Councils, commissions and some initiatives of culture of peace in Brazil


An article by Myrian Castello, Fábrica dos Sonhos

Through initiatives and projects, some cities in Brazil have been promoting a culture of peace. The Culture of Peace, as opposed to the culture of war, aims to promote education for peace, human rights, sustainable and equitable development, participatory democracy, gender equality, free flow of information, tolerance and solidarity as a means of achieving and building peace.

Research about initiatives, commissions and councils made for this article found activities including interviews, forums, trainings, talk wheels and courses, in the cities of Londrina, Curitiba, Itapecerica da Serra, Santos and Recife.

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Questions for this article:

How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?

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In Londrina there is Compaz, a council that works to develop the culture of peace and non-violence and the Peace Media that is the media vehicle to spread the news of this culture in the region. More information can be found at this link.

In Itapecerica da Serra, there was a Peace Walk in honor of women.

In São José dos Campos through the education secretary, in the axis of Human Rights Education, activities were promoted for a culture of peace, including a Festival of Circular Dances and Culture of Peace.

Santos officially has an active Peace Commission and recently promoted the 1st Peace and Non-Violence Forum within the schedule of Education Week. The city has the potential to become a reference to the world on a culture of peace.

In Recife, the Community Center of Peace, COMPAZ Eduardo Campos, offers various services and activities with the purpose of guaranteeing social inclusion and community strengthening. More information can be found on their Web site and Facebook page.

Actions and initiatives like these and others are important to promote a culture of peace, which is necessary and urgent to change the culture of war in which we are inserted.

(Click here for the original article in Portuguese.)