An article from La Oficina de la Alta Consejeria para los Derechos de las Víctimas la Paz y la Reconciliación
‘MuisKanoba’, ‘The Voices of Memory’ and the ‘Cirque del Sol Solecito’ have received the ‘Educational Experiences in Memory Award for a Culture of Peace and Reconciliation’. The award recognizes the work they have developed in the classroom for the understanding and teaching of the armed conflict in Colombia and the construction of peace,

The Mayor of Bogota, through the High Council for Victims, awarded the Prize, an incentive of five million pesos each, to the three initiatives of District Colleges of the towns of Bosa and Santafé.
“It fills me with happiness to be able to reward those who work every day from their classrooms so that the new generations can responsibly move forward from our past. This award is not only for the teachers and their persistence, but also for the students whose commitment has made these experiences meaningful, replicable. Above all, they show that another country and another education is possible,” said Ángela Anzola, High Councilor for the Victims during the delivery of the recognition.
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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article)
What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?
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The winners:
‘The Voices of Memory’, carried out in the Alfonso Reyes Echandía School, of the Bosa Locality, fosters dialogue between the curricular areas of social sciences and arts, allowing the exploration of individual and collective memories, resulting in theatrical performances that combine multiple languages.
The ‘Circo del Sol Solecito’, developed at the Jorge Soto del Corral School, in the town of Santafé, has allowed the approach of primary school children to complex issues such as displacement as a result of the armed conflict, through a practices that they can play like a game.
MuisKanova, carried out at the San Bernardino de Bosa School, has managed to generate integrating relationships among the educational community, highlighting the exclusionary practices historically experienced by ethnic groups, through the use of ancestral practices.
“Receiving the award helps us to continue working for this. Now we have an additional resource to strengthen what we have been doing and offer more possibilities to young people,” said Blanca María Peralta, rector of the Saint Bernardine School, upon receiving the award..
The call for this award was addressed to educational managers, teachers and students, who, through their work, have developed in the last two years an initiative for peace and reconciliation in the context of an educational institution in Bogotá.
Through these recognitions and incentives, the Mayor’s Office contributes to the strengthening of pedagogical initiatives that contribute to the construction of peace and the reconciliation of citizens.