An article from
“Educating for peace means training a caring and responsible citizen, respectful of human dignity and differences, and able to prevent conflicts or resolve them through non-violent means.” According to her, the culture of peace will only succeed if there is mutual understanding and an open and active conception of diversity.

Dr. Doumbia Diénéba
This was the message from Dr. Doumbia Diénéba at a training seminar held on Wednesday [13 juin] in Yamoussoukro on “Citizenship, the culture of peace and mutual understanding in academia.” Dr. Diénéba is the director of the peace research department of the Felix Houphouet-Boigny Foundation [FHB] of Yamoussoukro.
Dr. Doumbia emphasized that peace is a problem of collective action and not a given. It is not innate in the human being, it is the fruit of another type of wisdom.
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(Click here for the original version of this article in French)
The Houghouët-Boigny Foundation of Yamoussoukro: what is its contribution to the culture of peace?
Where is peace education taking place?
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Initiated by the FHB foundation for the search for peace in collaboration with the Alassane Ouattara University (UAO), the training session involved the members of the University Platform for the Promotion of Peace and Democracy as well as leaders of clubs, associations and student unions.
In spite of the efforts and all the measures taken by the university authorities and the government, the violence in the universities returns in an episodic way. This violence has been threatening for some years, the safety of individuals, property on campus and disrupts academic years.
Faced with the complexity and the multiplicity of the violence, the causes of which require coordinated and complementary initiatives and actions, the FHB foundation aims to bring participants to master the tools of the culture of peace and the mechanisms of prevention and conflict management in the context of an academic environment where citizen behavior and mutual understanding are possible.
For the expert in the peaceful management of conflict, it is a question of making the transition from a world marked by a predominance of violence in all its forms, which leaves no respite to citizens, to a world where the values of citizenship and the culture of peace are the very foundation of living together.
The director of the Peace Research Department of the FHB Foundation expressed hope that the training will strengthen participants’ skills and create within their university a critical mass of expertise and proven experience in the field of citizenship. citizenship, the culture of peace and non-violence.