A song for peace


A request received by email at CPNN

Dear CPNN,

I am humbly reaching out to you and your esteemed partners for a collaboration with your organisation to campaign for peace and for women empowerment and children safety using my song titled Peace World Need, music released early this year.

Frame from video of the song

It’s been a desire to reach out far calling on your organisation with proposal.

In this, I am humbly looking at song put on the airwaves to have message out to the people. It is often the case that the more a message is communicated to people, it impacts on their thinking to influence subsequent decisions and to a larger extent subsequent actions of the people.


We are all one people
One nation
Let us unite

Many language
Varying beliefs
But we are all one

Hurt no woman
Helping children

We need one another
For a better world

Save a life, save a life
Loving one another
As much as we can
Save a life, save a life
No other way to our peace.

Question for this article:

What place does music have in the peace movement?

How can just one or a few persons contribute to peace and justice?


Daniel AYISI is a Ghanaian in Ghana coming from the Eastern region for the father side and from the Ashanti region the mother side currently living in Kumasi, the city in Ashanti Region.

Music has been a dual occupation alongside his accountancy profession being a graduate in Business Administration 
Born on the 1st of December, he recalls some instance tracing when and how he came up with music. At the primary school in the boarding house he recalls he was made the entertainment prefect. He recalls he was playing the konka drum for songs performed by colleagues during entertainment but do not know when he learnt playing this local drum. At the youthful age, he recalls he wrote and composed a song for the youth church choir, a song the choir leader commented was interesting though unused.

Music composition has been carried out through out his life partially realizing most of his songs in different genres at amazon music years ago. It was from 2018 he took up music occupation for a career fully releasing some singles and an EP and also having a video on the you tube EP titled, Thanksgiving, same title for music video.


Name of Artist : Daniel AYISI
Artist Name: Daniel AYISI
Country of Origin: Ghana
Music Status: Independent Music Artist- Composer, Songwriter, Singer, Producer.
Copyright Affiliation: CMMRA
Other Contacts: WhatsApp Mobile Phone: +233 543 050 667.