An article from Alwihda Info (translation by CPNN)
As part of its project to promote democracy and human rights in Chad, the youth association for peace and non-violence (AJPNV) is organizing a training workshop from October 1 to 2, 2021 for leaders of civil society organizations and the media.

The workshop opened on Friday, October 1, 2021 at the national headquarters of the association in the Amtoukougne district. The AJPNV, created in 2000, is a secular, apolitical and humanitarian non-profit Chadian civil society organization. It is an accredited member of IRC (International Rehabilitation for Council of Victims of Torture) based in Copenhagen) and a member of IFHRO (International Federation of Health and Human Right Organization) based in Geneva.
AJPNV aims to promote and protect human rights and provide free medical, psychosocial and legal assistance to victims of human rights violence, refugees, and internally displaced persons, prisoners, women victims of sexual violence. It promotes socio-economic reintegration through information, communication and education of refugees; the promotion of the culture of peace and democracy in Chad; promotion of reproductive health; health promotion linked to human rights; strengthen women’s capacities to fight poverty, unhealthy traditional practices and HIV.
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Officially launching the workshop, AJPNV President Nodjigoto Charbonnel asserts that civil society organizations and the media are a pillar in the national system for the promotion and protection of human rights. Their main responsibilities are, on the one hand, to promote human rights through the dissemination of a national culture of human rights in which the values of tolerance, equality and mutual respect flourish, in particular. through human rights education and on the other hand to protect human rights, by identifying or investigating cases of human rights violations.
To carry out their mission of promoting and protecting human rights in their country, Nodjigoto Charbonnel maintains that civil society organizations and the media need to be strengthened and supported. And to add that, this strengthening project working in the field of human rights responds to the need for strengthening and broadening the field of action of associations.
Nodjigoto Charbonnel says human rights movements, democracy organizations and development donors have a common goal but have not always seen each other as allies. It is quite possible that the three groups have found common ground around the notion of a rights-based approach to development. He goes on to insist that good democratic governance must inevitably focus on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Without this protection, he says, there can be no real democracy.