Brazil: Lajeado Begins Classes to Train Peace Facilitators


An article from the Independente

The development of a culture of peace for the municipality of Lajeado is beginning to take shape. On August 7 and 8, the first group of leaders of the municipality was trained as peace facilitators.

Photo: Divulgação

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(Click here for the original article in Portuguese)

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Where is peace education taking place?

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The group participated in the Basic Training Course for Restorative Justice Facilitators to learn about the methodology of Non-Conflicting Peacebuilding Circles. The training of peace facilitators, promoted by Lajeado City Hall in partnership with the Public Prosecution Service (MP), is part of the Lajeado Pact’s Restorative Justice action package.

Beginning in September, the training will also focus on the health, education, social care and culture care network. It will involve community and religious leaders, young people from the CRAS Reference Center and Specialized Reference for Social Assistance (CREAS) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

The course lasts 25 hours and takes place over two days. Thos interested in taking the course can contact the coordination of the Lajeado for Peace Pact by phone 3982-1104 or by email