Category Archives: Mideast

The Challenge: A Cultural Program to Reject Extremism and Violence


Excerpts from a publication by Ismail Serageldin

[Editor’s note: The author is head of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt, one of the most important cultural institutions in the Arab world. The full essay is well over 100 pages, and readers are recommended to read it in detail. The following excerpts are an attempt to provide some of the main lines of his proposal.]

A Conceptual Model of Social Behavior

This essay represents my reflections . . . on the role
that the Library of Alexandria joining with all the cultural institutions of our society can play in confronting extremism and violence. The essay is composed of five major parts:

Culture in Egypt and the Arab world
On Extremism and Violence
The Dynamics of Cultural Change:
Elements of a Cultural Strategy:
Specific Programs


. . . From isolationism to failed states to civil wars to new forms of barbarism, the political conditions in most of the Arab World could hardly be worse.

Violence is everywhere, terrorism and extremism are flagrantly challenging some governments who have but limited legitimacy, and millions have become homeless refugees both within their own countries and formally crossing frontiers into neighboring countries. Humanitarian crises are continuous.

We are witnessing a debacle of historic proportions. Why? Is it fair to refer to an Arab World? Or does each individual country have its own distinct identity and its own individual history that brought about its own demise?

For most of the Arab World, identity is based on culture, and specifically a shared language. . . Different Arab Countries have different histories and therefore have different identities, but they share an overarching identity of being Arab. . .

The fact is that we are all given multiple identities by birth and upbringing (gender, race, ethnicity and family, national origin) and usually we grow up learning the language of our milieu and accepting the religion of our parents. Most children adopt their parents’ religion and few convert to another religion at a later stage. We usually acquire some other identities such as group or club affiliations, political positions, etc. Fanatics want people to reduce their identities to one overarching identity, be it religious, ethnic, or political. This is obviously at the expense of pluralistic affinities and the multi-layered reality of modern society. This point has been forcefully made by Amartya Sen and by Amin Maalouf. . .

. . . the most extreme forms of barbaric terrorism being displayed by the forces of the so-called “Islamic State” in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a manifestation of the combination of several historic broad societal currents:

* The intellectual bankruptcy of many of the Arab regimes over long periods of reign preceding the revolutions of the Arab Spring. Their inability to renew the social contract in a meaningful fashion, and the continued monopolization of power by a mediocre elite that suppressed youthful talent and imposed a system of patronage for political and social advancement.

* The re-emergence of political Islam, long suppressed by a nationalist and secular political narrative, but given new wings by the Iranian revolution, the funding of the oil states and rich Arab individuals and the emergence of Hizbullah in Lebanon during the long civil war there and its role against the Israeli war in Lebanon. These and other factors were “topped up” by the return of the “Afghan Arabs” who were allied to the native Mujahedeen against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, which yielded the Taliban regime there.

(article continued on the right side of the page)

Question for this article

Islamic extremism, how should it be opposed?

Readers’ comments are invited on this question and article. See below for comments box.

(article continued from the left side of the page)

* The American invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the subsequent mismanagement of the tense ethnic and religious cleavages in that society dealt a traumatic blow to the self-confidence of Muslims, who viewed the direct invasion by America and its allies of both Iraq and Afghanistan, as a direct humiliation of Muslims by the West. Furthermore, the systematic murder of civilians by the use of drones in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and elsewhere; all served to inflame sentiments of victimization that fed the Muslim majorities’ emotional despair and consequent greater readiness to accept more extreme positions that would promise a return of a modicum of self-esteem and dignity in the face of perceived continued humiliation.

* The continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the incompetence of Fatah and its leadership which brought forth Hamas in Gaza.

* The emergence of a powerful tyrannical bureaucracy, especially in Egypt, which stifles and alienates all who deal with it. This type of bureaucratic tyranny had already been identified as a cause of the youthful rebellion of the 1960s throughout the west.

So the manifestation of fanaticism and extremism is a renunciation of the more subtle and multi-layered reality of multiple identities. It is an effort that rejects equality of gender, and religions and seeks to impose its will by force. It draws on the religious fervor of new converts and on the bruised local identities of victimized people to mobilize forces against others, e.g. Sunni Arabs in Iraq in the last decade. It is sapping the energies of youth by ever more extreme displays of violence and rejection of any discussion. The cultural battle ahead is therefore one that must assert pluralism and exalt its enriching aspects, while it develops the more complex set of identities that each of us possesses. . .


. . . When we talk of the cultural scene, it encompasses a wide range of activities: literature (including poetry, plays, novels and short stories), the visual arts (including the graphic arts, painting and sculpture), music, dance, theater, cinema, architecture and the built environment. The cultural scene also involves journalism, TV and the Mass Media, as well as books and publications, plus the new domains of cyberspace and virtual reality. Artistic and cultural endeavors also require teaching and criticism, and the publications and venues needed for both. . .

Clearly, an exhaustive review of all the above would be beyond the scope of this essay. However, we can try to show some highlights that would touch upon much more than one angle or even a sector of activity, especially that it is one of our premises that we need to promote pluralism in all these cultural domains. . .


. . . But if in the end the cultural output produced by our artists and intellectuals is to have an impact, to be internalized in the system, we also need the context in which they produce that work, and within which the society that they address receives it. Thus issues of governance, of democratic representation and of inclusiveness need to be looked at and addressed in any reform effort. Authoritarian governments, even if they bring stability and security in the short term, will always end up alienating those who are excluded from decision-making and those who feel they have no future in that society. Public involvement in the public realm is necessary. The Agora and the Aeropagus cannot be just for the elite or for tolerated artists and intellectuals if societal change is what we hope for , profound societal change where society will marginalize the extremists and will reject violence and celebrate diversity and rationally debate issues for the country’s future.

To create a climate where pluralism will prevail, where a culture of science will permeate our way of thinking, and where human rights will be considered the most important treasure we possess as a society, recognizing that the abridgement of the rights of any of us is an abridgment of the rights of all of us, we must build a socio-cultural framework that equally promotes security and freedom of expression. . .

[Editor’s note: In part five of his essay, Serageldin proposes specific policies to facilitate the arrows in his diagram of a perceptual model of social behavior shown above: the influences of the Quran, the Sunna of he Prophet, Greek and Latin influcences, local influences, new ideas, mass media, education, modernizing influences and physical change, as well as the many arrows within the diagram for the integration of its components. He explains how the arts, cinema and theatre provide “seeds of hope.” He provides proposals for funding. And he concludes as follows.]

To respond to the challenge posed by the presence of extremism in our midst, and to defeat the armies of violence and terrorism, by the power of ideas that will spread throughout society, ensuring openness to the other, adoption of the new and the celebration of diversity and pluralism… A true Cultural Transformation — That is how we will respond to the Challenge!

Gaza prepares to welcome Freedom Flotilla III


An article by the Middle East Monitor

Preparations are being made in Gaza coinciding with the countdown for the launch of the latest Freedom Flotilla. There are dozens of European activists, Arab figures and journalists aboard the five ships that make up the flotilla. According to the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG), the ships have come from ports across Europe.

Photo by Mohammed Asad.

The Government Committee for Breaking the Siege on Gaza lit a torch to mark the sailing of Freedom Flotilla III, which is scheduled to reach Gaza port on Friday [June 26].

Alaa Al-Batta, head of the committee, told a press conference in the port on Tuesday that the final countdown has started and the flotilla is ready to set sail for Gaza, which has been besieged by Israel for nine years. “The Freedom Flotilla is only a few hours away from the Gaza seaport,” he said. “All Palestinians, across the spectrum, are standing here today to welcome and support the flotilla.” People from all over the world of all religions and ethnicities have gathered in solidarity out of their love for Palestine in an effort to lift the unjust siege, added Al-Batta.

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition delivered a message to UN Representative Alexey Maslov for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, calling for international protection for the flotilla so that it is not intercepted on its way to Gaza. “We sent a letter to the UN informing them that this is a humanitarian flotilla carrying foreign supporters and activists and that it will sail towards Gaza in the next few hours,” confirmed Al-Batta. “We also said that the UN must carry out its duties towards the flotilla in order to provide it with protection in light of the threats from the Israeli leadership.” The UN representative welcomed the letter and promised to deliver it to Mr Ban.

According to Rami Abdo, an ECESG member, the message included a warning against an Israeli interception of the flotilla, which he stressed would lead to the deterioration of the situation and result in a number of consequences.

Abdo insisted that legal and human rights laws and conventions give the Freedom Flotilla the absolute right to reach Gaza. He called on the United Nations not to remain content with their statements; they should, he said, turn their words into deeds to ensure the safe arrival of the flotilla.

He attributed the delay in setting sail to the bad weather. The ships are all prepared and will wait for good weather in order to ensure the safety of all 80 participants on board.

The Palestinians in Gaza are making preparations to welcome the flotilla. Practice marches by naval personnel have been held and Gaza’s boat-owners are getting ready to go to sea to meet the flotilla and accompany the vessels into port.

Question related to this article:

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

Readers’ comments are invited on this article and question. See comments section below.

Nonviolent Peaceforce: Urgent Update from South Sudan


An article by Shannon Radsky, Koch Team Leader for Nonviolent Peaceforce in South Sudan

“You have seen the sun, now show me the moon.”

Koch County is not a place that many would readily consider home. It’s the kind of field site that frustrates you to your core. The heat melts you down to a pool of incoherent mutterings, while mosquitos buzz around your ears, keeping you from that desperately needed sleep. It’s not an easy place. It’s not meant to be. But, the people of this often forgotten county sandwiched in the middle of Unity State – they make a person want to stay. Like the Nuer proverb, “You have seen the sun, now show me the moon,” those of Koch never cease to teach us lessons of life and perseverance. Their struggle is both unparalleled to many and shared by most. Still, this proverb best depicts the relationship that binds our NP Team together. As internationals, we came to the county prepared to implement unarmed civilian peacekeeping, but we quickly realized that our teammates had much more to teach us. We learned from them. We learned from each other. We worked together for peace. Then, the current fighting erupted.


It’s difficult to describe what a Nonviolent Peaceforce team looks like in the deep field. Some would undoubtedly call us a motley crew, while others would say we’re a band of peace-seeking adventurers. For us, the only word worth its weight is family. We’ve walked hundreds of kilometers together. We’ve driven for days on motorbikes stacked 2 to 3 people high with 50 kilos strapped to our backs and dangling from our sides. We’ve ridden until our thighs, backs and butts screamed with agony. We’ve slept on the ground, in churches, in tukuls, under the stars and in the rain. We’ve slogged through mud, crossed rivers and faced heat stroke together. We’ve also shared countless cups of chai, meals and stories. We’ve worked side-by-side for days and nights. Led trainings, fostered dialogue and brought people together. We’ve grown to know each other’s lives and each other’s motivations, even amidst the violence that persists. There’s simply no other term befitting of our teammates, no other term but family.

From the beginning, we’ve sought to practice the principles of do no harm where we live and work. For us, that means accounting for the safety and security of our national teammates. We’ll never stop worrying about Duop, a man who cares fiercely about his loved ones and whose resolve is striking and admirable. Or about Mary, our Queen Mother and protector. A woman who will trick you with a seemingly shy and silent demeanor but whose voice is bold and whose love for South Sudan is unwavering. Or about Rebecca, a determined leader, eager to learn, and whose aspirations are as high as the Nile is long. Or about Michael. Michael, a man whose patience surpasses anyone I’ve ever met and whose gentle nature is bewildering, given he has already experienced a lifetime of violence. These men and women are civilians. They work for peace. They are our brothers and sisters.

When the day came in early May for the Koch site to be evacuated, our deepest fears were realized. We feared our teammates would be forced to hide and our communication would grow more and more infrequent. Without communication, we were compelled to wait. We searched for information about them wherever we went. We scanned the faces we met every day, hoping that out of the hundreds we saw we’d recognize just one. With every new story of abuse, death and horror we heard we feared that those we care about grew further away from us. Yet, we continued to search for them and after weeks without any word, a glimmer of hope appeared. We reestablished contact. For now, we know they are safe and we are finding ways to assist them. We won’t give up on our family.

(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

Question for this article

10 More Ways Syrian Women Are Building Peace and Democracy


An article by Kristin Williams for The Institute for Inclusive Security

What does bravery look like? What strength and character does it take to risk imprisonment, torture, and even death for the sake of a future you may not see?
I know what it looks like. I’ve witnessed it in Syrians of all ages, religions, and ethnicities. I’ve seen it in hundreds of simple and not-so-simple acts of defiance, retold to me matter-of-factly over tea. I marvel at it every time the women who travel from inside Syria to attend our trainings manage to laugh or smile, which is often. When they willingly return to their besieged country vowing to work even harder for peace, its presence overwhelms me.

Participants at a Syrian Women’s Peace initiative (Photo: Nada El-Kouny)

Syrian women have made the exceptional ordinary. The stories I’ve heard over the last few years are only a fraction (in case you missed it, here’s another 10 Ways Syrian Women Are Building Peace and Democracy), yet they epitomize what is possible in this “intractable” conflict.

So what does bravery look like? It looks like this.
Note: because of the security risks, all names and exact locations have been omitted.

1. Stopping child marriage

To cope with the economic devastation of war, many Syrian families are selling their teenage daughters into marriage. In one ISIS-controlled city—where foreign fighters, in particular, offer hefty dowries—an estimated two in ten girls are victims of this practice.

There, a group of female activists is going house to house to convince families that early marriage is damaging to girls’ physical and mental health. If ISIS finds out, they’ll execute the women. But the group uses this conservatism to their advantage—under the full-length abayas they’re forced to wear, the women are free to move through checkpoints without being identified. They’ve saved at least 50 young girls over the course of three months.

2. Uniting refugees and host communities

Four million Syrians have fled the country to seek safety in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq. This influx, now going on four years, has understandably caused tensions between refugees and the communities that host them. It costs governments significant money to host large refugee populations, and Syrians may compete with locals for employment.

One group of female refugees in southern Turkey is trying to bridge the gaps between their Turkish and Syrian classmates at university. They’ve developed activities to help students recognize and discuss common areas of interest, such as literature and history. Another group is providing refugees with Turkish language training, the first step toward communicating across divides.

3. Policing the streets

By now, you’ve heard about the female Kurdish peshmerga fighters who are battling the Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq. But there are other women providing much-needed security and rule of law in one opposition-held city. Two years ago, 20 of them banded together to form an all-female police brigade. At first, the community shunned them; but now they’ve gained trust, respect, and even their own station.

They’ve proven particularly adept at working with female victims—especially of gender-based violence—who report crimes more often to the women’s brigade. Unlike policemen, they can enter conservative households when only women are present, providing families with critical services.

4. Listening to marginalized groups

Women in rural villages face a unique set of challenges. Their political, economic, social, and security needs may be different from those of women in large and small cities. Yet, because of their remote location, they are often overlooked.

Female activists in one region controlled by the al-Nusra Front organized a campaign to conduct a series of consultations with 10 villages in the neighboring mountains. They found out about many problems, including that al-Nusra militants were randomly arresting young men from one of the villages. With the local women, they staged a sit-in; the detainees were released two days later. They are also developing economic empowerment programs for rural women to address crippling poverty.

(Continued on right side of page)

Questions for this article

Do women have a special role to play in the peace movement?

How can there be a political solution to the war in Syria?

(Article continued from left side of page)

5. Reopening schools

In ISIS-controlled areas, where one of the extremists’ first actions was to stamp out education, opening a school is among the riskiest endeavors anyone can undertake. Despite that danger, one group of women negotiated to open two private schools. They marched to the office of a local leader and convinced him that Islamic scripture favors education.

They can only keep the schools open two hours a day because the electricity is out the rest of the time. But they’ve enrolled hundreds of children who had been denied education for much of the last year; thus far, ISIS has left them alone to teach.

6. Helping families survive

The lack of job opportunities inside Syria and within refugee communities makes women and children particularly vulnerable. In addition, women are not always able to work outside the home, both because of their family duties and because their movement may be more restricted.

Several groups of activists are developing women’s professional skills, teaching them computing, first aid, English, and how to make handicrafts and clothes. In one area near Idlib, they formed an institute that’s trained over 300 people. Another group in a refugee area of Turkey established a cheap hostel for single Syrian women, to reduce the risk that they may turn to prostitution, forced marriage, or other exploitative activities in order to survive.

7. Reforming corrupt courts

The judicial system in Syria is shattered. The regime uses courts, including a special one set up via a sweeping “Counterterrorism Law” two years ago, to stifle dissent and punish peaceful activists. The Islamic State and others implement sharia courts that have publicly executed hundreds of people for petty “crimes.”
In one Kurdish area, there’s a different problem: the reigning political party established autonomous “people’s courts” that follow neither Syrian nor international law. One group of female activists, including several lawyers, is challenging this system, which they say allows loyalists to escape punishment while targeting those who support the opposition. They are uniting different groups to speak out against the sweeping authority of these judicial dictators.

8. Vaccinating children

Women have distributed and monitored humanitarian aid throughout the war. Many are also stepping in to provide essential services that, in peacetime, would be the responsibility of the government.

For instance, a group of women near Idlib led a campaign to vaccinate newborns during the critical first few days of life. Partnering with a local medical aid organization, they spent seven months bringing vaccines directly to people’s homes, since the regime continues to bomb the city. They successfully immunized about 600 children during each month of the campaign.

9. Disarming youth

In one city near Idlib, many children between the ages of 13 and 18 have obtained weapons, attempting to imitate their fathers. But the proliferation of arms is turning schoolboy fights into dangerous street brawls. In addition, there are many militias in the area that are recruiting youth for the frontlines.

A group of women is pushing the local council to stem this dangerous trend. They’ve asked the authorities to pass a law stating that children under age 18 cannot carry weapons and that arms purveyors cannot sell to them. The local council promised to do so months ago, but the women are maintaining pressure until the law passes.

10. Mobilizing a movement for peace

All of the women Inclusive Security trains, with our local partner the Center for Civil Society and Democracy, commit to mobilizing a “peace circle” of at least ten other women when they return to their home communities. Most of the activities above were initiated by these leaders, who taught others the same skills: how to analyze the problems in their local areas and determine strategies for addressing them.

In addition, “peace circles” have run awareness raising campaigns for coexistence and human rights, supported current and former detainees with legal and psychological counseling, successfully lobbied to remove names from the regime’s list of wanted activists, and much more. The energy and creativity of these women is boundless. They are Syria’s best hope for a peaceful future.

Sanctions against Israel: Round up from 2014


An article by the BDS Movement (excerpts – one per month)

Here’s our round up of some of the key BDS developments of 2014. The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the coalition of Palestinian civil society organisations that works to lead and support the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, warmly thanks each and every person who supported and contributed to the BDS movement this year. . .

On August 9, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets as part of an international Day of Rage initiated by groups in Gaza. Anti-apartheid hero Desmond Tutu called the day one of the biggest ever international mobilisations on a single issue. Photo from Getty images.


In a move that laid the foundation for other European funds to follow suit later in the year, Dutch pension fund PGGM announced it was divesting tens of millions of euros from 5 of Israel’s biggest banks due to their deep involvement in Israel’s crimes against Palestinians. The fund manages the pensions of 2.5 million people. . .


Luxembourg’s state pension fund FDC excludes nine major Israeli banks and firms and one US company because of their involvement in Israeli settlements and human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territories. Meanwhile, Denmark’s largest bank Dankse Bank blacklists Israel’s Bank Hapoalim over settlement construction. . .


. . . Victory in Galway as Irish students’ Union votes to join BDS movement
The motion at the National University of Ireland in Galway was passed by an almost 2 to 1 margin and follows on from the Teachers Union of Ireland’s 2013 endorsement of an academic boycott of Israel. . .


. . . Students at the University of New Mexico, Wesleyan University in Connecticut, and University of California Riverside vote to support divestment from companies that help Israel violate international law. Meanwhile, the largest student petition in Florida’s history calls for divestment.


The Bill Gates Foundation, one of the largest private foundations in the world, divests from G4S. A petition signed by more than 14,000 people and demonstrations outside Gates Foundation offices in London, Johannesburg and Seattle called on the the Gates Foundation to divest from G4S because of its role in providing equipment and services to prisons where Israel holds and tortures Palestinian political prisoners. . . .


Years of grassroots organising pays off as the Presbyterian Church (USA) general assembly in Detroit votes to divest its holdings from three US corporations – Hewlett Packard (HP), Motorola Solutions and Caterpillar – on the basis of their well-documented record of complicity in the oppression and denial of human rights of Palestinians.

(article continued in the right column)

Question related to this article:

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

Israel/Palestine, is the situation like South Africa?

(article continued from the left column)


As Israel began its massacre of Palestinians in Gaza, governments and people of conscience across the world take action to pressure Israel to comply with international law and human rights. Key developments includes:

The Chilean parliament votes to suspend negotiations on a new trade deal with Israel, and Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador and Peru withdraw their ambassadors.

A call for a military embargo on Israel launched by 6 Nobel laureates and dozens of celebrities is signed by more than 60,000 people. . .

Dublin city council passes a resolution calling for a military embargo and the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement.

In Turkey, at least 12 local municipalities, a number of major business associations and a major trade union issue calls for a boycott of Israeli products . . .


Thousands of supporters of Palestinian rights in the San Francisco Bay take part in pickets and demonstrations that have prevented an Israeli ship from docking at the port in Oakland for four consecutive days. By the end of August, the unloading of Israeli ships has been prevented or disrupted at ports in Oakland, Tacoma, Seattle and Long Beach. . .


.. . French multinational Veolia, which has lost billions of dollars of contracts as a result of campaigns over its construction of infrastructure for illegal Israeli settlements, intends to “step back from Israel as a market place” and sell most parts of its Israeli interests during 2015.


SodaStream announces it is to close its factory in the illegal Israeli settlement of Mishor Adumim following a high profile boycott campaign against the company that saw retailers and investors across the world cut links with the company. . .


. . . The University of California at Los Angeles becomes the sixth of nine undergraduate campuses in the UC system to call for divestment, while the biggest ever student referendum at the University of Exeter calls for the student union to join the BDS movement. . .


The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul cancels a major collaboration deal with Israeli military company Elbit Systems in the wake of protests over the firm’s role in oppression of Palestinians.

– See more at:

(Thank you to Mazin Qumsiyeh for pointing out this article to us.

Editor’s note. Since publishing this article, we have found comments both pro and con this controversial issue. For a comment against BDS, see

And for a comment for BDS, see

Finally, it should be noted that the boycott is effective. According to a UN report, foreign investment in Israel fell by 50% last year.

Speech of Sierra Leone Foreign Minister to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation


Reprinteded from Sierra Express Media (abridged)

Asalamu Alaikum. It is a great honour and pleasure for me to address the 42nd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC. In doing so, let me at the outset, convey fraternal greetings from His Excellency, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone . . .

Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Head of Sierra Leone’s delegation to the conference, Dr. Ebun Adebola Strasser King

The theme of this 42nd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers “Joint Vision in Promoting tolerance and Rejecting Terrorism” is apt and appropriate. Indeed, we are convening at a time when the global community has had to grapple with the consequences of a range of natural disasters, deadly epidemics and, in particular, an increasing wave of terrorist insurgencies and unrests across the globe. . . .

On the sub-regional front, we are particularly grateful for the timely and coordinated response of the global community in complementing the efforts of our three countries; Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in the fight against the Ebola scourge. As struggle to put the Ebola Disease behind us, we look forward to further support through the OIC Trust Fund for the most affected countries in addressing the humanitarian and post-Ebola recovery projects.

Despite the isolation, stigmatization, travel restrictions and economic difficulties endured by these countries; the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) has now been considerably subdued as exemplified by the recent declaration of Liberia as Ebola free, single digits or zero infection rates in Sierra Leone and reduced infection rate in Guinea. . .

Mr. Chairman,

Peace and development are mutually reinforcing and therefore the more nations continue to dive into conditions of instability, the more elusive are the prospects for socio-economic growth and prosperity. Thus the urgency of the need to work together as a united front and with one voice in finding urgent solutions to the causes of conflicts and acts of terrorism cannot be over-emphasised.

Inaction, or doing little, is an unintended complicity in the commission of atrocities on the vulnerable sectors of society – women, children and the elderly, who are always the most affected in situations of conflicts, acts of insecurity and terror. Partial to the theme of this session, we must endeavour to undertake initiatives ranging from humanitarian activities to mediation with a view to nurturing and promoting the culture of peace and tolerance among peoples. Sierra Leone therefore welcomes dialogue and peaceful settlement of international disputes and will continue to work and support the efforts of the OIC in achieving a peaceful and stable society in all the member countries for its entire people to enjoy prosperity.

We wish to underscore that this noble organisation must strive to portray peace initiatives and ideas coupled with the humanitarian values of the region which must be used as a strong weapon in the fight against Islamophobia. Sierra Leone calls on the OIC to intensify its efforts to uproot terrorism, by sharing relevant information, respect and tolerate each other and to collectively condemn acts of terrorism anywhere in the world. . .

Question for this article

Power and Resistance at the World Social Forum in Tunisia


an article by Hamza Hamouchene – Middle East Eye – Transcend Media Services

Despite the stormy weather and the tragic attacks that targeted foreigners at the Bardo Museum in Tunis the previous week, the World Social Forum (WSF), held between 24 and 28 March [2015], succeeded in gathering around 50,000 people from 125 countries representing all continents.


Photo: A woman holds a placard shouting slogans during a march at the end of the 2015 World Social Forum (WSF) in Tunis on March 28, 2015. AFP

That the anti-globalisation forum was vibrant, youthful and dynamic was a testimony to the still-burning flame of hope for a better world. This is the second time the forum has been held in Tunisia, illustrating its significance in the struggle for a just world more than four years after mass mobilisation across the country inspired uprisings across the region and further abroad.

The WSF is one of the few remaining places where tens of thousands of people from all over the world meet annually to discuss, debate, plan and organise under the banner of “Another World Is Possible”. Though participants may differ on the means to get there, a general consensus prevails on the ends, which include a world freed from injustice, oppression, authoritarianism, imperialism and the domination of a tiny minority that dictate its rule over the majority. More than a thousand workshops and activities were organised around a range of pressing issues, including corporate takeover of democracy, environmental and climate crises, racism and Islamophobia, women’s rights, migration and neo-colonialism.

Though the WSF continues to provide a space in which radical thinking, networking and organising can and does take place, it is not immune from power politics and attempts to neutralise, hijack and convert it to a status-quo agenda.

Valid and legitimate criticism has been directed at the insidious “NGO-isation” of resistance, in a way a symptom of the neoliberal state abdicating its traditional role to NGOs. Most of the latter operate in the neoliberal framework of “development” and “aid” and get their funding from many of the same Western governments, international financial institutions and multinational corporations that are at the heart of the power structures that the WSF was designed to counter.

In most cases, these NGOs end up addressing only some of the symptoms of injustice and oppression rather than looking at their structural causes. In doing so, they may contribute to the perpetuation of the system that generates poverty and suffering in the first place.

This phenomenon of NGO-isation has been analysed and addressed in several platforms but it is not the focus of this article, which will try to address two important points: a) how some dominant narratives that keep peoples from imagining and achieving “another world” creep and find their way into alternative forums that are supposed to challenge and deconstruct such narratives and not take them at face value, and b) how authoritarian governments in the region make their presence felt by sending big delegations representing their civil societies to pursue their propaganda and stifle dissent.

In its communiqué regarding the tragic events at Tunisia’s Bardo National Museum, the organising committee announced that the opening WSF march would come under the banner of “Peoples of the world united against terrorism.” This clumsy and ambiguous slogan ends up – intentionally or not – aligning itself with the discourse of the “War on Terror,” an endless war that has caused untold suffering and created more violence and instability in the world.

The global war on terror has been used to justify interventionism and maintain Western hegemony, which enforces the brutal neoliberal global order, the plunder of natural resources and support for repressive regimes.

(This article is continued in the discussion board on the upper right of this page)

Continuation of article

That the WSF preparatory committee adopted this language is unfortunate, but we need to bear in mind the local Tunisian context that facilitated such a decision. It is a context where key elements of the political elite – including partly re-incorporated sections of the old regime – have benefited from a so-called polarisation between “secularists” and “Islamists,” in which terrorism is often equated with the latter. Such battles have impacted the psyche of large sections of Tunisian society.

Former dictator Ben Ali’s “politics of fear” and “instrumentalisation” of “national security” for political purposes have ongoing ramifications for Tunisia’s contemporary political context. Not only have they often diverted attention from the socio-economic concerns expressed in the uprising, but they also have limited debates around alternative “conceptualisations of the state and state-society relations”.

In recognition of the past and present forms of the use of “security” discourses by various domestic and global power structures, several organisations and individual activists came together to critically reflect upon and challenge the WSF communiqué.

They called for a new slogan, more aligned with the mission and objectives of the WSF: “People of the world, united for freedom, equality, social justice and peace. In solidarity with the Tunisian people and with all victims of terrorism, against all forms of oppression.”

In a communiqué sent to the WSF organising committee, the signatory organisations stated that “The global justice movement cannot allow itself to be used for domestic and geopolitical agendas designed to manipulate public emotions and justify the further militarisation of societies in a way that ultimately benefits the security/military-industrial-complex.”

In an effort to follow up some of the discussions raised by the communiqué, several workshops specifically addressed this issue: the “Religion and Emancipation Convergence Meeting,” “Neocolonial Militarism and State Violence,” and “From Ferguson to Palestine: We Can’t Breathe.”

The purpose here is not to underestimate the very real effects of political violence, whether it occurs in Tunisia or elsewhere in the world, and regardless, as the statement puts it “of the perpetrator, whether state or non-state actors”. Rather it is to point to the ways the “War on Terror” has been used to shift the attention away from the way capitalist and imperial power works, as well as from the dire socio-economic and repressive political conditions that led to the uprisings in the first place.

The latest declaration by the octogenarian Tunisian President Béji Caid Essebsi that Tunisia will be a major non-member ally of NATO seems to confirm the concerns of the statement supporters that the “War on Terror” agenda ultimately contributes to a further militarisation of the region in a way that benefits the burgeoning “security-military-industrial complex”. Furthermore, the organisation of the “We are all Bardo” march on the 29 March, reminiscent of the “republican” march that was organised in Paris following the Charlie Hebdo massacre, is a reminder of how “national security” continues to be instrumentalised for domestic and geopolitical purposes.

It is not new or surprising that many of the region’s authoritarian regimes would send representatives from their loyal civil societies to the WSF to confuse, co-opt and disrupt truly independent and grassroots civil societies. Most notably, the 2013 WSF witnessed clashes between the pro and anti-Bashar al-Assad crowds. Sadly, there were several similar clashes between Syrian participants at the WSF this year.

In one, a group of pro-Assad baltaguia (state-linked thugs) attempted to violently disturb a meeting organised by the Global Campaign of Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution. Similar incidents occurred between some Algerian and Moroccan participants around the Western Sahara issue, which led the WSF organising committee to react in a press conference during the forum.

Even more striking this year is the significant presence of Algerian delegates, which reached around 1,500 people from 650 associations, the overwhelming majority of whom were not involved in organising any activity or workshop. This appears to mark a radical departure from the Algerian regime’s approach towards the WSF in 2013 when it barred 96 Algerian civil society activists from travelling to Tunisia, without giving any reason. According to several Algerian WSF participants, the government authorities adopted a different strategy this year.

Perhaps borrowing a page from the rulebook of their Syrian counterparts, it appears that the Algerian government this year decided to flood the event with its numerous clients and baltaguia. For example, there was one event organised in support of the exploitation of shale gas, clearly aimed at undermining a growing grassroots movement in opposition to the damaging environmental and social-economic effects of such procedures.

According to a petition signed by several well-known and respected Algerian civil society organisations, the Algerian state’s delegation were tasked with disturbing genuine meetings, intimidating dissidents and opposition activists, as well as creating chaos. Authoritarian regimes and their acolytes have no role to play in forums such as the WSF which aim to imagine, deliberate and create “another world”. It is incumbent upon activists who still believe in the radical potential of the WSF to question how this state of affairs was allowed to develop, and how such attempts to hijack the WSF can be halted in the future

Progressives all over the world consider the WSF as an alternative space whose raison d’être is to speak truth to power. Let’s not allow dominant narratives of state, capitalist and imperialist power as well as authoritarian regimes’ manoeuvres to derail us from this noble objective.

– – – – – –

Hamza Hamouchene is an Algerian writer, activist and co-founder of Algeria Solidarity Campaign (ASC). His writings appeared in The Guardian, Huffington Post, Counterpunch, Jadaliyya, New Internationalist and Open Democracy.

World Social Forum in Tunis: Another world is possible, without the 1%


an article by Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, Oxfam International (abridged)

Activists from around the world will defy the terrorists to attend the World Social Forum in Tunis on March 25, determined to make the occasion a beacon for free speech, justice and equality. I am proud to join the leaders of Greenpeace, ActionAid, Civicus and the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) in highlighting the urgent need to tackle the vested interests of the 1 percent, in order to build a better world for all of humanity. . .


Wealth is used to entrench inequality, not to trickle down and solve it. Our research shows how pharmaceutical and financial lobbyists spend hundreds of millions of dollars to influence government legislation in their industries’ favour, saving them billions of dollars, for instance by securing the banks’ huge state bailouts. Across the world, we see that great money doesn’t only buy a nice car or a better education or healthcare. It can buy power: impunity from justice; an election; a pliant media; favourable laws. With the privatisation of our universities it can even buy the world of ideas. There will be no victory in the fight against poverty unless this trend of worsening inequality is reversed. . .

This is a system that sees a world possessed of huge wealth nevertheless leaving the vast majority of humanity behind with virtually nothing at all. One where women are systematically exploited; at the current rate of progress it will take 75 years before women are paid the same as men, never mind that women’s unpaid care work continues to remain invisible. And it is a system that is leading us to runaway climate change.

Yet the 1 percent are quick to tell us that there is no real alternative. Sadly, they say, nothing is ever perfect and of course there will be winners and losers (and typically, by implication, talented winners and feckless losers). But that we should be grateful – it’s the best we can hope for. What an appalling failure of imagination. What a shocking lack of faith in human invention, ingenuity and spirit. I am sure of two things. One is that another world is possible; the second that it cannot be imagined or created by the 1% – it is up to us.

I believe we can build a human economy where people are the bottom line. We need a world where people do not have to live in fear of the economic repercussions of getting sick, or losing their home or job. Where every child gets to fulfil their potential. Where corporations pay their fair share of taxes and work for the good of the majority, not just their shareholders. Where the planet is preserved and sustained for our children and their children’s children.

Question related to this article:

World Social Forums, Advancing the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace?

Comment by Helen, August 2004:

At the Forum, almost everything touched on the culture of peace, although only a few speakers linked their talks to the UN initiative, prompting a leader of the French Peace movement to remark he was disappointed that the culture of peace was not better represented at the Forum. The response to CPNN was positive, but most people were unaware of its existence. Next time there should be culture of peace events, pins and t-shirts, as well as the CPNN cards and flyers that we gave out.

Closing of the World Social Forum: Citizens of the world versus terrorism and oppression


an article by Sihem Oubraham, El Moudjahid, Algeria

The 13th edition of the World Social Forum (FMS) 2015, which took place over four days in the Tunisian capital, completed its work yesterday under the slogan of “all-out solidarity with all oppressed peoples.” The WSF 2015 was marked by a series of activities of participants at the Farhat Hachad campus in El- Manar Tunis.


I must say that this 13th edition was difficult to organize by the Tunisians since since it came barely a week after the terrorist attack on the Bardo Museum. In response, the WSF organizing committee reaffirmed that “terrorism can not win, and will not stop us in Tunisia.”

In fact, we can say that the 2015 WSF is a success.

We must also say that the WSF 2015 was marked by strong Algerian participation with no less than 1,200 participants. No less than 200 associations are involved in the WSF-2015 in Tunis, including the UGTA (General Union of Algerian Workers), student organizations, the Nada network for the defense of children’s rights, and the National Association of youth exchanges (ANEJ). “This is a mosaic, and that’s a first,” according to Ali Sahel, coordinator of the delegation and chairman of the ANEJ. Workshops were programmed by them. This is the promotion of youth activities in Algeria and lectures on the “right to self-determination of the Saharawi and Palestinian people”, “Interventions versus the right to national sovereignty” or “stopping the exploitation of shale gas” .

In the WSF work program, many different events were held, including debates between politicians and international cultural and musical events. Participants in the demonstration of the Youth Committee of the World Social Forum, which began last Tuesday with the slogan “A youth movement that works for change”, called for constitution of a front of young people.

“The 2015 edition of the WSF is an important step towards universal activism advocating socio-economic change through the participation of more than 50,000 people representing 5,800 organizations including 270 related to youth,” according to the coordinator of the Youth Committee of the WSF, Mr Makhlouf Zied. He welcomed the increase in the number of participants after the Bardo attack” which illustrates the great solidarity shown towards Tunisia by the international community.” In a statement to El Mujahid, on the sidelines of the closing of the 13th edition of the WSF, Makhlouf said that “the WSF will continue its commitment to this goal with began in Porto Alegre in Brazil.” The Forum has “helped accomplish a perceptible socio-economic change in Latin America, including Argentina, Venezuela and Brazil,” he said.

For his part, Dr. Louay Aoudi, representative of the Association Forum of Palestinian youth in the diaspora, said that “the Palestinian cause is limited now to geography, but concerns the whole of humanity, being a struggle against Zionism, the fascist capitalism and a spearhead for freedom. ” He also estimated that the WSF 2015 Tunis is “a tool for the unification of the world’s youth forces” “to get free from the clutches of Zionism and marginalization.”

Click here for the original French version of this article.

(This article is continued in the discussion board on the right side of this page)

Continuation of article

For Mac Caraminda Lorin, representative of the WSF organizing committee in Montreal in 2016, “The record participation in the 2015 WSF in Tunis reflects the great sympathy of the world’s youth in Tunisia after the latest attacks.” “We are also here to express the concerns of young Canadians with the strike by nearly 50,000 students in protest against the austerity policy. This space is a good opportunity to exchange experiences and views on these common problems of young pending the 2016 edition in Canada, “she said.

According to the organizers, considering the context of the WSF 2015, “the demand for climate justice, and beyond, an environmental justice, is the expression of a questioning of a system of production and consumption which has no future and an environmentally predatory relationship by man. Increasingly social movements and intellectuals worldwide, interpret this crisis not only as a financial crisis or as a failure of capitalism, but more deeply as a true crisis of civilization. The very foundations of the system, economic, social, environmental, cultural and political, are challenged by a large part of humanity who see them as the source of economic, social and political injustice in the world, and as the source of damage to the earth “.

Finally, it should be noted that the Assembly of Social Movements of the WSF 2015 called for strengthening solidarity with the peoples of the world who struggle daily against imperialism, colonialism, exploitation, patriarchy, racism and injustice.

US and Iran: Track II diplomacy through jazz


an article by John Marks, Founder and Senior Advisor, Search for Common Ground

As critical negotiations over the Iranian nuclear program begin this month, an American jazz ensemble, Animation, just finished a jubilant 10-day tour in Iran, arranged by Search. The band made history as the first American musicians to play in Iran’s premier concert hall in over 35 years.

2045 jazz

Cellphone photo taken from stage by Bob Beldon, leader of Animation, while playing in Iran.

The Americans were hesitant at first, apprehensive that the trip might be dangerous. They couldn’t have been more wrong. As Bob Belden, the group’s leader, told The New York Times in its article covering the tour:

“Everybody is nice to us here…. This guy comes up to me, an Iranian, asks me where I’m from. I say, ‘America!’ He says, ‘I love you!’ I tell him I’m a jazz musician. He says, ‘I love jazz!’”

The Iranian people showed overwhelming support and enthusiasm for the musicians. After decades of hostility between the two governments, how can Iranians and Americans share such warmth?

Animation’s tour is the most recent in a series of cultural, religious, and scientific exchanges our Track II diplomacy team has organized between Iran and the U.S. When most people think of diplomacy, they think of Track I – official talks between governments. Track II –  unofficial contact – can provide an important foundation for official diplomatic success.

“Track II empowers us, citizens, to take control and do what our governments are reluctant to do, to overcome impediments, to break some of the taboos…. With a little bit of courage, particularly in my part of the world, we can achieve positive results.” – Iranian participant

Back in 1996, we gathered a team of Iranians and Americans – influential, non-governmental actors, including former high-level officials – to build trust and increase communication between the two countries. Even during the most difficult years, these unofficial efforts have continued. We’ve supported the nuclear negotiations for over a decade.

But people often make the mistake of thinking that conflicts are resolved mainly through the calculated steps of rational thinkers. We know from neuroscience and from 30+ years of practical peacebuilding that emotional experiences are pivotal in decision-making. They make a lasting impact on people’s worldviews.

“The impact of this series of meetings hosted by Search on my life has been tremendous. Not only have they changed my views, but I’ve chosen a different path in my life because of it…. I now have a totally different understanding of Americans.” – Iranian participant.

Lack of human interactions between Americans and Iranians greatly contributed to the decades of mistrust and misperception between them. At this critical moment in U.S.-Iran relations, a jazz performance offers hope for the future.

Learn more and take action:

• Check out The New York Times article about our jazz tour in Iran.

Learn more about our Track II work across the Middle East, North Africa, and the U.S.

Thank you,

Latest Discussion

Does Persian culture contribute to a culture of peace?

Latest reader comment:

In response to the question, “Does Persian culture contribute to a culture of peace,” today, I have a simple question of you. Try to imagine a woven piece of “Gold” with its warps and woofs made of cotton and fuzz while its various forming colors resemble a heavenward garden full of wonderful trees, flowers and plants!

In my view, the question is too ordinary to be answered! Any wise man will instantly find it out that “carpet” is the keyword; a loom-woven, felted textile that is being used to cover the floor of halls, rooms and mostly to decorate walls, roofs and palms in favor of those who love elegance, dainty and grace.

But what do you know about the origin of this apparently worthless rug that never attracts anyone and slightly thrown off under your feet being trampled thousands of times each day by you and your family members?

Carpet’s origin of foundation is Iran and its history of production dates back to about 5th century BC when the Achaemenidan Empire was ruling.

The oldest documented carpet of the world is called Pazyryk that has been woven by the order of Cyrus the great in 500 BC in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz and still survives, archaeologists say.

Persian culture since the beginning of its perfection during the 600s BC until today is totally associated with some distinguished arts such as miniature, calligraphy and carpet weaving, so we can claim that these precious arts are considered as the symbols of Persian civilization, in fact.

To the other words, Most of the people who don’t have much information about Iran and its luminous history are closely familiar with the outputs of Persian culture such as its performing and decorative arts.

Carpets are some applicable proofs for the claim that Persian productions are widely being used throughout the world regardless to their nationality.

Saffron and tea are also in the same conditions while originated from Iran but the majority of their international users do not know about the birthplace of these treasure floras.

However we have to keep in mind that Iran is a cradle of carpets and rugs production.

The world’s most professional masters of carpet-weaving are currently working inside traditional looms and workshops of Persian ancient cities such as Kashan, Tabriz, Yazd, Isfahan and Qom and their powerful hands manipulating wools, silk, cotton, chords and yarns to finally ensue the dazzling results that we spread under our feet unconcernedly.

The carpets of highest quality are often woven by hand whereas machine-made carpets gain less quality, credibility and artistic value, so the most people try to pay more so as to buy the hand-woven carpets.

It is necessary to add that the average of time needed for a beautiful illustrated carpet to come out (by hand) is approximately 400 hours and it undoubtedly shows the pure struggles of painstaking weavers who form the carpet knots with their sense of responsibility, love and talent.

Carpets are the most popular souvenirs in Persia and families who want to dispatch gifts to their relatives outside Iran will always choose small-sized tufted or needlefelt carpets with fantastic warp and weft threads which shape spectacular sights of natural and ancient scenes.

The most-used designs for carpets are consisted of abstract natural landscapes ornamented by warm and almost red-spectrum colors.

The dominant equipment used for carpet weaving process are still the traditional instruments of past centuries such as spun and spindles.