An article from the Prefeitura de Gravatá
A partnership between the Women’s Secretariat and the Department of Education will bring to debate the importance of the Maria da Penha Law to municipal schools, as well as raise students’ awareness of the need to combat violence against women, to prevent domestic violence and to build a culture of peace.

Project members: The City Secretary for Women, Taciana Medeiros, is in center dressed in dark blue
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Protecting women and girls against violence, Is progress being made?
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[Editor’s note: Maria da Penha, a victim of domestic violence by her husband, fought for her attacker to be condemned and is now a leader of the movement for the defense of women’s rights. As a result, on August 7, 2006, the president of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva put into practice the Federal Brazilian Law 11340, now known as the Law Maria da Penha, in which the severity of punishment for domestic violence against women was increased.]
This morning (August 14), a meeting was held with managers and educators of the municipal school system to present the need to develop activities on the subject with children and adolescents and to elaborate a plan of action.
Entitled “Maria da Penha goes to School”, the project works on education as the best form of prevention. The City Secretary for Women, Taciana Medeiros, highlights the participation of students as fundamental for building a better future.
She affirms that “Educating children and adolescents, teaching to respect and live in harmony is the best way to combat violence, we need to invest in the training of conscious individuals.”
Schools must carry out activities by the end of September.