All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Bill McKibben: Extraordinary Quantities of Human Tragedy Are in Motion


An article from Common Dreams (reprinted according to terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license)

I didn’t expect to love Yellowknife, the capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories—a lot of the towns of the far north always seem hunkered down to me, a collection of Quonset huts braced against the long winter. Yellowknife, though, was charming: I hadn’t been off the airplane three minutes before the northern lights broke through, a green wave cracking across the sky. The next morning I wandered the shores of Great Slave Lake, past houses perched on the rocks of the vast shore like the most picturesque parts of downeast Maine. In between meetings with First Nations leaders key in the pipeline fights of the last decade, I wandered the trails around the capitol building—among other things, I happened across a pure black morph of a fox, one of the loveliest creatures I’ve ever seen.

And now Yellowknife is being evacuated—its 20,000 residents trying to drive south down the long road towards Edmonton, or being flown out in shifts from its small airport, even as flames and smoke lick at the city limits.

Residents watch the McDougall Creek wildfire in West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, on August 17, 2023, from Kelowna. (Photo: Darren Hull/AFP via Getty Images)
(Click on image to enlarge)

It’s important—in this year that has seen global warming come fully to life—to describe accurately what’s happening on our planet. And one key thing is: the number of places humans can safely live is now shrinking. Fast. The size of the board on which we can play the great game of human civilization is getting smaller.

Yellowknife this week, and Maui, and Tenerife  in the Canary Islands, and Kelowna, a beautiful city in British Columbia’s Okanagan country. The pictures from each looked more or less the same: walls of orange flame and billows of black smoke. In each case many of the people hardest hit were Indigenous; in each case fear and sadness and anger and above all uncertainty. What would be left? When might we return? Could we build back?

The story of human civilization has been steady expansion. Out of Africa into the surrounding continents. Out along the river corridors and ocean coasts as trade grew. Into new territory as we cut down forests or filled in swamps. But that steady expansion has now turned into a contraction. There are places it’s getting harder and harder to live, because it burns or floods. Or because the threat of fire and water is enough to drive up the price of insurance past the point where people can afford it.

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Question for this article:

If we can connect up the planet through Internet, can’t we agree to preserve the planet?

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For a while we try to fight off this contraction—we have such wonderfully deep roots to the places where we came up. But eventually it’s too hot or too expensive—when you can’t grow food any more, for instance, you have to leave.

So far we’re mostly failing the tests of solidarity or generosity or justice that these migrations produce. The E.U., for instance, has this year paid huge sums to the government of Tunisia in exchange for “border security,” i.e., for warehousing Africans fleeing drought:

‘We all heard that the prime minister of Italy paid the Tunisian president a lot of money to keep the Blacks away from the country,’ Kelvin, a 32-year-old Nigerian migrant, said on Saturday from Tunisia’s border with Libya.

Like other sub-Saharan African migrants, many of whom can enter Tunisia without visas, he had spent several months cleaning houses and working construction in Sfax, scraping together the smuggler’s fee for a boat to Europe. Then, he said, Tunisians in uniforms broke through his door, beat him until his ankle fractured, and put him on a bus to the desert.

But the size of this tide will eventually overwhelm any such effort, on that border or ours, or pretty much any other. Job one, of course, is to limit the rise in temperature so that fewer people have to flee: Remember, at this point each extra tenth of a degree  takes another 140 million humans out of what scientists call prime human habitat:

By late this century, according to a study published last month in the journal Nature Sustainability, 3 to 6 billion people, or between a third and a half of humanity, could be trapped outside of that zone, facing extreme heat, food scarcity, and higher death rates, unless emissions are sharply curtailed or mass migration is accommodated.

But even if we do everything right at this point, there’s already extraordinary quantities of human tragedy inexorably in motion. So along with new solar panels and new batteries, we need new/old ethics of solidarity. We’re going to have to settle the places that still work with creativity and grace; the idea that we can sprawl suburbs across our best remaining land is sillier all the time. Infill, densification, community—these are going to need to be our watchwords. Housing is, by this standard, a key environmental solution. Every-man-for-himself politics will have to yield to we’re-all-in-this-together; otherwise, it’s going to be far grimmer than it already is.

Matters are moving quickly now.

– – – –

Bill McKibben is the Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College and co-founder of and His most recent book is “Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?.” He also authored “The End of Nature,” “Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet,” and “Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future.”

From Trauma to Healing: New Book Series from International Cities of Peace


An announcement from International Cities of Peace

Announcing a Book Series on International Cities of Peace just published in China in Chinese and English. The Series is edited by Professor Liu Cheng, UNESCO Chair of Peace Studies in China and Board Member of Cities of Peace, a nonprofit U.S.-based association of nearly 400 global Cities of Peace. The Series already includes books on many cities that have experienced major trauma from war: Dresden, Nanjing, Warsaw, Coventry, and Hiroshima.

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Question related to this article:
How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?

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“When the traumatic memory of a city is transformed into a common human memory,” the books begin, “we can understand the past disasters in a new way beyond stereotyped political memory. Only this can enable the traumatic history to be linked to the future peace, which can promote the reconciliation between the former hostile parties, and boost hope to the establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind.”

This book series on International Cities of Peace is a tremendous step forward in recognizing the horror of war and understanding the need to move our communities from simply memorializing the trauma toward cultural and personal healing. Great thanks to Professor Liu Cheng who is leading a surge of peacebuilding dialogues and Peace Studies programs in Asia. International Cities of Peace is a platform that can take the world beyond the traumas of the past into a new age of community engagement and healing.

(Thank you to Fred Arment, for sending this announcement to CPNN.)

UN pushes disarmament talks amid fears that drums of nuclear war are beating again


An article from The United Nations

As United Nations-led talks on nuclear disarmament continued in Geneva, New York and Vienna, UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned on Sunday that “the drums of nuclear war are beating once again”. 

In a message to mark the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Mr. Guterres urged the international community to learn from the “nuclear cataclysm” that befell the Japanese city on 6 August 1945.

Secretary-General Guterres

The drums of nuclear war are beating once again; mistrust and division are on the rise,” the UN chief said in a statement to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, delivered by UN’s High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu. “The nuclear shadow that loomed over the Cold War has re-emerged. And some countries are recklessly rattling the nuclear sabre once again, threatening to use these tools of annihilation.”

UN chief’s peace agenda

Pending the total elimination of all nuclear weapons, Mr. Guterres appealed to the international community to speak as one, as outlined in his New Agenda for Peace. Launched in July this year, the Agenda calls on Member States to urgently recommit to pursuing a world free of nuclear weapons and to reinforce the global norms against their use and proliferation.

“States possessing nuclear weapons must commit to never use them,” he insisted, as he stressed the UN’s commitment to continue working to strengthen global rules on disarmament and non-proliferation, notably the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

NPT talks are taking place at the UN in the Austrian capital until 11 August, where Ms. Nakamitsu reiterated her warning to the forum that not “since the depths of the Cold War” has the risk of a nuclear weapon being used so high – just as the rules-based order intended to prevent their use has never been “so fragile”.

“This is, to a large extent, because of the volatile times in which we live,” Ms. Nakamitsu continued, pointing to the “existential” threat facing the world today, which is the result of “the highest level of geopolitical competition, rising tensions and deepening divisions among major powers in decades”.

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Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Trillion dollar question

Coupled with rising global tensions is a record level of world military expenditure which reportedly reached a $2,240 billion in 2022.

This situation has led to an increased emphasis on nuclear weapons, “through modernization programmes, expanded doctrines, allegations of growing stockpiles and most alarmingly…threats to use them”, explained the UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.

“The fact that in the last 12 months nuclear weapons have openly been used as tools of coercion should worry us all,” she added.

The 1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) is one of the only international agreements signed by both nuclear and non-nuclear states, aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and furthering the goal of nuclear disarmament.

After entering into force in 1970, 191 states have since become party to the treaty – the most signatories of any arms limitation agreement.

Bold goals

The treaty centres on the idea that non-nuclear States agree to never acquire weapons and nuclear-weapons states in exchange agree to share the benefits of the technology, whilst pursuing efforts towards disarmament and elimination of nuclear arsenals.

In addition to the Vienna talks now under way and which come ahead of the NPT’s five-yearly review in 2026, countries have also exchanged on disarmament and non-proliferation issues at the UN’s Conference on Disarmament in Geneva in the past week.

In recent days – and despite ongoing concerns that the Conference remains deadlocked by geopolitical developments – the forum’s 65 Member States heard briefings from the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the battlefield.

The aim of such discussions is to establish a mechanism that allows for regular multilateral dialogue and the inclusion of the views of countries that are not actively involved in the development of artificial intelligence, to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI in the military domain.

The Conference on Disarmament – which was established in 1979 – is not formally a UN body but reports annually, or more frequently as appropriate, to the UN General Assembly.Its remit reflects the Organization’s conviction that disarmament and non-proliferation remain indispensable tools to create a security environment that is favourable to human development, as enshrined in the UN Charter.

In addition to convening the Conference on Disarmament, Member States gather in Geneva to discuss a range of multilateral disarmament agreements and conferences including the Anti-Personnel Landmine Convention (APLC), the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), The Convention on Cluster Munitions, The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), as well as NPT review panels.

Brazil mulls deforestation patterns as Lula government launches new action plan


An article from Forest News

Brazil’s policy makers are turning to scientists to help pinpoint deforestation trends in the Amazon region over the past decade that have contributed to greenhouse gas emissions, shrinking ecosystem services and biodiversity loss.

Mato Grosso landscape, Brazil. Photo: Icaro Cooke Vieira/CIFOR

On 4 May 2023, a virtual forum jointly sponsored by the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force and the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) assembled science and policy experts to provide input for the new phase of the new country’s Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm), launched in June under the administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Preparation of the plan’s fifth phase – which will cover the period from 2023 to 2027 – has involved 13 government ministries, as well as other agencies, academics and civil society groups. Earlier phases of the plan guided government action from 2004 to 2020.

Brazil – which has the largest forested area in Latin America and is the region’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases – managed to reduce forest loss by 83 percent from 2004 to 2012 after decades of increased deforestation. However, this trend has reversed in the past decade under different federal administrations.

In 2020, deforestation in Brazil soared to a 12-year high, widely attributed to the federal government’s weakening environmental enforcement and calls for more development in the Amazon.

“Deforestation has doubled since 2012,” said Raoni Rajão, who presented the PPCDAm on behalf of the Department for Deforestation and Fire Control Policy of Brazil’s Ministry of Environment. “We need to understand what happened between 2012 and 2020.”

Researchers have studied what has and hasn’t worked in Brazil and other forest-rich countries for decades. What remains clear is that action against deforestation must happen at multiple levels, from global to national to subnational to municipal.

As a result, basing policy decisions on scientific research has become a priority for state environment secretaries, said Carlos Aragon, Brazil country director for the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force, which is a subnational collaboration of 43 states and provinces working to protect tropical forests, reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and promote realistic pathways to forest-maintaining rural development.

As part of its decade-long, 22-country Global Comparative Study of REDD+, CIFOR-ICRAF has been targeting deforestation at subnational levels, such as states and districts in Brazil.

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Question for this article:

How can we ensure that science contributes to peace and sustainable development?

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“The purpose of the dialogue at today’s event was to help identify different policy interventions for addressing deforestation dynamics in Brazil,” said Richard Van der Hoff, Brazil country coordinator for the study.

The Brazilian government’s analysis, carried out in preparation for the PPCDAm, points to some major changes in deforestation dynamics that planners must consider, according to Rajão.

Nearly two decades ago, when the first phase of the plan was implemented, deforestation mainly occurred in an arc in the southern Amazon region, where forest was being cleared for industrial agriculture. With policies in place to help preserve forest on farmland, deforestation in recent years has been linked to infrastructure, with hot spots occurring around hydroelectric dams and along highways.

The 2004 plan also targeted large-scale deforestation, significantly reducing it in the following years. Since 2019, however, deforestation of large areas has been occurring again with impunity, Rajão said.

Deforestation has also been occurring in recent years in protected areas, Indigenous territories and settlements more than it did during the period of greater control, he said.

Besides clearing of forests, there has been an uptick in the degradation of standing forests because of fires set on farmland that escape into the understory.

“Fire is playing a greater and greater role in the deforestation process,” Rajão said. “People use fire so intensively and for such long periods of time that it destroys the forest structure.”

The Brazilian government’s analysis of shifting patterns of deforestation is similar to a methodology that CIFOR-ICRAF researchers are developing to classify deforestation patterns according to a series of archetypes, in order to determine which policies work or do not work in different situations, CIFOR-ICRAF researcher Julia Naime said.

The archetypes range from areas of past deforestation – classified as inactive, consolidated or fragmented – to hot spots or “rampant” frontiers, and “looming” frontiers, where there is a risk of future deforestation.

These archetypes are meant to help planners think strategically about deforestation patterns in a landscape, she said.

“We need to align infrastructure with environmental and climate goals,” Rajão added. “Otherwise, we will have activities that are completely disconnected.”

The goal is to stop illegal deforestation by punishing infringements, and to reduce the legal clearing of forests by promoting sustainable use, he said. Law enforcement fines and the confiscation of illegal items have doubled compared with last year, he added.

The science and policy dialogue in May was the third in a series sponsored by CIFOR-ICRAF and the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force. Sessions scheduled for later this year will focus on future deforestation scenarios and the final results of the Global Comparative Study.

For more information on this topic:
Pham Thu Thuy at
Richard Van der Hoff at

This work was carried out as part of the Center for International Forestry Research’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+ ( The funding partners that have supported this research include the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), and the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (CRP-FTA) with financial support from CGIAR Fund Donors.

Amazon Rainforest Nations Gather to Forge a Shared Policy


An article from Reuters (reprinted by permission)

Eight Amazon nations agreed to a list of unified environmental policies and measures to bolster regional cooperation at a major rainforest summit in Brazil on Tuesday (August 8), but failed to agree on a common goal for ending deforestation.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has staked his international reputation on improving Brazil’s environmental standing, had been pushing for the region to unite behind a common policy of ending deforestation by 2030 – one he has already adopted.

Indigenous groups call for bold steps at Amazon summit © Evaristo Sa / AFP

Instead, the joint declaration issued on Tuesday in the Brazilian city of Belem created an alliance for combating forest destruction, with countries left to pursue their own individual deforestation goals.

The failure of the eight Amazon countries to agree on a pact to protect their own forests points to the larger, global difficulties of forging an agreement to combat climate change. Many scientists say policymakers are acting too slowly to head off catastrophic global warming.

“The planet is melting, we are breaking temperature records every day. It is not possible that, in a scenario like this, eight Amazonian countries are unable to put in a statement – in large letters – that deforestation needs to be zero,” said Marcio Astrini of environmental lobby group Climate Observatory.

Lula and other national leaders left Tuesday’s meeting without commenting on the declaration. Presidents from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru attended the summit, while Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela sent other top officials.

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Question for this article:

Sustainable Development Summits of States, What are the results?

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Bolivia and Venezuela are the only Amazon countries not to sign onto a 2021 agreement among more than 100 countries to work toward halting deforestation by 2030. A Brazilian government source told Reuters in the lead up to the summit that Bolivia, where forest destruction is surging, is a hold-out on the issue.

Bolivian President Luis Arce did not address the 2030 commitment in his speech on Tuesday.

Brazil’s Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said in a press briefing that the issue of deforestation “in no way whatsoever will divide the region” and cited “an understanding about deforestation” in the declaration, without elaborating.

This week’s summit brought together the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) for the first time in 14 years, with plans to reach a broad agreement on issues from fighting deforestation to financing sustainable development.

But tensions emerged in the lead up to the summit around diverging positions on deforestation and oil development.

Fellow Amazon countries also rebuffed Colombia’s leftist President Gustavo Petro’s ongoing campaign to end new oil development in the Amazon. In his speech on Tuesday, Petro likened the left’s desire to keep drilling for oil to the right-wing denial of climate science.

He said the idea of making a gradual “energy transition” away from fossil fuels was a way to delay the work needed to stop climate change.

Brazil is weighing whether to develop a potentially huge offshore oil find near the mouth of the Amazon River and the country’s northern coast, which is dominated by rainforest.

“What we are discussing in Brazil today is research of an extensive and large area – in my vision perhaps the last frontier of oil and gas before … the energy transition,” Brazil’s Energy Minister Alexandre Silveira told reporters after Petro’s speech.

Silveira said they should conduct research into what oil is there in order to make a decision on the issue.

Beyond deforestation, the summit also did not fix a deadline on ending illegal gold mining, although leaders agreed to cooperate on the issue and to better combat cross-border environmental crime.

The final joint statement, called the Belem Declaration, strongly asserted indigenous rights and protections, while also agreeing to cooperate on water management, health, common negotiating positions at climate summits, and sustainable development.

As Reuters previously reported, the declaration additionally established a science body to meet annually and produce authoritative reports on science related to the Amazon rainforest, akin to the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change.

Demonstration for Peace in Ukraine Held in Budapest


An article from World Without War

In defense of Hungary’s peace, independence, sovereignty and self-determination, the Forum for Peace movement held a national unity demonstration on Wednesday in Budapest.

Left and right-wing parties and civil organizations independent of parties, putting aside their ideological and political differences, together declared that the Hungarian people do not want to make sacrifices for the power of the depraved Kiev clique that oppresses the people and uses its compatriots as cannon fodder, nor for those who want to keep it in power!

See below in right column for names of those in the photo

The peace of our country is threatened. Our Western allies, allied with domestic political and military circles, want to force us into a war on the side of Ukraine, against Russia. They blackmail us, interfere in our internal affairs, are considering a coup d’йtat, and want to replace the legitimate government with a puppet government. They want us to give up our pro-peace policy, send weapons and soldiers to Ukraine, and go to war with Russia again, this time together with NATO” – states the Community of Responsible and Creative Hungarians, the Association for the Rule of Law, the Workers’ Party, the Hungarian Anti-Fascist League, the Hungarian Community for Peace, the Let’s go Hungarian for a Better Future Association, the Confederacy 2000, the Conscience’88 Association, the Hungarian Agrarian Association and In a joint statement by the Economic People’s Party, the World Federation of Hungarians, the National Federation, the Foundation of Hungarians Beyond the Border and the Circle of Friends on the Way of our Heroes in their common Call.

Speakers at the peace demonstration on Nyugati Square assured the government of their support for peace efforts against the war policies of Washington and Brussels, but noted that they do not consider it consistent enough. They called on Viktor Orbбn’s government to decide whether to consider Russia an aggressor or whether to recognize the legitimacy of its security demands and pursue an active policy of neutrality for reconciliation with Russia.

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Questions related to this article:
Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

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Endre Simo, president of the Hungarian Community for Peace, Miklos Patrubany, president of the World Federation of Hungarians, Gyula Thurmer, president of the Workers’ Party, Gyorgy Benza, president of the Foundation for Hungarians Across the Border, Eszter Forizs, representative of the Community of Responsible and Creative Hungarians, Istvan Balogh, president of the Law and Order Association, Marta Hartai, representative of the National Conquest 2000 Association, Tamas Hirschler, president of the Anti-Fascist League demanded the termination of the financial support provided to Ukraine and the reallocation of the funds intended for Kyiv to support the many millions of Hungarian people who were in a crisis of livelihood due to the unprecedented price increases. They stood up for the protection of the lives of Transcarpathian Hungarians and demanded that the government also stand up, and not finance the Zelenskiys for the sake of NATO.

We are not interested in confrontation, but in good relations with both East and West. Here, in the heart of Europe, on the path of historical wars, peaceful cooperation with the West, with which we conduct 80 percent of our trade, and with Russia, which satisfies 80 percent of our energy needs, is a vital issue for us. All our interests are linked to peace and progress! Let’s not let them take away our future and deny our right to survive!

We must protect our national sovereignty and self-determination as a feared treasure! Let’s demand peace for the Hungarians, East-West reconciliation, and mutual security for Europe” – stated in the joint statement, which was sent to Prime Minister Viktor Orbбn and the members of parliament.

The people of various backgrounds who participated in the demonstration applauded the fact that the members of the Peace Forum overcame their ideological and political differences for the common good of the country and its people, in defense of its peace and sovereignty.

The event began with the National Anthem and ended with the National Word Song. The representatives of the organizations stood next to each other and thanked the audience for standing up for the common national cause with applause.

Pictured in the photo above from July 26 in Budapest:

The Representatives of the Organisations cooperating in the Forum for Peace movement at the Demonstration of the Forum for Peace movement in Nyugati Square in defense of Hungary’s peace, independence, sovereignty and self-determination. From Left to Right: Tibor Bognar, vice president of the For a State of Law Association, Endre Simo, president of the Hungarian Community for Peace, Istvan Balogh, president of the For a State of Law Association, Klara Hars-Kovacs, president of On the Path of our Heroes Association’s representative, Miklos Patrubany, president of the World Union of Hungarians, Gyula Thurmer, president of the Workers’ Party, Eszter Forizs, representative of the Community of Responsible and Creative Hungarians and Mбrta Hartai, representative of the Conquest 2000 Association.

Top Medical Journals Publish Unprecedented Joint Call for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons


An article by Jake Johnson in Common Dreams (reprinted according to terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license)

Leading medical journals published a joint editorial late Tuesday (August 1) calling on world leaders to take urgent steps to reduce the risk of nuclear war—and eliminate atomic weapons altogether—as the threat of a potentially civilization-ending conflict continues to grow.

The call was first issued in The Lancet, The BMJ, JAMA, International Nursing Review, and other top journals. Dozens of other journals are expected to publish the editorial in the coming days ahead of the 78th anniversary of the U.S. nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

(Editor’s note: As of August 10, 100 medical journals have signed on to the editorial as listed here.

Protesters hold anti-nuclear war signs as they gather in the viewing area at an air base on May 21, 2022 in Lakenheath, England. (Photo: Martin Pope/Getty Images)

The editorial begins by noting that the hands of the Doomsday Clock are closer to midnight than ever before, reflecting mounting nuclear tensions amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Current nuclear arms control and nonproliferation efforts are inadequate to protect the world’s population against the threat of nuclear war by design, error, or miscalculation,” the editorial reads. “Modernization of nuclear arsenals could increase risks—for example, hypersonic missiles decrease the time available to distinguish between an attack and a false alarm, increasing the likelihood of rapid escalation.”

The editorial cautions that even a “limited” nuclear conflict involving just hundreds of atomic weapons—a small fraction of the global arsenal—”could kill 120 million people outright and cause global climate disruption leading to a nuclear famine, putting two billion people at risk.”

“A large-scale nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia could kill 200 million people or more in the near term and potentially cause a global ‘nuclear winter’ that could kill 5-6 billion people, threatening the survival of humanity,” the editorial continues. “Once a nuclear weapon is detonated, escalation to all-out nuclear war could occur rapidly. The prevention of any use of nuclear weapons is therefore an urgent public health priority and fundamental steps must also be taken to address the root cause of the problem—by abolishing nuclear weapons.”

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Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Chris Zielinski of the World Association of Medical Editors said in a statement that the joint publication is “an extraordinary development” given that medical journals typically “go to great lengths to ensure that the material they publish has not appeared in any other medical journals.”

“That all of these leading journals have agreed to publish the same editorial underlines the extreme urgency of the current nuclear crisis and the need for prompt action to address this existential threat,” said Zielinski.

The editorial was released as parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons convened in Vienna in preparation for the 2026 treaty review conference. Last year, the 10th review conference of the nonproliferation treaty ended without a consensus agreement as Russia opposed a draft summary document.

All the while, the global nuclear stockpile continued to grow.

According to recent research by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the nine nations currently known to possess nuclear weapons had 9,576 working nukes at the start of 2023, up slightly from the 9,490 total in January of last year.

The U.S.—the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons in war—and Russia control roughly 90% of the world’s nuclear arsenal.

None of the nuclear-armed countries have backed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, a legally binding international agreement that bars signatories from using, threatening to use, developing, stockpiling, or transferring atomic weaponry.

The new editorial argues that must change if the world is to step back from the brink of catastrophe.

“The health community has had a crucial role in efforts to reduce the risk of nuclear war and must continue to do so in the future,” the editorial states. “In the 1980s the efforts of health professionals, led by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), helped to end the cold war arms race by educating policymakers and the public on both sides of the Iron Curtain about the medical consequences of nuclear war. This was recognized when the 1985 Nobel peace prize was awarded to the IPPNW.”

Noting that IPPNW and other groups played critical roles in the development of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the editorial calls on health professionals worldwide to “join with the IPPNW to support efforts to reduce the near-term risks of nuclear war, including three immediate steps on the part of nuclear-armed states and their allies: first, adopt a no first use policy; second, take their nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert; and, third, urge all states involved in current conflicts to pledge publicly and unequivocally that they will not use nuclear weapons in these conflicts.”

“We further ask them to work for a definitive end to the nuclear threat by supporting the urgent commencement of negotiations among the nuclear-armed states for a verifiable, timebound agreement to eliminate their nuclear weapons,” the editorial adds. “The nuclear-armed states must eliminate their nuclear arsenals before they eliminate us.”

2023 World Conference against A and H Bombs


Excerpts from the conference schedule from Gensuikyo, The Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs

Theme and Schedule of the World Conference

Main Theme: With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World – for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet

Conference Schedule:

August 4 (Fri) – 5 (Sat): International Meeting (Hiroshima JA Building)
August 6 (Sun): Hiroshima Day Rally (Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center)
August 7 – 9: 2023 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Nagasaki
August 7 (Mon) Opening Plenary (Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium)
August 8 (Tue) Forums/ workshops/ field trips (different venues in Nagasaki City)
August 9 (Wed) Nagasaki Day Rally/ Closing Plenary (Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium)

International Meeting (First day)
Venue: Hiroshima JA Building

Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation is provided.

Format: In-person meeting & Livestreamed by Zoom

14:00-14:40 Opening Session

Opening declaration; Introduction of overseas delegates
Organizer’s speech: Noguchi Kunikazu, Co-Chair, Steering Committee
Greetings on behalf of the Hibakusha: Hamasumi Jiro, Assistant Secretary General,
Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo)
Presentation of messages

14:40-17:00 Session I: “Spreading voices of the Hibakusha to the world”


Kodama Michiko, Hibakusha of Hiroshima
Yokoyama Teruko, Hibakusha of Nagasaki
Special report on the Black Rain: Dr. Tamura Kazuyuki, Prof. Emeritus, Hiroshima Univ.
Lee_Ki-yeol Korean A-Bomb Casualty Association
Sim_Jin-tae Hapcheon Branch Chief, Korean A-Bomb Casualty Association
Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Representative of the Rongelap Islanders, the Marshall Islands.

Drafting Committee Meeting
Time: 19:00 – Venue: Hiroshima Road Building (2-9-24 Hikarimachi, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima. Conference room on the 3rd floor); One representative from each organization is invited to take part in the meeting.

August 5 (Saturday):
International Meeting (Second day)
Venue: Hiroshima JA Building

Format: In-person rally & Livestreamed by Zoom

09:30-12:00 Session II: Prohibition of nuclear weapons and achieving a world without nuclear weapons

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(Click here for a version in French.)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, U.S.
Oleg Bodrov, North-West Russia Peace Movement/ Public Council of the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland, Russia
Roland Nivet, French Peace Movement
Lee Jun Kyu, Institute for Unification and Peace Policy, Hadfnshin University, ROK
Yasui Masakazu, Secretary General, Japan Council against A and H Bombs

12:00-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-16:00 Session III: A nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world – Solidarity and actions of civil society


Margaret Engel, Peace Action New York, US
Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, U.K.
Reiner Braun, No NATO Campaign, Germany/ Former Executive Director, IPB
Ulla Klotzer, Global Women for Peace United against NATO, Finland
Sean Conner, Executive Director, International Peace Bureau (IPB)

16:00-16:30 Closing Session:

Proposal and adoption of the Declaration of the International Meeting

Closing remarks

August 6 (Sunday):
06:30 Meet at Sejour Fujita; Walk to the Peace Park

08:00-08:45 Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony (Hiroshima Peace Park)

Hiroshima Day Rally
Venue: Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center (4-1 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima.)

Time: 13:00-15:30 (JST) Format: In-person rally & Livestreamed by Zoom

Opening song; Opening remarks; Introduction of overseas delegates
Presentation of messages
Organizer’s keynote report: Tomida Koji, Drafting Committee Chair
Greetings by Hiroshima Mayor: Matsui Kazumi, Mayor of Hiroshima (TBC)
Greetings from the Hibakusha: Mimaki Toshiyuki, Co-Chair, Nihon Hidankyo
Guest speaker: Wada Shizuka, Writer/ Co-convenor, Signature campaign to urge the
Japanese government to join the TPNW
Greetings of solidarity from political parties/ parliamentarians
– Shii Kazuo, Chair, Japanese Communist Party
Special campaign: “Conveying Hibakusha’s voices to the world”: Hiroshima Shinfujin
– Setsuko Thurlow, Hibakusha of Hiroshima
– Yano Miyako, Hibakusha of Hiroshima
– Makino Kazumi, Chair, Black Rain Sufferers’ Association of Hiroshima
– Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Rongelap Islander, Marshall Islands
Prohibition of nuclear weapons/ achieving a world without nuclear weapons –Movements in nuclear powers and “nuclear umbrella” states
– Ersilia Soudais, Member of French National Assembly, France Unbowed
– Daniel Högsta, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
– Phan Thi Khanh Chi, Vietnam Peace Committee- ICAN (TBC)
– Corazon Fabros, Nuclear-Free Philippines Coalition/ IPB Co-President

Cultural Program: Chorus “Hiroshima – Rivers of Love” and speech by Nakazawa Misayo (wife of Nakazawa Keiji, author of the “Barefoot Gen”) -TBC

Report from the Scientists Forum of the 2023 World Conference “Sending out messages of peace from students, in the midst of stormy nuclear-arms buildup”

People’s campaign to urge the Japanese government to join the TPNW:
– Youth organizing Committee of Kochi Prefecture
– Toyoki Keiko, Kofu Citizens Association to urge the signing/ratification of TPNW
– Murakami Atsuko, Through marcher of Tokyo-Hiroshima course, 2023 Nationwide Peace March

Message from Hiroshima (Hiroshima Organizing Committee)
Adoption of a conference declaration

(Editor’s note: The program for Nagasaki is similar to that for Hiroshima. For details, go to the source website listed above.)

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) Has Announced its Intention to Nominate Three Remarkable Organizations with a Focus on the Right to Conscientious Objection for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize


A press release from the International Peace Bureau

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) has announced our intention to nominate three exceptional organizations for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize: the Russian Movement of Conscientious Objectors, the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, and the Belarusian organization “Our House”. The decision to nominate these three organizations is a testament to their unwavering dedication in advocating for the right to conscientious objection to military service and promoting human rights and peace in their respective countries.

The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the world’s most esteemed awards, recognizing individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the pursuit of peace and harmony. The nomination period for the 2024 prize will open on 1 September 2023 and the nominations will be promptly submitted for consideration.

The Russian Movement of Conscientious Objectors (, the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement (, and the Belarusian Our House ( have demonstrated unparalleled excellence and dedication in their efforts as defenders of peace, conscientious objection, and human rights, especially after the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine began on 24 February 2022 and despite the considerable stigmatization each organization has faced since.

The fundamental right to conscientious objection to military service is an inherent human right, protected under the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion as safeguarded by Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). This right remains inalienable, even during periods of public emergency, as explicitly stated in Article 4(2) of the ICCPR. Embracing conscientious objection is a concrete means of contributing to peace. Hence, it becomes imperative to emphasize and safeguard this fundamental human right, especially during times of war.

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Questions related to this article:
Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

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Even in the face of escalating threats, the three movements persist in their dedication to aiding individuals who resist war and military mobilization. Their focus is particularly on supporting those who endure persecution, torture, and imprisonment. This commitment encompasses all instances of forced and violent recruitment into participating armies, as well as the persecution of conscientious objectors, deserters, and non-violent anti-war demonstrators.

“We are humbled and honored to nominate these three remarkable movements for the Nobel Peace Prize. Their courage in championing the right to conscientious objection and their tireless efforts to promote peace and human rights serve as an inspiration to us all,” said Philip Jennings, Co-President of IPB.

By nominating these three movements, we seek to raise awareness about the importance of the right to conscientious objection, fostering peace and human rights. Furthermore, we hope that the announcement of this intended nomination will remind and pressure governments and nations across the globe to respect the right to conscientious objection in their own countries and provide alternatives to military service for those that object. This includes the right to asylum for conscientious objectors forced to flee their own countries in order to avoid military service.

We call other organizations and particularly Nobel Peace Laureates from across the globe to support this nomination. Together our voices in support for conscientious objection can protect those who are selflessly putting their lives on the line to defend their beliefs and their compatriots who reject war and violence.

The selection process for Nobel Peace Prize laureates is highly competitive and is conducted by esteemed committees dedicated to recognizing peace efforts worldwide. We firmly believe that these three movements stand among the most deserving candidates for this prestigious recognition.

About IPB

The International Peace Bureau is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Our current main programme centres on Disarmament for Sustainable Development and within this, our focus is mainly on the reallocation of military expenditure.  We are a Nobel Peace Laureate (1910); over the years, 13 of our officers have been recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
International Peace Bureau
+49 (0) 30 1208 4549
Marienstraße 19-20 10117, Berlin – Germany

(Editor’s note:To publish a comment on this article, send to with title, “comment on IPB”.)

Hiroshima Peace Declaration 2023


An article from the City of Hiroshima

Every year on August 6, the City of Hiroshima holds a Peace Memorial Ceremony to pray for the peaceful repose of the victims, for the abolition of nuclear weapons, and for lasting world peace. During that ceremony, the Mayor issues a Peace Declaration directed toward the world at large. As long as the need persists, Hiroshima’s mayor will continue to issue these declarations calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons from the face of the earth. This is part of Hiroshima’s effort to build a world of genuine and lasting world peace where no population will ever again experience the cruel devastation suffered by Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Video de la Declaration par mayor Matsui

Peace Declaration (2023)

“I want the leaders of all countries with nuclear weapons to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki and, using their own eyes and ears, learn the realities of the atomic bombings―the lives lost in an instant, the bodies charred by heat rays; lives lost in agony from burns and radiation, tended to by no one. I want them standing here to feel the full weight of the countless lives lost.” The hibakusha making this plea was eight years old when the bomb exploded 78 years ago. He always remembered that day as a living hell.

The heads of state who attended the G7 Hiroshima Summit in May this year visited the Peace Memorial Museum, spoke with hibakusha, and wrote messages in the guestbook. Their messages provide proof that hibakusha pleas have reached them. As they stood before the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims, I conveyed the Spirit of Hiroshima underlying its inscription. Enduring past grief, overcoming hatred, we yearn for genuine world peace with all humanity living in harmony and prosperity. I believe our spirit is now engraved in their hearts. And in this spirit, the first G7 Leaders’ Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament reaffirms their “commitment to the ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons with undiminished security for all,” and declares that their “security policies are based on the understanding that nuclear weapons, for as long as they exist, should serve defensive purposes….”

However, leaders around the world must confront the reality that nuclear threats now being voiced by certain policymakers reveal the folly of nuclear deterrence theory. They must immediately take concrete steps to lead us from the dangerous present toward our ideal world. In civil society, each of us must embrace the generosity and love for humanity embodied in the hibakusha message, “No one else should ever suffer as we have.” It will be increasingly important for us to urge policymakers to abandon nuclear deterrence in favor of a peaceful world that refuses to compromise individual dignity and security.

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(Click here for a version in French.)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Mahatma Gandhi, who pursued independence for his native India through absolute nonviolence, asserted, “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.” The Un General Assembly has adopted, as a formal document, a Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. To end the current war as quickly as possible, the leaders of nations should act in accordance with Gandhi’s assertion and the Programme of Action, with civil society rising up in response.

To that end, it will be vital to build a social environment in which our dreams and hopes come alive in our daily lives through contact with or participation in music, art, sports, and other activities that transcend language, nationality, creed, and gender. And to create that social environment, let us promote initiatives to instill the culture of peace everywhere. If we do, elected officials, who need the support of the people, will surely work with us toward a peaceful world.

The City of Hiroshima, together with more than 8,200 member cities of Mayors for Peace in 166 countries and regions, intends to promote the culture of peace globally through citizen-level exchange. Our goal is an environment in which our united desire for peace can reach the hearts of policymakers, helping to build an international community that maintains peace without relying on military force. We will continue to expand our programs to convey the realities of the atomic bombings to young people around the world so they can acquire the hibakusha’s passion for peace, spread it beyond national borders, and pass it on to future generations.

I ask all policymakers to follow in the footsteps of the leaders who attended the G7 Hiroshima Summit by visiting Hiroshima and sharing widely their desire for peace. I urge them to immediately cease all nuclear threats and turn toward a security regime based on trust through dialogue in pursuit of civil society ideals.

I further urge the national government to heed the wishes of the hibakusha and the peace-loving Japanese people by reconciling the differences between nuclear-weapon and non-nuclear-weapon states. Japan must immediately join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (Tpnw) and establish common ground for discussions on nuclear weapons abolition by attending, at least as an observer, the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Tpnw to be held in November this year. The average age of the hibakusha now exceeds 85. The lives of many are still impaired by radiation’s harmful effects on mind and body. Thus, I demand that the Japanese government alleviate their suffering through stronger support measures.

Today, at this Peace Memorial Ceremony commemorating 78 years since the bombing, we offer heartfelt condolences to the souls of the atomic bomb victims. Together with Nagasaki and likeminded people around the world, we pledge to do everything in our power to abolish nuclear weapons and light the way toward lasting world peace.

August 6, 2023
Matsui Kazumi


The City of Hiroshima