Here’s what Kathy Kelly said as she went to prison for protesting the use of drones by the United States:
It’s a good time to be very uncompromising with regard to the United States’ wars. These wars are murderous. The wars are killing civilians, as has been happening in the United States’ wars since World War II. Now 90 percent of the people killed in wars are civilians. And this is true certainly with the drone strikes. The Reprieve organization has said that for every one person who is selected as a target for assassination, 28 civilians are killed. And even just three nights ago, there was another targeted assassination in which they hit two homes in the Logar province, and six people were wounded, four people were killed, all of them civilians.
US: Why Daniel Hale Deserves Gratitude, Not Prison
The growing use of weaponised drones risks destabilising global peace and security
Peace Activist Kathy Kelly Heads to Prison for Protesting U.S. Drone War
Germany: 5000 people protest in Ramstein – drone war is murder. We will be back!
USA: We come to the gates of Hancock Drone Base today to install a memorial of Jerry Berrigan.
United States: Ad for drone pilots to refuse runs in Air Force Times
Ban ‘Killer Robots’ Before It’s Too Late
Protesters march on RAF base calling for UK’s killer drones to be banned
Medea Benjamin to Receive 2014 Gandhi Peace Award (United States)