An article from the Agence de Press Sénégalaise (translation by CPNN)
The think tank Timbuktu Institute-African Center for Peace Studies Institute will launch, Wednesday [October 13], in Kedougou the initiative called “Resilience at the borders” to promote the culture of peace, APS has learned.

Photo from Tibuktu Institute
The launch of this initiative is part of the implementation of the think tank’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, and in particular Axis 3 relating to “ Promotion of the culture of peace through education and development of endogenous, cultural heritage and resilience-building resources.”
Timbuktu Institute-African Center for Peace Studies is launching the ‘Border Resiliency’ initiative in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
(This article is continued in the column on the right.)
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(This article is continued from the column on the left.)
“ In view of the strategic choice to favor border areas in terms of peace consolidation and resilience building, the Institute is launching this initiative with an inaugural session in Kédougou, ” said in a press release sent to APS.
“Building and strengthening resilience in an unstable regional environment: What role and place for young people and women?” Is the theme of the launching ceremony.
The session will be materialized by “a day of capacity building and participatory dialogue on security issues and the building of resilience in a context where the sub-region is deeply concerned by the crisis raging in neighboring countries”.
It will also include a component for the exchange of experiences and collection of strategic recommendations.
A conference will also be moderated by the Director of the Timbuktu Institute, Dr Bakary Sambe, on the theme: “Regional security situation and challenges of building community resilience: Complementary roles of state and local populations”.
Other interventions are also planned and will focus on various themes including “Women and conflict” and the radicalization of young people.