An article from Diario Co Latino (translation by CPNN)
The Museum of the Word and the Image (MUPI) continues the Culture of Peace workshops «Be authentic, non-violent» with a participatory methodology for the prevention of violence and education for peace, aimed at basic-high school teachers, community promoters and social and cultural managers.

Where is peace education taking place?
This free face-to-face course, which began on November 15 of last year, is carried out through a public invitation. 20 people are participating, 3 men and 17 women. Each participant has obtained a comicbook, a theoretical manual and a practical manual. They are working on the validation of new topics that will be incorporated into these materials. In March, the presentation of practical work and the delivery of diplomas will take place.
The Culture of Peace Course “Be authentic, non-violent” is facilitated by Claudia Anay García and the anthropologist Anna Theissen, cooperating with the Civil Service for Peace-SCP Germany, within the framework of the INTERPAZ-AGIAMONDO project.