An article from the Global Campaign for Peace Education
For over 18 years now, Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (MPI) has successfully conducted its Annual Peacebuilding Training. This three-week intensive peacebuilding training has continued to bring together a wide range of people with experience, knowledge and skills in peace-related work to share and learn in a safe environment where all viewpoints are encouraged and respected.

Starting with the first training in 2000, MPI has trained over 2,000 peacebuilders coming from more than 40 countries around the globe, in areas such as conflict transformation, conflict analysis, peace education, religious peacebuilding, and trauma healing. These courses are taught by a distinguished roster of facilitators from Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world.
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Where is peace education taking place?
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MPI will again endeavor to create a space where peacebuilders meet in mind, heart, and spirit to keep abreast of the challenges that the issues of peace and justice present, during the MPI 2018 Annual Peacebuilding Training from May 7 to May 25, 2018, at Mergrande Ocean Resort, Davao City, Philippines.
With this, we are pleased to inform you that we are now officially accepting applications for the 19th Annual Peacebuilding Training! For MPI 2018, we are offering one new course – Digital Peacebuilding and New Media in Week 2.
We will have an Early-Bird Discount of 7% that will be applied to those who submit their applications on or before March 1, 2018. The deadline for the receipt of regular applications is on April 1, 2018.
For more information on the courses, trainers, application and fees; please click this link.