Reunion: Statement from the 2016 Symposium of the Interfaith Network of the Indian Ocean


An article from Temoignages (translated by CPNN)

Idriss Issop-Banian, president of GDir (Interreligious Dialogue Group of Reunion), just sent us the Final Declaration of the 3rd Symposium of the interfaith Network of the Indian Ocean, which took place from 22 to 24 September in Saint-Denis . Here is the full text of the statement that contains a slogan defended for over 40 years by the Reunion Communist Party: “Indian Ocean zone of peace”.

The closing ceremony of the 2016 Symposium of the Interfaith Network of the Indian Ocean

Preamble: We reaffirm our common spiritual conviction that we are one family. All human beings are inhabited by the same light of God and have the same dignity. Life is sacred and the same Golden Rule governs our fundamental relationships: “Do unto others the good that you wish for yourself.”

We, the delegates of interreligious dialogue groups from Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Reunion, all the members of the Interfaith Network Indianocéanie,

– strengthened by the Port-Louis Declaration following the first symposium held in Mauritius in 2009,

– consolidated by Victoria Declaration following the second symposium held in the Seychelles in 2012,

– reaffirming our conviction that dialogue between religions is an essential vector for coexistence of people and nations, and in doing so eager to engage other actors in human societies for the arrival of peace,

– having at heart to develop peace and cohesion in solidarity and sharing an ethical humanist,

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(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

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– meeting from 22 to 24 September 2016 in Saint-Denis de La Reunion have reflected on Peace in the Indian Ocean and have covered the following topics:

Indian Ocean zone of peace;

Peace in our societies;

The challenges of climate change – ecology and spirituality;


Following deliberation, the Symposium of of the Interreligious Network of the Indian Ocean, adopts the following resolutions:

Resolution No. 1, We call upon politicians and governments to put into practice resolution 70/22 adopted by the UN General Assembly on 7 December 2015, making the Indian Ocean a Zone of Peace.

Resolution No. 2: We call upon all actors of society to be aware of the implications of climate change in the region of the Indian Ocean.

Resolution No. 3: We call for reflection on spirituality in the activities of daily living, concerning respect for the environment and populations.

Resolution No. 4: We reaffirm our commitment to fight against the scourges of poverty, corruption, racism and xenophobia and in favor of a fair and supportive co-development in the Indian Ocean region.

Resolution No. 5: We upport the desire of the observer from Mayotte to create a group of interfaith dialogue in Mayotte.

Resolution No. 6: We support the desire of the observer from the Comoros to create a group of interfaith dialogue in the Comoros.

Resolution 7: We reeaffirm the right of the Chagossians to return and live on their land.

“Lord God, make us peacemakers and keep us in the light.”

Done at Saint-Denis, Reunion, September 24, 2016.

Follow the signatures of delegations PLeROC (Madagascar) – CoR (Mauritius) – SIFCO (Seychelles) – GDir (Reunion)