An announcement from the website of the PT – Partido dos Trabalhadores (translation by CPNN)
The National Training School of the PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores -Workers Party) the PT National Secretariat for Political Training and the Executive Secretariat of the Popular Struggle Committees will offer this Thursday (14 July) the workshop Culture of Peace and Militant Self-protection.

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(Click here for the original Portuguese version of this article.)
How can election violence be prevented?
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Faced with the intensification of political violence in the country, the objective of the workshop is to analyze the current situation and the threats against the integrity of militancy and street demonstrations. The violence stimulated by the President of the Republic manifested itself in an extreme way last weekend with the assassination of comrade Marcelo Arruda, in Foz Iguaçu (Paraná,).
This scenario generates fears and anxiety than could leading to a possible state of paralysis. Understanding this logic of intimidation practiced by Bolsonarism is fundamental so that, in addition to establishing our practical and political response for the Culture of Peace and Solidarity, we can also advance in the preparation and organization of our Popular Committees of Struggles.
To be stronger and more united, with our heads held high for the important battles that lie ahead, we invite everyone to participate in the workshop.
🚩 Participate in the Workshop “Culture of Peace and Militant Self-protection”
🕐 Write it down on the agenda! Thursday, 14/7 19h in Brasilia time, by the Zoom App.
ATTENTION: Registration is open until 7/14, until 12:00 pm Brasília time
To register click here and fill in the form.
From the Editorial/Popular Struggle Committee