An article from El Queretano (Translation by CPNN)
In order that teachers, administrative and technical teachers of the state can advance in their studies and develop skills in conflict conciliation, assertive communication and culture of peace, a new diploma is being developed by USEBEQ [Unidad de Servicios para la Educación Basica en el Estado de Querétaro] and UAQ [Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro].
This is the diploma “History of Peace Studies, Human Rights and Peace”, aimed at teachers, technical technicians, managers, supervisors and technical pedagogical advisers in basic education.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)
Where is peace education taking place?
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The Director of Quality and Educational Innovation of the USEBEQ, said that the Diploma will allow participants to acquire skills in conflict conciliation, assertive communication, community building and education methodologies and culture of peace.
The State Secretary of Education promotes through the “Continuous Improvement Route” that teachers are trained to have additional pedagogical tools and knowledge. The goal is to benefit students of basic education with more teachers who are better prepared to develop their plans, programs and academic content, “said the official.
The official added that this program will train teachers to promote environments of respect and dignified treatment among students who are different, but equal in rights. The training improves relations and understanding based on respect, solidarity, justice and attachment to human rights.
This diploma is taught at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UAQ, with a duration of 120 hours; of which 75 are face-to-face and 45 online. It will conclude on August 2 of this year with the participation of 36 basic education teachers.