un article par ziad medoukh
Le dimanche 25 janvier 2015, sept jeunes du Centre de la paix : Ahmed Jamal, Baràa Abou Khoussa , Hind Harazine , Iman Ryach, , Mahmoud Dhaher, Ola Atta , et Rawan Shawa , ont organisé une séance de soutien psychologique pour les dizaines d’enfants de la ville de Gaza.

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L’activité qui a duré trois heures s’est déroulée dans le jardin d’enfants (les petits anges) du quartier défavorisé Al- Tofah, Les 60 petits participants ont été très attentifs et très intéressés.
L’équipe formée au Centre en septembre 2014, et qui s’occupe de différents centres d’accueil de la bande de Gaza, leur a proposé plusieurs activités.
Avec du matériel scolaire, différents objets et jouets, elle a organisé des ateliers et des activités variés : théâtre, dessin sur le visage , sur des cahiers et sur le mur, concours, jeux, activités sportives, chansons, musique, échanges, jeu de rôle animations, expression dramatique et lecture de bandes dessinées.
Les enfants ont suivi avec beaucoup d’intérêt les différentes activités proposées par les jeunes du Centre, ils ont oublié leur timidité et se sont bien intégrés dans le groupe.
La directrice de la structure enfantine a remercié les intervenants pour leur talent et leur créativité, elle a constaté que les enfants avaient beaucoup changé dans leur comportement après cette séance d’animation. Elle leur a demandé de revenir une autre fois afin d’assurer d’autres animations pour les enfants et leurs mères.
( Cliquez ici pour une version anglaise.)
Question related to this article.
Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?
How are the Palestinians responding to the latest attacks?
CPNN has received the following Statement from the National Coalition of
Christian Organizations in Palestine on the situation: Support Gaza’s Right to Life
“Justice and security are two sides of the same coin. Israel’s security can never be an excuse for denying justice to the Palestinian people.”
In the spirit of the living God who sanctifies all life and in keeping with our faith and its teachings we appeal to all people across the world to work with their fellow citizens and governments to end Israel’s Operation Protective Edge and the brutal military siege that has been going on for the past seven years which includes a naval and economic blockade. Gaza has no port or airport thus no way to import or export its products.
This not a war. This is only vengeance and collective punishment. A responsible authority works to stop useless vengeance and violence. Instead, it fosters general atmosphere of incitement, in order to please a Palestinian hating population, and not knowing what to do, the irresponsible Israeli Authority, just kills Palestinians and demolishes their houses, in order to please their people. We acknowledge the voice and action of the few Israelis who expressed themselves against this policy of their government.
This is not an escalation or a war. Gaza has no military or ability to protect itself other than to fire some homemade rockets. The 1.7 million people, mostly children (2/3 of the population) are also mostly refugees (1.1 million) from areas of 1948 and 1967. Furthermore under the 4th Geneva Convention Palestinians, as a militarily occupied people, have the right to defend themselves.
Our justice loving God demands us to speak out on behalf of the security for all people. In the name of the Advocate Spirit, we ask you to speak out now to call a halt to this long term offensive operation which aims to wipe out a lonely, besieged and unarmed people. Whether you think the new unity government is viable or not, or if Hamas is a terrorist organization or not, or whether you think they might have been behind the death of the three Israeli teens murdered near Hebron, (which is not proven so far) it is against international law to collectively punish or target an already besieged 1.7 millon population. It is inhumane. It is a war crime.
As of July 10th, the date of this Appeal Israeli military struck 430 targets across the Gaza Strip. 77 people have been reported dead and more than 500 wounded.. The majority of the dead are civilians. 18 are children including a baby one month old.
We pray for the memory of those killed. Each of them has a name and a family who is suffering great loss. We also pray for all those wounded or injured in body, mind, or spirit. We pray for solace and comfort also for the families whose homes, businesses, agricultural fields, or fishing boats that have also been destroyed. We pray for the people of Gaza and ask that God be with them.
Support Palestinian’s right to life by joining with Christians throughout the world in their call for a just peace in this land that all call holy. We have been down this road one too many times and know what will happen if we fail to act. Please join us through letters and petitions to your government officials to raise awareness about this offensive military operation and Gaza’s ongoing siege. Ask them to pressure Israel to stop its
brutal assault or face sanctions from the international community.
Support Palestinian’s right to life, say with a loud voice: stop killing and demolishing houses. Join with Christians throughout the world in their call for a just peace in this land that all call holy.
Quote from article by Jeremy Corbynn,, “Who Mourns for Palestine”
· Arab Catholic Scouts Group
· Arab Orthodox Society – Jerusalem
· Caritas- Jerusalem
· Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees- Middle East Council of
· Greek Catholic Sayedat AlBishara Association
· International Christian Committee
· Laity Committee in the Holy Land
· National Christian Association
· Pontifical Mission Palestine
· SABEEL – Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center
· Seeds of Better life
· Union of Arab Orthodox Club – Jerusalem
· Young Men’s Christian Association –YMCA
· Young Women’s Christian Association –YWCA
NECC office
Bethlehem (NCOB)
Network of Christian Organizations in Bethlehem
· The East Jerusalem YMCA /Beit Sahour Branch
· The Arab Educational Institute,
· Holy Land Trust, Bethlehem
· Wi’am Center, Bethlehem
· Saint Afram Assyrian Society,
· Holy Land Christians Ecumenical Foundation, Bethlehem
· Al-Ihsan Arab Orthodox Society, Beit Jala
· Arab Orthodox Club, Beit Sahour
· Arab Orthodox Club, Beit Jala
· Arab Orthodox Club, Bethlehem
· The Arab Orthodox Charitable Society, Beit Sahour
· Bethlehem Bible College
· Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies
· Alternative Tourism Group, ATG, Beit Sahour
· Senior Citizen Charitable Society
· Environmental educational Center, Beit Jala
· Saint Vincent Charitable Society, Beit Jala
· Shepherds’ Children Society, Beit Sahour