An article from the Global Campaign for Peace Education
Dear reader, Season’s Greetings! As fall turns to winter here in Washington, DC, we are fond of reminiscing on the many changes and experiences we’ve had thus far in 2019.

Amongst the highlights, we held a big celebration to honor the 90th birthday of Betty Reardon, co-founder of the Global Campaign; we helped launch advocacy campaigns in Cameroon and Nigeria; and we kicked-off Peace Knowledge Press, our new publishing house.
To wind down the year, I just returned from Ukraine where I joined colleagues from the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) Peace Education Working Group to strategize efforts for scaling up peace education from the grassroots to the country level. The Global Campaign will be partnering with GPPAC on an ambitious new project in 2020 to help map the field of peace education – stay tuned for more details!
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Where is peace education taking place?
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Be sure to check out and share the many new events and job postings shared below. As always, we welcome you to submit your own news, articles, research, and events to share with other campaign members. You can submit your articles for sharing via our online form.
All-in-all, energy continues to bubble up around the world for mainstreaming peace education. We hope you find the actions of our colleagues contained in this month’s newsletter hopeful, and contagious, and embark on new efforts to develop and grow peace education in your community.
Please don’t forget to help us “spread peace ed” by using the hashtags #SpreadPeaceEd and #PeaceEd, following us on social media, and by sharing and reposting news on your timeline and in your communities. This is one small way each of us can help grow the campaign. You can also follow the Global Campaign on Facebook and Twitter.
In peace & solidarity,
Tony Jenkins
Coordinator, Global Campaign for Peace Education