An article from La Tribuna, Honduras
A report has been published for the cooperative program between the Ministry of Education and UNICEF for the Construction of Peace, Coexistence and Citizenship. The report describes the results achieved in the reduction of violence and the strengthening of a culture of peace and coexistence in the 130 educational centers that participated in this initiative.

UNICEF and the Ministry of Education provide a vision to the country of protective school environments that can prevent bullying and other forms of violence against Honduran children. Both institutions, together with the International Center for Education and Human Development (CINDE), seek to realize this vision through the Program.
(Articles continued in right column)
What is the relation between peace and education?
Where is peace education taking place?
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According to the report presented, during the year 2018, 64,699 children and adolescents have benefited from the strategy.
Similarly, 6,500 parents and 520 teachers and counselors have improved their knowledge and skills in the prevention of violence in schools.
According to the report presented, 72% of the schools that participate in the strategy have reduced the acts of violence against children and adolescents.
Another key element in the reduction of violence in schools has been the creation of school and community coexistence committees that encourage the participation of children in the management of the school environment.
Children and adolescents consulted have indicated that 80% of educational centers take into account their opinions in the construction of the coexistence response plan.
Marcial SolĂs, Minister of Education, said that “strengthening institutions is important, but much more important is that girls, boys and young people enjoy attending school, have security and confidence.”
The representative of UNICEF Honduras, Mark Connolly, said that “today we have seen concrete results, girls and boys who can attend the school to learn useful things for their lives, in violence-free environments.