An article from ONU Noticias México (translation by CPNN)
The Office in Mexico of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), will accompany the process of discussion and analysis of the initiative that promotes the incorporation of the subject “Culture of Peace” at all academic levels , according to the President of the Commission of Culture and Cinematography, Sergio Mayer Bretón, speaking last Monday, December 17.

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Where is peace education taking place?
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The proposal was promoted by the World Embassy of Activists for Peace in Mexico and proposes additions in the General Education Law to include this chair in the Mexican educational system.
In this regard, Frédéric Vacheron, Representative a.i. from the UNESCO Office in Mexico, explained that this action represents a great opportunity to rethink the tools to support the construction of a Culture of Peace in Mexico, in which education plays a fundamental role.
He commented that the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and the UNESCO conventions ratified by Mexico, are commitments and tools to achieve the culture of peace and promote and protect human rights, and offered the accompaniment of the Office in Mexico in the discussion and analysis of this initiative.
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