Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN
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The following 157 events in 7 countries formerly part of the Soviet Union were listed in Google during the week of September 21-28 this year under the key words “Международный день мира”and “Міжнародний день миру”, as well as “International day of peace”.

In addition to these, 16 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

Note: To save space, where there are many entries for a city, we have provided the text from one or two and only the link for the others.

from Irshava, Ukraine


On September 21, 2021, the curator of the 11 O-B group, Gordievskaya Lyudmila Ivanovna, held an information hour on the topic “SEPTEMBER 21 IS INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE”. The students prepared a presentation and discussed the history of the holiday.


Two families were registered in Glubokoe on International Day of Peace.. . . Honorable guests came to congratulate the young families: the head of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the regional executive committee, deputy chairman of the regional organization of the Belarusian Peace Fund, Lyudmila Karnilovich, and the chairman of the regional union of trade unions, Tatyana Lazarenok. . . . Lyudmila Fedorovna and Tatyana Antonovna presented the newlyweds with symbolic gifts: let the doves of peace protect their families from disagreements and horseshoes of happiness bring them good luck.


On International Day of Peace, in Belarus, children born on September 21 receive the title “Child of Peace”. This time the activists of the NGO “Belarusian Peace Foundation” have planned the action “We are for world peace!”.


On this day, all educational institutions of the Kopyl region held various events dedicated to the theme “Dove of Peace”, class hours “Only with the kindness of hearts” and informational breaks “Peace is friendship” for students in grades 1-4. Master classes in plasticinography “Dove of Peace”, an educational program and creative work on paper products “Bird of Peace” and “Flower of Peace” were organized. For students of grades 5-9, an information and educational program “The strength of the country in the unity of the people” was held. A dialogue platform on the topic “National Unity – the Basis of Peace” was organized for students in grades 10-11, where children could speak and discuss current topics.


On September 20, within the framework of events timed to coincide with the International Day of Peace, a meeting was held by the student club of the UNESCO Chair of the Moscow State Linguistic University “Peace and Tolerance through the Study of Foreign Languages ​​and Civic Education” and the student scientific circle “We Live and Learn the Culture of Peace” with the city branch of the Belarusian Peace Fund. Topics for discussion: How the Peace Fund was created, what are its goals and objectives, how are such actions and projects of the Fund implemented.


It is very symbolic that the Belarusian Peace Foundation today, on September 21, is holding an action “Our attention to war and labor veterans.” Its meaning is to organize the most comfortable conditions for patients in hospitals.. . . The action was also supported by the Minister of Healthcare Dmitry Pinevich, “the fact that this happens on the Day of Peace and the Year of National Unity is very symbolic. And the fact that this particular form of assistance has been chosen has an even deeper meaning. After all, it was they, the veterans, who brought peace to our land ”.


On September 21, the primary organizations of the State Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 6 of Molodechno” held a joint action “We need peace on the whole planet!” Participants of the action were invited to write their wishes. This idea found a response and interest among all high school students, teachers and parents. The action resulted in a wonderful collage – a message about the preservation of the world.


On September 21, 2021, the group “Solnyshko” (kindergarten “Ojake”) and the group “Kakuke” (kindergarten “Kelluke”) held a joint event in honor of “International Day of Peace”

The event began with a mobile game “Pass the hand” on the method of Kiiusamisest vabaks! together with the main heroes – Bears. During this task, children were tuned to a positive communication, learned to express emotions: joy or surprise. . . .At the end of the event, the children played the game “Drawings on the back of another” according to the method “Kiiusamisest vabaks!”. Thanks to such activities, children learn through the game to cooperate, understand and accept emotions. And especially valuable is the fact that mutual respect develops the skills of respect for people of different nationalities!


International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21th every year, is a global urge to stop fire and violence. Today the Board of gender equality of Baghdati joined in the activies (with photos of children celebrating)


Today, September 21 is celebrated by the peoples of the world as the International Day of Peace. The main goal is to call for the celebration and strengthening of the ideals of peace within states and peoples, as well as among them, Asylbek Zhumabayev, chairman of the Public Consent Council under the regional APK, said at a press conference in the Regional Communications Service today.


On September 21, Akmola regional branch of the People’s Party of Kazakhstan celebrated the International Day of Peace, and held the action “Kokshetau people – vote for peace!” Residents of the regional center answered the main question, what does the word “peace” mean to them? 76 years have passed since the last salvo of the war, so how much do we, the heirs of Victory, value this fragile peace today? The townspeople talked about the need to improve the quality of education, health care, about the problems of development, about the rise in prices for electricity, about the terrible state of “drinking” water.


International Day of Peace was celebrated in Bishkek under the UN program and the support of the International Center of Roerich. The organizers were the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, the Tien Shan Society of the Roerichs, the Kyrgyz Society of the Siege of Leningrad and the City Council of Veterans. During the opening ceremony at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, the bell was traditionally struck and everyone could sign on the symbolic ribbon of peace.. .. The round table “Peace and Culture – two sacred strongholds of mankind” was also held there.


Arkhangelsk schoolchildren released white doves into the sky on International Day of Peace. Beforehand, poems were recited on the playground near the school.


In the Balakovo branch of the Regional Special Library for the Blind, an educational hour “In peace and harmony” was held, dedicated to the International Day of Peace.


September 21 – International Day of Peace. In the library center “Yuzhny” with pupils of grade 4 of 22 schools within the framework of the action “We are for Peace” an educational game program “Colorful Planet” was held. The students made a virtual trip to the countries of the Eurasian continent. They got to know Japan, China, India, America, Australia, Russia. From the librarian’s story, the children learned about the traditions, sights and achievements of the countries, and also played the national games “Races on the Prairie”, “Japanese courtesy”, “Jimmy, dance”, “Take the handkerchief”.


Every year on September 21, the international community celebrates the International Day of Peace. Of course, lyceum students could not stand aside! They joined the # chalk4peace # sing4peace # dance4peace # turntable world promotions. As part of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, the children of our lyceum created postcards for the nursing home. We discussed the events dedicated to the actions “No Terrorism!”, “No Extremism!” We have formulated hashtags, slogans of peace. Then we held a song flash mob “Songs of the World” together with the students of Lyceum 33 in Ivanovo. Also, they were awaited by the master class “Pinwheel of the world”. During a teleconference with the city of Ivanovo, lyceum students from two cities created turntables and discussed the goals of sustainable development.


International Day of Peace is celebrated on 21 September. The campaign “Different nationalities – common values” is timed to coincide with it, which will take place at 17:00 in the Bashkiria lifestyle center.


International Day of Peace was celebrated in the youth department “Peer”. Q creative lesson was held here, during which the children learned about the history of the holiday, and also made white paper doves – one of the famous symbols of peace.


Kindergarten No. 21 “Rosinka”. On the International Day of Peace, our pupils took part in the thematic exhibition “How beautiful is peace!”


On September 21, 2021 in the groups: “Romashka”, “Teremok”, “Yagodka”, “Yablonka” MBDOU kindergarten No. 28 “Kolosok” held events dedicated to the action “Dove of Peace”….they read poems about peace by V. Orlov “House under a blue roof” and O. Maslova “Let there be peace”, listened to the song with the children: “Let there always be sun” music by A. Ostrovsky, words by L. Oshanin, and also watched the presentation” Dove – a symbol of peace and happiness on earth “, in which preschoolers got acquainted with the history of the holiday.


International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21 as the day of an all-general ceasefire and non-violence. As part of its holding, the Imenkovsky rural house of culture, together with the rural library, organized a holiday in which children’s groups took part.


For the International Day of Peace and the World Day of Russian Unity. Students of the association “Young local historian” MAOU DO CTR and GO “Harmony”, which was opened within the framework of network interaction on the basis of the school in the village of Koshuki, held an action “Day of Peace” and drew a bright poster.


Madou Kindergarten Number 1 “Ryabinushka. Click here for video of celebration


The International Day of Peace was celebrated by students of gymnasium №32. We launch pigeons, draw pigeons, ”says Elena Lyamina, deputy director for educational work. This year, balloons instead of doves. Primary school students took part in the action – more than 200 people, each of them launched a white balloon into the sky. Click here for a video.


On the International Day of Peace, the UB Secretary General and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation conveyed greetings to the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly. A reception was held at the GlavUpDK Cultural Center at the Russian Foreign Ministry in honor of the International Day of Peace. The reception was attended by prominent public and scientific figures, representatives of UN international organizations, UNESCO, FAO, SCO, representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry and diplomatic missions of foreign states in the Russian Federation.


On September 21, 2021, the Cosmonautics and Aviation Center at VDNKh will host free thematic excursions “Peace in Space and on Earth” dedicated to the International Day of Peace, and on September 26 – another digest, within the framework of which Denis Prudnik, Chairman of the Youth Council of the Russian Space Society, will tell about the latest developments in the field of astronautics. Guests of the Cosmonautics and Aviation Center will enjoy free thematic excursions “The World in Space”. They will be dedicated to the International Day of Peace. Visitors will learn about the historical path of the development of new thinking – from the ideas of the conquest of interplanetary space by two superpowers – the USSR and the USA – to the ideas of uniting all countries for the sake of achieving common goals for the benefit of all mankind. The guide will tell you how the military rivalry between the two countries has grown into friendship and cooperation in space exploration. Guests will learn about projects such as Soyuz-Apollo, Intercosmos, Mir station, International Space Station and much more.



House of Culture “Povedniki”. “We are for peace.” Video lecture for the International Day of Peace. 15.00. Youth Center “Impulse” (Mira str., 9). Open lesson of the creative workshop “Russian Patterns”. 16.00. House of Culture “Pirogovsky” (village Pirogovo). Conversation and master class on making a figurine of a crane dedicated to the International Day of Peace. 18.00.


September 21 GAPOU “Naberezhnye Chelny College of Arts” took part in the action “Let there be peace on Earth.” History teachers Sharovoy M.O. and Karpova A.N. a class hour was organized, at which 1st year students of the “Design” department presented an exhibition of drawings.


On this day, the International Day of Peace, all residents of Novonikolaevsky and members of the Novonikolaevsky – Our Home group learned the history of this holiday on the Odnoklassniki website. For their attention the photo exhibition “World – Peace! No war!” And also videos “September 21 – International Day of Peace!”


Since “Peace in the World” continues to be an unrealizable fairy tale, the Bajushki Center decided to go the opposite way and began to create a magical world of fairytale families . In the opinion of storytellers, only family creativity can today become the basis of a modern family, thanks to which they will live “happily ever after.” Now in the Center “Bayushki” there is a whole block of creative family projects at the start, which will be carried out in collaboration with all the good forces of our city of Novosibirsk.


Today, September 21, on the International Day of Peace, the youth policy department of the Orenburg administration is launching an action timed to coincide with the holiday. Its essence is to decorate the “ Spruce tree of Friendship ” located in the park. Pervovsky, a symbol of peace – a white dove. Every resident of Orenburg can take part in the action, come to the park and hang a dove made from paper on a spruce tree. The tree of friendship is located in the park on the alley” Eurasia”. The tree symbolizes strong interethnic relations and friendship of peoples.


Within the framework of the important social action “Dove of Peace”, the leaders of the Petrovsk Children’s House of Arts under the guidance of the curator Andrey Bragin, with great pleasure, made white doves out of paper and handed them out to the residents of Petrovsk


On September 21, the action “Dove of Peace” took place in Polyarnye Zory. Today, on the International Day of Peace, the action “A single hour of spirituality” Dove of Peace “took place on the Heroes-Pilots Square. This action is designed to contribute to the establishment of peace on Earth and the rejection of violence. Every year on this day, we remember with gratitude all those who gave their lives for the victory over fascism, both during the Great Patriotic War and in all modern wars and conflicts.


Within the framework of the International Day of Peace, employees of the Regional Center for Pre-conscription Training of Youth, together with pupils of the military-patriotic association “Flame”, conducted a flash mob “Dove of Peace” for residents of the Zavodskoy district of the city of Saratov. Young patriots told passers-by the story of the holiday, about the consequences of numerous wars and the importance of the struggle for peace for every inhabitant of our planet. All the participants of the action were presented with symbolic figures of doves with wishes of peace, kindness, love and freedom. A master class was held to the well-known musical composition of Isaac Dunaevsky, and everyone could make a paper dove using the origami technique – a symbol of peace!


In honor of the celebration of the international day of peace, volunteers of the Insight club made and handed out a “symbol of peace”, origami-cranes, and also asked what the word MIR means for the visitors of the Youth Center.


On the International Day of Peace, students of the 5-A grade (class teacher Koval ES) prepared and conducted a small event called “Dove of Peace” for the sponsored grade 1-A. First-graders listened attentively to the information about the holiday, answered the quiz questions. The event was decorated with beautifully performed poems and bright posters made by 5-A grade students.


Actions on September 21
13:00 – Korobovskaya library – “Dove of Peace”
14:00 – Cinema lecture hall, Misheronsky Palace of Culture – “International Day of Peace”


“Kindergarten of combined orientation No. 6” of the city of Sosnovoborsk (MADOU DSKN No. 6 of Sosnovoborsk). In our garden, in the “Fairy Tale” group, an event dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held. Children prepared postcards, which were presented to the residents of our city during the excursion.


This year, Peace Day will be held at three points at once on Vasilievsky Island:
– Annunciation Garden (Maly Prospect of Vasilievsky Island, house No. 17/72) from 11:00;
– Alexander Grin’s Garden (10th line of Vasilievsky Island, house number 37) from 14:00;
– Oleg Karavaichuk’s Garden (15th line of Vasilievsky Island, house number 50-58) from 12:00.
Lectures on urbanism and ecology, a competition of children’s drawings and photographs, concerts, master classes, film screenings and much more are waiting for the participants of the holiday.In addition, within the framework of the Day of Peace, a competition was announced for the best project of a mural on the firewall of house No. 50 on the 15th line of Vasilievsky Island. The subject of the image is the composer Oleg Karavaichuk, who has lived in a nearby building for over 80 years.


In kindergarten No. 280 of the Ordzhonikidze district, the events “Children for Peace on Earth!” Were held. Children drew our planet on paper with their palms, listened to songs, read poems about the world, danced.


On the International Day of Peace, in the hero-city of Volgograd, the traditional annual action “Ringing of Peace, Memory and Joy” was held. This year it took place in the Alexander Garden – next to the cathedral of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky consecrated the day before. Early in the morning, teachers and schoolchildren, activists of public organizations, representatives of the Volgograd authorities gathered here. The audience was greeted by the director of lyceum No. 5, chairman of the committee on education, culture, youth policy of the city Duma Larisa Tropkina – thanks to her initiative and support, the Peace Bell has been ringing in Volgograd for the 9th year in a row.. . . At the end of the action, the schoolchildren traditionally released doves into the sky, and then all together visited the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, where one of the main Orthodox holidays, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, was celebrated on that day.


Volgograd State Medical University celebrated the International Day of Peace. Foreign students of the University supported the tradition of the United Nations Organization and told about their home countries and customs to schoolchildren in Volgograd.



College of Music named after Rostropovich. Science teacher Anna Nikolaevna Starodubtseva, together with 1st year students, will take part in the action dedicated to the International Day of Peace. . . . Participants will be told about the history of the festive date. At the end of the action, students will traditionally launch white balloons into the sky.


On September 21, representatives of the Zamoskvorechye Children’s Creativity Center launched the Peace Bell online challenge. All participants need to post a video clip at this link: https://youtu.be/ncphnRRYK1s along with the hashtags #Kolokolmira #InternationaldayMira #CDT_Zamoskvorechye on their pages on social networks. Thus, the sound of the bell will be heard everywhere, ”said Olga Safronova, an employee of the press service of the Zamoskvorechye Center.


In recent years, more than 80 organizations and initiative groups from all regions of the country have joined the solidarity action. They held flash mobs, lectures, performances, film screenings, bike rides and many other interesting events. This year open-air dialogue actions will take place in 10 Ukrainian cities. Public activists, anti-terrorist operation / environmental protection veterans, displaced persons, representatives of local authorities, and concerned city residents will gather at the common table. The dialogues will be organized by a network of public initiatives and individual active citizens who are building a democratic society in Ukraine. Also in six cities will be a performance “Accord”, organized by the Kyrgyz cultural center “KUDUK” and the organization “Theater of Change”. “Peace Day in Ukraine is about a peaceful and just society. During the Russian-Ukrainian war in Donbass, more than 12,000 Ukrainians died. And more than 1.5 million people have lost their homes, jobs and friends. Veterans, doctors, volunteers and activists are still dying on the front lines for us to live in a peaceful society, ” said Dmytro Kuznetsov , a coach for the reintegration of ATO / OOS veterans and their families. . . . Educational and cultural events will take place across the country: from the town of Tyachiv on the border with Romania and Hungary to Belovodsk in the Luhansk region. It is already known that meaningful discussions, constructive discussions and search for joint solutions will be organized by activists in Batyovo, Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk, Tyachev, Chernivtsi in the west, Zaporizhia, Melitopol, Nova Kakhovka in the south, Belovodsk, Lysychansk and Slovyansk in the west. Young people from these cities will take part in peacekeeping dialogue both at the community level and at the interregional level.


the Avdiyivski zagalno-svitnі schools І-ІІІ steps №6 and №7 traditionally celebrated the All-Ukrainian campaign “dove of peace” for the International Day of Peace. Teachers have prepared paper doves, which are a symbol of peace, and they have embellished the territory of schools with them. They also held a competition for children on the asphalt “I paint peace.”


On International Day of Peace, September 21, “Artek” took part in a teleconference linking the children’s center with schools and Russian centers in the Czech Republic, Portugal, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Switzerland and Malta. Modern teenagers and their mentors talked about what peace, friendship mean to them and what can unite people in different countries, on different continents.. . . The guys came to the conclusion that today’s children can contribute to the preservation of peace: strengthen contacts with each other, debunk prejudices, learn to be friends. Artek residents agreed with their peers on the importance of such meetings in the future for promoting the values ​​of friendship, intercultural interaction and cooperation between children and youth of the countries.


Click here for the video made for International Day of Peace by students of Bobrynets Agrarian Vocational College.


On September 21, 2021, the Dove of Peace action took place in the Bohodukhiv Lyceum G2 on the occasion of the Day of Peace. From early morning, the members of the Student Council of the lyceum greeted the teachers, students and staff of the lyceum, attaching paper doves to all who came to the educational institution. Everyone had the opportunity to join the creation of the Book of Peace.Students of grades 5-6 took part in the flash mob “Let there be peace on the planet Earth” and together with students of grades 7-11 created thematic exhibitions of flowers and natural materials. (with photos)


On the occasion of the Day of Peace, the Boratyn primary school hosted thematic events. Class teachers conducted peace lessons and hours of communication. (with photos)


Students of Bucha School №4 joined the celebration of this event. The children drew pictures with wishes of peace, happiness and clear skies. 4th grade students of Bucha NEC “BIRCH” encouraged younger students to friendship, peace, justice, good deeds, love and respect each other, gave the symbols of the day – doves, made with their own hands. Also, students of 8-B class of Sinyakivsky Chemical-Technological Lyceum №15 joined the All-Ukrainian campaign “Peace Dove”. The children made paper doves as a symbol of peace and spiritual development of the nation. . . .Thematic events were held at Zdvizhivska Gymnasium on the occasion of the Day of Peace. The day began with a flash mob “Peace Dove”, which was prepared by elementary school students. They prepared doves and drawings with a bird of peace in advance. During the day, a competition of projects “I am for peace in Ukraine” was held.


In support of the All-Ukrainian educational campaign “Peace Dove”, September 21 The following events were held in the The first city gymnasium of the Cherkasy city council, a
UNESCO Associated School: radio line in different languages, thematic exhibition of library books “Let there be Peace”, Quest “Symbols of Peace”, thematic design of gymnasium corridors and classrooms, meeting with the ATO participant, creation of the Peace Dove panel, flowers laid at the monument to the fallen soldiers, lectures on the holiday of peace in different countries, an action with primary school students “Postcard for a soldier”, an exhibition of drawings “Peace walks the planet” and more.


The International Day of Peace is traditionally celebrated on September 21 in Ukraine and all over the world. At the Prydniprovska Secondary School, 1st and 2nd grade students in the extended day group listened to an informational minute and painted thematic drawings. (with photos)


September 21 is the International Day of Peace. On this occasion, the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs held thematic events. From early morning in the lobby of the university was placed a canvas depicting the dove of peace – the traditional symbol of the holiday. Students of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education and Management met employees and applicants for higher education in a living corridor with yellow and blue balls in their hands. On paper figures in the form of birds, the applicants wrote wishes to the anti-terrorist operation fighters. They will be handed over to the defenders through volunteers. Also on this day, a meeting was held with the head of the ATO Museum Vadym Yakushenko and the ATO Museum researcher, writer Hanna Toryanyk. After communicating with the guests, the students watched the documentary “Ways of Donbass”.


At the Dniprorudne gymnasium “Sofia” on the International Day of Peace students of 10-B in an educational hour discussed the topic of peace with the class teacher Elena Starokon. Interesting thoughts, adult views on important issues. And at the end of the lesson the children launched the doves of peace – let them fly …


On September 21, the social and psychological service of Dubno lyceum organized and held an action “For me, peace is…” on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. The aim of the action is to draw attention to the question of peace and effective ways to achieve it. The event was joined by students of grades 5-11 and teachers. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the Day of Peace, the scale of its celebration in different countries, learn about the originator of the symbol of peace, watching informational materials and videos. Continuing the sentences “For me, peace is…”, “What am I doing to make peace?”, The children wrote their thoughts on symbolic paper doves of peace.


On the International Day of Peace, Gymnasium students of Fedorovskaya comprehensive school of I-II degrees reflected their vision of peace on paper as part of the “Peace through the eyes of children” campaign. Each student created a unique creative work. Everyone had the opportunity to get acquainted with the works of talented students. We wish everyone a peaceful sky, because it opens up prospects for humanity, without reducing them to the struggle for survival!


On the International Day of Peace, Haisyn Lyceum №7 hosted the following events:
– educational classes “Let there be peace in the whole earth”, “Peace on earth – joy in the family”, “To stand together for peace – not to be at war”;
– exhibitions of drawings: “Fly, our dove is a symbol of peace, good and light”, “Let there be peace”;
– action “Dove of Peace”;
– students of the school took part in the charity event “Gift to the East”


Hannopil NVK (educational complex): photos of student activities for the International Day of Peace


Horodyshche Economic Lyceum celebrated the Day of Peace.. . . This day is designed to make people not only think about peace, but also act for it. Today in our lyceum we remember that our Ukraine belongs to those points of the globe where there is a war.


Photos from school celebration in Hrushiv Secondary School.


For the International Day of Peace is celebrated. The Irpin Vocational College of Economics and Law hosted a competition to write the best work on the topic: “With peace in the heart”. The winners were chosen from 40 works written by second-year students. So congratulations to them.. . . We thank the participants and wish everyone to live in harmony with themselves and peace in their hearts!


Every year our institution, Irshavsky School No. 2, joins the celebration of the Day of Peace: a school-wide action was held, during which children unfurled Peace umbrellas in the hope that they would protect Ukraine and our entire planet from war just as they protect us from the rain… Also, all students of our institution joined the All-Ukrainian educational activity « The dove of peace. (with many photos)


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which is traditionally celebrated in Ukraine and around the world on September 21, thematic events were held in Ivashkovets ZZSO I-III school. The school day began with a flash mob “We are for PEACE”, which was prepared by students in grades 6-11. Also, students (grades 1-4) joined the All-Ukrainian action “Peace Dove”. The children made paper doves as a symbol of peace and spiritual development of the nation. During the day there was a competition of drawings on the asphalt “I draw PEACE” (grades 1-11) and the action “I vote for PEACE” (grades 1-11 and teachers). The students wrote their wishes on their palms and attached them to the information stand. By the Day of Peace, children planted flowers near the school.


Our school, Kharkiv comprehensive school of I-III degrees No. 150, which is part of the all-Ukrainian network of “Schools of Peace”, annually joins the celebration of this date. On September 21, the thematic lessons “Peace is in our hands!” were traditionally held in grades

(Survey continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

What has happened this year (2021) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)


In Educational complex №10, Khmelnytskyi, history and law teachers held informational minutes dedicated to the Day of Peace. Pupils of 5-D and 6-D classes made symbols of peace, doves, which decorated the trees around the school. Their message was “Let them fly all over the country and bring us all the long-awaited PEACE.” Also, 6th grade students took part in the flash mob “Intellect of Ukraine for Peace”, drew a picture “Children need peace”, greeted students and residents of the neighborhood with postcards, and created a thematic video. Click here for the video.


International Day of Peace has been celebrated worldwide since 1981 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly. This year the flash mob was prepared by 6th grade students for the song “Love Ukraine” by Natalia May.
My singing Ukraine,
May your path be happy,
Let the song be your nightingale
It is heard, as now, in the ages.
Click here for video of the students singing


Click here for video of the school celebration;











On the International Day for Peace: activists of the “Women for Peace” carried out a large-scale flash mob. Their one-hour promotions in Kiev, Kramatorsk, Mykolaiv, Zhytomyr, Dnipro and Odesa participated in the national platform “Women for Peace” – at the initiative of the People’s Deputy Natalia Korolevskoy. Dozens of activists, deputies, community girls and mothers called for peace in Ukraine. . . . They reminded both the government and the Supreme Council that promises were made to establish peace in our country. We very much hope that once again the demands of our women, which we set out in our appeal, will be heard and measures will be taken.


Municipal institution “Korsun-Shevchenkivsky multidisciplinary training and rehabilitation center” Nadiya “of Cherkasy regional council”. Click here for video of their activities for International Day of Peace


On the occasion of the Day of Peace, the Kovel Lyceum No. 7 hosted thematic events during hours of communication. Representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Leisure prepared drawings with symbols of peace and created an exhibition. Lyceum students took part in the all-Ukrainian online competition “Peace – the language of happiness.”


Secondary school of I-III degrees in the village of Kuna, Vinnytsya region.
International Day of Peace. Our students also joined the celebration of this holiday. The day began with a flash mob “Peace Dove”, which was prepared by students of 5th and 7th grades. During the day the action “I choose Peace” was held. The children wished peace and harmony, called on all people: “Learn to do good to people and do good on Earth! Live in peace and harmony!”


In order to form a deep understanding of peace issues, expand preschoolers’ knowledge about the importance of peace on earth, education of humanism, patriotism, love for their homeland and their people, respect for people of different nationalities in Kvasylivsky ZDO (kindergarten) there were various events and interesting forms of work with preschoolers. So, the little preschoolers of Kvasylivsky ZDO (kindergarten) are also actively joining the celebration of the Day of Peace under the slogan “Both adults and children seek peace on Earth!”


Municipal Institution “Lutsk Nvk №26”. 1st grade students joined the celebration of the International Day of Peace. They watched a video about the history of the holiday and learned about the symbol of peace. Pupils made a paper dove with their own hands, circling their own palms. With this action, they seemed to vote: “We are for peace!” Everyone had the opportunity to express their own opinion on the topic “Peace is…”. In order to keep the peace in the classroom, the children got acquainted with the “Circle of Choice”. This is a way of overcoming conflicts that may arise in schoolchildren. The students considered several options for a peaceful way out of the situation. The first-graders performed the work to the melodies of songs, which called not only to think about the need to preserve peace on Earth, but also to do something effective for it.


Events dedicated to the International Day of Peace were held at the Golovne boarding school as reported on the educational institution’s Facebook page. Pupils made their own paper pigeons, drew pictures, posters, created applications. Class teachers and educators conducted educational classes “I want peace”, “Peace on earth – joy in the family.” Students visited various stations where they danced, drew, solved riddles and performed sports exercises.


Today, celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Peace took place near the landmark for the residents of the Markiv community – a monument to compatriots who laid down their lives for the inviolability of state borders. In the conditions of the war in the East of Ukraine, this holiday acquired a special, at the same time sublime and tragic significance. . . . Colonel Ivan Levchenko honored the memory of those killed in the struggle for peace and freedom of Ukraine and laid flowers to the memorial. In all secondary schools of Markivshchyna various ceremonial events took place, which united a common goal: to draw attention to issues of peace in Ukraine – and around the world.


The International Day of Peace was held at Martynivska Secondary School of the 1st-3rd grades. under the slogan: “Children of Ukraine for peace!”. Pupils of the school joined the All-Ukrainian campaign “Dove of Peace”: they made paper doves as a symbol of peace and spiritual development of the nation. During the day there was a drawing contest “I am for peace in Ukraine” and an action “I choose PEACE”. Students wrote their wishes on the emblems and attached them to each other, and organized a flash mob “PEACE” in the school yard. (with photos)


For the International Day of Peace, this weekend in the park of culture and recreation Gorky was held an open dialogue with the community about the possibilities and means of building peace at all levels of life, according to the press service of the IGU. Both townspeople and guests of the city took part in the dialogue: representatives of the Department of Culture and Youth, employees of the local history museum, school teachers, business trainer, pensioners and housewives, students of UVK No. 16, School No. 15, schools “Prometheus”, VPU, MPAL , students of Moscow State Pedagogical University named after B. Khmelnitsky, TDATU them. D. Motor, ZSMU, KNU and others.


On the occasion of the holiday People’s Art Group children’s song and dance ensemble “Dawn” (artistic director Halyna Hrynchuk) took part in an event of multinational cultural diplomacy Festival “Myrhorod – a city of peace unites friends”, organized by Myrhorod City Council and Azerbaijan center named after Muslim Magomayev.. . . The dances of the peoples of the world, presented in the repertoire of the ensemble “Dawn” demonstrate that Ukraine is developing on the basis of multiculturalism and respect for the cultures of all nations living in its territory.

On September 21, employees of the psychological service held events dedicated to the International Day of Peace with the students of Myronivsky Academic Lyceum No. 2. (with photos)


Nizhyn Agrotechnical College of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Today, as part of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, the student body of the college joined the All-Ukrainian action “Peace Dove”. Click here for video from the school


On the eve of the celebration of the Day of the city of Nova Kakhovka, namely September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated. Nowadays, the concept of peace is so relevant to every inhabitant of Ukraine that it is inadmissible to ignore the importance of it. That is why the STAN Youth Organization, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is involving active residents in peacekeeping dialogue and reintegration training in Ukraine. The project partners were the CRISP Foundation – Conflict Transformation and Civic Education “CRIPS – Conflict Simulation (Berlin) and the Impulse.UA Charitable Foundation (Zaporizhzhya), the Kuduk Cultural Center (Bishkek), the independent publication Zaborona Media (Kyiv) ), public organizations “Theater of Change” (Kyiv), NGO “Youth Space” (Uzhhorod), NGO “Charitable Foundation” MLT Museum PLUS “(Melitopol), NGO” Our Format “(Belovodsk), NGO” Innovative Education of Transcarpathia ” (Father), Foundation for the Support of the Elderly ”


Novograd-Volynska Secondary School of I-III grades. No. 7. Today, peace in Ukraine is not an abstract desire, it is a conscious goal, because the struggle for a peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state continues in the east of the country. . . .On the occasion of the Day of Peace, thematic events were held at our school. In particular, the action “I vote for peace” took place among primary school students, during which children wrote their dreams of peace on the planet on colored palms and attached them to posters. The sincere smiles on the children’s faces showed that they were satisfied with their participation in such a serious public affair. Click here for their video.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, educational activities “We are united only in peace” were planned and held at Novoguyvyn Gymnasium. Students learned the history of the International Day of Peace and were involved in the action “Peace Dove”. Workshops “Emblem of Peace” were held. The thematic exhibition “Under the Peaceful Sky” was shown in the library.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace on September 21, 2021 in Hordynianska SZSh I-IIst. history teacher T. Bilynsky held an information hour “The right to peace – the 73rd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” And also the teacher-organizer G. Beley carried out the action “Let there be peace on all earth”. The students made palms and joined in the creation of the main symbol of peace – the dove. We believe that every hand will bring peace and tranquility to Ukraine.


On September 21, 2021, a grand flash mob in honor of the International Day of Peace was held in Odessa with the support of the Odessa Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The organizers were the Odessa Regional Peace Council and the Odessa Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with the participation of many public and creative organizations of the city. Click here for video.


Dancing, music and good mood. On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, about two hundred young Odessa residents held a large-scale dance flash mob in the city center. Click here for video.


For Ukrainians, PEACE DAY became especially important in 2014, when the eastern regions of the country felt what war was like. Children grow up and are born, for whom peace and peaceful skies above their heads are a huge dream. Therefore, in the Ukrainian Children’s Center “Young Guard” we celebrated this day with several events. The symbolic football match was played the day before by the boys-vacationers of the camps “Star” and “Sunny”. . . . On September 21, educational classes “The most desirable word” PEACE “, a flash mob” Drawing a bright future “, a drawing contest” WE ARE FOR FREEDOM, WE ARE FOR PEACE! ” and a children’s peace march. The children’s march of peace – exciting, awe-inspiring, full of deep symbolism in musical, light design, choreographic compositions, literary and theatrical elements – ended this busy day.


“Oleshkivsky basic educational institution No. 4” of hosted a competition of drawings on the asphalt for the International Day of Peace. Pupils of 3-4 grades happily presented their works to the jury. (with photos)


Today, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace in Kamyanytsya OZZSO I-III centuries. Onokivska village council of Uzhhorod district held thematic events. Pupils of the 5th grade prepared a wall poster “Day of Peace!”, Students of the 6th and 7th grades held a competition of drawings and drawings on the asphalt “Children of Ukraine – for peace on earth!”, Prepared drawings for the school stand “We are for peace”. An informational minute “Together for Peace” was played on the school radio. (with photos)


September 21 in Pokrov on the square named after I.Sirko at 17:30 there will be a patriotic flashmob for peace.


Pryluky Secondary School of I-III grades No. 9. Click here for the video prepared by the school for the International Day of Peace


Radyvyliv Lyceum no. 1. On September 21, 2021, lyceum students celebrated the Day of Peace. Pupils of grades 1-4 took part in the action “Peaceful Borders”, where sincere wishes of peace and harmony were placed on the map of Ukraine. Boys and girls of 3-4 grades took part in the thematic master class “Flag of Peace”, during which children made colored flags with the image of a dove – a symbol of peaceful life. Students of 5th grade, using various techniques, made their own white, blue-yellow doves, on which they wrote their wishes, dreams of peace. Seventh-graders took part in the drawing contest “Peaceful Sky”. Class teachers of grades 8-11 held an hour of communication “September 21 – International Day of Peace”, during which students learned about the history and traditions of the International Day of Peace in the world, shared views on the vision of peaceful life in Ukraine and the world. Teacher-organizer Khmaruk S.Ya. conducted a lesson “For peace in the world” with students of 4-5 grades. (with many photos)


Ralivsky Support Institution of General Secondary Education named after Ivan Frank. On September 21, an educational event was held in the 9-A class on the topic: “Blue of peace, flights over Ukraine!” The students dedicated poems to the heroes of the Fatherland, patriots who fight and give their lives for the rights and freedoms of all people, a worthy future of their country. The educational hour ended with the song “Ukraine is you”.. . . the class teacher of 5-B class Vitik OM held an educational hour in which students watched a video about the origin of the holiday, prepared emblems, joined the creation of the project “Peace Dove”.


Rivne secondary school no. 9. Today, September 21, is the International Day of Peace. Pupils of 2-B class celebrated this day in the circle of their class. The students made doves of peace out of paper and listened with interest during the information break, as this day is celebrated all over the world. They also took part in the “Peace Dove” flash mob. The children wished everyone to live in harmony and peace. (with many photos)






Vankovytsky Institution of General Secondary Education of I-Ii Degrees. On the occasion of this day, the teacher-organizer OI Milchanovska united all students for one purpose: to show everyone that our children want to live, create, learn and grow under a peaceful sky, in a peaceful country. Despite the gloomy weather, all students gladly joined the flash mob “We are for peace!”, And each made a traditional symbol of the holiday – the dove of peace. And also the information corner “Day of Peace” was prepared.


Semenivka institution of general secondary education of I-III degrees No.2 of Semenivka village council. Photos of student activities for the International Day of Peace/


The students of Chernyatyn ZZSO of I-III degrees also joined the celebration of Peace Day. Teachers of grades 1-4 held a master class “Pigeon of Peace”. The children made paper doves as a symbol of peace. Pupils of 5-11 grades in the assembly hall of the school became participants of the flash mob in “We are for peace”. The teacher of the 2nd grade Barda VP held an interesting conversation with children “We are for peace in the world”


The International Day of Peace is traditionally celebrated on September 21 in Ukraine and all over the world. Today, peace in Ukraine is not an abstract desire, it is a conscious goal, because the struggle for a peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state continues in the East of the country. On the occasion of the Day of Peace in Shpola Lyceum No. 1 the day began with a flash mob “Dove of Peace”, which was prepared by representatives of the school parliament (head Kichenko MV). During the day, a drawing contest “I am for peace in the planet” was held. An information bulletin “History of the International Day of Peace” was created for students. Interesting and informative informational minutes took place in grades 1-5. (with photos of students and their activities)


Every year on September 21, Ukraine and around the world celebrate the International Day of Peace. On this occasion, teachers and students of the Creativity Center joined the celebration. In the courtyard of the institution, the group organized a flash mob “Children of Peace – for Peace!”, Designed to draw attention to the global problem of peaceful life on the planet.. . . Tthe pupils of the “School of Success” group of the Skvyra Center for Creativity created a video sketch “Peace on Earth”.


World Peace Day at Slobozhanska Primary School. The staff of Slobozhanska Primary School also joined the event, organizing a school-wide flashmob “palm of happiness.” Our students watched the video Adalet R. Garmiany, in which Adalet draws bright colored palms on the broken walls of the city where the hostilities took place. His idea is to call on the people of the world to act peacefully. This palm, which was first placed on the ruins of buildings in Kurdistan, has become a symbol that art can revive even the world in ruins. Soon, with this palm, many colorful images appeared on the wall as a symbol that the world is being reborn and good will overcome violence, war and misunderstanding between people. It was from watching this video that the story of our school flashmob began. In each class, they painted, cut out multicolored palms and placed them on a white canvas, thus urging all people not only to think about the need for peace, but also to do something for it.


The International Day of Peace is traditionally celebrated on September 21 in Ukraine and around the world. On this occasion, thematic events were held in educational institutions of Stepanivka community. In particular, at the Yakovlevsky basic educational institution (director – Larysa Boychenko) the librarian of the village library Olga Stelmashenko held a thematic line for primary school students, during which the patriotic action “Ukraine wants peace” took place. And in Stepanivka Secondary School (director – Maria Zagrebelna) a drawing contest was held among schoolchildren and certificates and diplomas of various degrees were awarded to participants and winners of the All-Ukrainian contest “Peace – the language of happiness”


Volunteers of Sumy State University also joined the celebration of Peace Day, organizing an action on the central square of the institution. Students handed out symbolic doves to students, staff and passers-by with good, motivating wishes and they held a master class where they learned to create origami doves.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which is traditionally celebrated in Ukraine and around the world on September 21, the following events were held at the Tchop Secondary School of I-III levelsNo. 1:
– drawing competition “I draw the world” (teacher Matsola TM);
– educational event with students 3-B “Dove of Peace” (teacher Izhik MB);
– educational event with students 1-A “Peace on the planet Earth” (teacher Lisnichuk LV);
– educational event with students 1-B “Dove of Peace” (teacher Oliferchuk GV).
– The students joined the All-Ukrainian Peace Dove campaign and made paper doves as a symbol of peace and spiritual development of the nation. (with photos)


On the occasion of the Day of Peace, the 2nd grade students of Thermopil School No. 4 conducted thematic lessons. (with photos)


On the eve of the International Day of Peace in the library – branch No. 5 TMTSB with branch libraries, the action “Day of Peace – a holiday of the whole Earth” was held. . . .On this day, everyone was able to join the action. They left pleasant wishes on paper figurines in the form of miniature birds, which were then used to decorate the canvas. (with many photos)


SIn the Oleksandrivka village library of the Ustynivka village council, the library staff held an event for children dedicated to the International Day of Peace.. . . Participants made paper flags with a dove as a symbol of security, hope and peace. During the event, the librarian informed the participants about the history of the International Day of Peace and handed out symbolic palms of blue and yellow with the inscription “We are for peace”. The guests left pleasant wishes on paper figurines of birds, which were then used to decorate the canvas.


The whole world celebrates the International Day of Peace. Students of the Linguistic gymnasium named after TG Shevchenko joined the celebration. The importance of maintaining peace, freedom and peace was discussed. We observed a moment of silence for those who died, protecting our homes from the worst enemy – war. We talked about the cloudless sky above our heads and created a dove with messages about what little hearts with big dreams believe in and want.


Uzyn comprehensive school of I-III degrees No. 1. Photos of student activities for the International Day of Peace.


On the International Day of Peace, pupils of the Art Studio “Koloryt” of Vasylkiv City Center for Children and Youth Creativity – Natalia Tverdokhlib, Vladyslav Kryvenko, Yaroslav Dvorakivsky, Daria Nikitina joined the “Peace Dove” action by preparing a series of drawings.


On the Day of Peace, the students of the Osytniaz branch expressed their wishes for peace and harmony and called on all people to live in peace and harmony. They also made a virtual trip around the planet Earth “Peace Dove flies to Ukraine”, held an action “I am for peace in the world”, and painted paper doves of peace. We – for peace! (with many photos)


Lyceum students of grades 8-11 joined the action “Peace is this.” 11th-graders showed creativity and prepared a video about peace. We all believe and hope that peace and harmony will prevail in our prosperous Ukraine as well. Click here for the video made by students




On the occasion of the Day of Peace, thematic events were held at the Sich Collegium. Colleagues made paper pigeons as a symbol of peace and spiritual development of the nation during labor training lessons and decorated the school yard with them. They took part in the action “Peace begins in everyone’s mind”, during which students expressed their wishes for peace and harmony to their homeland. The class teacher of 9-A class spent an interesting hour of communication on the topic “Peace through the eyes of children.”




Zdolbuniv Primary School No. 7. On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, teachers and educators held a conversation “Peace is such an important word!”. Pupils of 3-B class (Wojciechowska OO) together with the teacher-organizer Movchanyuk IO made posters on the theme “Peace for all on earth”, and pupils of extended day groups made origami paper doves, symbols of peace. (with photos)


In order to form a deep understanding of issues related to peace, expand students’ knowledge of the importance of peace on Earth, education of humanism, patriotism, students in grades 1-4 of secondary school G3 passed from class to class “Dove of Peace”.

(Note: the following communities are claimed by the Ukraine, but have declared their independence as the Donetsk People’s Republic or the Lugansk People’s Republic.)


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the Lyceum 62 named after SM Gordienko hosted thematic events, in which class teachers and the psychological service of the school actively involved students, because this topic is extremely painful and relevant, it is the cry of the soul of every patriot of his country.. . . Today, peace in Ukraine is not an abstract desire, it is a conscious goal, because the struggle for a peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state continues in the east of the country.


In our lyceum, the International Day of Peace was held under the leadership of Olga Leonidovna Yalanskaya. The guys expressed their hopes for peace, prosperity, health for all people, love, friendship. (with photos)


International Day of Peace … It was about peace, about the versatility of this great word that they spoke today at the classroom hour in the 10th grade. Boys and girls made the symbols of the holiday, wrote good wishes to the people of our planet. Happy Peace Day, friends!


Luhansk State Agrarian University celebrated the International Day of Peace. A large-scale flash mob “We are for peace!” with the participation of first-year students of all faculties and the folk ensemble of modern pop dance “Paradise”. The initiators of the event were: the department for educational and social work of the university, the faculty of social professions and the Primary trade union organization of LSAU employees.




very year, on September 21, the Youth Club “Victory” of the Lutugin Specialized Secondary School holds an action for the International Day of Peace together with young schoolchildren. For the guys, this action has already become a good tradition. After all, it is this date that is considered the day of strengthening the ideals of peace among all countries and peoples – both at the national and international levels.
International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981. Twenty years later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously decided to celebrate Peace Day every year as a day of non-violence and a day of ceasefire.
The guys from the Pobeda Youth Club, like no one else, knows the price of a peaceful sky above the earth, so they call on all clubs https://vk.com/oc_monolit join the action, because we are a single Slavic people who must take care of world peace.


Within the framework of the International Day of Peace, a number of thematic events were held at the Lutuginsky UVK Lyceum School. In grades 1-11, class hours “Children for Peace” were held, dedicated to this holiday. The children remembered the history of the holiday, held drawing contests “Children draw the world.” According to a long-standing tradition, the students made paper doves, which are a symbol of this memorable day. (with photos)


For many years the Perevalsk boarding school has been joining this peace project. In the elementary grades, children took part in the conversation “We need Peace!”. The children discussed old Russian proverbs, talked about how they understand the work of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”, and also held games to rally the class team. At the end of the event, the students made a joint application with the image of the tree of the world. In grades 5-7, the lesson “Day of Peace. The world begins with you. ” The students were told why it is important to celebrate the day of peace with the whole planet, how to help children in different countries, why there are still so many weapons in the world, and much more. The result of the lesson was hand-made doves, which were made by the children. High school students in the form of an open microphone discussed issues of terrorism and security and collected signatures under the symbolic petition “I AM FOR PEACE!” In addition, a drawing competition “Children for Peace on the Planet!” was held.. . . The class commanders launched balloons into the sky with the symbol of the holiday. This year, not only teachers and students, but also parents of students took part in the events


Day of Peace in Rovenkovo ​​school No.8 named after S.V. Poluyanova. As part of the annual events of the international “Day of Peace”, our school hosted a flash mob “We are for Peace “, in which students of the 11th grade took part. Single lesson “The World We Need!” for students in grades 1-11. The guys drew pictures and posters “I need peace!” There is a tradition of releasing white doves as a symbol of peaceful intentions.


Employees of the City Center for Culture and Leisure in Almaznaya held a themed event dedicated to the Day of Peace for the students of School No. 25.. . .During the event, schoolchildren discussed the meaning of the word “peace”, got acquainted with the history of the founding of the International Day of Peace. The children read poems, the leitmotif of which sounded the word “peace”. Words in defense of peace were also sounded in the lines of the author’s poem by Nadezhda Sukmanyuk, a 9th grade student. In conclusion, according to tradition, everyone sang the song “Solar Circle” together and attached paper doves to a huge blue poster symbolizing the sky, writing on them the most sincere wishes for good and peace to all people.


For the International Day of Peace, in the municipal cultural institution “Club named after Pushkin of the city of Torez” there was an informative game program “The peace that everyone needs!” Children of 2-3 grades of the Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 9” learned such concepts as war, conflict, peace and friendship, kindness and mercy, what happiness and beauty are. And what should be done in order not to destroy our world. We made a “virtual journey” into the world of goodness and happiness on an imaginary transparent balloon, during which children simulated the world around them, fantasized about what it could be. In memory of this day, the guys decorated a friendship poster with doves wishing peace, happiness and goodness!


Despite the shelling of the city center by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, residents of the city of Yasinovataya nevertheless celebrated the international day of peace, the correspondent of Donbass Segodnya reports . Children recited poems about peace, rang peace bells and launched symbolic paper doves into the air. During the shelling, the children of the boarding school in Yasinovataya were forced to hide in a shelter. In the morning the residents of Yasinovat saw off their children when the Ukrainian army from artillery opened fire on the city. See also a news video