Introduction from facebook page of Pathways to Peace
With so many conflicts today being waged between political militias, criminal, and international terrorist groups, feelings of uncertainty and conflict are top of mind around our world. In response, a coalition of peacebuilding organizations launched a project for people around the world to sign on to a World Peace Treaty.

Called Sign the World Peace Treaty, the initiative intends to give both organizations and individuals around the world a vehicle to express their desire for a more peaceful world, and then encourages them to take concrete steps that activate that desire. The initiative culminates on September 21, the International Day of Peace (Peace Day.)
We invite you to join Pathways To Peace, Police2Peace, the Rotary EClub of World Peace, and our partner organizations, and Sign the World Peace Treaty Now!
Sign here.
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How can the peace movement become stronger and more effective?
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Text from website of Sign the World Peace Treaty
Each year on September 21st, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace (Peace Day) as established by unanimous resolution by the United Nations in 1981.
We witness our world yearning for peace, and there is a step we can all take toward greater unity. This month of September is dedicated to peace. Let us recommit to peace by removing the perception of separation, perceived borders, differences, and limitations. Let’s work together and engage in shaping and building peace. It is how peace can be realized for us all.
Signers of the World Peace Treaty:
° Commit to moving beyond the myth of separation to recognize our common humanity and support unity through diversity.
° Model integrity, high ethical standards, and peace that is grounded in love.
° Act to end violence and to embody the peace our humanity cries out for and deserves.
° Promote earnestly the ideals of peace and articulate positive evidence of peace in all viable ways, in particular by advancing the Culture of Peace in the best interest of humanity.
° Recognize The International Day of Peace (Peace Day) as a day to commemorate, strengthen, and celebrate the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.
° Can be organizations or individuals