A newsletter received by email from Unfold Zero
On March 28, the United Nations will hold the preparatory meeting for the 2018 UN High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament.
At the preparatory meeting, UN member states will appoint the President (Chair) and other officials, adopt the agenda and agree on the rules of procedure for the UN High-Level Conference, which will take place at the UN from May 14-16.

Frame from the Reach-High video to promote the UN High-Level Conference
This will include a decision on whether to restrict NGO participation in the High-Level Conference to only ECOSOC organisations, or open it up to the range of disarmament organisations that are permitted to participate in other UN disarmament forums (See UN High-Level Conference: Call for wider NGO participation).
In addition, a number of UN member states will likely use this occasion on March 28 to announce their participation (or non-participation) in the UN High-Level Conference,
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Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?
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What will be your government’s position?
Will your government announce its intention to attend the UN High-Level Conference at the highest level, in order to support and advance nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament measures?
Will your government support a wide participation of disarmament NGOs in the UN High-Level Conference, or accept a restriction to only allow ECOSOC organisations the possibility to attend?
If you have not already asked your government these questions, click here for a sample letter to send to your prime minister, foreign minister and UN ambassador (plus contacts for many of them).
The Abolition 2000 Youth Network invites young and ‘young at heart’ to be a part of a global video action to support the UN High-Level Conference.
Send to marzhan@pnnd.org your video clip of ‘reaching high for a nuclear-weapon-free world.’ They will compile the videos and show to world leaders to encourage them to take action at the High-Level Conference. Click here to view the promo video.
Best wishes and we look forward to seeing many of you in New York for the UN High-Level Conference and civil society side-events in May, 2018.
Yours sincerely