An article from Alwihda Info (translated by CPNN)
The Minister of Communication, Culture, Sports and Civic Training, Guy Madjé LORENZO opened this Tuesday [March 28] in the premises of the Regional Institute of Higher Education and Research in Cultural Development (IRES -RDEC) in Lomé, the work of defense of the first promotion (2014-2016) of master in “culture of peace and development”.

During four semesters of training, students gained theoretical and practical skills on subjects such as conflict and the mechanisms of their resolution, preventive conflict management. They may also conduct projects related to peacebuilding.
For Minister LORENZO, “the establishment in the subregion of the Master in Culture of Peace and Development is the fruit of a new initiative to be welcomed”. The Minister of Communications also invited the recipients to serve as an example for future promotions.
It should be noted that 34 students from Benin, Niger and Togo attended the training. Of these, four graduated and five dropped out. The Regional Institute for Higher Education and Research in Cultural Development is a school for regional training and integration in culture related to development.
(Click here for the original version of this article in French)