A study, described in CPNN, finds that nonviolent resistance, including mass protest marches, are more effective than violent resistance in both the short term and the long term. The analysis, stemming from a research project on Nonviolent Resistance and Democratic Consolidation, is based on 101 democratic transitions that occurred within the time period of 1945 to 2006. Using data from the Varieties of Democracy Database the researchers analyze improvements for civil society organizations (CSOs, i.e. interest groups, labor unions, religious organizations, social movements, and classic NGOs) after democratic transitions. They compare cases where democratization was induced by an NVR campaign (like Poland and Benin) with transition cases that did not feature an NVR campaign (i.e. violent or elite-led transitions). The four aspects of CSOs that were evaluated include: (1) independence from government, (2) freedom from repression, (3) consultation of CSOs for policymaking, and (4) participation in CSOs.
This question applies to the following recent articles in CPNN:
Honduras: A massive march cries out for peace in Olancho
Indian farmers call off lengthy protest after govt assurances
Thousands demonstrate in France to stop violence against women
VIEW Reactions to India’s decision to repeal farm laws
Successful start of the Latin American March for Nonviolence, Multiethnic and Pluricultural
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Belarus: Women at the forefront of human rights struggle
France: Thousands protest against bill to curb filming of police
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Tens of thousands march in southern India to protest citizenship law
A Worldwide Revolution Is Underway
Kazakhstan: Protests of presidential vote bring 500 arrests
Czech Republic: Prague crowds demand PM Andrej Babis step down
Sudan: top UN official demands cessation of violence and rape against civilians by security forces
Hong Kong protesters march demanding leader resign
Brazil: general strike highlights Bolsonaro’s weakness
Celebrating arrests, but still pushing for change, protesters rally in Algeria
Israeli woman hold mass rallies to protest rising violence against women
How Nonviolent Resistance Helps to Consolidate Gains for Civil Society after Democratization
Philippine Catholics march against Duterte’s deadly war on drugs
Live long and protest: the power of mass action is alive in Romania
USA: Women’s marches fight back against inauguration of Trump
Nonviolence Highlights in 2016
40,000 Create Human Chains to Protest Violence in Honduras
March of Hope gathers 20,000 in historic Jerusalem rally
Colombia: Youth for Peace: Mass marches in 16 cities across the country
Papua New Guinea: Thousands march to ‘make a stand for peace’
For CPNN articles on this topic prior to 2015, click here.