An article by George Manford in The Island Sun
MALAITA and Guadalcanal provincial governments have supported the idea of peace education for both province’s education authorities.

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Deputy Premier of Guadalcanal Hon Peter Aroanisaka said this is a step forward to find lasting peace through education.
“We could find links for our students to have access through attending our various high schools in our two respective provinces.
“This initiative is much important for both education authorities (EA’s) to build relationship for malaita and Guadalcanal provinces.
“It also creates a goal which is peace through education within these two EAs and for the rest of Solomon Islands.
“We want to see true peace and true education among our students and leaders.
“They are time bombs in the future if we don’t create this kind of initiatives for these future generations.”
Speaking on behalf of Malaita provincial government, deputy and the acting premier of Malaita province Hon Alick Maeaba said, “We have to come up with re-creative ideas to contribute on the values of our education.
“The Malaita provincial government see this importance to build this relationship not only through education but through political levels.
“The Malaita provincial government will stand and support the initiative for the betterment of our children in the future.
“We are looking forward for the idea to be implemented Maeaba revealed.”
The delegation also visited Aligegeo PSS and Kware community high school in west Fataleka north Malaita.
(Thank you to the Global Campaign for Peace Education for calling this to our attention.)