An article from the Tribuna de Minas
The project “Weaving Networks for a Culture of Peace and Violence Prevention” was part of the Culture of Peace Fair, held this Monday (the 19th), in Juiz de Fora in front of the Cine-Theatro Central. The objective of the event is to show the project’s contributions to the establishment of an effective network for preventing and coping with the various forms of violence in the city.

The event is organized by the Intersectoral Nucleus for the Prevention of Violence and the Promotion of Peace (Photo: Divulgação)
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Can festivals help create peace at the community level?
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The event is organized by the Intersectoral Nucleus for the Prevention of Violence and the Promotion of Peace, implemented through municipal decree 15.034, of February 18 of this year. Institutions and professionals that make up the nucleus presented the actions that they have developed.
For the professor of Psychology and coordinator of Culture of Peace, Cacilda Andrade de Sá, this was an opportunity to address a sensitive issue in a more welcoming way. “We aim to bring knowledge from the university to the community in general. In today’s case, the focus was on violence prevention by knowing the types of violence and proposing actions to reduce them, bringing a culture of peace to the population of Juiz de Fora.”
The project is a partnership between the Municipality of Juiz de Fora (PJF) and the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and seeks to contribute to the development of the Municipal Plan for Strengthening the Prevention of “External Causes”.
(Editor’s note. “External causes” in this case refers to injuries and deaths that are not caused by cancer or other malady present in the individual concerned, but that are caused by accidents, inflicted violence, etc.)
(Click here for a Portuguese version of this article)