioners and policymakers with a forum for reflection and targeted, relevant professional development goals within a dynamic and stimulating environment. Given the issues it addresses, the programme is relevant for those working in political, gender, security, human rights, development, and humanitarian fields, as well as donors and diplomats specialising in areas affected or threatened by war, armed conflict or in post-war situations. PCTR draws upon a network of global experience, systematically weaving together key operational and policy lessons identified as good practices. The direct, needs-based skills and knowledge-intensive approach of the PCTR is suitable for senior and executive level field staff, and those in leadership roles in governments and organisations. It has also proved pertinent for those employed as staff and field practitioners within national and international aid and development organisations. The programme’s focus on practical experiences and skills that can be utilised in the field, and its emphasis on modules in systemic peacebuilding, and assurance that prevention works; also, its attention to conflict intelligence, peace consolidation and applied peacebuilding methodologies have received strong feedback from participants during the programme and for years to come.
Where is peace education taking place?
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View our full course outline for a comprehensive overview of this exciting and innovative programme.
You may apply online or download an Application form.
After submitting an application, IPDTC will contact you within ten working days regarding an admission decision.
Course places are limited, so apply today!
Participant Contributions:
Full contribution for OECD Participants: €845
Full contribution for non-OECD Participants: €595
Discount Category I (-10%): Early Payment [by 16 May 2016] or Multiple Participants (3+ staff members from any Department, Agency or Organisation)
Discount Category II (-15%): Category I options paired together (Both Early Payment and Multiple Participants)
Deadline for Applications:
9 May 2016 for applicants who REQUIRE A ROMANIAN VISA, and
30 May 2016 for applicants who DO NOT REQUIRE a Romanian visa