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Naciones Unidas y Cultura de Paz
Movimiento Mundial para una Cultura de Paz
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Por fecha
December 20, 2014

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UN Asia-Pacific forum opens meeting to advance gender equality When The World Said No To War: The Exhibition
"More than 700 representatives from governments, inter-governmental organizations, UN bodies and civil society in Asia and the Pacific began meeting today [19 November] to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment" "A collection of photos from around the world taken at anti-war protests in February 2003"
Nuclear disarmament: Greenpeace Champions the Marshall Islands Peace Song from Hiroshima to the World
"On April 24, 2014, The Marshall Islands filed unprecedented lawsuits in the International Court of Justice and U.S. Federal Court to hold the nine nuclear-armed nations accountable for flagrant violations of international law with respect to their nuclear disarmament obligations " "I began to promote this song through the Internet as one of iEARN( International Education and Resource Network) projects."
Angkhana Neelapaijit: A crusader of human rights and dignity in Thailand Nonkilling Political Science Takes Root Globally
"Angkhana Neelapaijit is the Chairwoman for the Justice for Peace Foundation, and has been termed "a leading human rights defender in Southern Thailand," by Amnesty International." "Volunteers are now translating Nonkilling Global Political Science into 11 languages"
8th International Conference of Museums for Peace Myanmar Invites Nonviolent Peaceforce to Support Peace Processes
"Directors and curators from peace and human rights museums from around the world as well as peace educators, activists, and artists presented their work, engaged in discussions, and forged bonds of friendship and collaboration" "providing technical advice in further refining and setting up ceasefire monitoring mechanisms . . . with the aim of avoiding misunderstandings that could eventually lead to violence "
Conferencia Mundial de la UNESCO sobre Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible 2014 Recent Activities of APCEIU: The Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding
"Se subrayará la función de la ESD en la transición hacia modelos sociales y económicos más respetuosos del medio ambiente, y como catalizadora de la planificación y ejecución de programas transversales, en ámbitos como el cambio climático, la biodiversidad y la reducción del riesgo de desastres." "a three-year project (2006-2008) on Situational Analysis of education for international understanding (EIU) and sustainable development (ESD) in Asia and the Pacific region "
Conférence mondiale de l’UNESCO sur l’éducation en vue du développement durable – Apprendre aujourd’hui en vue d’un développement durable 2014 Teaching and Learning for Peace Foundation
"Elle soulignera le rôle joué par l’EDD en matière de transition vers des économies et des sociétés vertes, et en tant que catalyseur de la planification et de la mise en œuvre intersectorielles de programmes axés sur des domaines tels que le changement climatique, la biodiversité ou la réduction des risques de catastrophes." "We consider the most powerful change agent to be a good story especially if it is illustrated well"
UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development 2014 International Institute on Peace Education 2012
"It will highlight the role of ESD for the transition to green economies and societies and as a catalyst for cross-sector planning and implementation of programmes in areas such as climate change, biodiversity and disaster risk reduction." "educating for human security and survival: emergencies in ecology, energy, economy "
Philippines: Mindanao mayors back Bangsamoro Basic Law Training Workshop on Educational Policy and Education for International Understanding
" to turn the resource-rich island into a “land of peace and opportunity, where there are no more conflict, hunger and suffering." "so that the trainees can have a comparative reflection on their local educational conditions and envision for better policy and system towards a Culture of Peace"
Meet Auckland’s Peace Diplomat [New Zealand] World’s young volunteers promote peace, culture and sustainable development in South Korea
"We must cultivate a Culture of Peace in the home, community, nationally and internationally." "The workcamps are part of UNESCO’s strategy of action to empower young people through participation in activities that encourage volunteering and ensure that youth participate as equal and valuable partners in the society "
International Scholars, Peace Advocates and Artists Condemn Agreement To Build New U.S. Marine Base in Okinawa Running for Peace
" to rally international support for Okinawans in their inspiring and essential nonviolent campaign to end seventy years of military colonization" "To say no to the nuclear weapons, the Japanese sport for all association, SHINTAIREN, organizes each year a symbolic running relay between Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a distance of 500 km ... as we passed through towns, children gave us paper cranes."
Bali summit: Are women our best hope for fighting climate change? Japanese Coop Members Favor Abolition of Nuclear Energy
"We have to change the system, not the climate, right? I think that we, as women, are in a very important moment right now, politically and historically speaking. Now is the era of women." "In the questionnaire survey with co-op members, 51% agreed with 'abolition in the long run', 15% settled on 'early abolition' and 19% 'in status quo'. "
Hong Kong’s Occupy Central pushes for ‘genuine democracy’ Mayor Welcomes Peace Forum
"hundreds of thousands of protesters took part in the annual July 1 march to call for a more direct election of the chief executive in 2017" "As far as I know, this is the first time in New Zealand that local government has assisted in gathering together relevant stakeholders to think intentionally about how to create and sustain a peaceful community, rather than to do so reactively after some terrible event "
Stand with us as we prepare for the Pacific Climate Warrior Journey! UN-Habitat and ICLEI unveil the EcoMobility World Festival
"We’ve been building traditional canoes across the Islands. Pacific Climate Warriors will journey to Australia, where they will use the canoes to peacefully lay down a challenge to the fossil fuel industry." "EcoMobility is travel through integrated, socially inclusive, and environmentally-friendly transport options, including and integrating walking, cycling, wheeling. "
Hiroshima peace declaration on 69th anniversary of atomic bombing International Scholars, Peace Advocates and Artists Condemn Agreement To Build New U.S. Marine Base in Okinawa
" the importance of young people making friends around the world, and unceasing efforts to build, not a culture of war, but a culture of peace." " to rally international support for Okinawans in their inspiring and essential nonviolent campaign to end seventy years of military colonization"
Women's Rights Groups Demand that US Stop Negotiating TPP with Brunei Until the Sultan Revokes New Taliban-Like Laws Bali summit: Are women our best hope for fighting climate change?
"There is simply no place in a civilized society for kill-a-gay and flog-a-woman penal codes." "We have to change the system, not the climate, right? I think that we, as women, are in a very important moment right now, politically and historically speaking. Now is the era of women."