Mexico: The government integrates the Mayan Train in the program Promotion of the Culture of Peace and Reconstruction of the Social Fabric


An article from Polìtico MX

The Ministry of the Interior (Segob), has reached an agreement with the Undersecretariat of Democratic Development, Social Participation and Religious Affairs, and the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) for the integration of 13 municipalities on the route of Mayan Train in the program Promotion of the Culture of Peace and the Reconstruction of the Social Fabric.

Editor’s note: But the route is being contested by some of the indigenous communties that will be displaced.

The project reinforces the indigenous consultation process, according to the agency’s statement. In this way, it seeks to guarantee a state of well-being and security in the communities that are part of the development plan.

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Segob explained that among the municipalities that are integrated into the program are:

Quintana Roo: Isla Mujeres, Benito Juárez, Solidaridad, Tulum, Felipe Carrillo Puerto

Tabasco: Tenosique, Balancán

Campeche: Candelaria, Escárcega

Yucatan: Mérida, Maxcanú, Valladolid,

Chiapas: Palenque

The program for the Promotion of the Culture of Peace and the Reconstruction of the Social Fabric seeks to promote actions among local communities, municipalities, and the Government of Mexico to meet the 2030 sustainable development objectives, specifically those that refer to the reduction of inequalities; generation of spaces for equality and eradication of gender violence, as well as guaranteeing peace, security and justice to the communities.

Segob and Fonatur carried out a work tour in the last months of 2021, holding meetings with the municipal presidents to explain the program and to establish actions to coordinate their collaborative work.