An article from SDP Noticias
The Secretariat of Education of the State of Mexico held the First International Congress of Education for Peace and Exchange of Successful Experiences of School Coexistence, in order to give teachers of all levels competence in conflict mediation.

The event, held within the framework of the International Day of Nonviolence, was held in the city of Toluca and consisted of six lectures, a discussion forum with specialists, 19 workshops, four round tables and a video conference. 750 educators received training in gender equality, human rights, conflict mediation, culture of peace and care for the environment, taught by experts from Argentina, Colombia, Spain and Mexico.
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Where is peace education taking place?
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The Undersecretary of Basic and Normal Education, Rogelio Tinoco García, said in the framework of the event that the school has been the ideal space to instill values that promote peace and coexistence, including tolerance, equality, respect , conciliation, dialogue and cooperation.
For her part, Elizabeth Ozuna Rivero, Director General of CONVIVE, said that this body works with monitoring public policies and actions aimed at generating peace environments. It provides multiple tools and peaceful social skills to teachers..
Participants included Claudia Alonso Pesado, Coordinator of Operation of the National System for the Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents and Olga Pérez Sanabria, Executive Secretary of the System for the Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents.
Also present were the Director of the National School Coexistence Program, the Delegate of the Secretariat of Public Education in the state, the General Director of the College of Bachelors of the State of Mexico, the State Coordinator of the Professional Teaching Service and the Executive Commissioner of Attention to Victims in the State of Mexico.