An article from Urbis TV México
With the objective of promoting harmony, respect and the conflict resolution, the Attorney General of the State of Michoacán (FGE) through the Alternative Mechanisms for Dispute Resolution Mechanism (CMASC) ), carried out a training called “Culture of Peace and Nonviolence” with the staff of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

The main objective was to give the workers tools that allow them to reinforce values such as respect and the culture of peace, generating confidence and cordiality in the labor environment.
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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)
Where is peace education taking place?
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“The training reinforces values, attitudes and behaviors that reject violence and prevent conflicts, trying to solve problems through dialogue and creating a friendly work environment,” said the Coordinator of Restorative Justice Programs of CMASC, Elfega Rojas Calderón, who gave the talk.
The speaker said that it is very important, first of all, to privilege respect among people to avoid the generation of conflicts, but when conflict occurs, communication can be a determining factor to solve the problem.
She also said that, although it may be common that people are immersed in conflict in the workplace and in the daily life, there is a great opportunity to avoid them or reduce the risk of falling into them, as long as among people, the culture of peace can be reinforced.
During the presentation, the official also explained the relevance of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms when people are victims, so she invited the attendees to know more about what these mechanisms and the advantages that they provide to guarantee access to justice for citizens.
The workshop “Culture of Peace and Nonviolence”, is framed in a series of training sessions that are given monthly to staff, fostering a cordial work environment, based on the Culture of Peace. It was carried out at the CFE’s facilities at Arboledas Valladolid, Morelia.
The activity was also developed in teleconference with the Regions of the CFE of Zamora, Uruapan, Carapan and Apatzingán, with a total of 109 people involved.
The FGE reaffirms its commitment to respect, guarantee and promote the human rights of people and the dissemination of the culture of peace among citizens.